Yes, the ledge mechanics in melee were nowhere near as conducive to infinite stalls. Cape told me you can wavedash ledgehog against the up-b spam. I'll take his word for it, he's the melee expert...
w/e Brawl's ledge's are bad. I mean, they appear to have done pretty sloppy balancing since they clearly took the possibility of planking into account when they compensated for Pikachu but just did it poorly (not as bad as with MK omg at least they tried). They should definitely not have allowed dimensional cape to autosweetspot and ledge invulnerability in general is crazily high.
Planking makes 100% of the cast non-viable. No offense, Adumbrodeus, but the SBR "no limits MK" position is insane. Also very disingenuous on the part of pro-ban. Planking MK is obviously bannable, while non-planking MK is not. >.< "Unlimited MK cause he's not banned" is a clearly stupid position no non-idiot should take. The sane positions I can see people taking are pro-ban (w/ lgl), pro-ban (w/o lgl), and antiban (w/ lgl + glide limits).
About the dan test: it is not really based in reality at all, since the tools needed to plank would automatically make ganon infinitely better than he is now (ie, MK's nair, upair, glide, and dimensional cape... lol mental image). But yes, Ganon with those tools would be unbeatable. Silly ;p A better measure would be "is this strategy 10x better than any other strategy" (ala Sirlin). It is. Clearly. What more is there to argue about. Sirlin... it meets the most widely accepted strict ban criteria and there is a simple way to limit it on any stage (LGL + glide limits) except smashville (where another rule is needed).
A LGL for MK is needed (possibly for a handful of other characters). MLG and TOs everywhere recognize it as do I, DMG, and I assume everyone in here as well as a sizable contingent of the SBR (I hope...). Top frame experts + MLG + the community; its possible we're on to something. Other characters may turn out to need an LGL as well. MK's gotten a lot of attention but Pikachu has a very nearly, if not completely frame safe planking technique. Several up-bs need to be looked at. GW needs to be evaluated more thoroughly. Marth as well. Almost forgot the ICS. They have a glitch that gives nana like a whole ****ing 2 seconds of invincibility. I gotta check them.
I used to think that it was possible that only MK had unbeatable planking. MK may have the only set of perfect planking unbeatable by himself, Snake, and/or ICs. Pikachu/GW/etc may all have extremely effective planking.
This brings us to the second point: Planking will probably end up being between one of, if not the best strategies for 1 to 5 characters. Advantage is always to the person ledgestalling, and in the case of MK (at least) this strategy has no counter. When this strategy does have a counter, its not a guaranteed counter, and counter-counter strategies are fairly easy to develop. The reason people haven't imo is that there is a rule to prevent this, at pretty much every event.
Is this a valid restriction of the metagame? In the case of restricting MK, absolutely. With most other characters: probably. A game focused on timing a person out in a manner completely uninteresting to watch or take part in... people don't want to play super planking bros.