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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
in a game vs 5 ap champs as garen. My build was so troll but ****ing wrecked.

Sunfire -(still needed some up and arm to tank towers)
Cutlass - lolwut?? It's so pro 3 second slow+lifesteal, besides garen need a slow and some ad now anyway.
Hexdinger-pro against ap champs
Qss- hard counter morde + lux and ryze snares were annoying

IMHO cutlass should be core garen now. He needs damage to be anything other than a crud tank and you can't complain with the lifesteal adn slow. First time I had ever built that item and it *****.
no, just... no

Cutlass is just a ****ing awful item, one of the worst stand alone items in the game.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
^nonono it's the best item evar!!!!
(for troll builds)

I accidently bought pickaxe so I was like men cutlass gogo. Almost as good as wits end. Lolol


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Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
@Jpak or Mogwai

I finally reached level 30 and the build you have given me for irelia usually works but sometimes I feel like I'm not putting out nearly enough damage as her...is it the build order?

Cloth +pots -> heart of gold -> boots 1 -> brutalizer -> merc treads -> avarice blade -> yomu -> sheen -> zeal -> Triforce -> Randuins -> Banshee's viel (black cleaver if I dont need more defense)

also what runes do I need because all I have now are

armor pen reds and health/level yellows (the only reason I have those is because they are on my AP rune page for kennen)

and masteries? 21-9-0 or 9-21-0?


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
nerf alistar and amumu please.

there are lots of setups if you want to do more damage then make the cloth into wriggles. go armor pen quints and marks and then flat armor seals and either mr/lvl or flat mr glyphs. if you do this you have to go 21 into the utility. i think your skill order is wrong you should either max E or W. true damage is super strong. you can also go mregen/lvl seals.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
@Evanms, that's the transition I made: Tank > Jungler > AP Carry > AD Carry > Teemo

My Udyr guide should be lurking somewhere on this thread.

@Virg, I would be honored. Let's do it.


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Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
QEEWWR then Max E (while getting R when I can) then Max W then Max Q

I mean max W first the next few times and see how that works


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
I'm trying to get better at caitlyn, because it's caitlyn free week and omg she's so fun. But I feel like I end up not doing much useful. My damage output is generally meh (unless I get fed/dominate a lane) after like lvl 9, and I generally get kills from just baiting people into overextending on me. I usually just try to take over a lane during the laning phase (she seems super good at laning) and deny my lane opponent(s) as much cs/exp as possible, but then things start to fizzle out.

I've tried a bunch of different builds, and regardless it still feels like I do no damage. At first it looked like stacking AD was the way to go, for q and r damage, but in team fights I didn't do much while q was down. I tried getting some crit and aspd along with AD to make my autoattacks do some dents (and see if I could beef up her passive procrate), and that faired a little bit better but I still consistently didn't feel like a threat. I wanna beef her up because I have more fun with her than probably any champ atm.

So, any build suggestions? Other suggestions?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
^nonono it's the best item evar!!!!
(for troll builds)

I accidently bought pickaxe so I was like men cutlass gogo. Almost as good as wits end. Lolol
Last Whisper's pretty good on Garen and Infinity Edge is an alright 6th item.

Also, Wit's End is exceptionally strong... just sayin'.

@Jpak or Mogwai

I finally reached level 30 and the build you have given me for irelia usually works but sometimes I feel like I'm not putting out nearly enough damage as her...is it the build order?

Cloth +pots -> heart of gold -> boots 1 -> brutalizer -> merc treads -> avarice blade -> yomu -> sheen -> zeal -> Triforce -> Randuins -> Banshee's viel (black cleaver if I dont need more defense)

also what runes do I need because all I have now are

armor pen reds and health/level yellows (the only reason I have those is because they are on my AP rune page for kennen)

and masteries? 21-9-0 or 9-21-0?
For irelia, I run:

ArPen Marks
Dodge Seals
MRes Glyphs
HP/5 Quints

Ghost + Ignite


cloth + 5
generic tanking crap, usually GA and Banshee's

QEQWQR -> R > E > W > Q

I like having my bladesurge up when I need it and I like having it be strong enough to one-shot caster minions after a single tower shot so that I don't miss any last hits on my lane.

You'll see all sorts of successful Irelia builds because she's just generally very strong, but in general, I think you need to suppliment your burst damage output more quickly than your build is. HoG first and then no extra lifesteal or sheen until after ghostblade and mercs is really going to limit your lane presence. Sheen + Lifesteal + Q = huge heals on every last hit and basically lets you sit there and farm every minion in your solo lane.

QEEWWR then Max E (while getting R when I can) then Max W then Max Q

I mean max W first the next few times and see how that works
Maxing W first is the EU build on her, but I personally think that's garbage because you're left without the burst necessary to ever surprise buttsehks someone and just kill them. It's best for sustained damage and sitting in lane auto-attacking, but the NA style of play on her requires Q and E be leveled a bit so that you can actually threaten kills on your solo lane and in small skirmishes.

I'm trying to get better at caitlyn, because it's caitlyn free week and omg she's so fun. But I feel like I end up not doing much useful. My damage output is generally meh (unless I get fed/dominate a lane) after like lvl 9, and I generally get kills from just baiting people into overextending on me. I usually just try to take over a lane during the laning phase (she seems super good at laning) and deny my lane opponent(s) as much cs/exp as possible, but then things start to fizzle out.

I've tried a bunch of different builds, and regardless it still feels like I do no damage. At first it looked like stacking AD was the way to go, for q and r damage, but in team fights I didn't do much while q was down. I tried getting some crit and aspd along with AD to make my autoattacks do some dents (and see if I could beef up her passive procrate), and that faired a little bit better but I still consistently didn't feel like a threat. I wanna beef her up because I have more fun with her than probably any champ atm.

So, any build suggestions? Other suggestions?
I hate to say it, but I just find Caitlyn kinda useless after laning. Her lane presence is boss because of the imba 650 AA range, but after that she just seems lackluster :(. Mathcrafting with her abilities (Q and R) suggests that you'd want high Dmg and Armor Pen above all else, so something like Bloodthirster + LW or BC (depending on how much armor they're stacking) seems like it would be best, but there's still a lot of allure to getting IE for those WTFBBQ headshot Crits. End of the day though, she lacks a steroid or a good escape or good utility and just doesn't stack up to other ranged carries IMO.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD

ghost ignite tho?...I never ran ignite on Irelia unless i forgot to change it.

I run ghost flash for 2 reasons

1. sometimes I need to dip in a hurry...flash to ghost=usually escaping

2. Flash -> E is a scary sight...then I get to do a few AA with True damage W and then when they start running Hit that Q->E combo (because by the time I need to E again its probably back up)

other then that I definitley like that build but I gotta look into utility masteries...I've like never used them...lol


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Improved Ghost, 3 Good Hands, 4 Awareness, and 1 Utility Mastery is what I run there. Utility Tree is really strong.

Ignite is about what I was talking about with being burstier. By forsaking early W, you can really chip away at your lane opponent with W -> Q -> E -> 1-2 Autoattacks and then typically kill someone from shockingly high HP with W -> Q -> E -> Auto -> R (retrigger sheen) -> Ignite -> Gun them down with your R blades.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
His Nidalee, on the other hand, does >_> You would understand these references if you ever played with us anymore. We even had the first ARAM in a long time yesterday!

Also... Riot seems to not have given me my IP boosts or weird recruiter title for my 25th referral T_T

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
decided to pick up shen today because he was free play.
I enjoy him very much ^^ then again it could be because hes a ninja kennen is next :D


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
****ing websense blocked memegenerator from me :(

was gonna put an advice puppy pic with the captions:

"Build defensive stats..."

"Hit like a truck anyway!"

for realsies though, just get a HoG and then Aegis + Sunfire in whatever order makes sense with merc treads in there somewhere and then decide if you need FoN or to upgrade to Omen and then uh, I dunno, do w/e, you're already a god at that point anyway.

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
Hes my favorite champ, really easy to play as well!
not really ive seen alot of shens get chewed out for fail taunting or not ulting at the right time..ive even seen some that try to build a dps shen >_>
****ing websense blocked memegenerator from me :(

was gonna put an advice puppy pic with the captions:

"Build defensive stats..."

"Hit like a truck anyway!"

for realsies though, just get a HoG and then Aegis + Sunfire in whatever order makes sense with merc treads in there somewhere and then decide if you need FoN or to upgrade to Omen and then uh, I dunno, do w/e, you're already a god at that point anyway.
i built HoG, merc, War, FoN, then finished with Omen :/


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
****ing websense blocked memegenerator from me :(

was gonna put an advice puppy pic with the captions:

"Build defensive stats..."

"Hit like a truck anyway!"

for realsies though, just get a HoG and then Aegis + Sunfire in whatever order makes sense with merc treads in there somewhere and then decide if you need FoN or to upgrade to Omen and then uh, I dunno, do w/e, you're already a god at that point anyway.
Before I read the rest of you post I just automatically thought of Ryze :awesome: Build's straight up tank for the first half of a game and still nukes like a dedicated mage. Man I love him


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
hey now, Ryze doesn't start building like a tank until after tear and catalyst! also, your post makes it sound like he doesn't continue to just build like a tank throughout the rest of the game, lol.
Well after I finish Frozen and BV I usually go for a Void Staff; sure ap doesn't scale well on him, but I find that m pen much more useful than building, say, a RoA or AA.

In other news,

Elementz put Teemo in Tier 1, right behind Urgot and Corki. Prepare to see a lot of Failmos within the next couple days.

In other news,

My precious Ryze is just sittin pretty at spot #6 :grin: Best part is people somehow haven't caught on to how good he is so I only see one every 10 games, if that much.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
the teemo placement is accurate due to metagame shifts and his totally baller W. Teemo is the #1 ranged carry vs. Tanky DPS, map control and he doesn't have to sacrifice much damage output to build tanky enough to not insta-die. also note that this is the solo queue tier list.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
the teemo placement is accurate due to metagame shifts and his totally baller W. Teemo is the #1 ranged carry vs. Tanky DPS, map control and he doesn't have to sacrifice much damage output to build tanky enough to not insta-die. also note that this is the solo queue tier list.
Yea yea yea, all I know is that a lot of people are going to fail hard at him :(
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