I'm pretty curious to find out how my Lucas is, since I use him in friendlies every now and then for fun. I don't have much in the way of recent videos of my Lucas, but I have two matches against a G&W with him, though one is in the middle of a video of some challenge thing me and a friend were doing.
The first one is here, Lucas vs. G&W (I lose, by the way) (Also, this was before I knew that Zap Jumping existed, I accidentally did 1 zap jump in this fight because my finger slipped, and after that match I played around and found out how I did it)
The other match, Lucas vs. G&W, is from 1:16 - 4:00 (I lose this one too, though I did pretty good early on)
Unfortunately I don't have any other matches up with him against other characters, and G&W forces my Lucas to play differently, so if you need another video or something to really cretique, then let me know and I can get a match or two recorded against his DK instead.
Edit: Oh yeah, there is one problem in my Lucas gameplay, I have a bad habbit of Zap Jumping to PK Thunder... I guess the fact that I think of lightning as coming down from above gives me that habbit. Also, I've never read anything about Lucas, so I've just gone off of what I've learned myself, so there're probably a lot of things I'm doing wrong.
Since you can't really tell from these two videos since I'm fighting a G&W and that bucket scares me, against most characters, I do a lot of retreating PK Fires mixed with PK Thunder every now and then, and I do a lot of Fair and Dair edgeguarding. Against characters recovering from low, I usually use PK Thunder to edgeguard instead.