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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
So why is Xerath more popular than Ziggs now? Ziggs got usage post nerf, but with no changes since people are suddenly using Xerath instead. I'm guessing Koreans started using Xerath so now everyone else is copying.

I love this post.

I remember the last time I played league with dre he was playing mundo and he lost us the game because he didn't tank a tower after we asked him like, 8 times to do it, then they outscaled us and we didn't have an inhib so we couldn't apply pressure anywhere.

I haven't played league for a while.

Is Nemesis Draft out yet?
Wtf dude I've lost count of the games you've thrown with your hard feeding or hilarious decision making lol. Two that stand out though are when you died 20 times in a ranked 5s game and in Season 3 when you threw that 5s game by going for red buff with no vision at like 50 minutes with inhibs down lol.

You're like...known for feeding. If one of us feeds sometimes we actually say 'I did an Aero".
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
So why is Xerath more popular than Ziggs now? Ziggs got usage post nerf, but with no changes since people are suddenly using Xerath instead. I'm guessing Koreans started using Xerath so now everyone else is copying.
Nah not koreans, Xerath just overall better than ziggs. Ziggs hasn't been popular since like... his nerfs actually lol.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Nah not koreans, Xerath just overall better than ziggs. Ziggs hasn't been popular since like... his nerfs actually lol.
He still got play after the nerfs to his E. I think he just stopped getting play after his ult cd got nerfed.

Why is Xerath better though? I started going towards Xerath right before he became FOTM because I liked his basic abilities more but I was never completely sure who was better.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
There was more nerfs than that, E wasn't one of em. They reduced radius of Q range for autos movespeed and the cd on ult as you said.

Otherwise Xerath is better than him now in all areas outside of escapes, which he has slow and stun for anyways.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
So why is Xerath more popular than Ziggs now? Ziggs got usage post nerf, but with no changes since people are suddenly using Xerath instead. I'm guessing Koreans started using Xerath so now everyone else is copying.

Wtf dude I've lost count of the games you've thrown with your hard feeding or hilarious decision making lol. Two that stand out though are when you died 20 times in a ranked 5s game and in Season 3 when you threw that 5s game by going for red buff with no vision at like 50 minutes with inhibs down lol.

You're like...known for feeding. If one of us feeds sometimes we actually say 'I did an Aero".
I love this post.

I remember the last time I played league with dre he was playing mundo and he lost us the game because he didn't tank a tower after we asked him like, 8 times to do it, then they outscaled us and we didn't have an inhib so we couldn't apply pressure anywhere.

I haven't played league for a while.

Is Nemesis Draft out yet?
>_< Both of you, stop being so childish, Aero if you're providing relevant examples don't use it as an excuse to snipe. Dre, that was just uncalled for.

Also Dre, you realize that aero being bad has nothing to do with the criticism levied at you, if aero does feed a it doesn't change the fact that the example he's suggesting is the opposite type of poor decision making, underaggression and unwillingness to make plays when the opportunity presents itself, which is important to capitalize on advantages to carry a heavy team.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
>_< Both of you, stop being so childish, Aero if you're providing relevant examples don't use it as an excuse to snipe. Dre, that was just uncalled for.

Also Dre, you realize that aero being bad has nothing to do with the criticism levied at you, if aero does feed a it doesn't change the fact that the example he's suggesting is the opposite type of poor decision making, underaggression and unwillingness to make plays when the opportunity presents itself, which is important to capitalize on advantages to carry a heavy team.
To be honest I don't remember the example he's talking about. Regardless, he's not doing it to give me constructive criticism, he's doing it make me look bad. It's just a bit rich coming from a player like him who lost us countless games with his poor play. It's the equivalent of a feeder in a game telling you off for dying once.

But yeah stuff like this is childish, but I don't know why he keeps on bringing stuff between us up. You'd think a super moderator would have more maturity than that.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
To be honest I don't remember the example he's talking about. Regardless, he's not doing it to give me constructive criticism, he's doing it make me look bad. It's just a bit rich coming from a player like him who lost us countless games with his poor play. It's the equivalent of a feeder in a game telling you off for dying once.

But yeah stuff like this is childish, but I don't know why he keeps on bringing stuff between us up. You'd think a super moderator would have more maturity than that.
Which is why I criticized him as well, but at least it was a topical contribution in terms of why you were having issues climbing and provided a hard example of what people were talking about, though it was just as provocative albeit in a more insidious way.

On the other hand what you said wasn't related to anything and didn't advance the conversation at all.

Both of you were childish, and you should apologize but if you want to carry on this non-sense at least do it in private.

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
****kkk I went 7/3 in placements, I'm in silver 1. Now I have to actually play this horrible game to get back into gold so I can quit till next year

Dre I'm not very good at carrying games either. It's not just about playing perfectly by yourself though. Yeah, your team might not know exactly what to do, but the fact they are still playing the game to me says that they at least know how to win games somehow, so have to have some good moments. Help them when they are playing poorly, and follow them with capitalization when they are playing well and make the most of it.

if you're really not the problem in the team, that doesn't mean you can't work with the rest of the team to cushion bad mistakes, and create openings that even the worst players can understand what to do with.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Which is why I criticized him as well, but at least it was a topical contribution in terms of why you were having issues climbing and provided a hard example of what people were talking about, though it was just as provocative albeit in a more insidious way.

On the other hand what you said wasn't related to anything and didn't advance the conversation at all.

Both of you were childish, and you should apologize but if you want to carry on this non-sense at least do it in private.
Obviously I'm not tactically perfect, but my tactics definitely aren't the reason I'm losing a lot. I'm definitely better than my current elo. It's more a case of not being better by a far enough margin in the important roles (or the right champs) to carry hard feeding lanes and 4v5s in literally two thirds of my games.

You have to remember I've spent a lot of time playing at a Gold-Diamond elo, sometimes in ranked 5s. So tactically I'm closer to that level due to what I was taught and what I picked up when other people were calling the shots. Using the Shen ult to pressure two objectives at once was how I got into Silver in the first place, that's because I had a run of 14 games where people listened to me. This season I've had literally had 10 game runs where every game had an AFK/troll/feeder.

Last time I was in Bronze I'd get a unfair game every couple of games or so. Now I only get a fair game every 3-4 games. I've had an afk/troll/feeder in literally 27 out of 41 games. I've only lost 3 'fair' games.

You can look at my ranked match history if you don't believe me (Dre89 on OCE). I'd actually be interested to see what feedback people could give. Also, if I'm like 6-6 or something, it was most likely a 4v5. I only go positive sometimes in 4v5s because I'm not very good mechanically yet.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Well if it really IS just bad luck then keep playing ? Luck changes, and if it doesn't then riot lied and prisoner island does exist.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Well if it really IS just bad luck then keep playing ? Luck changes, and if it doesn't then riot lied and prisoner island does exist.
It's starting to get a bit better now. I've had like 4 games out of 40 something where I got carried. Sometimes I get 2 games in a row now without an afk/feeder. Also I've had mid in more games lately, and mid + no ******* is basically a guaranteed win for me at this elo.

Also recently I was trying to carry a Zed game where my whole team fed except my ADC. They had a Teemo whose shrooms would do a 1/4 of my health. I got really paranoid so I bought a Hex, then a QSS, then upgraded the Hex into a Maw.

True to form I didn't step on a single shroom after buying the Hex, so that was hundreds of gold wasted on MR I didn't really end up using.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
It's starting to get a bit better now. I've had like 4 games out of 40 something where I got carried. Sometimes I get 2 games in a row now without an afk/feeder. Also I've had mid in more games lately, and mid + no ******* is basically a guaranteed win for me at this elo. Also recently I was trying to carry a Zed game where my whole team fed except my ADC. They had a Teemo whose shrooms would do a 1/4 of my health. I got really paranoid so I bought a Hex, then a QSS, then upgraded the Hex into a Maw. True to form I didn't step on a single shroom after buying the Hex, so that was hundreds of gold wasted on MR I didn't really end up using.

Your team attempted an early dragon eight minutes into the game and lost a lot of health because Warwick had only Skirmisher's Sabre and couldn't draw much aggro but committed to it because he at least had Morgana. Jayce picked up an easy double kill and after that both Warwick and Morgana went on tilt. You lost your mid tower ten minutes into the game shortly afterwards. Bottom lost their tower one minute later due to a creep wave. You roamed top and took the tower, however it looks like they immediately responded by pushing back and taking your top tower.

Because you lost both mid and bottom tower and the enemy team has both their mid and bottom tower, you should have given up control on drag to the enemy team and prioritized on getting towers with Warwick helping laners with his W. The enemy team has a Teemo support who at this point is level 6 and if he knows what he's doing, has ulted your jungle and the surrounding area so any contest should give them an undeniable advantage. However your team still fights for it and it's no surprise that you manage to kill Teemo, but they take all four members of your team.

For some reason the enemy team doesn't translate the massive kill into tower conversions likely because they are pushing their waves back after neglecting them. I don't quite know what happens in the large gap of time in between. However, the enemy team basically sets up this power play for top lane with Jayce, Malphite, and Jarvan who essentially group up and take over the following two towers remaining on top lane. You're basically on your last towers while the enemy lane still has double towers in every single lane so they group up and they team fight you.

I don't know if it's by coincidence or they just converged on you, but if they conscientiously made this decision you have to appreciate the fact that the enemy team from the beginning to the end ran a team comp that emphasized objectives they wanted to control and played the macro game better than everyone on your team. They got an advantage in mid and they locked in bot lane, despite this your team still focused on dragon. Any dragon after the first is not worth it if your team is going to die at dragon with no reliably way to counter Teemo's shrooms.

When they closed in on your mid tower to close the game, they could have lost the team fight and your team would have psychologically gone for the mid towers and because not a single mid tower was taken, they could have lose arguably around three team fights before sixty second death timers kicked in. At thirty minutes into the game, your ADC manages to get a Quadra Kill, but it doesn't matter because of the huge tower discrepancy. And because you couldn't take advantage of this because you died in a trade at around this time, you're not alive to split push anything. And then you die again, enemy team gets baron and they take both inhibs and close the game.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I don't really understand why you built Maw of Malmortius for Teemo who deals damage over time. Maw was a horrible buy because Malphite built tanky and therefore there is no AP burst damage that you need to protect against. Also the mushrooms may chunk you, but you can make a decision to not be chunked by the mushrooms by staying in lane and having QSS to counter Teemo's poison if you're low on health.

I would not have built Blade of the Ruined King. I would have opted for Ravenous Hydra for wave clear and heal back on minion wave if you get low due to Teemo shrooms. I also would not have engaged the enemy team in trades or extended my stay aside from running clean up because of the heavy engage the enemy team had which consisted of Jarvan IV and Malphite who combined frankly have monstrous team fight potential. Especially when the other three are Jayce, Teemo, and Miss Fortune who provide poke from the backlines and have acceleration gates, mushrooms, and an AOE slow to offer collective peel to keep the rest of your team from getting to them.

Your team comp had Warwick, Shen, and Morgana. Your team comp is very single target CC oriented and can't really contest a Malphite/J4 lock down before getting significantly poked down by the enemy team's back line. I would have personally ran Ravenous Hydra and split push during any team engagements expecting that most of them would go for the enemy team and there is very little impact you could have especially when you're building items like Maw and QSS that detract from your burst potential. Also I would not have picked up Last Whisper as your last expense item into the enemy team closing out the game and you looking for fights. I would have gone for Infinity Edge or even B.F. Sword since the enemy team has gotten so big that you need to team fight in order to extend the game and your only chance is to burst down their backline carries rather than attempting to shred their tanks.

I believe that a turn around was possible around 16-18 minutes into the game by Warwick running AS steroids with Caitlin in one lane and you pushing another lane with Yomuu's. I think that your team went on tilt after Jayce picked up the double and mid tower ten minutes into the game and they didn't know what to really push afterwards.
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Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Obviously I'm not tactically perfect, but my tactics definitely aren't the reason I'm losing a lot. I'm definitely better than my current elo. It's more a case of not being better by a far enough margin in the important roles (or the right champs) to carry hard feeding lanes and 4v5s in literally two thirds of my games.

You have to remember I've spent a lot of time playing at a Gold-Diamond elo, sometimes in ranked 5s. So tactically I'm closer to that level due to what I was taught and what I picked up when other people were calling the shots. Using the Shen ult to pressure two objectives at once was how I got into Silver in the first place, that's because I had a run of 14 games where people listened to me. This season I've had literally had 10 game runs where every game had an AFK/troll/feeder.

Last time I was in Bronze I'd get a unfair game every couple of games or so. Now I only get a fair game every 3-4 games. I've had an afk/troll/feeder in literally 27 out of 41 games. I've only lost 3 'fair' games.

You can look at my ranked match history if you don't believe me (Dre89 on OCE). I'd actually be interested to see what feedback people could give. Also, if I'm like 6-6 or something, it was most likely a 4v5. I only go positive sometimes in 4v5s because I'm not very good mechanically yet.
Your tactics are why you can't carry more, it's a common problem among people who can play with much higher level players but lack the skill to bring themselves there. Their mechanics and laning are on par but they lack the initiative and intrinsic understanding of what plays they can make to hard carry games that they're disadvantaged in but they're doing well.

A high silver level player SHOULD be able to carry a majority of 4v5s in bronze for example.

Which basically means you have two choices, better tactical decision making or simply play enough games where you contribute a net more then your opposite that you'll eventually rise because it's one reliable lane.

To be honest I have the same issue with making plays, it's not like you're alone on this.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Your tactics are why you can't carry more, it's a common problem among people who can play with much higher level players but lack the skill to bring themselves there. Their mechanics and laning are on par but they lack the initiative and intrinsic understanding of what plays they can make to hard carry games that they're disadvantaged in but they're doing well.

A high silver level player SHOULD be able to carry a majority of 4v5s in bronze for example.

Which basically means you have two choices, better tactical decision making or simply play enough games where you contribute a net more then your opposite that you'll eventually rise because it's one reliable lane.

To be honest I have the same issue with making plays, it's not like you're alone on this.
I can tell you high Silvers will not carry 4v5s in Bronze. Mid Bronze-Gold is pretty similar in terms of ability (low Bronze is noticeably different to mid Bronze though). Basically everyone is trash until Plat.

Also I think I now have the record for best KDA in a losing ranked game, going 30/7/20 lol.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Everyone is trash below high diam. The only difference between gold and low diamond is the ability to farm efficiently.

Plats and low diams have the same map awareness and objective control as golds.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Everyone is trash below high diam. The only difference between gold and low diamond is the ability to farm efficiently.

Plats and low diams have the same map awareness and objective control as golds.
I've noticed a difference in the laning between Gold and Plat. If I'm playing one of my actual champions, I don't really have to think against Golds. Whereas Plats I would have to tryhard against to go even. If it's a champion I'm just trying out then I have mixed results against Golds and will probably lose to a Plat. Except for when I was trying out Fizz and took him top and 5-0d a Plat Shen in lane because Fizz is dumb against melee tops.

I'm pretty bad mechanically though, so I notice the small differences in my opponents. Maybe mechanically better people can't tell the difference between Gold and Plat because they just dumpster them regardless.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Nah I'm pretty bad myself and while mechanical skill is important for being good (it's always nice to do what you mean to do) it's nowhere near as important as decision making. You'll find people with good mechanical skills in bronze.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
I once lost a ranked game going 18/1/3. It was a 2v5 though lmao. We had a duo who both DC'd at the loading screen, then after only 4-5 mins, our mid just peaced out.

Unfortunately, Vi cant 1v5 reliably.
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Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I can tell you high Silvers will not carry 4v5s in Bronze. Mid Bronze-Gold is pretty similar in terms of ability (low Bronze is noticeably different to mid Bronze though). Basically everyone is trash until Plat.

Also I think I now have the record for best KDA in a losing ranked game, going 30/7/20 lol.
So why are you complaining about how you belong higher if it's not much of a difference?

For the record I disagree, in my experience as you go up you different people have different skillsets and the higher you go, the more pieces of the puzzle you have. Not that pretty much anyone has anywhere near the level in any of those areas to compete but lower levels contain a lot of players who have one or two skills which they're good at but they suck at others.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
I've noticed a difference in the laning between Gold and Plat. If I'm playing one of my actual champions, I don't really have to think against Golds. Whereas Plats I would have to tryhard against to go even. If it's a champion I'm just trying out then I have mixed results against Golds and will probably lose to a Plat. Except for when I was trying out Fizz and took him top and 5-0d a Plat Shen in lane because Fizz is dumb against melee tops.

I'm pretty bad mechanically though, so I notice the small differences in my opponents. Maybe mechanically better people can't tell the difference between Gold and Plat because they just dumpster them regardless.
you're fooling yourself. mechanical skills barely matter until at LEAST plat. i could probably hit plat playing master yi and using only two abilities.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
So why are you complaining about how you belong higher if it's not much of a difference?

For the record I disagree, in my experience as you go up you different people have different skillsets and the higher you go, the more pieces of the puzzle you have. Not that pretty much anyone has anywhere near the level in any of those areas to compete but lower levels contain a lot of players who have one or two skills which they're good at but they suck at others.
Yeah that's true, I'm one of those players. The only thing I'm above average at (in relation to mid-high elo players, I'm better at most things in low elo) is landing AoE nukes like Ziggs or Rumble ult.

Also I'm 4 from 4 at sniping dragon with Xerath ult.

Speaking of Xerath, rip him in the next month or two. He's bound to get nerfed now that he's seeig competitive play.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Honestly, is bronze level people just months and months behind or something?
I forget what it waz, but I faintly remember some people not knowing that the new quints for AD carries were 3 attack speed quints when that change happened in like March last year.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
You say that like he hasnt already been being played for like almost a year now lol.
He wasn't always this popular though. Right now he's FOTM, so he's going to get nerfed for the same reasons that Ziggs did.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
Xerath wont be nerfed cuz he isnt broken hes just strong poke champ who gets fuccboi'd by hardengage


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Xerath wont be nerfed cuz he isnt broken hes just strong poke champ who gets fuccboi'd by hardengage
I think hes balanced, but I doubt Riot will agree with me. Ziggs was in the same boat, same strengths and same counterplay but they still nerfed him.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Even worse since if there's a big wave that's too far away for xerath to get with Q and has to use his R to kill (which he mostly doesn't kill em all) ziggs can just toss R from almost anywhere to stop the push immediately.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Honestly, is bronze level people just months and months behind or something? I forget what it waz, but I faintly remember some people not knowing that the new quints for AD carries were 3 attack speed quints when that change happened in like March last year.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
no ziggs was ****in broken, xerath actually has to get in auto range to not run oom
They didn't change his mana costs so I don't see how the nerfs would affect his ability to not go OOM whilst staying out of auto range


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I think hes balanced, but I doubt Riot will agree with me. Ziggs was in the same boat, same strengths and same counterplay but they still nerfed him.
Ziggs has similar strengths and weaknesses, but it should be pretty obvious that he was on a different level in his prime than Xerath now. Ziggs is squishy like Xerath sure, but he has a long range escape that can potentially knock the enemy back too. His ult allowed you to turtle forever and invalidated split pushing in a way that Xerath can't match. His damage was also much easier to land, and he has excellent zone control especially when it comes to fighting in the jungle or around Baron/dragon.
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