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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Thank the lord, something more concrete.

Also, how likely are Wall Street to delay the news if no Direct happens next week?

I'm sure it would annoy me a little. Lord knows I don't want to see Jessica reduced into a Mii costume, never mind Solo and Sofia. Or even Slime, for that matter.

Yes, I know a costume is a sign for "better luck next time", but just imagine the collective disappointment the Japanese base would have towards this.
It might be disappointing in some ways, but it's better than nothing. If that's all they can get in, like geno's outfit, then I'd rather have it in than not.
A rep + mii costume is another case tho. Chocobo mii costume is nice. Fighting with a real chocobo would be awesome tho :p
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Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
I think the DLC would likely be five of these eight:

Joker, Erdrick, Ryu Hayabusa, Chris Redfield/Leon Kennedy, Steve, Doom Slayer, Geno, Banjo-Kazooie.
Geez Joker is the most likely how'd you guess that? Also SMT is 90's, not 80's.

You think they'd add Chris before Jill? I mean, he was in Marvel vs Capcom, but I think both Jill and Leon are infinitely more representative of the series.

In any case, I respect the opinions of a Gordon Freeman supporter.
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
It might be disappointing in some ways, but it's better than nothing. If that's all they can get in, like geno's outfit, then I'd rather have it in than not.
A rep + mii costume is another case tho. Chocobo mii costume is nice. Fighting with a real chocobo would be awesome tho :p
Only if it came with the FF7 Chocobo race music.

That on Big Blue while fighting a Chocobo? Priceless.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2018
waiting for a nintendo direct is just driving me insane. i'm hoping that next direct comes out on 2/14, for the love of us all!


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
I had a thought this morning-

Reggie: "I personally have not been involved in those discussions, but as I have talked with Mr. Sakurai and others in the development area I’ve never heard of a story where we’ve been turned down as we pursued a particular character."

Sakurai: "Geno was actually a character I wanted to include as a fighter. He has a gun for an arm, and just seems like he'd fit absolutely perfectly into Smash."

Something seems fishy. Sakurai says he wants Geno and Reggie said he's never heard of an instance where a character has been turned down. Either Sakurai doesn't want Geno as much as we think, Reggie doesn't hear everything, or Square is going to play ball.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I had a thought this morning-

Reggie: "I personally have not been involved in those discussions, but as I have talked with Mr. Sakurai and others in the development area I’ve never heard of a story where we’ve been turned down as we pursued a particular character."

Sakurai: "Geno was actually a character I wanted to include as a fighter. He has a gun for an arm, and just seems like he'd fit absolutely perfectly into Smash."

Something seems fishy. Sakurai says he wants Geno and Reggie said he's never heard of an instance where a character has been turned down. Either Sakurai doesn't want Geno as much as we think, Reggie doesn't hear everything, or Square is going to play ball.
That would be referring to Ultimate's discussions for DLC, and with that being said, Sakurai's comment about Geno was for Brawl and Sm4sh. Since NoJ is choosing this time, they probably never got the chance to even ask for Geno this time.

Whether Square said no for Brawl or Sm4sh is something we don't know. They probably didn't have time to work on Geno for Sm4sh, plus Square and Nintendo were still under a lot of friction for Brawl. I doubt that Sakurai even got a chance to ask for Geno for Brawl, even if he wanted him.

Basically, if Geno was asked for this time, then if Reggie's comments are true, we'll be getting him eventually. If he wasn't, then it's all moot point, and given NoJ is choosing, it all points to him not being asked for. It's a shame, too, because I'm sure if Sakurai was choosing this time, he probably would have asked for Geno since he wanted him in the past two titles before Ultimate. Whether Square would have been fine with that is another thing, but the point is, Geno was probably not even asked for, unless Sakurai has some other magic up his sleeves.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Eh, even if that pointed towards Phoenix Wright getting in, I wouldn't exactly call it more "concrete".
I meant more in regards to potential Direct news for Nintendo games. Once again, my vagueness does me in. :facepalm:

I had a thought this morning-

Reggie: "I personally have not been involved in those discussions, but as I have talked with Mr. Sakurai and others in the development area I’ve never heard of a story where we’ve been turned down as we pursued a particular character."

Sakurai: "Geno was actually a character I wanted to include as a fighter. He has a gun for an arm, and just seems like he'd fit absolutely perfectly into Smash."

Something seems fishy. Sakurai says he wants Geno and Reggie said he's never heard of an instance where a character has been turned down. Either Sakurai doesn't want Geno as much as we think, Reggie doesn't hear everything, or Square is going to play ball.
Middle case could be possible.

I've been low-key thinking a lot about a chocobo knight fighter as a FF rep, gets you a moogle and chocobo in one package.
And it'd make for a damn good troll move. Besides, :ultyoshi:s behaved like Chocobos once, so it's only fair.
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Another possibility I've thought of is in just how much we don't know about the choosing process from Nintendo and Sakurai. Polar's source has stated that the final choices were apparently made by Nintendo of Japan... but what if there was more involvement from Nintendo outside of Japan? Consulting the worldwide branches and gathering choices could very well be possible, especially if they want to minimize on Eastern bias and go for more worldwide appeal. Nintendo of America has been namedropping Geno and Mallow for the first time in years, and with the Geno rumor at NoA, it begs the question of how it began.

Maybe NoA executives had to give input on Smash DLC and what characters could be a part of it, all for NoJ to make a final decision on with Sakurai. In all of that, I really wouldn't be surprised if they brought up Geno. NoJ may or may not, leaning towards not, but NoA possibly would. From a marketing perspective, it makes sense, too, to gauge worldwide appeal of different choices, getting multiple opinions on what they should go for. It'd also spawn the Geno rumor if he was pitched by the highest-ups of NoA as a potential idea for a newcomer.

I honestly doubt this and I'm pretty sure it was only NoJ and Sakurai, but I could see it as a possibility, especially with how Reggie spoke of 'their' pursuit of a particular character(s). It makes me think Nintendo might have been more of a worldwide team in terms of choices than we thought. Reggie is the president of NoA, but the fact that he's speaking of Nintendo as a whole under the same umbrella is a point of fascination. It more than likely means nothing, but it makes me wonder.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
He notes a particular franchise but not a character and says it would likely be the first thing shown in the Direct.
I’m not going to say what it is but it rhymes with Thagon Crest.
I think this is why Polar's source was skeptical because the implication seems to be that there would be a focus on a particular franchise but not necessarily a character, maybe like a Mii costume set but I'm in the position that Nintendo wouldn't do that. I'm thinking it would be both or at least a character because I think it would be a massive troll to that fanbase otherwise and be guaranteed sour grapes ala Isaac and Rex.
A massive troll to the fanbase akin to Isaac and Rex? Could it be Banjo?
Time for 20 Questions, y'all
Is it a mineral?
Honestly, I'm more interested in the "surprise" that's supposedly going to be a big headliner and might poke Polar's source later to see if his colleague went into specifics. So, to recap, the trolly colleague suggested the Smash segment would focus on a particular franchise (he said which one) but said no particular character, suggesting they either don't know or there won't be one.
Well at least that rules out a Persona segment. They would know the character if that were it.
I had a thought this morning-

Reggie: "I personally have not been involved in those discussions, but as I have talked with Mr. Sakurai and others in the development area I’ve never heard of a story where we’ve been turned down as we pursued a particular character."

Sakurai: "Geno was actually a character I wanted to include as a fighter. He has a gun for an arm, and just seems like he'd fit absolutely perfectly into Smash."

Something seems fishy. Sakurai says he wants Geno and Reggie said he's never heard of an instance where a character has been turned down. Either Sakurai doesn't want Geno as much as we think, Reggie doesn't hear everything, or Square is going to play ball.
Or Sakurai put his personal wishes aside and always approached Square Enix asking for a big character (Cloud in 4, Erdrick? In Ultimate)


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
The source trolling a fanbase supposedly.
I think Fatman meant representation without a playable fighter 'trolling' the fanbase a la Isaac and Rex, since those two got the shaft and backlash was huge as a result. It's less Polar's source's colleague and more Nintendo's choices leaving fans feeling bitter.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
That would be referring to Ultimate's discussions for DLC, and with that being said, Sakurai's comment about Geno was for Brawl and Sm4sh. Since NoJ is choosing this time, they probably never got the chance to even ask for Geno this time.

Whether Square said no for Brawl or Sm4sh is something we don't know. They probably didn't have time to work on Geno for Sm4sh, plus Square and Nintendo were still under a lot of friction for Brawl. I doubt that Sakurai even got a chance to ask for Geno for Brawl, even if he wanted him.

Basically, if Geno was asked for this time, then if Reggie's comments are true, we'll be getting him eventually. If he wasn't, then it's all moot point, and given NoJ is choosing, it all points to him not being asked for. It's a shame, too, because I'm sure if Sakurai was choosing this time, he probably would have asked for Geno since he wanted him in the past two titles before Ultimate. Whether Square would have been fine with that is another thing, but the point is, Geno was probably not even asked for, unless Sakurai has some other magic up his sleeves.
Geno was and still is a popular character in Japan. NOJ has no real reason to be against his inclusion given his direct connections to the Mario franchise. Plus, Sakurai was a big fan of Persona, and NOJ allowed Joker in, so Geno isn't any less plausible of happening if they take both Sakurai and the Western audience appeal into account. It's kinda innacurate that they would be leaning against his inclusion at all.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Geno was and still is a popular character in Japan. NOJ has no real reason to be against his inclusion given his direct connections to the Mario franchise. Plus, Sakurai was a big fan of Persona, and NOJ allowed Joker in, so Geno isn't any less plausible of happening if they take both Sakurai and the Western audience appeal into account. It's kinda innacurate that they would be leaning against his inclusion at all.
True, but I can't say they're quite as aware. Then again, they and Square okay'ed the SMRPG segment of Super Mario Kun that released a couple of years ago, so... who knows? I know they're trying to appease fans more, but I guess I'm just rather cynical.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
I think Fatman meant representation without a playable fighter 'trolling' the fanbase a la Isaac and Rex, since those two got the shaft and backlash was huge as a result. It's less Polar's source's colleague and more Nintendo's choices leaving fans feeling bitter.
I don't really see too many people being that bitter if DQ gets mii costumes considering no one was really asking for characters from that franchise in the way they were asking for Isaac or Rex/Pyrrha even in Japan. I think more people will be bootyblasted over Sora not being playable.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
The source trolling a fanbase supposedly.
It wasn’t about the source trolling, it was about the franchise not having a character would feel like a troll and a snub to people, like Isaac and Rex’s exclusions.

And I can’t think of a franchise that would make people go ‘what the **** why no character???’ more than Banjo-Kazooie.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I'm fairly skeptical of RE representation right now along with Doomguy and Ryu because of one factor: the music slots in the game established. There are only 3 empty slots right now, and I don't think Nintendo would want every DLC character to be a third party character. I think they would want at least one or two characters of their own in there. To be fair to Minecraft, Sakurai did say he was interested in Minecraft "content", but not actual playable characters according to the interview. So, Minecraft Steve and Alex Mii Fighter costumes are a possibility. Not so sure about bonus stages though beyond what we have.
Sakurai spoke about Minecraft in Smash?


I only remember his Minecraft interview that had nothing Smash-related, where he seemed to love the game design and the game in general based on how he worded stuff - some other comments from him include wondering how Minecraft's #1 spot on the Western eShop was overtaken by Stardew Valley.
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The Anigriffin

Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
So, sounds like this "surprise" announcement isn't one of those five supposed games since it wouldn't really be a huge "surprise."

Hmm... :Chews on pencil:


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Sakurai spoke about Minecraft in Smash?


I only remember his Minecraft interview that had nothing Smash-related, where he seemed to love the game design and the game in general based on how he worded stuff - some other comments from him include wondering how Minecraft's #1 spot on the Western eShop was overtaken by Stardew Valley.
I could've sworn I saw an article stating it somewhere but I'm not finding it. Oh well, I suppose I misrembered or the article was removed.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
If the franchise getting "snubbed" is Minecraft, people should have expected that. It's like Monster Hunter in that people care more about the setting than anything, especially since they can make it themselves.

So, sounds like this "surprise" announcement isn't one of those five supposed games since it wouldn't really be a huge "surprise."

Hmm... :Chews on pencil:
Let's hope it'll stay hidden.

By the way, I was wondering, are you still concerned it'll happen on Monday?
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Thank the lord, something more concrete.

Also, how likely are Wall Street to delay the news if no Direct happens next week?
Supposedly some news outlets and a handful of retailers have known for at least two weeks, which may explain Jon of Game Explain's otter post last week. Like I said, they'll just hang onto the info until it's formally announced.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I could've sworn I saw an article stating it somewhere but I'm not finding it. Oh well, I suppose I misrembered or the article was removed.
yeah I don't remember an article like that at all, else I wish someone would've given me the link so they could ruin my playable Creeper/Steve hype.

Sakurai really does like Minecraft, though, he said he rarely returns to a game he's beaten or something (although you can't really "beat" Minecraft so idk).


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I think Fatman meant representation without a playable fighter 'trolling' the fanbase a la Isaac and Rex, since those two got the shaft and backlash was huge as a result. It's less Polar's source's colleague and more Nintendo's choices leaving fans feeling bitter.
This. I know they have talked about certain franchises in Directs without playable characters in the past but those were in Smash focused Directs. It should also be noted that they never specified how long it would be, just that it would focus on one new franchise in Smash.


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018
True, but I can't say they're quite as aware. Then again, they and Square okay'ed the SMRPG segment of Super Mario Kun that released a couple of years ago, so... who knows? I know they're trying to appease fans more, but I guess I'm just rather cynical.
Keep in mind that in PP's Palutena's Guidance, Viridi mentions both Chewy and Megasmilax, a baddie and boss from SMRPG. You think Sakurai was like 'Yo Square, give us the right to Geno and Mallow and...hmm...oh yeah, Chewy and Megasmilax, but that's all we need.'

No, it's likely an umbrella deal that covers everything SMRPG, and when you add in that PP's Classic Mode image is a SMRPG commercial reference it makes it hard to think Sakurai would pursue a SMRPG umbrella deal just for a couple of references and two Spirits. Geno also has a pfp option...man, this can't just be cute nods to the fans, I refuse to believe it.

Also, someone in a comment on YT pointed out that PP automatically unlocks in Adventure Mode after you rescue ten fighters and then you can use them in both Spirits Board and Adventure Mode. For some reason, to them, this was all the reasoning that Geno can't be in the game as DLC...which is funny because it's proof as to why Geno CAN be DLC: PP isn't part of the main story, just tossed in there so you can play with them in all the modes. Geno would be the same thing, having a Spirit doesn't prevent that addition.

This person got upset real quick for no reason too, if you guys wanna see that let me know.

Deleted member

Keep in mind that in PP's Palutena's Guidance, Viridi mentions both Chewy and Megasmilax, a baddie and boss from SMRPG. You think Sakurai was like 'Yo Square, give us the right to Geno and Mallow and...hmm...oh yeah, Chewy and Megasmilax, but that's all we need.'

No, it's likely an umbrella deal that covers everything SMRPG, and when you add in that PP's Classic Mode image is a SMRPG commercial reference it makes it hard to think Sakurai would pursue a SMRPG umbrella deal just for a couple of references and two Spirits. Geno also has a pfp option...man, this can't just be cute nods to the fans, I refuse to believe it.

Also, someone in a comment on YT pointed out that PP automatically unlocks in Adventure Mode after you rescue ten fighters and then you can use them in both Spirits Board and Adventure Mode. For some reason, to them, this was all the reasoning that Geno can't be in the game as DLC...which is funny because it's proof as to why Geno CAN be DLC: PP isn't part of the main story, just tossed in there so you can play with them in all the modes. Geno would be the same thing, having a Spirit doesn't prevent that addition.

This person got upset real quick for no reason too, if you guys wanna see that let me know.
I wanna see


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Also, someone in a comment on YT pointed out that PP automatically unlocks in Adventure Mode after you rescue ten fighters and then you can use them in both Spirits Board and Adventure Mode. For some reason, to them, this was all the reasoning that Geno can't be in the game as DLC...
That's some weird stretching they worked out there.
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Deleted member

Well, I sure took my break for about.. a month or so? I kinda lost track. Did I miss any important news?
Welcome back!

So, it's possible that brave is not referring to Erdrick or any other DQ character

Piranha Plant came out

The codenames "brave" and "jack" were removed from the game's files

Don't play as PP in All Star mode because it could currupt your save data

And...I think that's pretty much it


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Keep in mind that in PP's Palutena's Guidance, Viridi mentions both Chewy and Megasmilax, a baddie and boss from SMRPG. You think Sakurai was like 'Yo Square, give us the right to Geno and Mallow and...hmm...oh yeah, Chewy and Megasmilax, but that's all we need.'

No, it's likely an umbrella deal that covers everything SMRPG, and when you add in that PP's Classic Mode image is a SMRPG commercial reference it makes it hard to think Sakurai would pursue a SMRPG umbrella deal just for a couple of references and two Spirits. Geno also has a pfp option...man, this can't just be cute nods to the fans, I refuse to believe it.

Also, someone in a comment on YT pointed out that PP automatically unlocks in Adventure Mode after you rescue ten fighters and then you can use them in both Spirits Board and Adventure Mode. For some reason, to them, this was all the reasoning that Geno can't be in the game as DLC...which is funny because it's proof as to why Geno CAN be DLC: PP isn't part of the main story, just tossed in there so you can play with them in all the modes. Geno would be the same thing, having a Spirit doesn't prevent that addition.

This person got upset real quick for no reason too, if you guys wanna see that let me know.
So I'm curious how this works. So Geno is owned by Square because he was an original character in their game they made using Mario characters, but would characters like Boshi who are unique versions of the Nintendo property Yoshi belong to Square, or in this case a version of the Piranha Plant (owned by Nintendo) that was created by Square for their game?

Another example would be something like Volga from Hyrule Warriors who was a Zelda character first but Koei created the human version, who owns that character?

I say all this because to me it seems most likely that any version of the Piranha Plant, even one created by Square, would be owned by Nintendo because Nintendo created the original version. Therefore the fact that they got rattled off in Piranha Plant's Palutina's Guidance probably wasn't something they had to go negotiate with Square for.

Deleted member

So I'm curious how this works. So Geno is owned by Square because he was an original character in their game they made using Mario characters, but would characters like Boshi who are unique versions of the Nintendo property Yoshi belong to Square, or in this case a version of the Piranha Plant (owned by Nintendo) that was created by Square for their game?

Another example would be something like Volga from Hyrule Warriors who was a Zelda character first but Koei created the human version, who owns that character?

I say all this because to me it seems most likely that any version of the Piranha Plant, even one created by Square, would be owned by Nintendo because Nintendo created the original version. Therefore the fact that they got rattled off in Piranha Plant's Palutina's Guidance probably wasn't something they had to go negotiate with Square for.
The character, Piranha Plant, is owned by Nintendo, but the names, Megasmilax and Chewy, are owned by SE. Not the character, but the names
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Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
The character, Piranha Plant, is owned by Nintendo, but the names, Megasmilax and Chewy, are owned by SE. Not the character, but the names
I think I've asked this before but is there a list of who owns what when it comes to Mario RPG? How do we know this?


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
The character, Piranha Plant, is owned by Nintendo, but the names, Megasmilax and Chewy, are owned by SE. Not the character, but the names
That honestly doesn't sound right to me, why would they be able to own anything related to something Nintendo already owns. We're not talking about a new Mario brother or something like that, we're talking about a race of monsters who have several variations. I find it hard to believe that Nintendo doesn't own anything related to Piranha Plants and that someone could make a "Biranha Plant" and get to own that.
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