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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
I have a strangely good feeling going into this Direct. The unpredictable nature of the DLC thus far gives me hope that the insiders and leakers could always be collectively off the mark, and even if we don't get Geno, the hype that industry professionals and insiders have been raising over this Direct makes me feel like we'll have something to get excited over regardless.
I already have an agreement with some Discords I'm in telling them to PM me if it's Erdrick or Steve. I will be in class so I would rather know when it happens then waiting till I get home to watch the direct my self. Saves me the disappointment from seeing it my self.

Alternatively, this will be you if Geno gets revealed:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
At this point, Sakurai could come out and say Geno is never going to be in Smash, and I still would expect him to pop up during every character reveal.
I mean... That's basically what Ridley and Chrom fans did so... Anyways, I'm not seeing a Smash announcement today and still assert that Erdrick isn't the dead end of the road for Geno in this game. I honestly think we should work on separating the talking points for both characters because it's honestly not good for either fanbase.

Deleted member

I mean... That's basically what Ridley and Chrom fans did so... Anyways, I'm not seeing a Smash announcement today and still assert that Erdrick isn't the dead end of the road for Geno in this game. I honestly think we should work on separating the talking points for both characters because it's honestly not good for either fanbase.
If there is a Smash announcement, I think it will be from a series or company who hasn't ever had a Smash character leaked, no matter whether it was long before the reveal of that character or the day of the direct (Cloud was technically leaked in the way of the latter).
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Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I mean... That's basically what Ridley and Chrom fans did so... Anyways, I'm not seeing a Smash announcement today and still assert that Erdrick isn't the dead end of the road for Geno in this game. I honestly think we should work on separating the talking points for both characters because it's honestly not good for either fanbase.
I already offered my best of luck and potential congratulations to the Dragon Quest fans. The best thing we can do for our own sake is giving ourselves the most positive outreach. We will win more allies the kinder we are to others. Geno has a lot more going for him than we think.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
If there is a Smash announcement, I think it will be from a series or company who hasn't ever had a Smash character leaked, no matter whether it was long before the reveal of that character or the day of the direct (Cloud was technically leaked in the way of the latter).
That's pretty much my thoughts. If there is a Smash announcement, it will be totally out of the blue. Dragon Quest in Smash would probably be a totally separate press conference or even Smash Direct, in my opinion. "Well, what about Cloud?" Cloud was at the tail end of a Nintendo Direct that also announced a ton Final Fantasy games so, in hindsight, it wasn't totally random.

Deleted member

Yeah, we aren't in the Wii U age anymore.
Now that Square is finally getting along with Nintendo in a great way, they could easily accept to release a new Fortune Street or Mario Basketball game finally featuring Geno.

I am positive when it comes to Geno's future, and even the idea of a Geno Mii costume in Smash selling in an outstanding way as far as DLC goes could attract Square about using Geno again already.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
I mean... That's basically what Ridley and Chrom fans did so... Anyways, I'm not seeing a Smash announcement today and still assert that Erdrick isn't the dead end of the road for Geno in this game. I honestly think we should work on separating the talking points for both characters because it's honestly not good for either fanbase.
I guess I don’t really understand why we should be separating them when what we know at face value is that they’re both SE owned characters. I don’t really see how the rights situation with Erdrick makes him completely different than Geno when it comes to the subject of inclusion in the game. Like, Joker getting in pretty much killed any discussion for Tails getting in because they’re both technically Sega characters so I don’t really see the difference here. And from what we’ve seen in the past DLC Nintendo doesn’t really add more than one new character from each company.

You can say that patterns are dumb and don’t mean anything but at the very least it diminishes Geno’s chances for this Fighter Pass and that’s what people are frustrated about. Could there be a second pass or misc. DLC? Sure but literally nothing even hinting at either has been referenced by Nintendo or even leakers at this point so I think assuming either of those will happen is a bad call.

And sure Geno could still be in the FP but it’s just not likely. I feel like these statements are almost made to keep people from ripping into one another more than being based on anything other than conjecture but the fact is if Erdrick got in and Geno (or other actually requested characters like Sora didn’t) that would massively suck for a lot of people. Idk man I massively respect you and your views on things but I just can’t buy into the idea that Geno and Erdrick are as completely separate and don’t affect one another’s chances as you’re saying.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Yeah, we aren't in the Wii U age anymore.
Now that Square is finally getting along with Nintendo in a great way, they could easily accept to release a new Fortune Street or Mario Basketball game finally featuring Geno.

I am positive when it comes to Geno's future, and even the idea of a Geno Mii costume in Smash selling in an outstanding way as far as DLC goes could attract Square about using Geno again already.
Yeah, I was feeling pretty pessimistic before, but I think it was just the environment of uncertainty and Nintendo drought weighing down on me. I am feeling a lot more hopeful for the future now, Smash or not! I'm so excited for the Direct, especially if we get that Star Fox game (and especially if it includes some F-Zero content)!

Deleted member

I don't really understand how Geno has a good shot to get in something Mario related, but not Smash.

Again, I'm confident about his chances for this wave 1 DLC and I'm confident he will be in more Mario games if he gets into Smash, but saying he is likely for something Mario related if he doesn't get into Smash literally makes zero sense
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paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
i still have hope for geno and i think he definitely has some chance, but if he doesnt get in i can always just stick to legacyxp. not sure we'll get smash stuff this direct though

Deleted member

I don't really understand how Geno has a good shot to get in something Mario related, but not Smash.

Again, I'm confident about his chances for this wave 1 DLC and I'm confident he will be in more Mario games if he gets into Smash, but saying he is likely for something Mario related if he doesn't get into Smash literally makes zero sense
Square made the Mario Basketball games.

If Square finally sees a huge interest on Geno somehow, they could decide to put him as a playable character in a possible new Mario Basketball game.

Deleted member

Square made the Mario Basketball games.

If Square finally sees a huge interest on Geno somehow, they could decide to put him as a playable character in a possible new Mario Basketball game.
I think this could be the case for Smash, but I don't think it's likely at all that Geno would get into a Mario game, but not Smash.

i still have hope for geno and i think he definitely has some chance, but if he doesnt get in i can always just stick to legacyxp. not sure we'll get smash stuff this direct though
If Geno isn't in wave 1, I'll probably get Legacy XP too.

I do think there will be a Smash reveal today though, and I feel like it will be a first party reveal


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
It will actually be shocking if there isn't a FE character announced today. FE newcomers are so expected now that it will be a shock if they don't show up as DLC.

Deleted member

I don't think an FE character will be revealed today because I can't think of any that fit the stats of brave


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I think this could be the case for Smash, but I don't think it's likely at all that Geno would get into a Mario game, but not Smash.
Geno and Mallow are fan favorites, and Square loves DLC. Who's to say they can't appear in any spin-offs? If the fan demand is large enough, it could happen, and I've seen a lot of people who want Geno and Mallow in stuff like Strikers and Kart especially. I don't think it's as unlikely as you think, especially since that's kind of, you know... their home series.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
I don't really understand how Geno has a good shot to get in something Mario related, but not Smash.

Again, I'm confident about his chances for this wave 1 DLC and I'm confident he will be in more Mario games if he gets into Smash, but saying he is likely for something Mario related if he doesn't get into Smash literally makes zero sense
It's safe to assume Square and Nintendo are at least aware of the demand for Geno to make a comeback, and if they collaborate on a Mario game again, Geno doesn't have to compete with literally SE's entire backlog of characters to get in since he's already a Mario character. Home-series advantage is a big boon for him there that he doesn't have in Smash. That's why I, and so many others, believe he has a better chance to get into a Square-developed Mario game than Smash at this point.

Deleted member

Geno and Mallow are fan favorites, and Square loves DLC. Who's to say they can't appear in any spin-offs? If the fan demand is large enough, it could happen, and I've seen a lot of people who want Geno and Mallow in stuff like Strikers and Kart especially. I don't think it's as unlikely as you think, especially since that's kind of, you know... their home series.
Geno also has a lot of fan demand for Smash, so I'm pretty sure he'd appear in Smash before any Mario title.

If a different SE character gets in and Geno doesn't as DLC for Smash, well, there goes another chance they could have gone for Geno. If they were making a Mario game with Geno in it, it's likely they would have put him in Smash anyway.

However, this is all if Geno isn't in Smash, and, again, I'm confident he'll be in wave 1.
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I don't think an FE character will be revealed today because I can't think of any that fit the stats of brave
I had no idea what a brave is, but never underestimate Sakurai when it comes to adding more FE fighters. He always finds a way.

Deleted member

I had no idea what a brave is, but never underestimate Sakurai when it comes to adding more FE fighters. He always finds a way.
Well, "brave" is a codename for a character that was found within the game's files, and there aren't any FE characters I can think of that fit the stats of the character.

I guess it's not impossible, but I find it unlikely that we get any FE characters


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Well, "brave" is a codename for a character that was found within the game's files, and there aren't any FE characters I can think of that fit the stats of the character.

I guess it's not impossible, but I find it unlikely that we get any FE characters
Funny enough Brave is a really common class type in Fire Emblem Heroes.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Datboigeno Datboigeno I'd argue Tails discussion dropped moreso because SEGA already has three reps and so far they haven't double dipped into third party franchises with totally unique characters. That's two major hypothetical barriers that Tails would have to overcome. Square has one rep at the moment, producing the argument that there really isn't any issue with Square or Namco playing catch up. Konami technically got three characters added in this game. There's also the fact that Geno would still count as a Mario character so wouldn't even represent a stand alone franchise, not really even being a real +1 for Square Enix outside of legal negotiations which have already been done. That's why I'd argue it's different, on top of Erdrick's lengthy liscensing owner list. Dragon Quest is a whole separate can of worms, especially with Armor Project and Bird Studio having significantly more say and control over it than Square Enix anyways.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
I mean... That's basically what Ridley and Chrom fans did so... Anyways, I'm not seeing a Smash announcement today and still assert that Erdrick isn't the dead end of the road for Geno in this game. I honestly think we should work on separating the talking points for both characters because it's honestly not good for either fanbase.
I simply can't agree with your points in that regard. I very much think that it's a one or the other situation still. I don't have the same wide eyed optimism that I had during the Grinch leak.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Datboigeno Datboigeno I'd argue Tails discussion dropped moreso because SEGA already has three reps and so far they haven't double dipped into third party franchises with totally unique characters. That's two major hypothetical barriers that Tails would have to overcome. Square has one rep at the moment, producing the argument that there really isn't any issue with Square or Namco playing catch up. Konami technically got three characters added in this game. There's also the fact that Geno would still count as a Mario character so wouldn't even represent a stand alone franchise, not really even being a real +1 for Square Enix outside of legal negotiations which have already been done. That's why I'd argue it's different, on top of Erdrick's lengthy liscensing owner list. Dragon Quest is a whole separate can of worms, especially with Armor Project and Bird Studio having significantly more say and control over it than Square Enix anyways.
The number of unique reps Sega has vs SE is a fair point. I would have just expected them to have another rep on the base roster other than Cloud if they were trying to catch up. The Mario rep aspect is another good point. That said I feel like it could be spun as a celebration of SE and Nintendo’s prior business relationship as a way of promoting the restoration of said relationship now years later.

The multiple license holder aspect is a tricky situation for SE and Nintendo to navigate for sure but I don’t see that as being a reason why Erdrick be seen as entirely separate from Geno. If anything I’d think DQ being a pain in the ass to negotiate would make it less likely for Nintendo to try to get another SE character.
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Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
I already offered my best of luck and potential congratulations to the Dragon Quest fans. The best thing we can do for our own sake is giving ourselves the most positive outreach. We will win more allies the kinder we are to others. Geno has a lot more going for him than we think.
I would agree with you; but at this point I'm exhausted of being kind. And if Erdrick fans get their character and rub it in, I won't have much good will to give. :/

Deleted member

I would agree with you; but at this point I'm exhausted of being kind. And if Erdrick fans get their character and rub it in, I won't have much good will to give. :/
You know some will, and those are the assholes who shouldn't be the example. Don't fight fire with fire because some fans are mean. You'll burn the forest down.
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Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
We talk about it a lot in the Banjo thread about the possibility of Steve and Banjo getting in together. Would Nintendo count Banjo as a old Nintendo character so they feel fine with adding Steve as well for only "one" Microsoft rep? So like Geno. Would Nintendo count Geno as a Nintendo character and not count him as another SE rep allowing for Geno and Erdrick?
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No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Just wanted to pop in and say good luck to all my fellow Genobros! A lot may happen in the next couple of hours but regardless of what happens I hope we pull through and stay strong.

Deleted member

Just wanted to pop in and say good luck to all my fellow Genobros! A lot may happen in the next couple of hours but regardless of what happens I hope we pull through and stay strong.
If Geno gets in, I'll shove my foot in my mouth live on camera, post it in this thread, and wont even care. Pray to the star road.
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Deleted member

We talk about it a lot in the Banjo thread about the possibility of Steve and Banjo getting in together. Would Nintendo count Banjo as a old Nintendo character so they feel fine with adding Steve as well for only "one" Microsoft rep? So like Geno. Would Nintendo count Geno as a Nintendo character and not count him as another SE rep allowing for Geno and Erdrick?
Well, Geno does use the Mario mushroom icon for his spirit, so maybe.

Just wanted to pop in and say good luck to all my fellow Genobros! A lot may happen in the next couple of hours but regardless of what happens I hope we pull through and stay strong.
If Geno gets in, I'll shove my foot in my mouth live on camera, post it in this thread, and wont even care. Pray to the star road.
Good luck you guys. I don't think Geno will be revealed in this direct, but I think he'll be revealed 3rd or final (if he is DLC, which I'm confident about).

Deleted member

Good luck you guys. I don't think Geno will be revealed in this direct, but I think he'll be revealed 3rd or final (if he is DLC, which I'm confident about).
Despite where I stand on who'll be revealed, I do support Geno and hope for him to be revealed whenever. Whether it be a Season 2 DLC or Season 1.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
Perhaps I'm biased, but I think Neku has a greater chance than people give him credit for. Nintendo advertised the game more than Square did; in fact, Nintendo published Final Remix for Switch. On top of that, Neku will probably be more relevant since Shibuya is 100% tied to Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC or a fourth game (building 104 is important in TWEWY). Last but not least, a sequel may be in the works. I think he has a fair chance, but in the face of Erdrick, idk.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I simply can't agree with your points in that regard. I very much think that it's a one or the other situation still. I don't have the same wide eyed optimism that I had during the Grinch leak.
It's not really wide eyed optimism and moreso I'm going to see this through to the end because I've been an active member of this fanbase for almost 14 years so what's another 9-10 months tops to get a final answer?


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
We talk about it a lot in the Banjo thread about the possibility of Steve and Banjo getting in together. Would Nintendo count Banjo as a old Nintendo character so they feel fine with adding Steve as well for only "one" Microsoft rep? So like Geno. Would Nintendo count Geno as a Nintendo character and not count him as another SE rep allowing for Geno and Erdrick?
There’s always that possibility. The thing is these business relationships are big deals and having your companies’ character get into Smash provides a huge amount of exposure to that character’s franchise. Because of that there are probably a bunch of companies that want to get a first rep or second into Ultimate if they have one already. The spots are probably very competitive. I think that’s why I’m skeptical of more than one company character in the FP.

Even if Banjo/Steve and Geno/Erdrick could be categorized separately the fact is they are owned by Microsoft and SE respectively and so I wonder if Nintendo would go to them only requesting one of each knowing they have other companies salivating to get reps in the game. Having 2 reps from a company would mean you’re cut off from making a deal with a different company. Given this is all conjecture on my part and I have no basis for saying this other than a decent knowledge of business and how big companies make deals so I could be completely mistaken.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I don't really understand how Geno has a good shot to get in something Mario related, but not Smash.

Again, I'm confident about his chances for this wave 1 DLC and I'm confident he will be in more Mario games if he gets into Smash, but saying he is likely for something Mario related if he doesn't get into Smash literally makes zero sense
It's almost like saying there is not going to be another Golden Sun game because Isaac isn't playable in Ultimate. It doesn't make any sense at all to say that, Nintendo can definitely market the franchises of characters outside the roster.

Funny enough Brave is a really common class type in Fire Emblem Heroes.
Oh no.

It's not really wide eyed optimism and moreso I'm going to see this through to the end because I've been an active member of this fanbase for almost 14 years so what's another 9-10 months tops to get a final answer?
You're a awesome dude Fatmanonice. I hope we get Geno for your sake and all of ours.
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