Even better news is the fact that I thought the game wasn't going to be so infinite friendly due to the gaining meter from being hit aspect, but I found out that the meter you gain from being hit actually scales to the point where it hardly moves. So if you get stick in an infinite, not only will it do 50% before giving you 1 meter, it can definitely do 100% before you get 2. Keep that meter up.
EDIT: Also I'm working on a way to carry it to the corner. If you are two reps from the corner then you can carry them there rather than having them already be there.
Also, I didn't come up with the combo myself, I stole it from some japanese players and changed the setup. For some reason they were using launcher to setup for it, which I just found way too involved to link, so I rerecorded for that, to see how much meter it built for your opponent, and of course, to listen to TI while watching people get infinited.