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Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I'm interested in your theory of women since you think you are hot **** with 20 gf's. So far, from the **** I've heard, I'm far from impressed.
Just so you know, I usually like to say I have had 10 girlfriends. The 10 before them don't really count, because I was a total player back then and it wasn't anywhere close to a real thing. And only a couple of my girlfriends have been what I think of as truly successful relationships, although none of them were bad relationships.

Also, I definitely don't think I am "hot ****". That's a label I try to avoid, to tell you the truth. It gives people the wrong idea, I think.

I'm not sure what you want me to say. I think that I've probably given a pretty thorough picture of my "theory of women" across all my posts in this thread and elsewhere. I guess the main thing is to think of them as real human beings. They're just fellow humans that you can have a relationship with to increase your mutual happiness. That's all I've got. Sorry it doesn't impress you, Masked Z. If there's something specific, ask away.

And in case anyone cares, I ended up going to my new girlfriends house to watch a movie, instead of going out (we watched the first two Bourne movies, neither of which she's seen before). We hung out with her older sister (who's like 25). So, it was a step down from what was originally planned, but I think it went well. I'm not sure if I should even bother to write about this, but it might be interesting to read a cross section of Jammer's dating life.

Actually, no, it won't. I won't do it again.

The Masked Z

Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2007
The reason why people are questioning about "being the dominant one" is because they don't know how it feels to be dominant. They have been pampered by their mothers by being such nice guys and treating women like "princesses". In logic, it makes perfect sense. But that is what it is. Logic.

Unfortunately, logic doesn't work very well in the dating scene.

Why? Because it's all about EMOTIONS.

Why do you think girls (especially younger ones) give you a lot of attention and hug you one day, and act like a cold fish the next?

Why do you think girls leave the bad boy and dates the nice guy, only to dump the nice guy and go back to the bad boy?

Emotions, my friends.

Us men love calm and peace, where the waters are still.

Women, on the other hand, need drama in their lives. They need love, hate, jealousy, lust, joy, sadness, etc.

They need to feel a full range of emotions.

And what do bad boys do? They give girls that full range of emotions.

What do nice boys do? They give girls only one emotion: Love.

Now this isn't to say that you shouldn't purposefully make your girl sad or hate you, but if you are not a man without boundaries, she will feel very insecure in the relationship and she will either dump you or cheat on you for a REAL man.

You can argue with me about the logistics of the interaction, but I am not interested in that. You can talk about how you are right and how it is supposed to work, but what matters in the end is results.

Dominance and being a man has a lot of negative connotations in this thread, which is no wonder why people rebuke it so much.

Dominance is not overt aggression.

Overt Aggression is when you grab the girl's hand and yank her arm and forcefully take her somewhere. That will cause resistance from the girl.

Dominance is when you put out your hand in front of the girl, and she takes the hand, and she follows you to wherever you want to go. There is zero resistance from the girl.

Leading the interaction is very important. In most cases, girls don't want to be held responsible for things, and we men need to.

"But KDJ, today is the new age... We don't need that macho man image anymore."

Being macho is a social mask. Being a man is an internal way of living your life.

Women, despite the convenience of this day and age, still need a man to look up to for security and protection. Physical as well as emotional.

How can a woman feel safe with a guy who is going to go cry in the corner wincing in pain while she gets mugged by a criminal in a dark alley?

Being a man instead of a wuss brings security and comfort with a woman, which is ESSENTIAL to a healthy relationship.

There is no such thing as "You are either a jerk or a nice guy".

Human psychology is not as simple as that.

Being a man is sticking up for himself, not tolerating BS from others and himself, being honest, not apoligizing for the things he does (but he knows when to apoligize at the right times), having a strong willpower and ambition for life, constantly improving his life, leading the interaction, has a life other than the girl, not kissing up to girls (but not abusing them), and doing what he wants to do in life.

This is all in retrospect in how you want to live your life. If you are 100% satisfied with how you are living your life now, then keep doing the things that you are doing now. If you want to change your life, don't change other people. Change only yourself.
A lot of good points are said here.

Jammer, I think we are not in the same page of what a "girlfriend" is, nor do I care. I think you answered my question without me even asking what it is. If what you are doing is making you happy, then go for it.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I'm glad I could answer your question, but out of curiosity, what was it? I get a sense of smug triumph from you that I find disconcerting.

Also, and this is meant purely as friendly advice, you should avoid making gigantic quotations and saying things like "QFT". The mods have not shown favor for that practice as of late.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Ahem, if that doesn't prove my point then I don't know what does.
It doesn't prove anything. And even if it did, it would be faulty, because you failed to quote the rest of what he said: "Basically I said "I was sorry if I hurt or mislead her,"she said "I dont care about a relationship I just want sex.""

Everyone listen to KDJ, he knows his shit.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
It doesn't prove anything. And even if it did, it would be faulty, because you failed to quote the rest of what he said: "Basically I said "I was sorry if I hurt or mislead her,"she said "I dont care about a relationship I just want sex.""
Yes, but that was after 2 weeks of thinking.

When she realised that he didn't want to take it any further, she was hurt and/or embarrassed.

And, this requires some speculation, I'm guessing she thought the closest she'll ever be to him is by just being his sex buddy. So she decided to just continue being that, that way she'll be able to see him again.

That's what I think anyway. :laugh:

It could be completely different though, I've been up all night and it's half past 6, so my mind could just be being adventurous due to lack of sleep. :laugh:

Also, are you a girl or a guy, joshisrad?


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
She also could have spent the two weeks thinking "boy I just want to have sex with this guy and making him mine would make it so I don't have to worry about him finding another **** buddy. **** I just wasted two weeks of no sex, might as well take what I can get while I can get it"

But we can't make such assessments because we are not her. All that we have is what she said: "I just want sex."

And I'm a chick.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
And I'm a chick.

That certainly changes things. I have never seen a girl act so... macho before. Are you perhaps a lesbian? (just asking)

Also, I'm not sure I can believe that. It just seems so surreal, after everything you've said. But assuming you're telling the truth, would you honestly say that you believe KDJ knows how to treat a girl? The answer only counts if you've read everything he's said, especially in the recently closed relationship thread.


EDIT: You lied to me. You are not a chick. You're just a crosstalker (like a crossdresser, but with what they say, I guess).


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Hahaha no, I'm a man. April Fool's. And yes I agree with everything KDJ says on the subject. I don't have to read the old thread to know that I advocate it.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Hahaha no, I'm a man. April Fool's. And yes I agree with everything KDJ says on the subject. I don't have to read the old thread to know that I advocate it.

I only asked you that because I couldn't imagine a girl would ever agree with him. I couldn't reconcile your opinion with the fact that you were a girl. That you are not, in fact, a girl only makes me feel more sure in my belief. I suppose you can keep on thinking that that's what girls really want, and I suppose some do--they're probably the ones who also enjoy [censored by Jammer].

Ooh...that sounded a bit snobbish. It's way past my bedtime.
Oct 16, 2007
In cognito
Sorry everyone: stumbled across this thread and saw some intelligent discussion so I thought I would ask a question:
I've known this girl for a few years now and she went off to college in another state while I stayed in our hometown. We never went "boyfriend-girlfriend" at all but we have been really good friends and have talked almost constantly. I really like her and she really does like me but she is really nervous about dating because of distance in space right now. We have been emailing constantly and I really like her a lot and would like to date her.
Problems: First one is distance. Second of all, being a "Mormon" I'm leaving on a two year mission to preach the gospel. So I wouldn't be anywhere close to her for two years.
If you couldn't tell I'm not a "let's go have sex" kind of guy and would rather get to know the girl and learn the way she thinks, feels, acts, etc. Thoughts? Help?


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Would lol have been more appropriate?

Ooh...that sounded a bit snobbish. It's way past my bedtime.
It just sounded dumb =) especially the part about feces. Not classy, Jammer.

Guy with sonic'ed up post: In two years she will probably have found ten new guys she ends up interested in. =/


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I don't think you'll be able to bring your relationship to the next level through email. Don't expect to be anything more with her than what you are right now until you're done with the mission and can spend some time together.

But I don't think that's too important to you. Emails and the written word in general is definitely not the best medium for having discussions with people and getting to know them. Is she too far away to call without spending a fortune? I've had some fun with video conferencing through Skype on my computer. In my experience, "pen-pal" relationships quickly die away.

Distance is a real killer for relationships. My advice is to keep it relatively steady so you can come back where you left off in two years. Just stay up to date with each other, and if you email each other multiple times a day, that's great, but I don't know how long you'll be able to keep it up.

You're in a tricky situation, I think.

Also, being a Mormon, can you have multiple wives? I just wanted to know.
Oct 16, 2007
In cognito
Also, being a Mormon, can you have multiple wives? I just wanted to know.
Thanks a lot for your response Jammer, it was helpful, and I do like a wide variety of opinions.
And multiple wives no. That was a practice previously established because the mormon men back in the mid 1800s were being killed off by mobbersters and then the men left behind a wife and kids. To keep them in a household, they had them marry other men to be care takers for them and their family then.
Mormon men like me aren't being killed, so no multiple wives for us. I know a lot of people that have told me they'd convert if that were true though.

and if you email each other multiple times a day.
We usually do chat or email multiple times a day every once in a while but college is so busy it's been down to an email a day from each of us. So that's about that one...


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
Back on the older part of the discussion, courting women died a long time ago.

I have an idea...

How about you treat/compliment/respect a girl...when she deserves it?

Doesn't sound like a jerk/******* thing to do. Does it?

Girls should not be put on a pedestal, especially when they haven't earned it. They will respect you less.
Oct 16, 2007
In cognito
Back on the older part of the discussion, courting women died a long time ago.

I have an idea...

How about you treat/compliment/respect a girl...when she deserves it?

Doesn't sound like a jerk/******* thing to do. Does it?

Girls should not be put on a pedestal, especially when they haven't earned it. They will respect you less.
Thanks for running over my question, but I forgive you.
I do stricly disagree with you saying "courting" died a while ago because that style of courting died and our new style has emmerged through generations. I've read courtship as a synonym for dating, so that's why I say that. Perhaps by courting you imagine someone walking to a door , giving her some gift and leaving? I've heard this said before but don't think it's courting's actual meaning. My thoughts for what they're worth.
Anyhow, I would agree with you: No one should receive praise for doing nothing. Unless they look at them as an object and are idol worshippers.


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
Back on the older part of the discussion, courting women died a long time ago.

I have an idea...

How about you treat/compliment/respect a girl...when she deserves it?

Doesn't sound like a jerk/******* thing to do. Does it?

Girls should not be put on a pedestal, especially when they haven't earned it. They will respect you less.
i could not agree with you more hugo. don't put the pussyo n a pedestal.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
Which is why our fantasies are just about sex really, whereas girls ones tend to be more romantic.
Oh man, that is pretty far from the truth XD

I agree with what HugS said.

And women don't like being treated like goddesses. They like being treated like people.

SonicFanboy, I think you should let her go and remain friends. Two years is an extremely long time, and she might be ok at firt, but before too long she'll probably start becoming interested in guys who are there for her now in person.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
An interesting question for all of you to ponder. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in the other sex's shoes?
Sure. In fact, I am constantly imagining what it would be like if I were other people. It helps you to relate to them, you know?

Every time I think about it, I can't go very far. The way I'm wired right now, I don't think I could ever enjoy being a girl. Of course, if I was born female it would be a different story (I presume).

Some things about being a girl that I don't know if I could handle: Menstruating, having your boobs right out there for all the world to see, being physically weaker than practically every guys, and generally being treated as less than men in most respects.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Back on the older part of the discussion, courting women died a long time ago.

I have an idea...

How about you treat/compliment/respect a girl...when she deserves it?

Doesn't sound like a jerk/******* thing to do. Does it?

Girls should not be put on a pedestal, especially when they haven't earned it. They will respect you less.
This is what I was trying to say previusly I think. :laugh:

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Sorry everyone: stumbled across this thread and saw some intelligent discussion so I thought I would ask a question:
I've known this girl for a few years now and she went off to college in another state while I stayed in our hometown. We never went "boyfriend-girlfriend" at all but we have been really good friends and have talked almost constantly. I really like her and she really does like me but she is really nervous about dating because of distance in space right now. We have been emailing constantly and I really like her a lot and would like to date her.
Problems: First one is distance. Second of all, being a "Mormon" I'm leaving on a two year mission to preach the gospel. So I wouldn't be anywhere close to her for two years.
If you couldn't tell I'm not a "let's go have sex" kind of guy and would rather get to know the girl and learn the way she thinks, feels, acts, etc. Thoughts? Help?
1. She's in college. She's has more than likely met other guys whether at a party or randomly in her dorm building. Not necessary in the sexual sense, but you have to realize that college is a highly social atmosphere and also a time for experiencing new things and meeting new people.
2. If your line of missionary work happens to invoke a calling to the consecrated life of priesthood, then your interests will more than likely change as well.

The only way that anything could work between you is that you both maintain the same feelings for each other after your mission is done and after her college term is done (or is at least close to done). Your best bet would be to stay in close friendly contact with her, but not smother her. Whether you remain in contact for the whole time necessary will determine the likelihood of anything working out. It's a tough situation, but it's the best approach to it I believe.
How awesome would it be to get a gf from smashboards...still technically online dating
Awesome? No offense, but anyone looking for love on smashboards is insanely desperate..male or female. If it happens to work out like say you're both smashers that live close by and you meet up one day then that's acceptable. But dude, this isn't match.com...
And I have to agree with Black Waltz. None of the girls I've dated were the type I'd expect to be of smashboards.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
No, they met through college. Baha dragged Bmess here. It'd be pretty odd to have their names like they are if they where made before they had a relationship


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
They actually met before college so they've been together a long time.

They've also been missing a long time. :(


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
If you couldn't tell I'm not a "let's go have sex" kind of guy and would rather get to know the girl and learn the way she thinks, feels, acts, etc. Thoughts? Help?
Do what's best for the girl. If you dont think she should have to wait for you for two years then just let her go. It might help in your ministry if you aren't spending time worrying about her. Actually, if it does help with your ministry then the choice is obvious.

But if you think she might feel the same way, and wants something serious, maybe what would be best for her is for the two of you to be together. just not really together... >_>


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Well here's a question for everyone. All the time when people come in here and ask for advice (preferably guys for this example) we tell them *insert advice here*. Part of that normally involves "being a man". As far as I'm concerned, "being a man" isn't a universal term and by that I mean that is someone might consider acting one way as being a man, while another considers something else as being a man.
I'm not sure everyone will understand this, cause it's kinda hard to explain the example, but the question is simple.
What do you consider as being a man? (Either relationship wise, or just in general)


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
What do you consider as being a man? (Either relationship wise, or just in general)
I honestly don't think I could really answer you there.
I don't really think it's nearly as needed as people think.
I guess I can only compare that to "Be yourself", which is all that I think really matters...
If you're yourself, and the person likes you for that, then...it's all good.

Being a man is being YOUR man.
...at least that's what I think. :)
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