If you assume that *you* are not ********, then the other team has a 25% higher chance of having a ****** on it than you.
So chin up!
On a funny note, I find it hilarious that I never hear people say "yeah I'm 1250 because I suck and I'm the reason teammates of mine can't make it higher." Everybody thinks they are in Elo hell, just like 90% of people think they are above average drivers.
You know what I realized? It's mostly not that your teammates suck, it's that in a team game, the more mentally isolated you are the worse your decisions become. I roflstomped my way to 1600 (admittedly I was playing Urgot) because my friend Mike would share his vent info in the queue. If we ever got even one extra person in vent we won, period. With communication people were trying to play to benefit the team. "I'm going here can you help me do golem can you ward this for me so I can farm" etc. And with these guys in vent, people almost never raged at each other because it's a lot harder to do it the less faceless your teammates become.
What's hilarious is after Mike and I moved on, people we added to our friends list were staying at the same rating. Weird, huh? They were these pretty decent players who made pretty intelligent decisions but weren't advancing. So you know, I don't think we just happened to get the baller badasses, we were just tapping into the skill of our teammates better than the other guys.
Every now and then we got some hardcore derps and dropped fifty rating in an hour but it's like poker, sometimes **** just flops the wrong way even with good decision making. We just trucked along until I hit 1600 and got tired of it.
Oh, and I was playing Urgot, solo queue **** stomper extraordinaire.