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Sweet, that's how I built him but I opened with shield. Went something like 2/3/30 or so lol normal games. What do you go for runes? I think I have mag pen/mana regen per level/mr/health quintsI build him exactly as I build Malphite:
0-2 more drings depending on my needs
sunfire cape + banshee's veil + merc treads (order as needed)
buy a void staff if they start stacking MR, you won't regret it.
3 HP Regen Quints = 8.1 HP/5
3 Flat HP Quints = 78 HP
in under 50 seconds of regenerating, the HP Regen Quints outstrip the Flat HP Quints. This results in stronger jungling and laning. HP quints are stronger in the late game when everything is burst, but the margin is pretty small, whereas the margin by which the regen quints outperform in early game is quite large.
after the HP Quint nerfs, people took another look at the comparison and then attrition heroes like Irelia started to pack HP Regen Quints to just sit top forever before backing. Honestly, HP Regen was probably always quite good on solo lanes and junglers compared to Flat HP quints, but it's hard to go against 99% of the player base being convinced that something is "right."Interesting... I used to run HP Regen Quints back when I was a fresh 30 but switched at some point when people were stressing the importance of surviving burst over long term regen...
Thanks for the insight.
I really felt that I had way more staying power in lane with the HP/5's even back before the Flat nerf.after the HP Quint nerfs, people took another look at the comparison and then attrition heroes like Irelia started to pack HP Regen Quints to just sit top forever before backing. Honestly, HP Regen was probably always quite good on solo lanes and junglers compared to Flat HP quints, but it's hard to go against 99% of the player base being convinced that something is "right."
Whale is a team that has Atlanta, nicosharp, guardsmanbob, jatt, smgzwy, awowa, and cirque as their main players. They run an uncommon team comp that usually involves a warwick middle and a roaming nunu if gragas is unavailable. They also use mundo, alistar, amumu, irelia, zilean, poppy, udyr, and shen.Question: who the heck is Whale?
what? in the tank + support setup bot, the tank is typically the one consuming the farm. Malphite is a strong candidate for this because his survivability and damage output scale well from him being able to build tanky quickly. having to teamfight around 3-4K gold for your carries vs. a malphite with sunfire cape is a nightmare and he'll eat you up.why give malphite the farm if youre doing support + tank setup? yes his initiation is really good.
maokai has 4 spells that do damage and 3 of them are AoE. Sure, the damage is lower than your standard AP carry, but that's cause he's a tank, not a carry, the fact remains that he outputs quite a bit of indiscriminate damage in teamfights via AoE and he'll be hitting a lot of high MRes targets which will benefit largely from the void staff penetration. And E is fine late game but you need to be comboing it with your rush or leading the enemy or comboing off of teammates, it's still perfectly reasonable to expect to be able to hit with the explosion.for maokaito suddenly go ap + mpen when you are supposed to go a tanky build just doesnt fit. al off his spells hv <230 dmg base unless youre counting his E which wont get the second hit off late game because it's so slow. yes he would be an excellent choice vs whale however by having maokai you need to commit to team fights, and you juts cannot commit vs whale's lineup. in order to beat them it is a split push and avoid the games have them separated.
I've been seeing them with Xin and Nocturne in their lineup semi-frequently so I was thinking of a different comp than that. you're right that malphite sucks vs. that compi wouldnt say they are really melee dps, when you said that i thought yi tryn. whale is straight tanky, warwick nunu mundo amumu irelia none of them build for damage, except irelia. malphite's E would really not have any strong affect on that team. teams arent really picking correctly vs whale ie why would you try to use akali in such a tanky lineup like solomid did. or go soraka corki trying to kite 5 melee.
do u want to out push them?Sad part is I was going to pick Teemo, and they banned teemo on me. Real.... Then I was going to pick sivir and they picked sivir............................................................................. ahhhhhhhhhh
yea, good players tooSomeone chose Akali against that lineup? ROFL.
No you can't win by pushing them, you have to have split push like tf and singed with tp if you intend to.do u want to out push them?
Because you get to 2k by playing one champion. hotshot nid, akali westrice, nothingleft2lose renekton, bruiseleet urgot, it goes onnnnnn.yea, good players too
I really have no idea how you can be a 2K elo player and not understand that Akali is ****ing useless vs. tanks.
Yes my duo lane was kind of bad, renekton is strong against that team so is cho. I'm thinking of just losing an ad carry all togethe. galio is good if you have the right carry. amumu they will get. i had to stop their counterjungling nunu and we got firstblood so kind of worth it.Tanky teams are hard to beat in a 5v5 with traditional team comps, so you want to split push and beat them with superior mobility if possible. But if they're running Mundo and Nunu and Gragas that's easier said than done anyway.
Galio and Amumu and AoE burst team comp might actually be a good pick vs them (as long as they don't take Udyr). They're all melee so they'd get brought in close and get ***** by the rest of the ults.
Tanky DPS are usually much more effective in drawn out fights where they have time to regen and burst repeatedly, and much less so when they get wtf bursted down very fast (Cho was actually a very good choice against them, but you didn't get that early level/feed to take advantage of his increased damage and Feast).
kog is too hard to play without support i think. i think janna would get banned as she counters their comp as a whole, and to get alistar and gragas when they hv jatt and nicosharp who play it regularly is kind of hard and your bot late will be weird.you actually might be able to beat them with a babysit Kog type lineup with somethink like Kog + Alistar + Singed + Gragas + Janna or ???? Just a bunch of dudes to keep them off the best tank-killing carry's nuts. idk, it's a tough nut to crack because if they start to get a lead with their early roaming they snowball so hard.
yea, I didn't think it all out really. Maybe concede Gragas to them and then take Alistar + Singed, then take something like, hmmm, Morg might be a good choice + a disruptive jungler like Trundle or Rammus or Jarman and then just pick whichever carry with your 5th pick.Yes my duo lane was kind of bad, renekton is strong against that team so is cho. I'm thinking of just losing an ad carry all togethe. galio is good if you have the right carry. amumu they will get. i had to stop their counterjungling nunu and we got firstblood so kind of worth it.
kog is too hard to play without support i think. i think janna would get banned as she counters their comp as a whole, and to get alistar and gragas when they hv jatt and nicosharp who play it regularly is kind of hard and your bot late will be weird.