I'm still working my way from the 20's to level 30, and even though jungling is the most fun for me, but I only jungle when I que with friends.why does no one jungle at low levels?
i'm level 17 (regularly play with a couple 30s), and I think i've played a total of two games where both sides had a jungler...
is it really that hard a concept?
It's just not really realistic to assume that the people I'm playing with can play with half a brain and avoid being killed in a 2v1 lane every five seconds.
For a few days I played jungle Nunu/Udyr in solo ques but I can't even keep track of how many times the 2v1 character lost us the game. Like when 30 seconds into the game I would see the character in the solo lane type something like "Nunu u need to be bot with me! wtf r u doing! I cant play against 2 champs!"
The kind of response you would hope for is along the lines of "I will adjust my playing to compensate for not having a partner in lane, and abuse the level advantage and gold advantage I will get by being the only person in this lane. I will play fairly cautiously but tell my jungler to cover my lane so I can heal/buy items if needed."
Sure, occasionally I might get somebody who can play well, or maybe somebody grinding up a smurf and everything works swimmingly, but more often than not jungling just seems like a bad idea when I'm doing a solo que.