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Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Sure, I will certainly tolerate it. It's not something I would ever do, but if you want to, go right ahead.

I don't know how you feel about being connected to a man who will never marry you. Just don't let your life slip by as you "waste" your time in your current relationship.

You keep talking about what he thinks, and what his values are, and you seem to agree with pretty much all his ideas. That's to be expected, because he's so much older than you and he seems to have a charismatic nature. I'm not sure if it's healthy, though. For example, you say he doesn't want kids, and he doesn't want to get married. But what do you think about kids and marriage?

Just don't let his age and experience, as well as his charisma, blind you and steal your identity. You're an individual, just like everyone else on Earth, and no person can lessen that.

And just so you know, he is what is called a "player". It doesn't matter why he has multiple sexual partners--he just has them. His philosophical/emotional excuses for his promiscuity are just that: excuses. He is excusing himself for his behavior, and making it sound normal and healthy, when it is not. Of course, you think it's fine, but I think most people will disagree. It may be okay with you, but it's not the best way, and it's only benefiting one person: him.

That's all, I guess. Good luck with everything.
Hi again ^^

Hehe, no, I certainly don't think it's a "waste" as you call it. Why? I don't want to get married and have children. It's something I don't need. And he's pretty much afraid of this big responsibility (as I already told you, he's a freelancer and all, and that would pretty much destroy his life). And I am too. I have way more important things to do and I'm sorry, but if I would want a kid, I'd adopt one first, they need a family too.

I will always retain my identity, and don't worry, I'm not willing to give it up just because I love someone. To love someone is not only being with your bf/gf, but it also means that you shouldn't take your significant other's freedom and you should let him have room for him/herself. (I'm very bad with words right there ^^;)

As I already said, the girls he's with are actually okay with the whole situation, and because of his love troubles before, he's not to blame what happened to him. Life has made him like this.You really have the wrong picture of him and I don't know how I should make it clearer that he's not the one you see in him, the "player" as you call him. He's not in many relationships because it makes him proud or something like that, he just wants to love many people. That's all really.

Oh and Livvers, thanks for your comment ^^

Well then, gotta go. Till next time!


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
On the whole thing about High school relationships not being worth it...
I agree that they don't last. Love just doesn't come at such an early age, as everyone assumes, and we kids are not mature enough to take it all like we think we can.

But that's not to say it ain't worth it. It really helps build friendships, get to understand the other sex, and can be good experiance for later life when you will have serious serious relationships.

Plus it's nice.
...But like many of you, my first (ANd only) time was negative. She was very clingy and needy, and lied often. But y'know, move on, forgive and forget, eat some cheese.

It's all sweet.

The Kraken

Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2007
I live under your bed, waiting for the lights to t
But hey, if I ever have children I'd rather have my precious little princess daughter texting "i like u" to some person she has little to no chance of meeting than for her to actually date in real life. Those teenage boys, you know. Cant trust a single one of those hormone crazy rebels. And if I ever saw my son texting "i like u", I'd probably slap him.

Oh, and I rejected a girl last week. Go me! ^_^

You say "If i ever have children", but you are excited about rejecting a girl.. Why does that make me think you're homosexual?

also.. i'm not against online dating, but i wouldn't do it, simply because i have a life and am able to go out and get a girlfriend and date them whenever i want to.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
On the whole thing about High school relationships not being worth it...
I agree that they don't last. Love just doesn't come at such an early age, as everyone assumes, and we kids are not mature enough to take it all like we think we can.

But that's not to say it ain't worth it. It really helps build friendships, get to understand the other sex, and can be good experiance for later life when you will have serious serious relationships.

Plus it's nice.
...But like many of you, my first (ANd only) time was negative. She was very clingy and needy, and lied often. But y'know, move on, forgive and forget, eat some cheese.

It's all sweet.
My sister met her boyfriend Jr. of High School. Now they're planning their married. Not that I'm saying this to argue your post, I just think it should be added that for the majority High School relationships don't work. Because there are always those that break the pattern.

Also, The girl I wrote about earlier... was inexcusably rude to me. Not that I'm a jerk, but I refuse to be nice to her anymore. I have a bad habit of holding grudges. I wish I could move on as easily as you. :urg:
YUCK! Cheese! xD (sorry, I had too)
QFT, Cheese is gross. :laugh:

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Lots of people here seem to be going to College. I don't have the grades to go there, so I just kind of tag along at School because I'm getting paid 30 quid a week, which is about 60 Dollars.

Vikki on the other hand is the smart one. And coming from quite a rich family, she's just buying an apartment and living there whilst she goes to University (College). I'll be living there with her so, that's just my future really.


Don't worry about it. Honestly, just kind of go with the flow, and see where it takes you.


And I love cheese. :laugh:


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Hi again ^^

Hehe, no, I certainly don't think it's a "waste" as you call it. Why? I don't want to get married and have children. It's something I don't need. And he's pretty much afraid of this big responsibility (as I already told you, he's a freelancer and all, and that would pretty much destroy his life). And I am too. I have way more important things to do and I'm sorry, but if I would want a kid, I'd adopt one first, they need a family too.

I will always retain my identity, and don't worry, I'm not willing to give it up just because I love someone. To love someone is not only being with your bf/gf, but it also means that you shouldn't take your significant other's freedom and you should let him have room for him/herself. (I'm very bad with words right there ^^;)

As I already said, the girls he's with are actually okay with the whole situation, and because of his love troubles before, he's not to blame what happened to him. Life has made him like this.You really have the wrong picture of him and I don't know how I should make it clearer that he's not the one you see in him, the "player" as you call him. He's not in many relationships because it makes him proud or something like that, he just wants to love many people. That's all really.

Oh and Livvers, thanks for your comment ^^

Well then, gotta go. Till next time!
What is wrong with you people huh!? Cheese is not gross!!! Mac N Cheese baby is the bomb! I'd live off of it.

But anyways, I read it all Crystallion. Every last bit of it. All I'm going to say is that if you're blissful with this guy you are with than you've got my blessing.

BUT! if HE starts to act "shady" and lays a finger on you (no pun intended) I'm coming to your neck of the woods to f*** him up the ying yang!!!!


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Awww, that's nice of you, shadenexus ^^ And thanks for reading it all.
Anytime sweetheart, anytime.

@Ohhhh no, I don't even want to dig up the dirt on my past relationships. Either the relationship ended up in lost of contact, moving away, or they wanted to go play Bobby & Whitney with another guy instead of being with the rebel of all rebels, me. Yep, I'm staying my trash single for a good long while.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Aw, losing contact sucks. My boyfriend has lost lots of friends this way (although he managed to find them again). That must hurt. I can't really imagine how you must feel since this is my first relationship, but all I'll say: Good luck for the future! You'll find someone, I'm sure of that ò_óv


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Aw, losing contact sucks. My boyfriend has lost lots of friends this way (although he managed to find them again). That must hurt. I can't really imagine how you must feel since this is my first relationship, but all I'll say: Good luck for the future! You'll find someone, I'm sure of that ò_óv
You need not worry, the darkness conforts shadenexus. Muhahahahha!

No but I think you misunderstand. I'm alright at the moment being single and free as the wind. No sympathy required.

The Kraken

Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2007
I live under your bed, waiting for the lights to t
yea I can still "go" places, but I don't really find them all that fun. Where I live, you have to drive 1-2 hours to even get to a public area that has teenage hangout. considering I don't have a car..and parents that arent willing to take me there...Can't. Let me tell you what we have.

•Krogers grocery store
•Broke down mall.( It's only 1 floor, and only old people go there..)
• about 50 churches
•Gas station

By the way, I don't even go to the school where I live. I take a bus that is 2 hours long just to get to school. Yes, this means I have to wake up at 5:00 am to go to school. It's called M to M program. It's where if the schools are too bad and disorganized, you can go to a school in another county.

get a girl is probably the most easiest said phrase i've heard. That's almost like saying " oh, just run 50 miles. it's easy. do it."

sorry but when you're in my situation, things aren't so easy. Yes, I can get a girl, but I can't keep good conversations going, leading to my fail.

yes there are lots of things I can do to still get a girl, but im not really that interested right now. I just let it happen naturally.

If it's anyone here that needs to talk about girl/boy relationship problems, it's me, because Im not even on step 1 yet.

Wow.. you and i must be like.. kindred spirits or something.. I'm just like you.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I feel the same way. Being in a relationship has it's perks, but (sometimes) nothing beats being single and content with that.
Precisely my point. Right now at the ripe old age of 21, I can follow my dreams....my long term goals like completing college, traveling the world, you know...freedom. In a waist deep relationship, that stuff I just mentioned is nearly impossible to accomplish.

@Crystallion, much obliged. :cool:


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2007
New York city
I used to say that if you cant afford(NOT PROSTITUTION) a partner you shouldnt have one. Make sure that you can honestly share your time,emotions and yourself with your partner so that it doesnt feel like an inconvenience or work because then that becomes unnecessary stress.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
Lots of people here seem to be going to College. I don't have the grades to go there, so I just kind of tag along at School because I'm getting paid 30 quid a week, which is about 60 Dollars.

Vikki on the other hand is the smart one. And coming from quite a rich family, she's just buying an apartment and living there whilst she goes to University (College). I'll be living there with her so, that's just my future really.


Don't worry about it. Honestly, just kind of go with the flow, and see where it takes you.


And I love cheese. :laugh:
That's like the perfect scenario for a sitcom, you should sell the rights before I steal the idea.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
Precisely my point. Right now at the ripe old age of 21, I can follow my dreams....my long term goals like completing college, traveling the world, you know...freedom. In a waist deep relationship, that stuff I just mentioned is nearly impossible to accomplish.

@Crystallion, much obliged. :cool:
Haha, I'm in a VERY serious relationship, and it doesn't stop me from being in France for two months. You can accomplish those things, it just depends on how you and your significant other feel about the situation. I was lucky enough to find someone who's ok with my traveling, though I admit that it's rare to find someone who is. I guess I'm just saying it's possible. Overall, though, I suppose it's best to be single(you can avoid missing someone badly, and you don't have to worry about partying and what your girlfriend/boyfriend would think, and you don't have to worry about anyone getting jealous or whatever).

So yeah, since I argued for and against my point, I'm gonna shut up now :laugh:

Edit: And oh yeah, I'm in France, cheese is EVERYWHERE. I don't care for cheese, though. I just munch on all the bread and pastries here. Yom yom yom.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Are you people lactose intolerent? Cheese is amazing hence the quote "The power of cheese".Which shows what people will do for cheese.
Not really, I drink milk and such, but I have something against cheese xD And butter for that matter. I hate when bakers put both on sandwiches, it's discrimination against those who don't like cheese. >_<

But enough of that off-topicness. This thread is awesome ^^


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I like cheese. I once ate 2/3 of one of those blocks of cheddar cheese in one sitting (actually, I was lying down, reading a book). My stomach was okay, but after the first third, it was just sticky, tasteless mush in my mouth. I regret doing that.

@Livvers: Weird. I thought you were French (lived in Paris, France) this whole time, and that you were going to visit NYC in two weeks. I guess it's pretty much the other way around.

@Crystallion: Okay. This time I'm really not going to say anything besides "Okey dokey".

Okey dokey, Crystallion.

And about being single: I'm impressed that most of you seem to enjoy it so much. I really wish I could, because having a girlfriend does restrict your freedom, even though it's usually enjoyable overall. I think I'm personally leaning toward being one of those guys who "can't be single". Maybe it's because I don't get much love from my family? I don't know.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2005
Cheese is overrated. It's time for Belgium Chocolate.

I love being single. Being single has so much potential, and I just love it. But I can't enjoy it too much, because girls will get jealous of my freedom and try to pin me down with a relationship. Those crazy girls and their crazy sex drives.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
Cheese is overrated. It's time for Belgium Chocolate.

I love being single. Being single has so much potential, and I just love it. But I can't enjoy it too much, because girls will get jealous of my freedom and try to pin me down with a relationship. Those crazy girls and their crazy sex drives.
lol, I agree completly. well said.

just wear a condom :p

If I had a car, a job, and all that freedom of actually being an "adult", believe me I would be dating and be happy.
And Tobi, you need Jesus :). Go hang out at those 50 churchs :D. Having a relationship doesnt change anything, fill any void in your life, or make you "happy". Granted, being in a relationship does have some cool benefits, but it has a lot of drawbacks too. If you're not happy without a relationship, you wont be happy in one either. Plus, girls want a guy who enjoys their life. It's no fun being around someone who is depressed and without a purpose all the time.

And the comdom thing... That doesnt protect from anything. Doesnt protect at all against most STDs, and it's not even 100% at preventing pregnancy ask Rob Gambino :p (about his kid, not STDs)


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
Not really, I drink milk and such, but I have something against cheese xD And butter for that matter. I hate when bakers put both on sandwiches, it's discrimination against those who don't like cheese. >_<

But enough of that off-topicness. This thread is awesome ^^
Oh man, I love the fact that the French put butter on ALL their sandwiches. It's amazing.

And lol, Jammer. I'm from Ohio. I live in NY now, and my boyfriend lives in Brooklyn(which is why I'm always excited to go back to NY).

Man, I would love some chocolate about now, but all I have it dinosaur cookies with chocolate on one side and Kinder Surprise.


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
Cheese is overrated. It's time for Belgium Chocolate.

I love being single. Being single has so much potential, and I just love it. But I can't enjoy it too much, because girls will get jealous of my freedom and try to pin me down with a relationship. Those crazy girls and their crazy sex drives.
with its 1-frame startup, jab shoryuken is the perfect tool to get them off you

these silly women and their obsession with couples... we were not made for that ****


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
I'm friends with this girl I've known for 4 years and we're good friends. Really connect with eachother. But I think she's pretty and I just know we would work well in a relationship. I buy her things and take her places, buy her dinner and stuff, which she likes, cause she doesn't have to spend her own money. But I'm kind of afraid and don't know how to make it to a relationship. What if she turns me down? Sometimes I notice she looks at me, when I'm not paying attention, in class. I think she likes me too and she smells really good. What should I do?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2006
Saratoga, CA
I'm friends with this girl I've known for 4 years and we're good friends. Really connect with eachother. But I think she's pretty and I just know we would work well in a relationship. I buy her things and take her places, buy her dinner and stuff, which she likes, cause she doesn't have to spend her own money. But I'm kind of afraid and don't know how to make it to a relationship. What if she turns me down? Sometimes I notice she looks at me, when I'm not paying attention, in class. I think she likes me too and she smells really good. What should I do?
Easy, things seem to be going good between you guys. Bring it up with her and maybe talk it out, to get rid of any misunderstanding. Four years is a helluva a long time, and I'm surprised you've been friends for that long and didn't hit relationship status yet (if you were interested in that). She seems to be giving good signs so why not go for it?


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
I'm interested in what other people think too. Along with your age, relationship status, and number of girls(or guys) you've laid.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Yeah dude seriously, might as well try. Just one day be talking to her and bring it up like nothing (obvilously it's something but don't seem overly excited about it). If you do this and she still says no, then you can still be friends, and you haven't lost much.
Age: 18
Status: Semi-recently single
# laid: I lost count after..... 900 something. lol
My names Andrew and I'm an Alchoholic..... oops wrong thread.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I'm interested in what other people think too. Along with your age, relationship status, and number of girls(or guys) you've laid.
Okay...you want credentials? I'm 17, male, had exactly 20 girlfriends now (but the first 10 or so didn't really count because I was a player back then), I'm currently single (in my third week--it's a strange feeling; in fact, I want to stay single for a while after reading about how much a bunch of people love it on this thread), and I have never had sex (it'll stay that way until I marry, probably).

Now to answer your relationship question, joshisrad: Why are you buying her dinner and taking her places when she doesn't even acknowledge you as her boyfriend? It seems to me like she's taking advantage of you. I'm all for equality in a relationship, but that goes both ways: I think it's wrong that guys feel pressured to pay for everything. And when it's just a friendship, and you don't have to pay for the dinners to make them romantic, it's extra unfair.

Unless, of course, she buys you dinner all the time, but I don't think that's happening, from what I read. Or, if you have a good-paying job and she's unemployed, in which case I still don't think it's a good idea to spend all your money on her--it just makes more sense that you're doing it.

But like Frozenserpent (great name for a relationship thread, huh?) says, bring it up with her. If you've been good friends for so long, you can easily take it to the next level. Well, usually: Some girls will be very resistive to that, even though you get along so well. I guess the best you can do then is back off, and show her that being your girlfriend is fun and not at all scary.

And unless there are extenuating circumstances, stop buying her all this stuff. If you're afraid that she's only friends with you because you buy her things, well, I guess that could be true. I think you should take the chance that that isn't the case, because such a lopsided friendship is not good for you.

This is a bit of reversal: I'm usually telling guys to be nicer to girls, and here I'm telling a guy to stick up for himself.

Good luck.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
And unless there are extenuating circumstances, stop buying her all this stuff. If you're afraid that she's only friends with you because you buy her things, well, I guess that could be true. I think you should take the chance that that isn't the case, because such a lopsided friendship is not good for you.
I forgot to add that.
I agree with jammer, stop spending so much money on her.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2005
Easy, things seem to be going good between you guys. Bring it up with her and maybe talk it out, to get rid of any misunderstanding. Four years is a helluva a long time, and I'm surprised you've been friends for that long and didn't hit relationship status yet (if you were interested in that). She seems to be giving good signs so why not go for it?
Wrong answer.

Yeah dude seriously, might as well try. Just one day be talking to her and bring it up like nothing (obvilously it's something but don't seem overly excited about it).
Wrong answer.

Now to answer your relationship question, joshisrad: Why are you buying her dinner and taking her places when she doesn't even acknowledge you as her boyfriend? It seems to me like she's taking advantage of you. I'm all for equality in a relationship, but that goes both ways: I think it's wrong that guys feel pressured to pay for everything. And when it's just a friendship, and you don't have to pay for the dinners to make them romantic, it's extra unfair.

Unless, of course, she buys you dinner all the time, but I don't think that's happening, from what I read. Or, if you have a good-paying job and she's unemployed, in which case I still don't think it's a good idea to spend all your money on her--it just makes more sense that you're doing it.

But like Frozenserpent (great name for a relationship thread, huh?) says, bring it up with her. If you've been good friends for so long, you can easily take it to the next level. Well, usually: Some girls will be very resistive to that, even though you get along so well. I guess the best you can do then is back off, and show her that being your girlfriend is fun and not at all scary.

And unless there are extenuating circumstances, stop buying her all this stuff. If you're afraid that she's only friends with you because you buy her things, well, I guess that could be true. I think you should take the chance that that isn't the case, because such a lopsided friendship is not good for you.

This is a bit of reversal: I'm usually telling guys to be nicer to girls, and here I'm telling a guy to stick up for himself.

Good luck.
Jammer is going somewhere with not paying for girls.

Don't be thinking that girls won't be taking advantage for you because they have higher ethics than that.

Think about it. If some girl you don't like offers to buy you dinner, would you go:
"I don't really like this girl, so I'm going to reject this free dinner."
Yeah, ok buddy.

The reason why I say wrong answer to these guys is that you will be falling for one of the biggest traps of your life if you ask her out at this point so blatantly.

First off... whenever you meet a girl for the first time, in the first few minutes of the interaction, they will decide whether or not you will be a potential lover or a friend.

Changing a lover to a friend is very easy. Changing a friend to a lover isn't.

I'm not saying it's not possible, but you have a lot easier time meeting a brand new girl than going with this current girl.

You saw her for Four years, and you continually buy things for her. This is bad. Very bad.

She says she likes it because she doesn't have to spend her own money? Wow. A potential gold digger? Maybe.

You are already so deep in the friend zone at this point that asking at this point will lead her to say "Let's just be friends".

There is a difference of friends and "just friends".

I've had guys tell me
"But she is the one in my life. I need to know what to do in this situation."

You've got to smell the roses buddy, to be able to get into a relationship with this specific girl will be dangerous not just to your mental health but to your wallet.

If you already set the dynamics of the relationship beforehand of buying her things, you will CONTINUALLY buy her things.

It's just stupid social programming brainwashing guys to buy affection for women.

But listen, most girls hate it when guys buy them things. Sure, maybe the first date or so is acceptable, but beyond that is just too much.

I have girls buying me more things than me buying her things. Whenever it comes to meals, we switch off every time. I don't have the money to be spending luxury dinners every night for each different girl, otherwise all my money will go down the drain.

Let me just tell you something about "the special girl" in your life. To me, there is really no such thing as the "one". It's just a type of girl that fits better for you than others. Trust me, you can find plenty of the "one" in other places.

The only thing that could potentially get you two together is if you spend some time away from each other. Start seeing new girls. If that girl sees you with other girls, she will realize that you are wanted by other girls. Girls want what other girls want. Same thing with guys too.

She will start to see you in a different light, and approach you differently.

But all in all, you should just keep her as a friend. Move on and see other girls and STOP BUYING WOMEN AFFECTION.

If you can't move on, if you are in head soak with tears for her, then go for it. Ask her out. If she says yes, wonderful. But, if she says that "we should just be friends" then just move on and don't cry about it. Learn from this. If what you did made her reject you, then what do you need to do to change? Stop buying girls dinner and gifts all the time? That sounds like a start.

And my credentials?

I'm 19, but I don't like to kiss and tell. That's confidential material. Plus, I really don't give a **** to tell the world how many girls I've laid. My relationships with women are for me and her only, not for others.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
^ Wow...just, wow, man! That's pretty deep there. It's what first came to my mind when I read Josh's post, actually. Can't say much more than that, other than to be careful with that girl.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
BUT SHE IS THE ONLY ONE IN MY LIFE! Do you all really agree with KDJ's post? Everyone? Can he really have the right idea? It just sounds like.. such a jerk thing to do! =(

Oh yeah. I think I love this girl! You know what, I actually do love her. How do I know? I don't know how.. I just DO!


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
It is very strange to have KoreanDJ agreeing with me. I guess if the two of us, who have very different opinions on most things, agree on something, we must both be right.

But joshisrad, remember that we haven't shown for sure that your friend who is a girl is really just taking advantage of you. Maybe she really does like you. You say you catch her looking at you, which shows that she at least thinks about you.

Buying girls lots of stuff can, as KoreanDJ said, make them lose respect for you. If your friend still respects you, it could mean that she respects you for other things, such as who you are as a person. That is a very good thing, for you.

You say you love her: Why do you love her ("I just DO" doesn't count--try listing the things that you like about her)? And would you say you love her more when you're with her, or when you watch her or think about her? I've found that there is a big difference here.

Try slowing down spending money on her. If she seems to feel betrayed, or she loses interest in you, then that means the relationship was there because she was taking advantage of you. I have a feeling that your love for her will melt away if that happens.

If instead, she doesn't care, or (and this would more likely happen if she really liked you--don't ask me why) grow closer to you, that means that everything is great.

I wouldn't just suddenly ask her out on a real date because, as KoreanDJ said, it's such an abrupt change that she might not be able to handle it. You've been thinking about that for a long time, but it might never have even crossed her mind. So try to insinuate to her that you would like to be more than just friends, and that you would also like to not buy all her food for her.

Good luck.

EDIT: Oh crap! I just saw you in another thread where you said you were a girl, joshisrad. All this time I think everyone thought you were a guy. Which one is it? If you're a girl, then that changes everything.
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