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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
I meant actual statistical data, not just general speculation of what the items do (probably) based on experience.

I can try to do it myself but I'll probably mess it up somehow.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I meant actual statistical data, not just general speculation of what the items do (probably) based on experience.

I can try to do it myself but I'll probably mess it up somehow.
Manamune, axe, and cloak is inferior to IE. However, Manamune, BF Sword, and Fort Elixir is greater or on Par with IE. The higher of a level you get to, the better IE gets against Manamune and BF Sword since the crit bonus damage will match the higher AD the other set gives you.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
Manamune, axe, and cloak is inferior to IE. However, Manamune, BF Sword, and Fort Elixir is greater or on Par with IE. The higher of a level you get to, the better IE gets against Manamune and BF Sword since the crit bonus damage will match the higher AD the other set gives you.
Seriously? I just said that I want actual statistical data. I don't want words like "greater" and "on par". How much greater is it? Guess I'll just do it myself. Someone correct me if I'm wrong since I'm not the best at this.

Alrighty, let's just say my attack is 100 because calculations will probably be easier that way. Dunno what most champs have at level 10 or whatnot.

Manamune: +350 mana. +7 over 5 mana regen. 2% of mana pool increase in attack. Eventually you get 1000 mana.

Cloak of Agility: +18% Critical Strike.

Pickaxe: +25 attack

Infinity Edge: +80 attack. +20 Critical Strike. Crits now do 250 percent instead of 200.

The 350 mana gives you +7 instantly. Let's just assume that by the time you buy a CoA and Pickaxe you maxed out the extra mana. That's an additional 20 attack so +27. This doesn't include your champions natural mana pool as well. I'll just say it's 500 mana and add 10 for a total of +37.

62 attack bonus, +18% critical strike. Over 100 attacks that's (162*82)+(162*18*2) = 13284 + 5832 = 19116. Divide by 100 and that's an average of 191.16 per attack.

80 attack bonus, 20% crit, and crit bonus. That's (180*80) + (180*20*2.5) = 14400 + 9000 = 23400. That's an average of 234 per attack.

So basically in the time that it takes you to get 1900 gold or whatever you're giving up about 40 attack for 7 over 5 mana regen.

Okay, let's say you get a BF sword and not a Pickaxe + Agility cloak. That's +87 attack for an easy calculation of 187 per attack. Fort pot will not make up that difference, though the added health isn't factored.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Seriously? I just said that I want actual statistical data. I don't want words like "greater" and "on par". How much greater is it? Guess I'll just do it myself. Someone correct me if I'm wrong since I'm not the best at this.

Alrighty, let's just say my attack is 100 because calculations will probably be easier that way. Dunno what most champs have at level 10 or whatnot.

Manamune: +350 mana. +7 over 5 mana regen. 2% of mana pool increase in attack. Eventually you get 1000 mana.

Cloak of Agility: +18% Critical Strike.

Pickaxe: +25 attack

Infinity Edge: +80 attack. +20 Critical Strike. Crits now do 250 percent instead of 200.

The 350 mana gives you +7 instantly. Let's just assume that by the time you buy a CoA and Pickaxe you maxed out the extra mana. That's an additional 20 attack so +27. This doesn't include your champions natural mana pool as well. I'll just say it's 500 mana and add 10 for a total of +37.

62 attack bonus, +18% critical strike. Over 100 attacks that's (162*82)+(162*18*2) = 13284 + 5832 = 19116. Divide by 100 and that's an average of 191.16 per attack.

80 attack bonus, 20% crit, and crit bonus. That's (180*80) + (180*20*2.5) = 14400 + 9000 = 23400. That's an average of 234 per attack.

So basically in the time that it takes you to get 1900 gold or whatever you're giving up about 40 attack for 7 over 5 mana regen.

Okay, let's say you get a BF sword and not a Pickaxe + Agility cloak. That's +87 attack for an easy calculation of 187 per attack. Fort pot will not make up that difference, though the added health isn't factored.
I mean you can compare attack damage and the Manamune might seem pretty lackluster, but just factoring in the attack damage bonus ignores the primary reason for buying the manamune. It's purpose is to allow physical carries to have a little more spammability for their abilities. Corki, Yi, Ashe, etc. all have problems with mana if they want to use their abilities a lot. If I can get a bunch of extras casts of gatlin gun volley, or alpha strike, I might get a few kills that I would not have gotten if I was purely damage.

It also allows you to grab tear early which makes you a larger danger in lane. For the majority of characters in the early game, abilities don't gain much from items. In laning phase, the ability itself is the danger, not the AP or AD bonus damage you get from items. Being able to spam a little more while still building an item that aids in an AD build can be worth while. I feel like the manamune helps you snowball into the monstrous late game physical carry rather than IE, where you just go from average to Godlike when you finish it.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Seriously? I just said that I want actual statistical data. I don't want words like "greater" and "on par". How much greater is it? Guess I'll just do it myself. Someone correct me if I'm wrong since I'm not the best at this.

Alrighty, let's just say my attack is 100 because calculations will probably be easier that way. Dunno what most champs have at level 10 or whatnot.

Manamune: +350 mana. +7 over 5 mana regen. 2% of mana pool increase in attack. Eventually you get 1000 mana.

Cloak of Agility: +18% Critical Strike.

Pickaxe: +25 attack

Infinity Edge: +80 attack. +20 Critical Strike. Crits now do 250 percent instead of 200.

The 350 mana gives you +7 instantly. Let's just assume that by the time you buy a CoA and Pickaxe you maxed out the extra mana. That's an additional 20 attack so +27. This doesn't include your champions natural mana pool as well. I'll just say it's 500 mana and add 10 for a total of +37.

62 attack bonus, +18% critical strike. Over 100 attacks that's (162*82)+(162*18*2) = 13284 + 5832 = 19116. Divide by 100 and that's an average of 191.16 per attack.

80 attack bonus, 20% crit, and crit bonus. That's (180*80) + (180*20*2.5) = 14400 + 9000 = 23400. That's an average of 234 per attack.

So basically in the time that it takes you to get 1900 gold or whatever you're giving up about 40 attack for 7 over 5 mana regen.

Okay, let's say you get a BF sword and not a Pickaxe + Agility cloak. That's +87 attack for an easy calculation of 187 per attack. Fort pot will not make up that difference, though the added health isn't factored.
You got most of it right, but Manamune adds in another base 20 damage on top of what you get from the mana-based bonus.

But as others pointed out, it's more complicated than that due to the fact that you have to wait to build up that max mana pool and you need to also consider the value of that extra mana. On top of that, IE also scales much better with additional damage and additional crit rate.

People need to play with Iggy before dismissing Manamune on Ashe.
I dunno if anyone's really dismissing it so much as questioning it.

I mean you can compare attack damage and the Manamune might seem pretty lackluster, but just factoring in the attack damage bonus ignores the primary reason for buying the manamune. It's purpose is to allow physical carries to have a little more spammability for their abilities. Corki, Yi, Ashe, etc. all have problems with mana if they want to use their abilities a lot. If I can get a bunch of extras casts of gatlin gun volley, or alpha strike, I might get a few kills that I would not have gotten if I was purely damage.

It also allows you to grab tear early which makes you a larger danger in lane. For the majority of characters in the early game, abilities don't gain much from items. In laning phase, the ability itself is the danger, not the AP or AD bonus damage you get from items. Being able to spam a little more while still building an item that aids in an AD build can be worth while. I feel like the manamune helps you snowball into the monstrous late game physical carry rather than IE, where you just go from average to Godlike when you finish it.
This is a good post with respects to certain characters and really captures why I was rushing manamune on Corki last night when I was smurfing. Most of your early damage output comes from abilities, not items, so giving yourself the larger mana pool and extra regen can make you more dangerous than simply investing in faster AD.

But some characters see a big drop off in their damage output without investing in early damage items. For instance, Pantheon's spear shot damage mostly from your AD, not the base damage on the ability. It also, as a physical damage ability, has a lot to gain from an early investment in armor penetration (brutalizer), so the difference you'll see between getting tear + long sword vs. getting brutalizer on your first trip back is just huge. Ashe's volley works much the same way, but at least in Ashe's case, your entire value to the game doesn't depend on your ability to dominate your lane, so perhaps delaying your ability to threaten the lane in favor of building towards a lategame where you can sustainably keep your Q up is worthwhile. But I don't really know, I neither play Ashe, nor see any Ashes in my ranked games anymore.

Another thing I think needs to be discussed with Manamune is how it allows for a Meki Pendant opening which can alleviate the need for mana regen runes, which opens up extra slots on Yellow and Blue for other stats. This is sorta the crux to why I think manamune doesn't work on Pantheon. Without opening boots, you can't reliably zone people who open boots. If you have to open boots, you have to invest in mana regen runes because you can't keep up with your Spear Shots unless you pack a lot of early mana regen. If you invest in mana regen runes, you no longer have anything to gain from the giant mana pool granted by manamune. If opening meki pendant were viable on Pantheon, I'd say that manamune could work for him, but the simple fact of the matter is that starting with 391 movespeed is an enormous part of what makes Pantheon so devastating on a solo, and by dropping that to 340, you're sacrificing strength at the moment you need it most.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Less math talk, more signing my petition. FRUIT BASKET TARIC GO GO GO!


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I'm gonna do AP Ashe.

Watch out.
I tried this. :(

However, I've ben using AP fortune, and I believe this build is better for a number of reasons.

- by level 7, make it rain is clearing an entire minion wave (probably lv 5 with all force runes @ lv 30) It takes no time to get to lv 7 assuming they let me mid. this gives me insanely early pushes. Not only that but she easily last hits minions and KS's. Ur teammates will *****, but Fortune will carry so who cares.

- the W move (forgot the name) makes it so that she can do solid AP DPS while laning.

- bullet time (ult) is fueled by whatever your highest offensive stat is. This makes her sooo versatile. But I've been games with this Amumu player who snares the team while I Ult them. Nets me about 3 kills every time.

I've never had a problem with an opponent in solo mid. (Other than fortune dittos) I've laned against Anivia, Ezreal, Tristana, Twitch, Vladimir. Haven't gotten Morgana or Malzahar yet, but I feel like I'd **** them :p

- I've gotten numerous complaints about MF being overpowered. (2 of them ez players.. lol) but I'm actually starting to believe it. I hope they don't nerf "make it rain"


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
I'm not sure why anyone thought I wasn't factoring in the mana regen on Manamune. But how do you compare it besides simply mentioning it? I just wanted to see what you were sacrificing in attack damage instead of rushing IE.

Can't believe I forgot the +20 on Mana. Oh well.

I did find it interesting that a pickaxe and cloak of agility is better than a BF sword.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
Also they take up two slots instead of just one, which can make a difference too.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
AP fortune not that great imo. she can probably be pretty good early game then end game she dies down a lil. after you spam your 2 spells then you have to wait for your cooldowns. just play veigar or something if you want OP AP. also AD is so much better. just get Inifinity edge and get red buff or frozen mallet you can focus down people like 3 secs its dumb. her range is on par to tristanas. but not saying better than hers. she can just chase down people real easily. i


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I played Omnigamer a sec ago in ARAM lol

I could tell he wasn't too familiar with Heimerdinger.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
So manasume is **** on ez.

one of my favorite builds now

stack dorans blades
farm up
manasume/madreds bloodrazor/ to w/e other core item (trinityforce/bloodthirster/frozen mallet/stinger)

i'm debating whether manasume to sheen would be a better choice.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Uh, whatever happened to that Brut to Sheen stuff? Ez is **** Early game, like Pantheon on Crack. Brut to Sheen gives him ******** burst and sustained DPS. Manamune feels REALLY slow on EZ. It doesn't sound bad as an item, it just sounds too slow.

Edit: That ain't TT either, don't be Doran stacking on SR lol. TT yeah ok it makes sense, dominate early game with best early game stat item over and over, but SR more about farming up, getting what you need, and ****** later.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
People just cut the Sheen out for an earlier Bloodthirster. Sheen does make your Q hit like a truck a little earlier, but it slows down the next item by a lot and doesn't really help out with all the auto-attacking Ez does later on.

I think there's a lot of appeal to manamune on Ezreal, most notably that it lets you cut Mana Regen runes out in favor of opening Meki Pendant and opting for other blue/yellow runes. He also scales best off of straight AD (the reason he just goes for a fast bloodthirster most of the time), and manamune is quite good at giving straight up AD. I would probably do meki -> boots -> bruta -> manamune -> bloodthirster if I were to play Ez at this point, but since I don't play him any more, I can't vouch for how good such a build is in practice.

And no, Ezreal is not even close to Pantheon on crack. Pantheon is still stronger early game by a big margin.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
First two teamfights tend to decide who wins the game lol. Kinda dumb, but SO fun when you are on the winning side to dominate so hard.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I don't find completely dominating wins all that gratifying when they're nothing special, you know? Like, what makes those 17-1-13 games so fun is that they're rare and you feel like such a ****** after them. But on TT, it's just like, "w/e, we got first liz, ***** their jungle, zoned their lanes then aced them again, yawn" it's just the status quo to **** them up after those first 2 teamfights.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
well stacking dorans is for that hp after you farm up you should have manasume then you sell that some dorans for parts of your madreds. why i say madreds is because your q should hit pretty well with that armor pen and you have enough attack speed to melt down a squishy in 3 seconds. if you got the sheen early then you wouldn't kill people as well but you would be amazing at poking but the madreds should be built over the sheen imo. then after that you buy your sheen if not get trinity forces by then the game should be over
just went 13/2 5 minutes ago. its a really good build doesnt require as much time as getting those bloodthirsters.

my rune page is one of my favorite rune pages
blue - magic resist level 18
yellows - health at 18 = 175
quins - move speed
reds - armor pen
of course 21/0/9 mastery


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Why move speed quints? I never understood that at all. Ez already has a built in flash and most of them carry ghost, flash or both. You have plenty of survivability and mobility already, so why not get more armor pen or flat health so you can hit harder all game or farm longer early?


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
TT is great for learning the game, because it kind of forces you to learn your character to a certain degree. I was on the boat of loving TT and hating SR, but that was because TT was just so much easier to understand. Once i actually got into playing SR more than once a night, i started to really like it.

By the way, the new Champion looks awesome. I can't wait to give her a shot.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Ezreal has too much to gain from ArPen Quints to run anything else, IMO.

Offensive masteries are also bad so I really don't know what to say to, "21/0/9 of course" other than... no, just no. Granted, Ezreal is one of the few characters who can get away with 21 in offensive, but I still much prefer 0/21/9, 9/0/21 or 0/9/21.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Ezreal has too much to gain from ArPen Quints to run anything else, IMO.

Offensive masteries are also bad so I really don't know what to say to, "21/0/9 of course" other than... no, just no. Granted, Ezreal is one of the few characters who can get away with 21 in offensive, but I still much prefer 0/21/9, 9/0/21 or 0/9/21.
Agree@ first statement

Its funny you mention the offensive tree being bad because I just saw a huge discussion the other day about how terrible the defensive tree is and how tanky characters who don't need to jungle should focus on utiliity instead. In fact, most people say Galio should go 9/0/21 and he's a true tank. I think the general consensus is that Utility > Off/Def at least.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Defensive Tree is boss. Utility is better, but it's like Utility > Defensive >>>>> Offensive.

Essentially, anyone who jungles or harasses during laning has A LOT to gain from Defensive Mastery and Harden Skin and anyone with Mana will see a noticeable increase in their staying power with Strength of Spirit. Not to mention Tenacity is about 5 times better than Havoc.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2009
Dallas, TX
hitting alot=offensive tree
getting hit alot=defensive tree
Champion uses spells more than hitting or taking hits=Utility tree


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
By the way, the new Champion's boobs look awesome. I can't wait to give her a "shot."
I agree.

Also, I want you to record a good game of pantheon so I can see this in action, Mog. :(

Azen had a bad losing streak, sucks.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Azen been having wild swings from 1700+ to like low 1500. The man's a trooper, has a ******** amount of ranked games done so far.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Naw. I randomly met him in a ranked game on our side. At first I didn't think it was him, so I asked him a question about a tournament long ago in Texas that he went to that only the real Azen would know, and he got it right. I was like LEGIT so I added him.

I see him on a LOT. Like 8 hours or more not being uncommon for him to back to back game, most days of the week.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Maybe? You would be hard pressed to get an answer that isn't "lolz" in some form from him.
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