Man, unrelated to the current discussion, but...
I wish it was easier for Geno's fans to co-exist with other people, you know? I think that's part of what makes this speculation cycle so hard on us. Yeah, we have loud and obnoxious fans who need to cool down. Yes, there are Geno fans who overtake boards with some awful stuff. That said, we're not all bad, and it's horrible to just so much as briefly mention liking Geno and getting severely burned as a result.
What the hell even happened? What's wrong with just... liking a character and letting people like a character? Someone isn't automatically a terrible person just because they like a character you don't. Look at the Steve fans who actually are sweet people and aren't obnoxious, disgusting, "LOL GURL BANJO'S FANS SUCK, STEVE RULEZ, YOU'RE DELUSIONAL IF YOU LIKE BANJO, SIS?" They get dogged because of the terrible fan base, even though not every Steve fan is like that. Heck, lemme just cite
here, who is probably one of the nicest Steve fans, if not the nicest, I've ever come across. They're the example of a fan of Steve who gets unfairly mistreated due to their character preference.
Just... let us like our characters. We'll let you like yours. That's fine. Is it really that hard? Do Geno's fans
have to be mocked and bullied literally everywhere on the internet when not all of them are disgusting? Holy moly. Just... let us be, and we'll let you be. Those who don't let you be are the bad apples, and those are the ones who should be ignored.
It's sad when even liking SMRPG and anything its associated with now immediately gets you harassed. Smash culture has just ruined SMRPG for a lot of people now, whether it's from Geno's worse fans or from Geno's huge hate base. It's... just sad.