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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
It hit hard, but she's still an all around better pick for every team comp.
Having to build a team comp around Ashe is incredibly tough, and if you wanna build a team comp around 1 AD carry, why not just go vayne kog trist or Sivir in that case lol

Ashe is better in the tank meta in a sense she's absolutely never played, just like in the assassin meta. Thus, neither meta is good for her (which it isn't) Tank meta has just as many gap closers than Assassins, along with tankiness and every ability being dumb % damage based (hello maokai gnar) or some form of damage reduction or damage amplification (Fizz gragas maokai againz, or gnar gaining a chunk of health once he turns mega)
Ashe comps aren't that hard to make, you don't need a strict protect the Ashe comp in every game she is in unless they are assassin heavy.

Kalista doesn't fit the same kind of niche either, but I think she does fit well with tank or burst supports.

Tank meta isn't what we are looking at right now anyways, it's a mid game power spines right now. Sivir and Corki both fit this.

Ashe fits as a utility care with an actually steroid and has some ability damage in her kit with more emphasis on her utility.

I don't think Kalista strictly outclasses her, even more so after the nerfs.

Ashe is used pretty often on soloQ and has her place.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France

Anyway, about Kalista even after the nerf she's still the most satisfying adc to play in duo, and even without duo if your support knows how your character works it's the easiest laning phase of the game. Impossible to miss last hits, free AA harass, free vision and a godlike engage/disengage for your support. She's also the most frustrating adc to play when the support doesn't know what your character does.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Kallista has crazy utility and the only reason I don't play her is because I don't have her. I mean isn't her ultimate literally the entire point of the game? If she can throw the tank successfully into the back line and they have AoE cc then either she OR the tank buys time to apply enough AoE DPS to the entire team's squishy damage dealers.

Is it hard to visualize Ashe's short comings? The fear of assassins was never their high DPS however the sticking potential they have in the form of blinks and her own short comings in distancing herself from ambushes & close up-front skirmishes. The question is at what level does the enemy properly attack those weaknesses or exploit those short comings from the Ashe in order to ruin her life and prevent her from getting ahead in the game?

At low elo there is no problem because there is no coordination and the concept of when to go in is lost on them. I often witness fed top laners with a +2 level advantage coming into TP into lane that can easily tank tower and go for a kill, however don't because they aren't aware of their tankiness. Or even when you or your enemy hits level 2 first and now has an extra ability to chain cc to secure a kill. That's never exploited in order to zone out the enemy further from creeps or to go all in.

Arguing that Ashe has a place in Solo Q is not saying much of anything. She is optimal in lane as a risk reduction measure and not to become an uncontrollable monster. She is gated by her ultimate in order to secure kills unless the enemy has seriously mispositioned. When it gets into late game in a tank related meta then positioning and her pick oriented strength is lost due to what should be proper itemization. Talisman, Righteous Glory, and Sivir ultimate on beefy cc tanks with Frozen Heart, Randuin's Omen, and Cinderhulk passive nail the point that if people play the appropriate meta champions then she becomes ineffectual in teamfights through scaling.

In most of my games it doesn't matter what you play because people don't care about where they are in the lane. People have no respect for jungle pressure and believe that throwing a ward up in bottom river bush is a 100% security measure that means if they don't see anything they are good for the entire game. I fight with my support or my adc in order to ask them to only last hit during the first ten minutes of the game because I'm well aware that the enemy has a pre-6 jungler that would be more than happy to see us at their tower for a 3 v. 2 with the enemy still being a full health bot lane. Most of the time I wait for laning phase to be over because the coordination is bad.

I honestly don't pick Ashe to snowball in lane. I pick her because you can't relying on your teammates in Solo Q to land a grab or a chain for you despite them being a "support main" which so far has been an indication of "I just hit level 30 and I suck so let me do stuff in a bush" and I can land my arrow and force my support into being effective or peeling for my support when they misposition because they haven't realized that afk'ing in bottom bush does nothing when the enemy has influenced the minion waves to go by river.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I just versed another Trynd

I take it back this game isn't balanced, champion has zero counterplay lol

I just versed the most ******** player ever, killed him 3 times as Wukong (despite him getting the typical level 1 RNG that forces you to flash immediately). Then he just dives me under my turret at level 6, I ult him under tower and he still manages to trade with me. I was 3-0 with the same CS, had more damage and a cloth armour, and he trades with me under my turret. Then I come back to lane and he kills me again because I forgot his ult has a really low CD (that's my bad, really). At this point I still have more gold than him, I tp back to lane with a tiamat and a chain vest, He proceeds to just oneshot me again despite me having more gold, having my ult when he didn't, and having backed for items.

Then of course he just starts splitting and killing people 1v3 that have similar gold to him and wins the game by himself, whilst bming lol I have no idea what I was supposed to do. I killed him 3 times and had more-to-even CS, then he just dives on me and kills me. I even got armour early, which I would never have to do if I was 3-0 up on somebody. I had an over 900 gold lead and he still manages to kill me whilst I'm being defensive. No wonder this champ has always had such a high winrate in high elo play lol #salt
I never get what you're trying to say. I assume you're trying to take the piss out of me but I can't be sure lol
You use the TP to help your teammates when you see him roaming the map. Not to take pity CS in lane and wait for him to come back into the game. The fact that you bought a cloth armor and consider that to be the equivalent to a Warden's Mail and tell us that your only use of TP was at level 7-8 was in order to go back into lane makes me question your itemization and how to play the Tryndamere matchup more so than thinking Tryndamere is OP because he's doing everything you could be doing in the game in terms of actually attempting to impact other lanes from a behind lane deficit. Also for God's sake how are you not able to escape from Undying Rage when you have a knock up ultimate and a brief opportunity to stealth yourself? #Tryndamere is OP.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I remember when Riot killed solo lane twitch.

And is it easy to envisage me having no idea how to play the reworked Ashe? At the time I kept hearing "OP because mash W + Q" but I was so disappointed with what Ashe had become I couldn't get into it.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
You use the TP to help your teammates when you see him roaming the map. Not to take pity CS in lane and wait for him to come back into the game. The fact that you bought a cloth armor and consider that to be the equivalent to a Warden's Mail and tell us that your only use of TP was at level 7-8 was in order to go back into lane makes me question your itemization and how to play the Tryndamere matchup more so than thinking Tryndamere is OP because he's doing everything you could be doing in the game in terms of actually attempting to impact other lanes from a behind lane deficit. Also for God's sake how are you not able to escape from Undying Rage when you have a knock up ultimate and a brief opportunity to stealth yourself? #Tryndamere is OP.
Lol what Trynd roams the map

Trynds just split top lane all day because they know eventually it'll take 3 people to stop him regardless of how he did in lane.

I won the lane match-up the early levels, where it's about lane mechanics and playing the matchup. I killed him 3 times when I had tp and he had ignite.

I don't get what your point about the cloth armour is. The first time he killed me I was 3-0 (so 900 gold up on him because we had the same CS) and I had more damage than him and more amrour because of the cloth. It was a trade, but he managed to do it whilst tanking a tower shot or two.

The second time he killed me I forgot his ult was on a short CD so that was my bad.

I'm not sure why I wouldn't tp back into lane seeing as he was pushing into tower and there was no TP play on the map to make. I'm not going to just give up my tower for free and blow my TP trying to force a play just for the sake of it. This is when he killed me the third time. I had a tiamat and chain vest, I had more gold than him and he hadn't backed again to buy, and he still 1v1 me despite me having ult advantage.

I have no idea why you're telling me I didn't impact the game from behind when I was originally in the lead. The whole thing that I'm complaining about is that I earned a huge lead on him but he could still kill me , even in slanted situations such as where he'd have to tank tower shots or I had ult disadvantage, and it was purely due to RNG. He was a terrible player, you don't go down 0-3 to a tp wukong as Trynd with ignite unless you're bad.

And once Trynd gets a lead, or just gets to the point where it takes 3 people to stop him (he doesn't need a lead for that) you can't really impact other lanes because you'll lose your inhib if you leave him by himself
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Can't you be civil enough to engage with him seeing as he took the time to respond to your points giving further context and explanation?


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Yeah, being completely honest, you're just being condescending towards Dre. Rather than just throwing a around cheap shots at him, actually explain what your side is, rather than just saying "You're wrong and you don't get it."


Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
The thing you two don't understand is multiple people have argued and tried explaining to him for literally PAGES the past few years this thread has been up. He doesn't want to understand, he wants to continue the discussion and just never stop until he gets the last word in.

The old Adumbro and Dre arguments come to mind.

Shutting tryn down isn't easy, but that just means you need to either pick a laner with more than 1 cc (all the popular tank tops, yes fizz too) or have your jungler constantly help you. If you can take HIS turret instead where he needs to push an extra 2 waves before getting to your turret, then you can hopefully make plays around the map or get objectives to get the gold lead quicker and end the game.

It's a hard deal because >team coordination in under plat ELO, but that's all it takes. CC, pushing him into turret, being tanky as **** with randuins or FH, make plays around the map.
Go Shen and just go sunfire randuins thornmail, you win since you have two tps to help team and go back top.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Can't you be civil enough to engage with him seeing as he took the time to respond to your points giving further context and explanation?
And can't you be responsible enough to tell him not to build Sunfire after Hydra on Wu in ranked ?

Yes I stalk, and yes I judge. And no I have nothing better to do right now.

@ Dre89 Dre89 If you're versing Trynd/Jax/Irelia and you want to tank their damage you build Warden's into Randuin, not Chain vest into Sunfire.
Sunfire is an offensive item for tanks, not a defensive item for bruisers.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I don't stalk nor know what server/name anyways, so I'm unable to check his games.
No wonder he kept saying Chain vest but never saying what he built it into lol

Was half wondering myself, he deserved to lose then.
"Jeez, I'm beating tryn pretty hard and outdamaging him enough to be 3/0, what should I build? AN OFFENSIVE TANK ITEM OF COURSE I MUST KILL HIM MORE"


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
This conversation already materialized a little over a month ago. If he doesn't understand that a cloth armor is barely a piece of armor there is no point in telling him otherwise. If he builds chainmail over warden's mail because he wants to go with his typical sunfire cape build then there is nothing you can do about it. If he rushes tiamat for offensive AD stats with one cloth armor over completing a frozen heart then there is nothing you can do about it. If he doesn't realize that his TP should be used to apply map pressure to laners after pushing out the wave to snowball the advantage into other lanes then he just doesn't understand the game.

People on this site can vouch that I was against buying mobility boots whenever I had to play support. Now I love the item and rush it all the time along with sighstone if you see the Annie support game I just finished. Also before I would have some of the lowest ward placed stats as any role and now I'm always either first or second to our support. I got to play with Sinister and Espy and I was terrible. But I learned how much freedom I had in my lower elo games compared to that game and what type of support champions I personally perform better on. The reason I'm still on this board is to get ideas and to actually gradually improve whenever I have time to play. So it's frustrating when you see someone who is still complaining about the Tryndamere matchup with a cloth armor when I'm used to starting cloth armor + 5 pots against a Tryndamere and finishing a warden's mail by the time we hit 6.

He plays Wu because that's his familiar champion. Not sure if it was Sinister or Player_3 who told him to play Nasus into Tryndamere and to use wither for reducing Tryndamere's AS when he tries to all-in you with Undying Rage at level 6. Not sure if he couldn't help it because of draft, but I don't know what to expect from someone who spams Wu games and has complained about Tryndamere being OP from over a month ago and decides that a single piece of cloth armor is enough to tank Undying Rage in a brawl out.

It's not the player we're annoyed at, it's the fact that those types of characters exist. It's not just that they're one-dimensional, it's that they're also incredibly strong with minimal counterplay. Ideally every champion should be equally strong, but if not that then the champions that are harder to play should have a higher impact ceiling. As it stands now you have champs like Fiora and Trynd that are brainless to play, become incredibly problematic every game they're in regardless of how far behind they are and have minimal counterplay at that point.

I think as well it's more annoying for the players who play higher mechanic carry champs than it is for the people who play simpler champs. It's more annoying for those people because they have to put in way more work and they won't even get to be as impactful as Trynd or Fiora. Even the transition from Zed to Fizz has sort of made me annoyed at the game design, and Fizz is still relatively mechanical. The fact that I can feed solokills in lane then still manage to get 15 kills a game kind of annoys me when solokilling people as Zed via outplays would never earn me that sort of impact.
"Minimal counterplay."

There's so many beneficial counterplay options to both the champions you just listed that not building them is the fault of the team lacking a cohesive understanding of how the game will turn out rather than actually either of those champions being innately strong. Items like Frozen Heart or Randuin's Omen are intrinsically beneficial to the "bruiser" or "tank" champions that build them in addition to the team as a whole offering AoE AS reduction and targeted MS reduction with situational AS reduction.

Zhonya's is basically the AP version of a GA without requiring to sacrifice AP related damage for the invulnerability status and also can inflict damage to someone like a Fiora if they have an AoE spell that is still activate during the duration of the Zhonya's.

Not to mention that Bami Cinder base items like Sunfire Cape and Cinderhulk will still do AoE damage when Fiora is using her ultimate on you which can actually negate a lot of potential life steal she gets assuming she doesn't build any MR and has CDR blues which she should if she wants to snowball as quickly as possible. Or items on supports like Twin Shadows, Talisman of Ascension, Righteous Glory, or Face of the Mountain to just cc/run away from Tryndamere and reposition yourself after he activates his Undying Rage.

Then there's always Ninja Tabis which is just a super incredibly item considering that these champions are going to be doing most of their damage to you as auto-attack damage. These are also useful if you find yourself taking hits from an ADC. Fiora's ultimate is just a string of autos. Then there are expensive situational items you can buy like Thornmail which again can be incredibly useful if there is no MR being build on these champions and also has utility against an ADC.

If you are an ADC then you have Guardian's Angel which literally balances out a Tryndamere who manages to critically kill you in a team fight by overstepping your front line. Fed AD champs have so many counterplay options, especially melee AD varieties who make themselves privy to CC, AoE damage, and AS reduction.

This is just purely from an itemization perspective and not touching upon using champions that have plenty of CC available to lock down these champions in any given fight. Especially Jax who will just take no damage from either of these two champions aside from the one or two miniscule abilities they have which shouldn't do anything much if he is building according to meta.
Why do you keep mentioning Trynd's teamfighting when I keep mentioning it's his splitpushing that's the problem

No one here is complaining about Trynd's or Nasus' teamfighting because those have clear counterplay. They can be impactful in teamfights but they can also be kited. People don't hate these champions because of their teamighting. It's because they can go 0-3 in lane yet still require 2-3 people to stop their splitpush come 20-30 minutes.

Why are you talking about Fiora as if she's trying to ult 3-4 people. You just need Hydra and LW to 100-0 a carry at any stage no matter how far ahead in items they are. In a teamfight you just burst the carry then proceed to do hyercarry DPS if you survive. The untargetability on her ult gives her the smallest peel window of any assassin in the game.

But the problem is some of those champions are too strong for how simple they are. No one cares about one dimensional champs like Garen or Nunu who can't take over a game by themselves. It's the ones like Trynd or Fiora who are guaranteed to be a problem you have to commit resources to every game no matter how far they fall behind.

I think only Yasuo and Ekko have overloaded kits. Kalista, Bard, Gnar Braum, Azir etc. all seem fine to me. Azir's is questionable because he does have long ranged hypercarry DPS, a dash and a CC all in one but I personally don't have an issue with him because I play assassins.
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Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
If he builds chainmail over warden's mail because he wants to go with his typical sunfire cape build then there is nothing you can do about it. If he rushes tiamat for offensive AD stats with one cloth armor over completing a frozen heart then there is nothing you can do about it. If he doesn't realize that his TP should be used to apply map pressure to laners after pushing out the wave to snowball the advantage into other lanes then he just doesn't understand the game.

So it's frustrating when you see someone who is still complaining about the Tryndamere matchup with a cloth armor when I'm used to starting cloth armor + 5 pots against a Tryndamere and finishing a warden's mail by the time we hit 6.

Not sure if it was Sinister or Player_3 who told him to play Nasus into Tryndamere and to use wither for reducing Tryndamere's AS when he tries to all-in you with Undying Rage at level 6.
While it may frustrate you, it's better to either ignore it if it's been mentioned, or post information like this in your responses. Remember that Dre isn't the only one reading it. There are other newer players such as myself who can benefit from this information.

Edit: Being honest, I would like to eventually play with some people from here so I can learn and get tips. My main problem is that I've basically had to learn everything on my own or from watching youtube videos, and also pass that information down to my friends who won't learn otherwise.

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Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
KRD, that's what people do when the discussion starts.

The fact is dre is too committed to his positions, for him it is a point of pride and he will resort to bald-faced lies about what you said in order to be vindicate as right. The fact is that this behavior tends to lead to misinformation in the community and there's a perception when engaging in wall to wall combat that they're both equally right.

So the best way to do it is post facts and then if he continues using rhetorical tricks, shut him down.

Otherwise, this thread becomes a breeding ground for misinfo.

Let's be real, we used to have a lot of strong players who frequented this thread, why is it they've all gone? Cause rhetoric > reality here.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
@ adumbrodeus adumbrodeus

"But Rhetoric is only used by NA, it doesn't exist on OCE. Also Reality is Plat IV while it's Plat V on NA so the reality is actually stronger for us OCE players than it ever was for you guys on NA."

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I remember mogwai leaving this thread because he thought a vid Mr.Eh made sounded like >****
After a few people telling him he's being silly he's been gone since that day.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
It's soloque, when you're higher in the pick order, you're often blind picking your role.

So are you guys saying that I have to rush Randuin's even when I'm 3-0 up on him? That's not balanced at all really. My thinking was that because I was so far ahead, I could go damage and any type of armour item would be ok. But you think I need to go straight into Randuins even if I have a massive lead?

Cherilee your TP advice makes no sense. You can't push him into tower if he can outduel you. I especially wouldn't be able to if I rushed Randuins because then I'd have zero waveclear. If he's pushing into my tower, he's going to take it if I don't tp to it. I know tp is meant for making plays but there was no play to make at the time so I used it to try save the tower.

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Pretty sure they are saying that building a 2nd item sun fire vs trynd was what was dumb. If you had tiamat/hydra already you wouldn't need the wave clear. Wardens alone does a **** ton more when it comes to dmg mediation of trynd, and vs a champ like trynd who you won't want to be all in vs anyway after a point in the game, it'd be better to have randuins/warden taking one or two of his autos away per trade vs the extra like, 40-80 dmg you'll get from sun fire in a short trade. Sunfire works well with wu's ult but once he hits 11 the dps increase of sitting on them with sunfire in negligible and you'd be better off having randuins slow there so you can hit more people for longer in your ult duration. Randuins also makes disengaging trynd possible.

I think vs trynd I'd start cloth 5, avoid lvl 1-2 trades, ask jungle to gank at 3-4. I'd probably build randuins and then cleaver/triforce/hydra depending on how the game is going and how much I need to focus on teamfights. If I got super ahead I'd shove and roam mid/take drag/put pressure bot, and then if possible trade top turret for a turret+drag, saving tp if I could to go back top lane if he's threatening tower

It's also a bronze trynd so just say like "hey jungle we just took drag/bot turret, let's shove trynd out and push the wave, when he shows top to split like we know he will let's gank mid and take that turret too"


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Yeah the problem for me is that sunfire is better than omen in the mid game, and I normally get omen as a last item to deal with adcs in the lategame. I just get greedy for sunfire in the early game because building it lategame wastes the burn passive.

My general idea with Wu is that you need Tiamat as fast possible, but most lanes won't let you get away without building resistances. So I got the cloth before I completed Tiamat, but once I went 3 kills up I went into Tiamat thinking I'd be able to dominate the lane and push it in. Then he killed me so I got chain vest, thinking that'd be enough because I was still ahead of him. I thought I'd get away with going sunfire but I was clearly wrong lol.

The issue I had was that I got Tiamat early because I was winning, but I still couldn't push him in because he'd still outduel me. I think I just need to rush Randuins regardless if I'm winning and accept that I'll be useless for the first teamfight.

Do you think I could get away with wardens into Tiamat or sunfire if was winning early?


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Sunfire is not a better item than Randuin's in the midgame.
It's more that I normally build both, and it's more efficient to build sunfire first when the burn is still relevant. I don't like getting thormail as a second armour item because I need health to make up for the fact that I normally only get one MR item. Frozen Heart is inefficient for my build too seeing as I get 35% CDR eslewhere. I feel like thornmail isn't really needed on Wu anyway because lategame you can still 100-0 an adc if you have sunfire and the omen active to eal with the kiting.

Getting sunfire as a 6th item just seems like a waste of the passive imo


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
The issue I had was that I got Tiamat early because I was winning, but I still couldn't push him in because he'd still outduel me. I think I just need to rush Randuins regardless if I'm winning and accept that I'll be useless for the first teamfight.

Do you think I could get away with wardens into Tiamat or sunfire if was winning early?
You don't need to rush Randuin, but you can build Warden as first or second item. The unique passive is what makes it strong.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Tryndamere. Undying Rage. Unkillable for x amount of time. You have cloth armor and a primarily offensive build means that if he gets lucky with crit he can still win a trade while behind. Warden's Mail. Passive. Cold Steel. Reduces AS by 15% per hit. What does Tryndamere depend on in order to do crit damage? Autos. Reducing the speed he can auto attack you reduces the amount of times he can potentially crit you. Frozen heart. Passive. Reduces AS by 15% to all enemies within a 700 radius. Randuin's Omen. Cold Steel. Same passive as Warden's Mail but has an active that allows you chase after him or slow him down from being able to chase you.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I remember mogwai leaving this thread because he thought a vid Mr.Eh made sounded like >****
After a few people telling him he's being silly he's been gone since that day.
Wasn't that the vid where the first comment on the reddit thread was r*** victim riven? I think his position on that was totally defensible, that vid came off really really disturbing if you didn't know the source material and people's reactions to his position seemed more anti-PC then looking at how it came off if you didn't know squid girl.

I was talking about like everyone else though lol, mogwai was the exception to that rule.

It's more that I normally build both, and it's more efficient to build sunfire first when the burn is still relevant. I don't like getting thormail as a second armour item because I need health to make up for the fact that I normally only get one MR item. Frozen Heart is inefficient for my build too seeing as I get 35% CDR eslewhere. I feel like thornmail isn't really needed on Wu anyway because lategame you can still 100-0 an adc if you have sunfire and the omen active to eal with the kiting.

Getting sunfire as a 6th item just seems like a waste of the passive imo
Efficiency order doesn't mean anything if you're dead.

If you're dying to tryn early, build the item that negates his damage better.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I was thinking about why Wu Trynd and Fiora are the three highest winrate top laners in high elo, and have always had high winrates in high elo. I realised the reason why these champions are so strong is because all three are two classes in one. Wukong is an assassin and a bruiser. Fiora is a hypercarry plus an assassin. Trynd is a hypercarry plus a tank.

Wu is both an assassin and a bruiser because he only needs 1-2 damage items to 100-0 a carry, but then also provides AoE CC and gets tanky. He's one of the few champions that can assassinate a carry with a primary engage (though it normally sucks as a primary engage without flash). Pre-rework Fiora was meant to be a hypercarry, but was so good as assassinating carries that she could do that, and if she managed to live she'd pump out hypercarry DPS. Trynd is a hyperrcarry that is effectively a tanky in terms of how many people it takes to stop his splitpush, and how long it takes to kill him in a fight. Even if a Trynd isn't ahead it normally takes at least 8 seconds to kill him, and this is assuming he doesn't heal it back up. This is all whilst building glass cannon and doing hypercarry damage.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
People don't talk about powerspikes?
I changed the post because I thought it went on too long about a simple point

I only ever hear people talk about team powerspikes in an LCS setting.

People talk about things like level 2 powerspikes. But specifically for top lane I never hear people talk about how having a lead won't count a lot of the time during a powerspike. For example Wukong loses at 6 to a lot of champions even if he's a kill up because of how weak his 6 is. On the flipside, Renekton wins a lot at 6 even if he's behind.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Again, I see discussions of that quite often, you're probably looking at the wrong places.
I've seen people mention when champs get their powerspikes, but I've never really seen it stressed that leads don't mean anything in top lane for some matchups. I probably am looking in the wrong places


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
I woulda figured after leaving this thread for close to a year that things would be different, but I guess some things are eternal.
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