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Gimp Me Gently 8/22 Raleigh, NC Brawl/B+


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2009
Cary, NC
@Foxy: Makes you want to play Brawl, huh?! We'll teach you the pro stuff at State.

@NC-Echo: I agree. The tournament disappointed a few people, but I still had a good time. I think if the tournament has to end at midnight, there can only enough time for one type of game (I prefer just Brawl). If you just hold a one game tourny, you can start at 2 or 3pm and still finish in time with lots of friendlies still going on. Most of the crowd was for regular Brawl, anyways.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Let me start out by saying I am not at all pleased with the way this all turned out just like everyone else, but I do appreciate those of you who were understanding and helpful to me and not counterproductive. This was several players first tournament and despite all the things that happened they did come up to me and say that they enjoyed themselves despite it all.

For those of you who were not here or were not in the midst of the problems, what happened was my parents wanted everyone out by 12 and I knew this ahead of time. Last time I ran this tournament we had about half as many entrants and 2-3 more setups. I finished at 11:30 and everyone was very satisfied with it all, especially since it was the first NC tournament with stage striking iirc.

This time around we had about 40 total players with b+ singles running 27 entrants and brawl singles running 28. There were only 4 b+ setups and 5 brawl setups, which was definitely a serious damper on progress, and I also had a hard time getting players to do their matches.

Brawl+ didnt finish until...6 or 7? Brawl got started about 8 and during the break I discussed with several players the possibility of dropping an event. Everyone decided that they could buckle down and make sure all the TVs were being used for a match and try to get through it, playing all matches 2/3 including finals.

By 10pm it was evident we weren't going to finish singles, but by making doubles a priority we could get through, which we did. There were about a handful of people left in the singles bracket so we opted to give everyone still in loser's their entry fee back, and split the remaining amount between the 3 players still in winners.

We obviously weren't going to finish on time so people stopped playing their matches and when there was debates about what to take care of first the TO was no-where to be find.
Im really not sure what all happened with this, but I was playing my doubles matches and I'm sure you could have found me if you wanted to...its not like it was a large room.

This was one of the only singles tournament where dub actually entered and other players which would be new to the pr's were shacking things up and instead of us coming out with some results, we where left with 7 or so players still in the tourney and therefor no results to speak of.
There were several upsets and I have spoken to PP and when I posts the brackets those sets will be taken into consideration for the next PRs.

Omni if you have to set such a stringent time limit on your tournaments thats fine but don't expect to be able to get done when you advertised enough that the tournament was relatively large and then were so disorganized that there was no way it would have finished before 3 and we didn't even do 3 out of 5 finals.
Obviously there were some mistakes made in the organization, and there were less setups than anticipated as well as more players than anticipated. Next time things will definitely need to change in order to make sure everything fits in.

Please get in contact with me if you would like the advice because I fear that tournaments like these make people not want to attend again, i know it did that for me.
I will definitely be looking for ideas on how to make sure things run more smoothly next time, I have a few ideas of my own but all positive/helpful input would be appreciated.

Oh and I almost forgot david (tho) was put in the losers bracket for no reason other than you didn't know what was going on and instead of talking to him to figure out his plans you just gave him a lose, effectively ruining the losers bracket since to be honest david is probably the best brawl+ player in the state.
I don't think you have the correct story here. David told me he was leaving and that he was going to forfeit his matches so I did that, he then returned and said it turns out he didnt need to leave, but by that time it was too late for him to stay in winner's bracket. He did resume in loser's until he lost though. I'm sorry that it turned out that way but when I talked to to David he didn't take any issue with it.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
Thanks omni but I know that the upsets will be taken into to account. I'm one of the three players that runs the the power thanks. Either way all the problems I adressed (and that
you responded too) were all your fault no matter how you spin it. And as for the singles results whether we do have some data from this tournament the fact of the matter is we do not happen the most important data of all.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Thanks omni but I know that the upsets will be taken into to account. I'm one of the three players that runs the the power thanks. Either way all the problems I adressed (and that
you responded too) were all your fault no matter how you spin it. And as for the singles results whether we do have some data from this tournament the fact of the matter is we do not happen the most important data of all.
Im willing to own up to the fact that this was my tournament and ultimately it is up to me to make sure that everything runs properly. If I continue running events hopefully I'll do better next time.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
There were several upsets and I have spoken to PP and when I posts the brackets those sets will be taken into consideration for the next PRs.
lol again this. I (along with pp and alex) run the ****ing power rankings. Therefor I don't think you are in a place to tell me what will and what won't be taken into consideration.


Smash Champion
Sep 29, 2008
Behind a wall of Pikmin (Raleigh NC)
lol again this. I (along with pp and alex) run the ****ing power rankings. Therefor I don't think you are in a place to tell me what will and what won't be taken into consideration.
At times I honestly dont think you should be allowed to run the power rankings. You are one of the more biased people I have ever met.

Duo should be power ranked and I know there are other great players who are not getting the placing they deserve. I am not at all saying that I should be ranked as I got stomped :ohwell:.

Vids of Brawl+ Doubles will be up by this evening.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2007
Everyone is at fault here, not just omni. I admit that I wasn't as aggressive at getting my tourney matches played as I could have been.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
At times I honestly dont think you should be allowed to run the power rankings. You are one of the more biased people I have ever met.

Duo should be power ranked and I know there are other great players who are not getting the placing they deserve. I am not at all saying that I should be ranked as I got stomped :ohwell:.

Vids of Brawl+ Doubles will be up by this evening.
I as a person am extremely biased your right but the power rankings are not and niether is the input I give soooooo... Kiss my ***


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I AGREE duo should be pred higher. i tried talking to PP about it in the car back from herb2 but it doesnt look like it worked much. Duo is insanely good


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
Too be honest we all think that, all of us on the board, however last period he unfortunetely last period he did not place high enough consitently to male that happen. This time is already looking better.

This is what I talking about when I say they are unbiased. Even though we all know duo to be skilled the power rankings are simply I'm assembalence of tourney results in an easy to follw list. There little to no opinion involved and personal I take great offense to the insinuation that the power rankings or my place on the board is unjustified. I take a lot of pride in what I've done im the smash community and the power rankings is an example of my involvement and commitment

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I AGREE duo should be pred higher. i tried talking to PP about it in the car back from herb2 but it doesnt look like it worked much. Duo is insanely good
The only thing that matters in PRs is results, and more specifically, who beats who in tourney. Duo probably would have been higher on the PRs if he didn't drop out of PLURs tourney because he was sick. It's not his fault he was sick, but at the same time, it lessens the amount of data we have. Other than that in the ranking period for the last PRs Duo is ranked about as good as he should have been.

Haha, bill you have such bad grammar and spelling when you post from your phone. @_@


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
Results thread


I will be requesting a moderator to watch this thread and would like everyone to take discussions with me personally about how the event went to PMs. The results thread will be watched as well.
Lol ok omni. Requesting a moderator...lolololololol

on a seperate congrats to dub for doing so well.

Edit: lol how did you know these posts were from phone? Are you back I'm chapel hill?

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Lol ok omni. Requesting a moderator...lolololololol


Remember, Not everything is expected to run smoothly at tourney. Stuff happens and it isn't always the TO's fault.

Of course I'd say more on the matter but i'm really just here to be teh moderatorz


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
You guys (omni and bill anyway) are making this tourney out to be some kind of failure. Lol. I thought it was extremely fun and I enjoyed coming. I'm sorry some people had to drive out of the way to not complete brawl singles, but were any of those people even still in the tournament (besides the guy who wouldn't play with bill)?

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Yeah, I had a lot of fun, regardless of the tournament not finishing. That might just be because the only event that didn't finish was the one I cared least about, but it seemed like most people enjoyed themselves.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
I understand, omni is tired of getting ragged on. I'll let it go but I do run a lot of tourneys myself, tourneys much bigger than this one so when I say a lot went wrong I mean I LOT went wrong. Either way I understand your point so I'll drop it.

Edit: well I disagree a great deal with the last few posts but perhaps I'm wrong so like I said, I'll let it go.


Novus Ordo Seclorum
Sep 22, 2008
North Carolina
Man, this thread could use some good news right about now.

Anyway, I successfully retrieved my car this morning. Right now it has one of those temporary "donut" tires so I'm good for the time being. I just have to get a new tire (and yes, I have to pay for it). I'd like to thank Fiz, Rag, Dub, and Omni once again for giving me rides. I really appreciated it. It was definitely my bad for not having a spare tire with me. :ohwell:

I actually joked with Omni and Shady that my tire blew out last night because this was the first (and only) tourney where I forgot to bring my own controller. It was like punishment for not following one of the most important "laws" of competitive Smash. :laugh:

Moral of the story: Always remember to keep a spare tire handy........and BYOC.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Looking at the absolute top level of play in Brawl right now, I'm beginning to think that MK is not as broken at that level of play as I originally though. However, he is still stupidly dumb up until like the absolute top level of play. @_@


Smash Champion
Sep 29, 2008
Behind a wall of Pikmin (Raleigh NC)
Looking at the absolute top level of play in Brawl right now, I'm beginning to think that MK is not as broken at that level of play as I originally though. However, he is still stupidly dumb up until like the absolute top level of play. @_@
I beat Mits in a MK ditto best of 3 so I am seriously thinking about picking him up.... Maybe if most of the PRs becomes MK people will begin to see exactly how dumb he is.
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