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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Huh, looking at things that might hint at us getting Geno...in the Geno Smash Thread.

Who'd have thunk?! :4pacman:
I'm all for more geno possibilities. It wasn't about that, It was about trying to put down other characters (or their chances). there's a bit more to it, but anyway.

I'm tired of a lot of **** right now, so im just trying to navigate my way through this and hopefully feel good.
well gnight in any case.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
I feel like if no one has figured out by now then it might not happen. Then again no one expected a VGA reveal.
Eh, I wouldn't say that. I mean, a lot of insiders were either "leaking" Erdrick's announcement or nothing at all happening, but a lot of other people saw the writing on the wall with the clip of dorito pope and Reggie talking about Smash launching and the VGAs happening the same day and were pretty sure there would be some Smash announcement. But no one predicted that specific reveal.
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Deleted member

My hype for the Direct keeps is such an emotional rollercoaster. A few hours ago I felt hope for Geno, then I didn't and then I did, then I didn't then I did, Then I didn't and did. I really hope they reveal Brave tomorrow just to get it over with and so many bonus points if Brave really is Geno.


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018

Sorry, but just look at my icon.
I feel ya, I wish I could still enjoy RWBY, but my brain finally had enough of avoiding the issues with the series and once that happened I couldn't enjoy it anymore. Recent events have completely pushed me away from RT.

I'm all for more geno possibilities. It wasn't about that, It was about trying to put down other characters (or their chances). there's a bit more to it, but anyway.

I'm tired of a lot of **** right now, so im just trying to navigate my way through this and hopefully feel good.
well gnight in any case.
Adios for now I supposed, however understand that this IS the Geno Subthread, and as such we look forward to Geno mainly and other characters secondly...usually. Erdrick is easily a competitor of Geno and is not really heavily requested, no offense to his supporters of course, but there are not many of you in the East and much less here in the West. The facts are that he's not heavily requested and that Sakurai and Nintendo would have to go the extra miles to negotiate him as a Challenger Pack...and frankly, it would kinda be an insult to long-term Smash fans considering these things. So, naturally, most fans don't want him.

When you tie these things in with how ridiculous people have been in his favor the past two months to the point where chatting is pure self-inflicting torture (like insisting that the 'evidence' behind his inclusion is flawless and guarantees his reveal when this info is no more damning than anything we've dug up for other characters or fighting that all the stats fit him and when it gets pointed out that others fit the bill too or that certain stats really don't fit him the responses are 'stats can change, so it doesn't matter' or 'yeah but X character isn't in it's Erdrick') and how people are tired of 'animu swordspeeps' and you see the disdain he gets.

It's really a combo of 'we didn't ask for this' and dealing with jugheads with Vergeben's hand so far up their asses they are more like puppets than Geno.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
In regards to RWBY...Continuing an author's work after they die rarely ends well. Just ask Dune fans.

so polar posted this, saying it's a hint. Now it wasn't specified if this was Smash related, but I thought I'd bring discussion here.
Damn, looks like we're getting a port of Genji: Way of the Blade! :4pacman:
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Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2018
Maybe that crab picture is a hint to that Goose game that is still unreleased along with no name??


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Man waiting till next time is starting to get really tiring. Lol
Time spent playing Smash Ultimate: around 4 months
Time spent waiting for Smash Ultimate: like 4 years

You tell me which one’s the better hobby.
Let's say hypothetically they add ANOTHER FE character instead of Erdrick. HOWEVER, it's a FE character that is also a spirit. How would ya'll feel?
I’d be confused and I would point at Rex in a pleading manner.
so polar posted this, saying it's a hint. Now it wasn't specified if this was Smash related, but I thought I'd bring discussion here.
Giant Enemy Crab confirmed.
Using a reverse image search, this crab seems to be in the movie Roma. Don't know if this shines light on anything.
I... do not recall seeing that crab in Roma.
Nobody knows if Smash will be shown tomorrow but the menu's looking pretty tasty either way. I'm really excited for the game that will undoubtedly be making the headlines if true. It's a really big deal for a lot of reasons. I'll give a super estoteric hint: 930216
The Star Fox thing said earlier seems way smarter, but I found that it’s the taxonomical number for mites & ticks or something like that. So maybe Pikmin?

Deleted member

I feel like, if brave is revealed today, it will be from a series or company that hasn't had a Smash character leaked before
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Crab battle SImulator (? I dont know the name..
Sushi? ... KANIKAMA?!
****ing Pikmin 4
Now that you mention Sushi I guess Sushi Strikers could be a possibility.

By Jove, I hope all them piling Star Fox GP rumors aren’t true. I’d have to question somebody’s sanity if they are.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2019
Erdrick is easily a competitor of Geno and is not really heavily requested
To me the question is rather "why Erdrick is Geno's competitor". The two only share common point of Square ownership, but if we re-consider Geno's identity as competitor:

1) As a Square-licesnesd character: competing with Erdrick, Slime, Chrono etc
2) As a Mario character: competing with Toad, Birdo, Waluigi etc.

I personally always think Geno is still a Mario character (as shown in the costume icon), but Nintendo is not allowed to use him directly due to license ownership. They need to additonally ask Square's agreement (with potential fee) to include him in any Mario game. So his case is very special and different from either Erdrick or Toad above.

Then plus, as I mentioned before, Geno is technically not a protagonist from Square's original franchise. If I was a Square director and I choose between Geno and the others, I definitely want to promote my other franchise in this game. The only exception is Geno had been re-introduced as a protagonist of neew Square games (Banjo's case as said) so that he can definitely fit in.

I understand in the current phase of announcing DLC content, it's more likely about 3rd party guests that represent huge franchises and fans would like to pay for them. Even not considering Geno a protagonist or not, it is very easy for Nintendo to find partnership with a more famous and valuable video game character to be the choice as DLC content. So for Geno, his chance is technically bigger in base roster than in DLC content if Nintendo ever want to add a new special Mario fighter, that is my thought.
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Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Now that you mention Sushi I guess Sushi Strikers could be a possibility.

By Jove, I hope all them piling Star Fox GP rumors aren’t true. I’d have to question somebody’s sanity if they are.
Maybe, the game is a New F-ZERO but with a Bunch of Star Fox Characters
To me the question is rather "why Erdrick is Geno's competitor". The two only share common

1) As a Square-licesnesd character: competing with Erdrick, Slime, Chrono etc
2) As a Mario character: competing with Toad, Birdo, Waluigi etc.

I personally always think Geno is still a Mario character (as shown in the costume icon), but Nintendo is not allowed to use him directly due to license ownership. They need to additonally ask Square's agreement (with potential fee) to include him in any Mario game. So his case is very special and different from either Erdrick or Toad above.

Then plus, as I mentioned before, Geno is technically not a protagonist from Square's original franchise. If I was a Square director and I choose between Geno and the others, I definitely want to promote my other franchise in this game. The only exception is Geno had been re-introduced as a protagonist of neew Square games (Banjo's case as said) so that he can definitely fit in.

I understand in the current phase of announcing DLC content, it's more likely about 3rd party guests that represent huge franchises and fans would like to pay for them. Even not considering Geno a protagonist or not, it is very easy for Nintendo to find partnership with a more famous and valuable video game character to be the choice as DLC content. So for Geno, his chance is technically bigger in base roster than in DLC content if Nintendo ever want to add a new special Mario fighter in the first place.
#28,804 Intensifies
They're still competitors tho, not in a way that "It's you or me buddy!" but in the end, both of'em are "SE" Characters.. (Despite Geno being made by Miyamoto and Erdrick owned by AP instead of SE)
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I'll take any SF that's not just retelling the Lylat Wars yet again at this point, as long as the game itself is competent enough. Just keep Miyamoto far away from it and we're golden.

Now that you mention Sushi I guess Sushi Strikers could be a possibility.
That'd be brazen, since that game quite clearly flopped on both the 3DS AND Switch.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2019
They're still competitors tho, not in a way that "It's you or me buddy!" but in the end, both of'em are "SE" Characters.. (Despite Geno being made by Miyamoto and Erdrick owned by AP instead of SE)
Just given very few DLC slots left, every wanted character would compete in a more intense way, sharing common points or not.

If Square is the only one that can make decisions on Geno as a Square character, then, he would have to compete directly with other Square stars. However, if Geno is considering a Nintendo franchise character, his chance would not interefere other Square characters', that is my point here.
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Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Just given very few DLC slots left, every wanted character would compete in a more intense way, sharing common points or not.

If Square is the only one that can make decisions on Geno as a Square character, then, he would have to compete directly with other Square stars. However, if Geno is considering a Nintendo franchise character, his chance would not interefere other Square characters', that is my point here.
The "Competition" that its has with the other SE reps is that it's indeed, a SE rep.
The "Competition" that its has with other Nintendo Characters (Or Super Mario Characters) is just a fan idea of "They can't add a lot of characters from the same franchise!" or something.
And in both cases Geno is a competitor with all of those characters (Like any other character) in a way that, SE and Nintendo are using time and money to make X character instead of Y character.

Although, Nintendo and SE doesn't see those characters like competitos, they don't go for a "Okay, lets see the pros and cons from those 7 reps you have, same with Nintendo Characters"
Nintendo get the idea, Sakurai see the possibilities, They ask SE about it, and Nintendo uses a Plan B C if the first idea doesn't work at all.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2018
Switch FC

Been listening to Super Mario RPG music today and not sure if any of you know of Gametal, but this medley is so amazing and really captures a sense of nostalgia for the game we adore. Definitely give a listen to this and many of his other songs!

Nintendo Direct 2/13/19
Today’s the day! I hope whoever (if anyone is shown today) will be respected. As fans of Geno, of course we want our precious star boy in, but i know even if we may not be happy with the picks, chances are others will be, and to me that’s what matters most. Let’s hope for the best but also remember there will always be fans of others even if we aren’t personally. Not only smash but other games i hope will be announced/shown off and that alone makes
me happy! :starman:
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I just got off work like more than a hour ago, so I am about to go to sleep for a bit before the Direct starts later on.

The crab is obviously hinting towards Spongebob in Smash
Squidward: No Patrick, it's hinting towards Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs: That's right bucko! And when I get revealed as a fighter in Smash, everybody that plays Smash will came to the Krusty Krab and give me their money.
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Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2018
Hey guys what were all those recent rumors fatmanonice heard recently? Also this whole crab thing has my head spinning. It could mean so many things! What’s everyone’s theory on that?

Deleted member

Hey guys what were all those recent rumors fatmanonice heard recently? Also this whole crab thing has my head spinning. It could mean so many things! What’s everyone’s theory on that?
Fatmanonice apparently heard that 1) there's some bombshells in this direct and that Specifically NOA was hyping it up 2) The alleged ports are gonna be sequels or deluxe versions(?) 3) And that blue crab Image is hinting towards something, Personally I think it's either Pikmin 4 or F-Zero. I'm not sure which yet.

Deleted member

Hey guys what were all those recent rumors fatmanonice heard recently? Also this whole crab thing has my head spinning. It could mean so many things! What’s everyone’s theory on that?
I think it's Crusty from SMRPG and is hinting at Geno :4pacman:

In all seriousness, I don't know lol. To my knowledge, it's hinting at a new game rather than a Smash reveal, but, again, Idk


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2008
Fatmanonice apparently heard that 1) there's some bombshells in this direct and that Specifically NOA was hyping it up 2) The alleged ports are gonna be sequels or deluxe versions(?) 3) And that blue crab Image is hinting towards something, Personally I think it's either Pikmin 4 or F-Zero. I'm not sure which yet.
my money is on pikmin. If it were a squid, or a worm that went NYAH id say we had a big day coming.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Hey guys, just to let you know, Square thread has confirmed that Verge 100% backs Erdrick now. If we get a Smash reveal today, keep your hopes tempered (if you aren't a fan of him and only want Geno).

It's kinda sad for me, but... honestly, I'm happy for his fans, at least. I'd hate for them to have gotten all this teasing, only to end up with nothing. Granted, I guess that means we're kind of in this situation now, what with Geno being namedropped a lot lately and his Mii outfit being the only one not upgraded in any way in Smash Ultimate...

That being said, not all hope is lost for Geno. He's finally in the limelight with Mallow now. We need to keep our support and voices raised high. There's still misc. DLC and possible future seasons, after all.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2019
The "Competition" that its has with the other SE reps is that it's indeed, a SE rep.
The "Competition" that its has with other Nintendo Characters (Or Super Mario Characters) is just a fan idea of "They can't add a lot of characters from the same franchise!" or something.
And in both cases Geno is a competitor with all of those characters (Like any other character) in a way that, SE and Nintendo are using time and money to make X character instead of Y character.
Well, Geno is considered a Mario character at this point, and I assume most of his fans consider him like that. Moves and bio must need franchise references, so Geno cannot get rid of his Mario character title unless he can join a new Square RPG franchise. (okay, reminds me of Octopath... ) On the other hand, as long as Smash bros was meant for Nintendo game characters, officially regarding Geno as a character of Nintendo games, regardless of ownership issue, sure does give him much better chance than other 3rd party guests.

Nintendo may decide how much a representation a franchise can do. Just if no more Mario fighters are added for this round, it would be a legit decision that Mario fans can hardly find room to blame.
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Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
To be honest, I lost hope about Geno's inclusion. I'm not expecting anything for this direct, I'm not even sure they'll reveal a new character (normally they should since they will not have a lot of direct to announce characters but hey, you never know what's gonna happen).

I'm confident about them giving us news on Joker (and probably some gameplay), I don't really know if they will show a character. And if that's a Square Rep, I don't believe that will be Geno. I really believe that would be either Erdrick (because you know, leaks) or Sora (because the timing would be right). And since I don't care about Sora at all and I like Erdrick only a bit, I think that if we get a surprise with the character, that will be a good surprise. At least, that's something.

And by the way Nintendo, announce that ****ing Starfox Grand Prix, the idea is just too good. Don't be a fake, please.

I want a huge surprise Nintendo !


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Well, Geno is considered a Mario character at this point, and I assume most of his fans consider him like that. Moves and bio must need franchise references, so Geno cannot get rid of his Mario character title unless he can join a new Square RPG franchise. (okay, reminds me of Octopath... ) On the other hand, as long as Smash bros was meant for Nintendo game characters, officially regarding Geno as a character of Nintendo games, regardless of ownership issue, sure does give him much better chance than other 3rd party guests.

Nintendo may decide how much a representation a franchise can do. Just if no more Mario fighters are added for this round, it would be a legit decision that Mario fans can hardly find room to blame.
So.. what's your point
I'm talking about legal issues
You're talking about... lore issues and how the fans see it and how bring him back but, that doesn't change the fact that Geno is owned by SE. lmao


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
Hey guys, just to let you know, Square thread has confirmed that Verge 100% backs Erdrick now. If we get a Smash reveal today, keep your hopes tempered (if you aren't a fan of him and only want Geno).
I checked Vergeben GameFAQ account, he talked a lot about the direct, yup but he didn't talk about Smash Bros. Yesterday, he sait that he didn't know if they were talkin' about it, since that moment, he didn't talk about Smash.

He confirmed that the new Zelda has nothing to do with Link's Awakening, Pikmin 3 port and... Starfox Grand Prix (better be right about that).

So I'm confused, I didn't see him confirming Erdrick's inclusion. Especially after everything he said about how dangerous it would be for some Square's employees to give a name.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
Alright guys, let's try to uplift spirits in anticipation for the direct. What would Geno's tagline be if he gets in? I think i'd go with- Geno shoots for the stars!


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I checked Vergeben GameFAQ account, he talked a lot about the direct, yup but he didn't talk about Smash Bros. Yesterday, he sait that he didn't know if they were talkin' about it, since that moment, he didn't talk about Smash.

He confirmed that the new Zelda has nothing to do with Link's Awakening, Pikmin 3 port and... Starfox Grand Prix (better be right about that).

So I'm confused, I didn't see him confirming Erdrick's inclusion. Especially after everything he said about how dangerous it would be for some Square's employees to give a name.
Eh? I saw a screencap of him talking about Erdrick in the Square thread, and from someone I trust wouldn't forge a screenshot like that. Are we sure about that? Maybe he deleted the post?


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
I checked Vergeben GameFAQ account, he talked a lot about the direct, yup but he didn't talk about Smash Bros. Yesterday, he sait that he didn't know if they were talkin' about it, since that moment, he didn't talk about Smash.

He confirmed that the new Zelda has nothing to do with Link's Awakening, Pikmin 3 port and... Starfox Grand Prix (better be right about that).

So I'm confused, I didn't see him confirming Erdrick's inclusion. Especially after everything he said about how dangerous it would be for some Square's employees to give a name.
Well, he did confirm that he back up Erdrick but he didn't say "It's Erdrick".

It's the ****ing same as before, he still believe it's Erdrick since all the information he had.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Alright guys, let's try to uplift spirits in anticipation for the direct. What would Geno's tagline be if he gets in? I think i'd go with- Geno shoots for the stars!
'Geno Gets the Show on the Road!'

I almost never see that suggested as his tagline and it absolutely baffles me.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2018
Would be legit funny if that "Yes" he gave the dude was stating that he saw his Twitter, rather than Erdrick being the one.
But yeah, I'm also 100% ready and accepting Erdrick is the one to come.
But, as stated, I believe Season 2 to be a thing. 100%
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