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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Hey everyone. Tonight, I'm drawing Geno, but not just Geno. I'm drawing him in another Nintendo character's outfit, and I want you to guess who it is. If you guess right, I'll DM you a picture of a cup of noodles.
Or maybe referencing the fact that Geno wears Peach's dress and a wig in Super Mario Kun, wherein he's accidentally kidnapped instead of her. (It kills me to this day, and in fact, I did draw a thing inspired by that...)

Spot the little design references in the image and I'll give you even more noodles than Maxie. More, I tell you!
The true space princess.

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
I know this is the Geno thread, but this intrigues me, being that when I thought about it non-traditional couples have only been slowly more accepted since roughly the 60's or so here in the US. Thus the only holiday strictly for homosexuals (for which I will thus forth dub 'holigays' because that sounds amazing to me) is the WHOLE MONTH OF JUNE. It still blows my mind that it's a whole month when most American holidays are either a day or a week aside from Christmas, but of course we have a whole month dedicated to another minority and it still isn't much for them so I guess it's just a matter of perspective.

Also, let us not dog TOO much on Japan and it's culture and customs: Sure, they are more likely to fall under being racist since they pretty much only tolerate foreigners and going from foreigner to a citizen there is way more difficult than it is in the West in terms of societal acceptance as well as how certain Japanese feel about their work and such going overseas, and yes they do weird stuff we don't understand, but they are also some of the most respectful people to exist and while honor may be thing of the past for the West it works rather well over there.

There is a lot we could learn from them, just as they can learn from us.
June is my favorite month of the year. Not because of it being the "gay" month, but because it was always the month I got out of school and played so many old school Nintendo games every June.

I'm happy we accept Japan as a great friend now, even if they think we're crazy. lol
Or maybe referencing the fact that Geno wears Peach's dress and a wig in Super Mario Kun, wherein he's accidentally kidnapped instead of her. (It kills me to this day, and in fact, I did draw a thing inspired by that...)

Spot the little design references in the image and I'll give you even more noodles than Maxie. More, I tell you!
I'm sorry, but I'm more focused on how beautiful you made this. :)
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2018
Switch FC
SW 1521 3002 4745
I'll let you guys guess one more time and then I'll show you.
Fox McCloud
Captain Falcon
The doll from Mother 1
Starman from Pro Wrestling

Getting a bunch guesses even though I'm probably wrong on all of them.

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
Remember when Gamefaqs was about looking up game strategies and codes? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Yes. I remember when I always went on there for walkthroughs, ESPECIALLY POKÉMON.
Actually, that's not entirely true! Here's some fun trivia for you:

Valentine's Day occurs at the same time in Japan as it does here. However, the celebration is more one-sided in that women traditionally give gifts on this day to men. The opposite happens an exact month after on White Day, in which men who have received gifts on Valentine's Day are expected to give their suitors gifts in return.
Well, I know one thing... I'm not getting any gifts on Valentine's day either way.
Holy crap, Peach! You think that's bad? Remember the time Smithy invaded?
View attachment 190660
(I tried finding the creator for credit, but my browser wouldn't go down far enough on the page...)
Seth MacFarlane approves.

Deleted member

Just sent @Zack E. a cup of noodles. He got it right. It was :ultlink:. I'll also throw in a sketch of Geno I did the other day.
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Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2018
Same. It's difficult for me to imagine a 3rd party guest character that is the same height as Ness/Lucas while still being proportional to their source material. Almost all of the characters thrown around online as potential DLC are canonically (or believed to be) taller than Ness/Lucas.

The only ones that make sense (to me) as being that height, and a floaty character that slides are:

- Geno
- Slime
- Tails
- Rayman? (Is Rayman short?)
- Frogger

The last three are not really heavy at all. So I suppose I am feeling cautiosly optimistic that Brave could be Geno or Slime (Slime Knight even?)

I doubt they would scale popularly speculated characters like Banjo, Erdick, Ryu H., Steve, Lloyd, Doomguy, and Sora as shorter than Mario.
Slime is too short to be Brave, Sora makes sense though.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2019
Also, Geno does represent something. Outside of Smash speculation, many know Geno because of Super Mario RPG. Geno represents the very first Mario RPG game, the one that started it all and was the predecessor of Paper Mario. We don't have a Mario RPG rep, and Geno absolutely fits this role.

It really just breaks my heart to know that Super Mario RPG 2 was so close to the finish line but had to be pulled back because of SquareSoft. :/
Well, I think most of us want to see Geno remains as a doll in Smash or more potential games, so I assume if Nintendo does keep him, he would just remain as a doll. Not like Sakurai would surprise us by trasforming Geno into a Luma-ish being.

Not quite sure if the Twink theory works well. As others replied, the main concern is that Nintendo do want to keep every Mario RPG title in an enclosed story and avoid obvious continuation. I assume Geno would have some secondary cameos as a tutor, but not the main party member again (just like Twink) and the story would focus on some other characters like Vivian.
To me, the realstic way to establish Geno's recurring roles in Mario games, so that his existence doesn't need to be explained, is to make him in more games. Rosalina's role in Galaxy was specific, but in later games it doesn't need much explanation when her extistence has been well acknowledged.

Personally, I don't think Geno has game of significance just for his featured game SMRPG being the first Mario RPG title. The "FIFO" rule wouldn't fit everywhere. Such as, Mallow was the actual first party member and participated abig longer than Geno, so in theory he would had been considered first. Like said, fans here support Geno more because he has the potential and likeablity over Mallow.
Secondly, Nintendo have been known to be very biased when it comes to pushing new characters, it often comes out overdone. Rosalina perfectly interprets this case. Since old characters may not always get the treats, Geno is unsurprisingly just one of them, even if we don't talk about the RPG canon issue.

Not being against Geno, but like my past examples said, if Nintendo still wants to give Mario RPG fans some favor despite the loss of Geno's license, the alternative method is to promote characters from M&L and Paper series instead. For now we can only tell that they don't make such plan.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Not being against Geno, but like my past examples said, Nintendo could have tries make up with the loss of license, is to promote the M&L or Paper Mario characters instead if they seriously want to take care of fans of Mario RPGs.
That seems fair. On the PM side, you could have Paper Mario and/or at least one of his partners to make up for his series being mishandled these last few years, while on the M&L side you could have Fawful, a popular villain that's recently gone back into the limelight thanks to the remakes.

However, their main departments prefer to use the heavily-promoted characters they're familiar with and aren't tied to specific creators, so it's an impasse all-around.

Hell, consider Ashley from Wario Ware, who still doesn't get her own game despite her apparent popularity.
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Apr 7, 2017
So I did some exploring over at gamefaqs and looked at what people were saying about Geno.

90% of the stuff was jokes about Geno being from EarthBound. Someone will be like, "who's Geno, he's from EarthBound right?" and the rest of the thread just goes downhill from there.
"Geno from Earthbound" made me laugh the first time I saw it.

I don't know why it's so funny to me.

Deleted member

Well, I think most of us want to see Geno remains as a doll in Smash or more potential games, so I assume if Nintendo does keep him, he would just remain as a doll. Not like Sakurai would surprise us by trasforming Geno into a Luma-ish being.

Not quite sure if the Twink theory works well. As others replied, the main concern is that Nintendo do want to keep every Mario RPG title in an enclosed story and avoid obvious continuation. I assume Geno would have some secondary cameos as a tutor, but not the main party member again (just like Twink) and the story would focus on some other characters like Vivian.
To me, the realstic way to establish Geno's recurring roles in Mario games, so that his existence doesn't need to be explained, is to make him in more games. Rosalina's role in Galaxy was specific, but in later games it doesn't need much explanation when her extistence has been well acknowledged.

Personally, I don't think Geno has game of significance just for his featured game SMRPG being the first Mario RPG title. The "FIFO" rule wouldn't fit everywhere. Such as, Mallow was the actual first party member and participated abig longer than Geno, so in theory he would had been considered first. Like said, fans here support Geno more because he has the potential and likeablity over Mallow.
Secondly, Nintendo have been known to be very biased when it comes to pushing new characters, it often comes out overdone. Rosalina perfectly interprets this case. Since old characters may not always get the treats, Geno is unsurprisingly just one of them, even if we don't talk about the RPG canon issue.

Not being against Geno, but like my past examples said, if Nintendo still wants to give Mario RPG fans some favor despite the loss of Geno's license, the alternative method is to promote characters from M&L and Paper series instead. For now we can only tell that they don't make such plan.
I don't understand the point you are trying to make


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Here's a recap of everything floating around right now:

-5 unannounced, Nintendo published Switch games with people suggesting at least two will be announced before E3: a Wii U port (Polar's source is 99% confident on what it is), 2D Zelda (supported by King Zell, the guy who leaked Pokemon Let's Go among other things), that Star Fox racing game people were talking about last E3, a Platinum game (probably Bayonetta 3 with some people suggesting it's something completely new), and the Metroid Prime Trilogy (suggested by everyone and their grandma).

-A German Nintendo ambassador heavily hints at new Animal Crossing Switch news on the horizon on Twitter, post is taken down.

-British retailers start putting up placeholders for Daemon X Machina, Animal Crossing, and Luigi's Mansion 3.

-A colleague of PolarPanda's suggests Smash (outright says what will be shown), Animal Crossing, and "a surprise" will be the big news makers of the next Direct. Polar's source, however, is skeptical because he notes that this source has a tendency to troll him and mix truth and lies.

-A number of major news outlets including the Wall Street Journal have apparently already been shown the details of the next Direct and are merely waiting for Nintendo to present it.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Here's a recap of everything floating around right now:

-5 unannounced, Nintendo published Switch games with people suggesting at least two will be announced before E3: a Wii U port (Polar's source is 99% confident on what it is), 2D Zelda (supported by King Zell, the guy who leaked Pokemon Let's Go among other things), that Star Fox racing game people were talking about last E3, a Platinum game (probably Bayonetta 3 with some people suggesting it's something completely new), and the Metroid Prime Trilogy (suggested by everyone and their grandma).

-A German Nintendo ambassador heavily hints at new Animal Crossing Switch news on the horizon on Twitter, post is taken down.

-British retailers start putting up placeholders for Daemon X Machina, Animal Crossing, and Luigi's Mansion 3.

-A colleague of PolarPanda's suggests Smash (outright says what will be shown), Animal Crossing, and "a surprise" will be the big news makers of the next Direct. Polar's source, however, is skeptical because he notes that this source has a tendency to troll him and mix truth and lies.

-A number of major news outlets including the Wall Street Journal have apparently already been shown the details of the next Direct and are merely waiting for Nintendo to present it.
Sounds like it's going to be a great direct, I'm sure my great-grandkids will love it.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
-A number of major news outlets including the Wall Street Journal have apparently already been shown the details of the next Direct and are merely waiting for Nintendo to present it.
I smell a Valentine's Day direct on the horizon...

Also, my guess on Smash info shown is Joker gameplay and maybe Mii costume DLC?


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Y’know, it would make sense to have Joker gameplay revealed on Valentine’s Day.

Take your heart and all that.

Edit: oooh ninja’d
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Deleted member

"Where do you want to eat dinner kids?"
"Dairy Queen!"
"Alefgard, here we go!"

He notes a particular franchise but not a character and says it would likely be the first thing shown in the Direct.
I also assume we can't know what this series is.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I think this is why Polar's source was skeptical because the implication seems to be that there would be a focus on a particular franchise but not necessarily a character, maybe like a Mii costume set but I'm in the position that Nintendo wouldn't do that. I'm thinking it would be both or at least a character because I think it would be a massive troll to that fanbase otherwise and be guaranteed sour grapes ala Isaac and Rex.
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Deleted member

I think this is why Polar's source was skeptical because the implication seems to be that there would be a focus on a particular franchise but not necessarily a character, maybe like a Mii costume set but I'm in the position that Nintendo wouldn't do that. I'm thinking it would be both or at least a character because I think it would be a massive troll to that fanbase otherwise and be guaranteed sour grapes ala Isaac and Rex.
Applying that to SE candidates

-Kingdom Hearts would be the biggest thing to talk about if they chose to port it over.
-Chrono Trigger has already seen Nintendo consoles. It would be a sweet deal for Nintendo Online maybe.
-Final Fantasy ports seem to be a thing they're doing now. They haven't talked about SNES games on Switch, yet, and we still don't know when the 3D FF games are being released for the Switch.
-Super Mario RPG... is possible.
-Dragon Quest is a big maybe if they choose to port more things over to the Switch. Maybe even talk about DQ11.

I don't know. Just speculating.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I think this is why Polar's source was skeptical because the implication seems to be that there would be a focus on a particular franchise but not necessarily a character, maybe like a Mii costume set but I'm in the position that Nintendo wouldn't do that. I'm thinking it would be both or at least a character because I think it would be a massive troll to that fanbase otherwise and be guaranteed sour grapes ala Isaac and Rex.
I could imagine that it'd be a character trailer along with Mii costumes. That sounds just about right. Sour grapes a la Isaac and Rex, though, is what really fascinates me and speaks to possible fan favorites.

Please let it be SMRPG...
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