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Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
I am 18 and I am kinda with a girl who is three and a half years younger than me. It's in its early stages but it's working out very well, as far as we're concerned.

I ask you, Pool Room, not to judge me by the age difference (after all, I haven't told you anything about the relationship itself), but I realize there might be a little social stigma with the the 18 freshman in college/14 freshman in high school thing. Personality wise we are very compatible so I'm not worried about the relationship itself, just dealing with what other people think. I can't simply ignore it... so any advice?

One thing she likes to tell me is that "When you're 100 and I'm 96 I don't think it will matter."
So wait...you're a freshman in college, and your girlfriend's a freshman in high school? And to think people thought it was a bad idea for a high school senior to date a high school freshman *looks @ Jammer*...this makes me wonder if I really should go for it...I can't make up my mind >_<...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2007
I am 18 and I am kinda with a girl who is three and a half years younger than me. It's in its early stages but it's working out very well, as far as we're concerned.

I ask you, Pool Room, not to judge me by the age difference (after all, I haven't told you anything about the relationship itself), but I realize there might be a little social stigma with the the 18 freshman in college/14 freshman in high school thing. Personality wise we are very compatible so I'm not worried about the relationship itself, just dealing with what other people think. I can't simply ignore it... so any advice?

One thing she likes to tell me is that "When you're 100 and I'm 96 I don't think it will matter."
I'm not judging you, but right now it DOES matter in a legal sense. IF anything happens you will goto jail for stautory ****.

Good news though, you are going away or are at college, it will be easy for you to find an age appropriate girl. Trying to make the relationship work especially while you are in college will be exceedingly difficult (depending on location). It is going to be tough, but in all honesty, you seem like a decent person, I would hate to see you get convicted of a felony for someone else.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
*looks @ Jammer*...this makes me wonder if I really should go for it...I can't make up my mind >_<...
Heh, my views about that kind of thing come across very strongly, don't they...

I think it's okay to go out with someone a few years older or younger than you. But the thing is, there's usually very little reason to. When you're older than a girl, you automatically gain status in her eyes. For example, whenever I visit my old teachers in the middle school (junior high), I get those coy "looks" from all the eighth-grade girls (I'm in 12th). It's only because I'm older than they are (although I like to think that I get "looks" from girls my own age, too). Some girls date older boys not because they're better, but because they're older. The same thing goes for boys dating older girls, but not as much.

This is admittedly a mean thing to say, but if the only girl you can get is much younger than you, it might be a good idea to work on your game. There are so many different girls out there that it just seems silly to fixate on a girl so much younger than you.

I've noticed that most of the relationship questions here have to do with age disparity. Doesn't anyone just date people in their own grade?

EDIT: And like FireWater said, you better not be having an intimate, or even romantic relationship with a minor when you're an adult. In fact, 4 years difference is way too much when you're in college and she's entering high school.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
^Yeah, I know what you mean...I was a teacher intern last year, so I spent about six weeks with fifth graders...and I worked in a summer school program, where a fourth grader developed a crush on me...which was kinda cute (hey, she gave me food:p)...but either way, I don't really see that kind of reasoning in Geri...besides, she's the only freshman girl in the class who speaks to me >_<...the rest must be too intimidated by my sexiness:grin:...

Anyway, the two girls I've dated are about my age...the first one was a year behind me (Junior-Sophomore...it was last year), and the second girl I dated is in my grade...of course, she dumped me because I was clingy and is mulling over becoming a lesbian/bisexual...w/e...they're still two of my best friends...

Either way, I don't think of Geri as my only option...there are two sophomores and a couple of seniors/juniors I think would be good girlfriends...I know, I sound shallow, but I keep my options open to avoid the pain >_<...

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I'm not sure how I feel out the 18 yro with a 14yro, I'm 16 and I'd probably go as low as 14 [13 in special cases]. Maybe when I'm 18 I'll have a better idea but right now it's too foggy.

I'm not sure if I'd care what people think, I don't have a reputation to live up to so it doesn't matter.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
I just read the whole "Crystallion and her 38 year old boyfriend" thing. That was...interesting.

I'll admit I'm wary of this guy. The whole "Open relationship" sounds iffy enough, but I guess it's just the fact that he's so much older that seems odd to me.

O'course, what I REALLY care about is the fact that Crys said "He loves fooling around, even in sex!"

Ain't that the point? XD

Oh, and for the guy who likes **** porn, I ASSUME it's role playing **** porn, right?
If not, that's not the sorta thing I'd go around telling everyone.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I love how m2k posted in this topic. that's all that drew me to it. LOL
so you love being a tool?
You sure know how to speak out of turn, thaxceptional1. LOL

m2k's name by the thread drew my interest too, as well as Mack Loud's advice he gave out about "talking with more people" to become more social. Its easy for him, he has a radio show. :D


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
I just read the whole "Crystallion and her 38 year old boyfriend" thing. That was...interesting.

I'll admit I'm wary of this guy. The whole "Open relationship" sounds iffy enough, but I guess it's just the fact that he's so much older that seems odd to me.

O'course, what I REALLY care about is the fact that Crys said "He loves fooling around, even in sex!"

Ain't that the point? XD
Hehe, I can understand you as I already told Jammer. The age difference is a bit awkward, I admit. But I for one don't really care about this, and I'm glad he's that old since personally, I prefer older men to those in my age.

Lol at your last sentence there xD

EDIT: Oh and Jammer, I get right back to you, you'll just have to wait since it's so early in the morning and I can't think much right now x_x


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Hehe, I can understand you as I already told Jammer. The age difference is a bit awkward, I admit. But I for one don't really care about this, and I'm glad he's that old since personally, I prefer older men to those in my age.

Lol at your last sentence there xD
I guess as long as you two are happy enough, it's all sweet really.
I hate telling people how to live, and I pride myself on being fairly open minded )Hence why I didn't go "EWWW SICKO" at the guy that likes **** Porn) so...I guess I wish you good luck with this guy.

...Good luck with this guy! :)


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.

This thread brings back bad memories...

When I was a wee 7th grader, I fell in love with somebody, and in truth, she loved me too. We got together, and stayed that way for until our freshman year. We hit it off quite nicely, but in an unfortunate turn of events, she had been cheating...

I was furious when I found out. She told me this "internet boyfriend" has been going on for about four years before we even MET, and she told him everything about me...

I didn't know what to say. She was beautiful, smart, sexy, everything you could ask her.

Then, out of nowhere, she left me out in the cold.

I stayed quiet for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

Then I met another, and we're happy.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Because I love rambling on for no apparent reason, I'm going to play the cynical ******* here.

When I was a wee 7th grader, I fell in love with somebody, and in truth, she loved me too. We got together, and stayed that way for until our freshman year. We hit it off quite nicely, but in an unfortunate turn of events, she had been cheating...
I honestly don't think people in such early years can fall in love.
Call me harsh, call me wrong, call me poop head, I just don't buy it. I think we assume we love people when we have a crush at such ages, and that we have no experiance with such feelings before, thus, we assume it's love.

Then again, to shove what I said down the toilet, you stayed with her 'till the later years.

...Then again again, she did cheat on you.
The mystery continues!

...I'm hungy now. :(


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
Trust me... it was love.

As quoted by Chad's Rebellious Brother Chase on Drawn Together:

"Love? You don't even know what love is."

We felt it. She was smexy and I was smexy, we spent a lot of time together.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
I'm not judging you, but right now it DOES matter in a legal sense. IF anything happens you will goto jail for stautory ****.

Good news though, you are going away or are at college, it will be easy for you to find an age appropriate girl. Trying to make the relationship work especially while you are in college will be exceedingly difficult (depending on location). It is going to be tough, but in all honesty, you seem like a decent person, I would hate to see you get convicted of a felony for someone else.
Haha, thanks, except I'm not like that. We're both Catholic and we met through a youth group (more like a family-based group but I'll not get into that) so you know how that goes. Nothing sexual about the relationship.

So I guess the consensus is even if it works for us, people are gonna look at it weirdly. I guess I'm cool with that. Anyways, it's still on the down low for now, except not on smashboards LMAO. Jeez, internet = too goodz.

And yeah, she lives in the same city that I go to college in.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Oh the share your bad relationship story? Sure why not?

Believe it or not I was just talking to a friend of mine about this earlier today (yesterday?) and she agreed with me. She was crazy.

I met her in my Ethics class, and started talking to her about halfway through the semester. She had a bite mark on her arm which I used to start the conversation. It turned out that it was a cat bite, and she told me that she hated cats. 10 points for her cuz I dislike the creatures too. After a little bit more talking in class, we walked out of class together still talking. She said she had to wait for her parents to pick her up. I told her I would wait with her since it was 10 PM and I'm just a stand up dude! ;) Believe it or not she wasn't weirded out by that, in fact I got her number. After some dates and about a weeks time she started "changing". She started relying on me more and more for little things that got annoying. Texting me late at night, wanting to know what I was doing, asked me to remind her of things later on in the day. That type of stuff. After about a week as I said, she started turning in a sexual direction. Being a guy in my sexual prime, It was hard to decline. Thank (add savior here) that she never got more than a "taste", because things just went downhill from here. Long story short (believe me) she started accusing me of lying to her for not telling her everything I had planned for the day, and where I was every couple of hours. The words got worse than "liar" and that was the sign for me to end it. Sad part was that she was the liar. I found out that she loved cats. Yep, you guessed it! The first thing she ever said to me was a lie. The lies started piling up and she blamed me for them, along with some other choice words.
That was about 2 months ago and I still haven't felt the need to go out and try to get a date. I just don't feel like putting up with that again. :(....... Women....
Internet Dating :: Met some girl on myspace, set up a meeting to go to the movies. She brought two of her friends and didn't say one word to me the entire time. Down with internet dating. ;)
Sorry for the wall of text.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I'm sorry you had a bad experience, Elysium. Girls who are too needy are some of the worst. And when they lie (wow, she must have overheard that you don't like cats--she was practically stalking you), it's even worse.

But not all women are like this, so these feelings:

That was about 2 months ago and I still haven't felt the need to go out and try to get a date. I just don't feel like putting up with that again. :(....... Women....
...can be ignored starting now. The last thing we want is for this one experience to ruin possible future ones.

Good luck in everything you do, Elysium!


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Okay, Crystallion. I'll stop bashing your 38-year-old boyfriend. (Crap! I did it again!)

Nevermind--I just need to say a couple more things before I can feel like I have done everything possible to assure your happiness:

Some guys, who seem very nice, are actually completely rotten on the inside. They can bide their time until they feel they have captured their prey, and then they pounce. If he starts to change on you, by getting abusive or controlling, get out of there quick. The sad part is that may not happen until you get married or travel together, and then it's too late.

Having something happen to you that makes you unable to "trust women" does not give you a reason to be polygamous in your sexual relations. In fact, I don't see how the two are even connected. I assume that I didn't get the whole story about this particular aspect, though. I can see that it's okay with you, but there is a very good chance, in my opinion, that it is as simple as that he likes to have sex, and he likes to have multiple partners half his age.

Let me give you my idea of a conversation he might have with a friend in private (we'll call your boyfriend "John"):

Friend: Hey there, John.
John: Hey. What's going on?
Friend: Oh, the usual. You?
John: Well, my birthday is coming up in a few days. I'll be 38.
Friend: Wow. Getting towards 40, huh? Hey, you still banging that 19-year-old?
John: Oh yeah! Actually, I've got a few of them.
Friend: Really? What do you mean?
John: Well, I've somehow convinced several girls that I was hurt by a woman before, and that I can't have a relationship with a single person because of "trust issues". I make it sound like I'm so sorry I'm doing this to them, and I ask them if they can still trust me, and **** like that.
Friend: Ah...
John: I seriously can't believe I'm actually getting away with this. I've known this one girl for 6 years now. She couldn't help but fall in love with me ever since I started putting myself in her life, and now I've got a good lay any time I want.
Friend: Okay, John. But don't you ever think about getting married? I'm so glad I settled down with Jane.
John: Who needs marriage? I'm free to travel around, and I get all the sex I want, with hot young girls. Sure, it means I have to be a pathological liar, but you should see how they eat up my stories and "nice, considerate guy" persona.
Friend: Well, that doesn't sound too--
John: It's great! It's not like I'm hurting the girls. They love me, and they're all very happy. It's so funny how, whenever I'm with one of them, all the rest are just anxiously waiting for me to return. It's like they're little pets. But, you can't blame them. They're just so inexperienced, you know? Once I get to them, they never know what hit them!
Friend: Yeah, John. Hey, I was thinking that maybe you could come over Saturday night...

It's just a hypothetical, Crystallion, and I'm sorry if it angered you. But I have seen it happen before, in a way pretty similar to what's going on with you.

I don't want to ruin your opinion of "John" if he isn't like the John in my little dialogue. I just want you to know that, no matter how highly you think of him, he could be what some would consider a "lowlife".

It just feels wrong to me. I would normally just be like, "Okay, big age difference, but that's okay", but when you add the infidelity, the traveling, the incredible "honesty", and other things, it just doesn't compute.

I really hope I'm not just making you angry. I'm just saying my opinion. I understand that I'm not close to your situation, but maybe that's exactly what you need: Someone who's never seen this guy in person.

Some crooks can be extremely kind, likeable, even humble and honest, but to them, it's all just a game.
Okay so, I respond to your post now as I couldn't yesterday ^^

I don't think you're bashing him, it's just that this is the internets and you're suspicious, and you care for me. 'Tis all, really. But anyway...

Don't worry, I may not have had a boyfriend before him, but I know they exist. Actually, I see them everywhere, you just can't tell very well by looks, looks are deceiving, so it's always a dangerous game. Don't worry, if something should go wrong, I'd be the first to say good-bye. And no, marriage won't happen. Why? He loves his freedom, and he says he wouldn't marry someone for anything in the world. Also, he hates kids :D So he's being cautious in that area too.

Well, the thing with polygamous relationships: It's not the norm and most people aren't into it. But who says that it has to be "only one for eternity"? He loves me, but he says he would be very happy for me if I found someone else (not that he wants to get rid of me, but he cares for my happiness, that's all). It's hard to word it right why he has decided on open relationships, I can't phrase it really, so there's nothing more I can say about that matter ^^; I can say this though: He doesn't have a real "home" like we do and he travels around all the time as I already told you. My guess is that he doesn't want to be alone, that's why he makes connections with many other people, not for a cheap lay, but for the emotional bonding. I'm not even talking about only love relationships, but also friendships. He's a man that needs tons of love. That's how I see him, of course I might be wrong with that, but I can once again assure you that he's not one of the "bad" guys. Of course he enjoys sex, he's a man, dammit xD He would be a liar to tell otherwise. I enjoy sex too, that's only normal (especially if you have GOOD sex, lol) And btw: Many of his partners are young, but not specifically young as me. And let's face it, we all have some kind of preferences in our choices. ;) I for one wouldn't date anyone my age.

About your dialogue there:
First of all, no, he's not really that free to go wherever he pleases, he has to live somehow and therefor, he has to work to feed him (and his doggie btw ^^ such a cutie) and keep him over water (he's a freelancer). So there are many places where he can work and he has to go there. But yeah, otherwise, he can go wherever he wants, but he hasn't got that much choice, he's not one of us who has a steady banc account with a decent amount of money on it. As a freelancer, life is much tougher than it seems.
Secondly, I also told you that he's proven it to me that all the things he says (t.a.t.u FTW??) are true, so no worries there.
Thirdy, actually, most of his lovers are now in a steady relationship with someone other and happy with it. And guess who helped them find someone? Hint hint. (and no, that doesn't make him a pimp, I mean, I know some of his acquaintances, some of them live in my country, and are very nice).

It's really no problem that this makes you wary. Like I said twice, 'tis the internet and things sound wrong on many levels numerous times.

Oh but he is NOT infidel, because he always tells the women he's with what he thinks about love and he let's them choose if they want to accept it or not, but one is only infidel if s/he goes arounf ****ing behind their boy/girlfriend's back and lying to them about it, the thing called "cheating" (that's what he says too, and I strongly share his opinion). It's awkward for people to realize there's more than one way to love. It's understandable in this case, but I have already accepted it, I won't expect you to accept this, just to maybe tolerate it or something like that.

Yeah, I know it's your opinion, I won't go against that, only some things you say xD Don't worry, I understand how you're saying that it feels wrong to you. But I can't really say much more than that, I've been telling many details now already and there's not much left to say. So it's alright, really, I can still post and tell if something goes wrong and ask about opinions in this thread.

So another wall of text, whoopdeedo xD Happy reading! Gotta go now, I'm tired. See ya!


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
It's understandable in this case, but I have already accepted it, I won't expect you to accept this, just to maybe tolerate it or something like that.
Sure, I will certainly tolerate it. It's not something I would ever do, but if you want to, go right ahead.

I don't know how you feel about being connected to a man who will never marry you. Just don't let your life slip by as you "waste" your time in your current relationship.

You keep talking about what he thinks, and what his values are, and you seem to agree with pretty much all his ideas. That's to be expected, because he's so much older than you and he seems to have a charismatic nature. I'm not sure if it's healthy, though. For example, you say he doesn't want kids, and he doesn't want to get married. But what do you think about kids and marriage?

Just don't let his age and experience, as well as his charisma, blind you and steal your identity. You're an individual, just like everyone else on Earth, and no person can lessen that.

And just so you know, he is what is called a "player". It doesn't matter why he has multiple sexual partners--he just has them. His philosophical/emotional excuses for his promiscuity are just that: excuses. He is excusing himself for his behavior, and making it sound normal and healthy, when it is not. Of course, you think it's fine, but I think most people will disagree. It may be okay with you, but it's not the best way, and it's only benefiting one person: him.

That's all, I guess. Good luck with everything.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2007
Your local Walmart
meh, I tried the whole "relationship" thing, and I ain't that big of a fan. It made me stressed and all of that stuff. And plus, I'm in highschool, no need for a relationship at this age. Now I just go to parties, and hook up with girls, thats really all you should do at this age.

I'll worry about a relationship once I'm in college.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
I'm sorry you had a bad experience, Elysium. Girls who are too needy are some of the worst. And when they lie (wow, she must have overheard that you don't like cats--she was practically stalking you), it's even worse.

But not all women are like this, so these feelings:

...can be ignored starting now. The last thing we want is for this one experience to ruin possible future ones.

Good luck in everything you do, Elysium!
Yeah I know. I'm just not the very trusting of people (in the sense of letting them into my personal life) and she was the worst thing that could happen. But this of course does not stop me from seeing an attractive girl and going "Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn!" :laugh:


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
ugh, im getting hit left n right with infractions. i think the staff needs to calm down a little because i mean no harm.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
Finally, a girl in this thread that's actually HONEST.

And Jammer, just stop.
Aw, hey now, I'd like to think I've been pretty honest. Hahaha.

And Crystallion, if what you're doing makes you happy, then I say go for it. As long as you know everything going on, are still somewhat cautious, and as long as this guy isn't trying to control you, I see no huge problem with it. What works for one person may not work for others, and vice-versa.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm in high school aswell, and I not worried about relationships or dating yet either.

You can't really do anything until you are in college. Everything done in High school is usually under close parental vision, and you really don't get the freedom you would have in college.

Besides, I don't even have a car or a job yet at that, so I think I'm good.

Also, I wouldn't try to force dating. Just enjoy life and let it come to you, unless you are desperate for a girl, then go for it. As for me, I don't think I'll ever be getting a girlfreind anytime soon. It's not that im ugly or anything, I'm just not the one to approach a girl first and start a conversation. I always fear she will have the impression " uhh, why is this guy talking to me?", ok? go away?". Pretty bad. I don't think I ever had someone I could call my girlfreind or even dated for that matter, yet, and I'm 17...Hopeless :(

but now i've just learned to embrace what I like, and not try to put on a fake act. I don't even try to really dress up anymore. I simply dont care, and already know I probably wont get a girl anytime soon in high school atleast. If a girl wants to act like she is "oh" so precious and too good then I just say screw it.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
meh, I tried the whole "relationship" thing, and I ain't that big of a fan. It made me stressed and all of that stuff. And plus, I'm in highschool, no need for a relationship at this age. Now I just go to parties, and hook up with girls, thats really all you should do at this age.

I'll worry about a relationship once I'm in college.
finally, someone who's with me. relationships suck *** when youre in high school, cuz youre inevitably going to split up when (or if?) you go to college. promiscuous sexual relations ftw.
jk, too much of that leads to some bad **** like stds.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
finally, someone who's with me. relationships suck *** when youre in high school, cuz youre inevitably going to split up when (or if?) you go to college. promiscuous sexual relations ftw.
jk, too much of that leads to some bad **** like stds.
just wear a condom :p

anyway, yea I agree. Most relationships in high school last like 2 months, then end. It's because of the restrictions.

If I had a car, a job, and all that freedom of actually being an "adult", believe me I would be dating and be happy.

I wonder what's it's like to be in love, holding the girl you like soft hands close to yours on a cold winter day, happily walking togethere in the mall shopping, in the Christmas Spirit. How I so wish for that, but this Christmas, like every other, I'll be enjoying alone.,..in my room..with my stupid three nintendo wii games playing alone.

And you know what's sad? I can't remember the last time I touched a girl. That being hands, hug, kiss, anything. Love songs just make me depressed. :(

K I need to stop sulking now. I don't gives a flip, Im gonna enjoy my **** super paper mario, hell yea.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
If I had a car, a job, and all that freedom of actually being an "adult", believe me I would be dating and be happy.
Dont blame your relationship failures on parental supervision. It wouldn't matter if you were more attractive. :p

And there have been surveys which have concluded that most "serious" highschool relationships end when one or both of the people go to college, even if they attend the same one. It all just doesn't seem worth it to me.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2007
Your local Walmart
just wear a condom :p

anyway, yea I agree. Most relationships in high school last like 2 months, then end. It's because of the restrictions.

If I had a car, a job, and all that freedom of actually being an "adult", believe me I would be dating and be happy.

I wonder what's it's like to be in love, holding the girl you like soft hands close to yours on a cold winter day, happily walking togethere in the mall shopping, in the Christmas Spirit. How I so wish for that, but this Christmas, like every other, I'll be enjoying alone.,..in my room..with my stupid three nintendo wii games playing alone.

And you know what's sad? I can't remember the last time I touched a girl. That being hands, hug, kiss, anything. Love songs just make me depressed. :(

K I need to stop sulking now. I don't gives a flip, Im gonna enjoy my **** super paper mario, hell yea.
dude, you need to get out more. I don't have a car yet, but I still go places. And you need to get a girl also, but thats easier said then done


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
dude, you need to get out more. I don't have a car yet, but I still go places. And you need to get a girl also, but thats easier said then done
yea I can still "go" places, but I don't really find them all that fun. Where I live, you have to drive 1-2 hours to even get to a public area that has teenage hangout. considering I don't have a car..and parents that arent willing to take me there...Can't. Let me tell you what we have.

•Krogers grocery store
•Broke down mall.( It's only 1 floor, and only old people go there..)
• about 50 churches
•Gas station

By the way, I don't even go to the school where I live. I take a bus that is 2 hours long just to get to school. Yes, this means I have to wake up at 5:00 am to go to school. It's called M to M program. It's where if the schools are too bad and disorganized, you can go to a school in another county.

get a girl is probably the most easiest said phrase i've heard. That's almost like saying " oh, just run 50 miles. it's easy. do it."

sorry but when you're in my situation, things aren't so easy. Yes, I can get a girl, but I can't keep good conversations going, leading to my fail.

yes there are lots of things I can do to still get a girl, but im not really that interested right now. I just let it happen naturally.

If it's anyone here that needs to talk about girl/boy relationship problems, it's me, because Im not even on step 1 yet.
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