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Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Jammer, you are SPOT on about generalizations. I'm impressed.
My friend got slapped in the face in Wal-mart one time by his girlfriend. This happened in front of EVERYONE, because you know how busy Wal-Mart is.

She slapped him because she found out that he cheated on her. He told me that it was one of the most embarassing moments ever. He threatened to break up with her because of that incident. Can you blame her? ...or should he break up with her because of how much she embarassed him?
As much as I'm against girls hitting guys, and vice versa. He F-ed up and deserves to be broken up with. No pity for him, tons for the girl.
Just general advice, don't make someone your girlfriend unless you are willing to commit roughly 50% of your time to her, and 100% exclusivity to her. He got slapped for cheating, for being ********, and for getting caught.
Thats why I broke up with one of my girlfriends. School was taking up all my time, and I was working cuz I was paying out of pocket for tuiton so I was working a hella lot of hours. I just didn't feel like I had the time to give to her. So I told her that, she called me an A-hole and walked off... So much for being the decent guy huh? :ohwell:
But I still do believe that HugS, the 50/100 rule is golden.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2006
A couple blocks away from Purdue University
Do you seriously think you can tell if you'd be compatible with someone by how well you can dance with them? You do know that the ability to dance has practically zero correlation with the ability to have a good relationship, right? If your partner is a good dancer, you have a good dancing experience. If they aren't, you don't. Their personality, preferences, etc. are never revealed.
All the people I dance with at my club are really, really good dancers, no matter who I dance with, and it's almost always a good experience.

But depending on the person, and the song, it's always a different experience. Playful people tend to be playful dancers, deviating from the leader's leads and just playing with the music more. Bossy people are bossy dancers, leading themselves through the dance instead of letting the leader guide the direction of the dance. And there's still stuff about connection that implies how willing they are to trust, and the way they act in the dance.

You're right, though, I should rephrase what I said earlier. It's not a matter of dance ability, it's a matter of how they react to the music, how they act when they dance, and how they respond to my lead.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006

That's a REAL intelligent thing to do guys.

Don't ask for advice. Who needs that ****. Asking for help from people that have more experience than yourself is foolish.

Just do what you would do. Whatever is in your head. Do it.

That will work.

please shut the **** up.


about cheating...seriously it depends.

BUT Its a big ****ing red flag when your girlfriend is paranoid and suspicious of you WHEN SHE HAS NO REASON TO BE. Either they have cheated or been cheated on in the past.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
"Asking for help from people that have more experience than yourself is foolish."



Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Hard for me to tell in some situations =)
I'm sorry to say this, joshisrad, but that was pretty much the most obvious sarcasm I've seen yet on the Internet. Maybe when your sarcasm radar is so finely tuned, glaring chunks of it get through the filter? I don't know.

But depending on the person, and the song, it's always a different experience. Playful people tend to be playful dancers, deviating from the leader's leads and just playing with the music more. Bossy people are bossy dancers, leading themselves through the dance instead of letting the leader guide the direction of the dance. And there's still stuff about connection that implies how willing they are to trust, and the way they act in the dance.
I realized as soon as I said that you can't tell what someone's personality is by how they dance that is was a stupid thing to say, since I'm not really a dancer, and I wouldn't know.

I just hope you're correct about this, FifthMan. I'm usually what you would call "gentle", but when I play sports, I am the one most likely to give you a concussion or break your leg. I'm guessing that if I danced with you, I would come across as, well, energetic and wild. And probably dangerous. But I'm none of those things. Well, rarely.

Oh, and about that girl I was asking about: I was very lucky to see her at the local Rite-Aid. I talked to her a bit, and we exchanged phone numbers (and emails). And we decided to go to the movies on Tuesday (tomorrow). It took a bit of coaxing, because it seems that she doesn't go out often, and she's never had a boyfriend. This is pretty surprising, because she's very cute, and very smart and mature. Actually, that's probably why she hasn't had any luck before. I hope I can give her an easy, comfortable introduction to the world of dating. Wish me luck!


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol

That's a REAL intelligent thing to do guys.

Don't ask for advice. Who needs that ****. Asking for help from people that have more experience than yourself is foolish.

Just do what you would do. Whatever is in your head. Do it.

That will work.

please shut the **** up.

Oh lawd. They're not saying don't ask for advice. They're saying that the sooner you stop making excuses for yourself and try taking charge of your life, the sooner things will improve. YOU YOURSELF has to start making the change. No one else can do it for you. And no, I'm not saying social disorders are exactly "excuses", but they can be when a person isn't trying to get over them.

And good to hear, Jammer! Hope everything goes well.
Jan 18, 2007
Jiggly Brothel
Say hypothetically I've got this friend about to leave the country for two years, and that there are a couple girls practically throwing themselves at him. Those girls also annoy the crap out of him, aren't the hottest, but as luck may have it, everyone looks the same in the dark. Worth a few make out sessions before he leaves, or should he just not play with estrogen fire?


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
That is some dangerous fire you are playing with. Proceed with caution.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2006
Ping Island
Say hypothetically I've got this friend about to leave the country for two years, and that there are a couple girls practically throwing themselves at him. Those girls also annoy the crap out of him, aren't the hottest, but as luck may have it, everyone looks the same in the dark. Worth a few make out sessions before he leaves, or should he just not play with estrogen fire?
Don't worry, I got what you were alluding to.

I'd never touch a firecrotch.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Say hypothetically I've got this friend about to leave the country for two years, and that there are a couple girls practically throwing themselves at him. Those girls also annoy the crap out of him, aren't the hottest, but as luck may have it, everyone looks the same in the dark. Worth a few make out sessions before he leaves, or should he just not play with estrogen fire?
why would your friend ask your opinion on making out with girls...i mean its completely subjective to the friend's own beliefs. if your friend is asking you this question, it means that he probably isnt confident to make out anyways. making out with UGs=fail.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Say hypothetically I've got this friend about to leave the country for two years, and that there are a couple girls practically throwing themselves at him. Those girls also annoy the crap out of him, aren't the hottest, but as luck may have it, everyone looks the same in the dark. Worth a few make out sessions before he leaves, or should he just not play with estrogen fire?
I say don't play with fire to much, cause sooner or later, you'll get burned.

The Masked Z

Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2007
Say hypothetically I've got this friend about to leave the country for two years, and that there are a couple girls practically throwing themselves at him. Those girls also annoy the crap out of him, aren't the hottest, but as luck may have it, everyone looks the same in the dark. Worth a few make out sessions before he leaves, or should he just not play with estrogen fire?
A very clear IOI from the UG's, seems like your friend is DHV'ing them via IOD, and the UG's are clearly SOI'ing your friend and getting the bait. I don't know whether your friend is doing a BHRR or the UG's have almost no ASD, but if your friend is looking for a ONS, then go for it. In this situation, for some reason, there is a possibility there will be a LMR, but that is if your friend f*cks up the situation. But, if the girls want a STR, or worse, an LTR, and your friend is clearly not interested, best to just move on with a HB 8-10. You don't want your friend to have the MOS or having the Cinderella Effect.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2005
A very clear IOI from the UG's, seems like your friend is DHV'ing them via IOD, and the UG's are clearly SOI'ing your friend and getting the bait. I don't know whether your friend is doing a BHRR or the UG's have almost no ASD, but if your friend is looking for a ONS, then go for it. In this situation, for some reason, there is a possibility there will be a LMR, but that is if your friend f*cks up the situation. But, if the girls want a STR, or worse, an LTR, and your friend is clearly not interested, best to just move on with a HB 8-10. You don't want your friend to have the MOS or having the Cinderella Effect.

If he looking for a one night stand, then he should go for it.

Best option is to move on to girls that he is actually attracted to instead of being desperate and making out with every girl that offers herself to him.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
I didn't follow any of that.. :confused:
Pluv, it's very simple.
The UMB is out SODing for some LBR' (Which are the spiritual cousins to the SLBs, obviously), while being in the know of the local KK8s, who could we put a GFW on his UIL, what with the rise of the UBMs over the YKA LOPN.

Following that, all the GU has to do is search for a good spot, CVB it up, get ready to POQ, avoiding the GGG if possible. After SOD'ing the LBRs, he can safely UBN. :)

DUH. :p


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2005
A very clear IOI from the UG's, seems like your friend is DHV'ing them via IOD, and the UG's are clearly SOI'ing your friend and getting the bait. I don't know whether your friend is doing a BHRR or the UG's have almost no ASD, but if your friend is looking for a ONS, then go for it. In this situation, for some reason, there is a possibility there will be a LMR, but that is if your friend f*cks up the situation. But, if the girls want a STR, or worse, an LTR, and your friend is clearly not interested, best to just move on with a HB 8-10. You don't want your friend to have the MOS or having the Cinderella Effect.
A very clear Indiana On Intruige from the Unanimous Green's, seems like your friend is Die Hard Van'ing them via Internet On Demos, and the Unanimous Green's are clearly Snake Oil Inn'ing your friend and getting the bait. I don't know whether your friend is doing a Bang Hippie Run Run or the Unanimous Green's have almost no American Social Dinner, but if your friend is looking for a Onion Never Sad, then go for it. In this situation, for some reason, there is a possibility there will be a Lan Morning Rim, but that is if your friend f*cks, up the situation. But, if the girls want a String Touch Rover, or worse, an Last Train Running, and your friend is clearly not interested, best to just move on with a Hemispheric Born 8-10. You don't want your friend to have the Mindgames On Sand or having the Cinderella Effect.

Based off a true story.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I can now say, with complete honesty, that I have no idea what was just said in that paragraph. I'm not saying any one is stupid, but I read it twice and am more lost than ever :(


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
It would help if they would go ahead and cite the source of their abbreviations, but I think they're having too much fun playing the "i know something you don't know" game.
Except you, Blackadder. :D

Deleted member

A very clear IOI from the UG's, seems like your friend is DHV'ing them via IOD, and the UG's are clearly SOI'ing your friend and getting the bait. I don't know whether your friend is doing a BHRR or the UG's have almost no ASD, but if your friend is looking for a ONS, then go for it. In this situation, for some reason, there is a possibility there will be a LMR, but that is if your friend f*cks up the situation. But, if the girls want a STR, or worse, an LTR, and your friend is clearly not interested, best to just move on with a HB 8-10. You don't want your friend to have the MOS or having the Cinderella Effect.
I can't believe people actually talk like that


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Except you, Blackadder. :D
But I'm totally in the know with the speech of todays hip and cool youth!
What with the UGH to the JKS and the SLB from the SOD, the JFK and...
I dunno what I'm talkin' about. :(

...Someone post a relationship problem or something. ;):)

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Ok then,

What do you do if your cousin constantly flirts with your girlfriend?

And, what do you do if your friend thinks she's pregnant, and tells you that you're the only one she's told?

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
idk, my bff rose?
HAHAHAHHHAHA...stupidass commercial

But yeah so um...relationships, eh? Why can't relationships ever start from meeting girls at parties? Why is it always hook-up-with-the-girl-for-the-night and then that's the end of it? There's your question, Blackadder.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
I say, the girls that don't drink and smoke at the parties is right ones. But I can't say about the once that dance weird.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Ok then,

What do you do if your cousin constantly flirts with your girlfriend?

And, what do you do if your friend thinks she's pregnant, and tells you that you're the only one she's told?
Um, why do you care who your cousin flirts with? As long as it isn't you, you're fine, right? Or is there something else going on?

If the girl isn't telling anyone else that she's pregnant, you should respect her wishes and keep it to yourself. If she really is, it will become obvious soon enough. So, you don't need to do anything.

Those were easy.

Also, my GHE went all OE on me, so the WEU at my school had to VCCD to the LOQU. It was very OP, but I managed to KM the FNM with my AZ, so it turned out AOK.



Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2007
Cause nice girls don't party.

haha juuuust kidding. It's definitely possible to meet a girl at a party, you just have to meet the right one.
What if you do meet a nice one. How do you approach her?


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
What if you do meet a nice one. How do you approach her?
I'm not too big on parties, but I will tell you what I know. This is the non-"How to Seduce Women and be a Manly Man" way. I'm sure BlackWaltz will come in and say something like, "You should spill a drink on her and yell at her for getting in your way. Then slap her and call her a wh**e. She won't be able to resist you after that."*

Catch her eye a few times to show that she's interesting to you. Smile in a friendly and slightly seductive manner when she sees you looking at her. Make your way toward her, and exchange names. Make small talk, and find out what kind of person she is, like what her interests are, and tell her a bit about yourself (but only a little bit). If you seem to get along, you should be able to get her phone number right there. I usually give the girl my phone number as well, although that's entirely optional, I guess.

It's important to be friendly and confident, or at least seem friendly and confident (I know many guys get extremely nervous around girls). Don't expect to hook up with every girl you approach, and don't be upset if you end up just walking away after a minute of stressful talk. You won't mesh with every girl. Also, don't just go for the very open, friendly girls because they're easier to talk to and they laugh at your dumber jokes; they get so much attention from so many guys that you'll probably be lost in the shuffle.

If a girl doesn't seem to like you back, then move on. Try not to become fixated on just one, although if you see one that is really special to you, feel free to really try to talk to her.

Those are just general pointers, of course, and I am by no means an expert.

*I'm just kidding, BlackWaltz. I know you'd never say that. Well, I'm 90% certain you'd never say that.

The Masked Z

Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2007
What if you do meet a nice one. How do you approach her?
You wear these really big goggles and wear them on your forehead. When the girl comes over and says "I hate your goggles" you reply "No you don't, you're attracted to me."


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Jammer said:
Um, why do you care who your cousin flirts with? As long as it isn't you, you're fine, right? Or is there something else going on?
Because dude if you could read at any English level, you'd realize that he said that his cousin is flirting with HIS girlfriend.

The Masked Z

Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2007
What do you do if your cousin constantly flirts with your girlfriend?
Dude, relax. If things are going fine between you and her, it shouldn't matter. Worst case scenario is being all jealous or insecure. Just let it be, don't really care as much.

But, there is a limit.

Once it goes over the line of flirting, either tell your cousin to back off in private or just tell him to **** off. But he's your cousin, so I wouldn't recommend going to that extreme. Just tell him to get his own girlfriend and back off. If you let other guys talk to your girl like that in front of you, she will lose respect for you. But that's only if you and her are in a serious relationship.
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