jungling is the hardest role in the game and has the most difficult learning curve.
I thought that when I first started playing and didn't understand how complex laning was. Everything about jungling is basically about reacting to the map, with the exception of vision control. Enemy laner is extended, you gank them, unless you think you can't 2v2. See the jungler on one side of the map, you go dive/counterjungle/get vision on the other side of the map. Complete your jungle item, gank bot so you can get drag. See one of your strong laners pushing up, you either invade that side of the jungle or lane gank/wait to counter gank. Enemy pushes a wave up, you hold it. If you know their red or blue is coming up, you gank a lane to force the jungler to hold it, so you can steal their buff. If there's nothing to react to and you have adequate vision control, you keep farming until there's something to react to.
Stuff like that is just general gaming sense. It doesn't take mechanics. Laning against good players, especially in mid lane, is far more complex, and you can't really just tell someone what to do. You can put a bad player in the jungle and just tell them what to do. That's why in season 3, when I was new, they put me in the jungle instead of a solo lane, because I would have fed my arse off. And even with a Bronze 5 level jungler at the time, we were beating teams of NA Diamonds.
Again, this is assuming you have a decent team. Of course it's every hard to carry if every lane is losing and you need to be every lane at once.
dre, looking at your match history, you do significantly better with your one jungle hero (wukong) then you do with any of your laning heroes. have you considered that maybe you're just better with wukong in bronze 4 games (his ganks are shaco-esque after all, and i'd imagine nobody wards at that elo) and that you don't know anything about the jungle role overall at non-garbage elos?
I used to play Wu mid in Bronze and get similar scores. Every laning champion that I've playd in Bronze for over 5 games has a positive KDA even if they have a losing win ratio. My Rumble averages 20 kills a game at this elo. You can check the KDAs if you want.
The only reason why I'm talking about jungling at high elo is because I've jungled in ranked 5s against teams with people who were Diamond on NA (Some were Challenger, but I don't know if they were Challenger on NA). I've been against Diamond Lee Sins in 5s who constantly invaded me and had wards everywhere in my jungle. That's more difficult than jungling against Diamonds in soloque.
I might be a bit biased because I have a mate who I 1v1 with who, with the exception of P3, is a better mid laner than the rest of you have probably ever versed. This guy honestly would've been high Challenger if he stayed on NA and committed to soloq. He dumpsters Diamonds and Challengers in every single game, and was doing it back on NA too, and then to all the OCE Diamond who were Diamond on NA too. I've played hundreds of games with him and in all those games he's literally only ever lost lane once cleanly, and it was to an Annie.
The dude is a freak, and when you vs someone of that level, who is a level above your average NA Diamond player, you realise how much more complex a solo lane is than something like the jungle.