As is, Sona is WAY too powerful. Expect some nerfs before she hits live servers.
Try Morgana or Malzahar. I mained both Morgana and Anivia at one point and I think it's because I like ranged attackers. Same with you, maybe? I'm having a TON of success with Miss Fortune (most likely my best right now.. lol) So maybe you'd want to try her as well.
@Mogwai - I don't have a tank character because most of them don't appeal to me. I tried Nunu and I just don't do so well with him. So when I see that my queue needs a tank, I end up going Morgana and I go with an AP tank build.
So my question is Leviathan or Warmog's Armor? I've been told Warmog's is "horrible" but it works really well for me. I know it doesn't give resistance, but the HP + regen it gives seems amazing. Leviathan on the other hand is cost effective, but I have to net 10 kills just for the full effect. At least with Mejai's you gradually become a better killer.
advice plz
HP is BY FAR the most overrated tanking stat. There are a decently large number of skills/items that take % of your health (Xin ult, Bloodrazors, Kog's Bio Arcane Barage, Deathfire Grasp, Malz's pool, Amumu Despair, Nasus's Ult, Mundo Cleaver, WW Q, etc...) (SUPER EFFECTIVE vs. high HP low Armor/MRes) and there are only like, 3 sources of True Damage (...any other than Corki, Brolaf, and Cho?) (SUPER EFFECTIVE vs. low HP high Armor/MRes).
For this reason, I don't bother with Levithan or Warmogs, I think they're both bad items (unless you can get to 20 Levithan stacks, where that 15% damage mitigation is simply priceless).
Morg shouldn't have to change her core build to end up Tanky IMO. Rod of Ages -> Zhonya's Ring is already a complete ***** to actually kill with good Z-Ring timing. If you need to be beefier after that, you should grab something like Guardian Angel or Banshee's Veil.
Mogwai's Tanking Items Tier List:
Top Tier: Mercury Treads, Negatron Cloak, Chain Vest
High Tier: Guardian Angel (yes, even post-nerf), Banshee's Veil, Sunfire Cape, Heart of Gold
Mid Tier: Force of Nature, Quicksilver Sash, Randuin's Omen, Aegis of the Legion, Atma's Impaler, Frozen Mallet, Spirit Visage
Low Tier: Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Leviathan
Bottom Tier: Ninja Tabi, Warmogs, Everything else