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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
I've made a decision.

I'm playin Akali all day, every day, regardless of who is on my team and who is on the other team.

**** the po-lice.
good akalis are a pain to play against... but i love having them on my team lol. i remember watching hsgg's nidalee get wrecked by westrice in top lane.

i will try void staff and see how it goes.

about the ward thing: it makes sense to me. if a person with oracles can't see into bushes, then vision wards shouldn't be able to see into them either...


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I wouldn't talk about it if I hadn't had it happen :\ Matters much less if it happens when you're, say, Trundle (or another equally good/better jungler) than when it happens to Jarvan (of course it doesn't make everything miserable like if you're Malph/Fiddle).


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
So how about this.

I just played Kat for the first time ever. In a ranked game. BECAUSE THE PERSON WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO TRADE ME RYZE WENT AFK UNTIL THE GAME STARTED.

You want to know the kicker? I did better with a champion I've never played before than the entire rest of my team. That made me want to maul my own eyes out.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Shaco's okay as long as he gets one of the two buffs.
However, of course, he then has to get a kill to be reliable. However with the right rune page set up, one jitb per camp + red buff helps him clear creep camps quite quickly and without much mana intensity. IMO, I kinda prefer my blue getting stolen over red because of that (if I have blue buff I can still jungle okay... just means I have to place 2 jitbs at a camp before attacking which while being faster due to the CDR isn't optimal).

Master Yi doesn't really give a **** if his buffs get stolen. It slows him down, but you can't exactly slow master yi down without constantly killing him.

(Like, in the time it takes your jungler to take one of his buffs, if he's aware of it, he could have taken 2-3 of your creep camps and lol'd all the way home).


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Wow...I don't even know if I want to play ranked games man...I do every single thing I'm supposed to and people just ruin it...constantly out of position, even when i beg them to come back...terrible builds like ap warwick and ad nidalee...complete lack of respect for pushing towers and acting like it's a deathmatch...I just don't know how to wade through all of this **** man...


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
carry harder
i used to feel like you do
then i decided to shut up and do work and raised my elo 250 points LOL

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
So how about this.

I just played Kat for the first time ever. In a ranked game. BECAUSE THE PERSON WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO TRADE ME RYZE WENT AFK UNTIL THE GAME STARTED.

You want to know the kicker? I did better with a champion I've never played before than the entire rest of my team. That made me want to maul my own eyes out.
ive done this so many times. Some nub on my side picked noct and couldnt kill anything -spent more time feeding and trying to ks, dive, think hes pro- so i said to hell with it and picked Sona and dominated my lane and carried my team as a support...


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Lmao, I love this game

I went 0/10 on purpose in a ranked game and still ended up carrying my team to victory by outfarming and outpushing everybody

akali for the win

I probably won't do that ever again though, my team was livid until they realized I was hardbaiting kills left and right


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
carry harder
i used to feel like you do
then i decided to shut up and do work and raised my elo 250 points LOL
I was just really mad when I made that post. I know 2 things. First, I have become better than the players at my elo. Second, each team has an equal chance of containing the especially bad players. Therefore, I should be able to easily win the game in which they are on the other team and then win some of the ones where they're on my team by making up for their stupidity with my skill. Still gonna be hard with people who haven't ever heard of the word "positioning" or realize that 2v5 are bad odds -_-


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
@Peter - protip. Janna can't push her own teammates away. You cataclysm them and she ults, they're still trapped. You can also get into the thick of things with flag/Q before ulting, bait escapes/ultis, and THEN cataclysm. You don't ult the Janna. That's like ulting the Trundle 1v1 and trying to fight him :\
False jana can still push away a friendly ww if he is mid ult. They still haven't decided on what to do with this. They have 3 options. Leave it as is, have the target of ww ult remain within the jana ult, or let jana ult take priority over ww ult and have his cancle.

@vox tbh I recomend you try carrying with a more durable champ other than ryze. If people you play with really are as bad as you describe them; then good tanks are few and far between. Ryze needs good tanks as evidence by today games *hint*. Try irelia she doesn't need a shen to ride her ***.

You did better today vox. It's important you realize that when you were behind me standing with dan you lived, and when you were infront of me you died. Dan has great positioning. If I turn around dan turns around. He rarely puts himself in a position where I have trouble getting in range for a taunt or popping my randuins. Fro does a good job with this too. Idk much about carrying ad/ap so if you have any specific questions ask them about how thy position.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ

If you assume that *you* are not ********, then the other team has a 25% higher chance of having a ****** on it than you.

So chin up!

On a funny note, I find it hilarious that I never hear people say "yeah I'm 1250 because I suck and I'm the reason teammates of mine can't make it higher." Everybody thinks they are in Elo hell, just like 90% of people think they are above average drivers.

You know what I realized? It's mostly not that your teammates suck, it's that in a team game, the more mentally isolated you are the worse your decisions become. I roflstomped my way to 1600 (admittedly I was playing Urgot) because my friend Mike would share his vent info in the queue. If we ever got even one extra person in vent we won, period. With communication people were trying to play to benefit the team. "I'm going here can you help me do golem can you ward this for me so I can farm" etc. And with these guys in vent, people almost never raged at each other because it's a lot harder to do it the less faceless your teammates become.

What's hilarious is after Mike and I moved on, people we added to our friends list were staying at the same rating. Weird, huh? They were these pretty decent players who made pretty intelligent decisions but weren't advancing. So you know, I don't think we just happened to get the baller badasses, we were just tapping into the skill of our teammates better than the other guys.

Every now and then we got some hardcore derps and dropped fifty rating in an hour but it's like poker, sometimes **** just flops the wrong way even with good decision making. We just trucked along until I hit 1600 and got tired of it.

Oh, and I was playing Urgot, solo queue **** stomper extraordinaire.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
Still amazed that we turned that one game around after getting pooped on.
Even with you herp derpig at enemy red:
"I'm just going to press r and chill here..." aoe taunt too strong.

Epic wall made it a face roll at the en though. Not to mention 4 man alistar stun. Solid play by all for sure. I really like fros idea of headbutting the enemy tank away through a wall. Idk why they let us jungle fight in tight spaces with aoe taunt, boomerang, wall, and alistar stun.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
False jana can still push away a friendly ww if he is mid ult. They still haven't decided on what to do with this. They have 3 options. Leave it as is, have the target of ww ult remain within the jana ult, or let jana ult take priority over ww ult and have his cancle.

@vox tbh I recomend you try carrying with a more durable champ other than ryze. If people you play with really are as bad as you describe them; then good tanks are few and far between. Ryze needs good tanks as evidence by today games *hint*. Try irelia she doesn't need a shen to ride her ***.

You did better today vox. It's important you realize that when you were behind me standing with dan you lived, and when you were infront of me you died. Dan has great positioning. If I turn around dan turns around. He rarely puts himself in a position where I have trouble getting in range for a taunt or popping my randuins. Fro does a good job with this too. Idk much about carrying ad/ap so if you have any specific questions ask them about how thy position.
The problem I really ran into the most was just that everyone around me was dying too quickly because they put themselves in bad spots. And then it's just little 'ole Ryze vs. 4-5 other people :( I might need to practice Malphite some; apparently since Nocturne came out he's the only one of the 4 top tier tanks that doesn't get banned every game.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
TBH I feel that if you want to carry a game ENTIRELY by yourself you need to either be a carry jungle or a tank/tank initiator. That way people can wait for you to go in at a good time, they follow you around, and you get to make the calls. You have to lead by example.

You can also do it as a carry, but it's harder, imo, b/c you're much more farm intensive and need to sit at the back of a fight.

Malphite is average, if you want good tanks that can control fights you want to play the likes of Cho, Jarvan, Blitz... maybe Alistar (though he doesn't have very low CDs or good mana costs). These can all initiate and survive and help keep people off your carries.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
Rammus hard counter nocturne. Rammus flash taunt counters any melee dps.

@px yea that's why irelia is pro in solo queue because she just says duck your cc and your dps I'm nomin up your carries whenever I please.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Rammus is imo the best choice, because not only does he jungle, he also makes it easy for your team to focus fire since you're taunting the intended target.

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
TBH I feel that if you want to carry a game ENTIRELY by yourself you need to either be a carry jungle or a tank/tank initiator. That way people can wait for you to go in at a good time, they follow you around, and you get to make the calls. You have to lead by example.
^ and this is why i play Brolaf. My team always tends to follow me around even the tank just cause im always the aggressive type when it comes to getting a team fight on.
My friends i play with always laugh cause if i die in a team fight usually 2-3 die on theirs from just me alone :p

Rammus flash taunt counters any melee dps.
Even Ragnaröked Olaf? cause im sure that he cant be taunted during that


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
He can still counter him easy. Happens all the time. Rammus and team pushing mid. Rammus lands a flash taunt-Olaf is forced to ult early. =counter.
Meh olaf is alright. Still can't stop irelia. Rammus taunt like 7 second cd so yea rammus is hard counter. If you are mele and rammus tanuts you near his team you have to cleanse or die. Oh and rammus has a knock up which still works I believe. So ha rammus poops on Olaf.

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
olaf cant counter alot of champs :/ but even if hes forced to ult early due to Rammus that still means either a squishy is going to die or get close to it. because he can run right through all their slows and CC drawing all fire to shut him down.

And rammus's knock up doesnt stop him he isnt slowed by it. If rammus's does bump him and the olaf has ghost and exhaust hes going to pick up his lost time with ghost which is only going to make him harder to stop during Ragnarök. Not to mention his team is now moving up on the squishes -except one dps who attacks the tank cause hes not the brightest tool in the shed...-


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
How about Amumu on that list?
I just played him for the first time today and I'm already extremely impressed with his jungle time, his ganks, and utility in fights with his AoE damage/stun.
I lost that game with a god awful Nocturne feeding their Olaf but I consistently felt like I was the difference that kept us in the game so long. We were actually coming back until Nocturne ulted into a 1v4 situation, which ended with a 4v5 team fight for our inhibs.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Excellent characters who usually aren't picked or banned:

Akali (Ganker / counterjungler)
Trundler (Jungler / counterjungler)
Olaf (Jungler / counterjungler / complete bro)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
@arch you aren't level 30 are you lol?cause that story doesn't come true past 1300 elo... No one tries to cc the Olaf with his ult up at our level. You just kite untill it's down and then he is useless with even less utility than caitlyn as far as ad carries go. I'm sorry but at our level you won't simply get to our carries just by ulting and charging at them.

Olaf can be a good pick but rammus is the best at protecting his carries. Well I guess he is tied with alistar and blitz.

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
having a high elo doesnt mean you cant make mistakes or attack the first thing you see Evan. and in the middle of a team fight its frantic for a single taunt tank so its even more prone to mistakes.
I complete understand that but you cannot deny the possibility that he can. kiting sure if the summoners spells arent up to keep you still and you arent getting undertow spammed too keep you in true damage range and vicious strikes to keep his life optimal,

And he is never as useless as caitlyn.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
@we are basically talking about two different games pre level 30 and post level 30... And 1300 elo isn't high. I'm just telling you the reality. For example you said teamfights are insane. They can be if your team is bad. Tonight in game we had perfect swaps of targets in unison. Ask px dan fro or zolga about how coordinated our fights were. After level 30 things are different because people become good at certain roles and ulting as Olaf won't win the game everyday. All I'm trying to tell you is that once you start playing with better players or playing ranked where you can counter pick, everything changes. Your strategy however viable it may be atm may not work in the future. And oh and Olaf can't ult through anivia walls either.

I'm not trying to hate on your champ, I'm just saying be ready for a change.

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
@we are basically talking about two different games pre level 30 and post level 30... And 1300 elo isn't high. I'm just telling you the reality. For example you said teamfights are insane. They can be if your team is bad. Tonight in game we had perfect swaps of targets in unison. Ask px dan fro or zolga about how coordinated our fights were. After level 30 things are different because people become good at certain roles and ulting as Olaf won't win the game everyday. All I'm trying to tell you is that once you start playing with better players or playing ranked where you can counter pick, everything changes. Your strategy however viable it may be atm may not work in the future. And oh and Olaf can't ult through anivia walls either.

I'm not trying to hate on your champ, I'm just saying be ready for a change.
Im well aware of the change in game style pre and post ive played both and reality is that no matter how good a person is mistakes will be made. yes they can be but i was refering to tanks and melee dps like me who have to not get pulled out of the fight chasing a tanky character like mundo or squishies that have evasive abilities like noct or Ez. Rarely do i have any reason to ult unless i need to get out cause i got caught between lanes, or am chasing a champ i know i can catch and they try to slow me with exhaust or something. i know he cant but not too often do i fight an anivia or get ulted by a jarvan. Im not saying you are hating on him its just that i dont like to see people think that the possibility of olaf getting to your squishies is so tunnel visioned to not happen. i dont build olaf for straight damage like i see most do im more tanky and focus on Health to give me the damage i need for Vicious strikes/armor pen and reckless to close the gap.

Im not saying your wrong though.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010

Shaco is really good but requires a large amount of skill. There are only a handful of players that can play him really well like less than 5 players. He is viable in arranged/tourney play. If you're looking for one, there's mokuza, he plays for my team.

Vocal farm cs kills and all that, you may be leading in all those categories but there is still room for improvement. Those few numbers really will not win you the game. Even if your team feeds hard you can still win. As you even admitted yourself there is lots of knowledge and things you can read/learn about an opponent. Everyone repeats the same stuff.

Nocturne should be no where near the range of a flash taunt because he does not need to be close to be able to get in the fight. Taunt is far from 7 second cd, it is 12 seconds. Even if you account for blue buff its not anywhere near 7. If you take blue buff from someone that really needs it you're already hurting your team. Nocturne can spell shield the taunt.

Since we're talking about high level of play, you can't kite an ulted olaf unless in really specific situations, but generally you can't. Olaf has multiple builds whether it is tanky or damage. Going the tanky route he still does plenty of damage.

Akali sucks, amumu is a top 3 jungler, olaf and cait are solid picks. Don't read too much into stonewall's comments, he is extremely knowledgeable about jungling but it is not that good of a player.

At even level 20 you can play with 30s , not really that big of a gap.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
It's not impossible for Olaf to get to squishies, you just gotta realize it's an uphill battle at every point for him. This is even more true the higher up you go with him. If he had a leap of some kind, THAT would be scary as **** tbh. But he's kinda like Nasus in that regard.


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
holy crap carrying a ward around with kat is the most fun thing I've experienced in a long while

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
It's not impossible for Olaf to get to squishies, you just gotta realize it's an uphill battle at every point for him. This is even more true the higher up you go with him. If he had a leap of some kind, THAT would be scary as **** tbh. But he's kinda like Nasus in that regard.
Summoners Throw :glare:

Why is it fun to carry a ward?
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