Frankly, my hopes are ridiculously low. They weren't that way for Sm4sh, though, and I think it's because the bar Sm4sh set wasn't so high.
1) Sm4sh just felt like a run of the mill Smash game. Ultimate/Special is, indeed, a special case. Everyone is here. Fan-favorites were added to the base game. Competitive is getting focused on. It felt like this game and, by proxy, its DLC would really be focusing on the fans, and,
2) They further asserted that with PR statements from Nintendo that the DLC would be 'must-haves for the fans'... yet the DLC seems like it'll be focusing on money-grabbing niches.
They opened up well with Joker, a character a lot of people approve of and are hyped about, but if the rumors about Erdrick and Steve are true, they objectively serve different niches that aren't quite 'what the fans wanted'. I'm not knocking on these characters or their fans, but let's be real: the fans they're supposed to be 'marketing to' aren't going to react that favorably. They're going to be like, "Steve? That character markets more to little kids new to Smash and his fewer, older fans. The fans wanted Banjo, though, right?" Seeing Erdrick, at the very least the west will just be like, "Another anime swordsman?! (Side note: I really hate this argument, but you know that's what the reaction will be.) What about Sora or Geno? The fans wanted them!"
Steve would be DLC because he'd garner a larger money pool, even if his inclusion would be controversial at best for the fans they're 'marketing to'.
Erdrick would be DLC to appease the east while marketing to the west, because DQ's presence in the west is lackluster. Square is going to want to make bank on that, and by proxy, Nintendo will want to, as well, given they're having DQ games on their systems. His inclusion will also be rather controversial, even though I honestly think DQ should have been in Smash a long time ago.
Now, would I be as irritated about this if the marketing, at least the western side of it, was different? No. Not at all. Like I said, if these characters get in, I'll be happy for their fans. I really would be. Steve has a lot of fans and Erdrick is especially appealing to the east. That being said, they're advertising to the wrong set of people, and the problem isn't inherently with their choices. It's with their misleading marketing, making it seem like it's for the core fan base rather than everyone. At least Reggie is more forthcoming about the fact that the DLC will be about branching out more, but he's just about the only one saying that. (Smart man, that Reggie. He's saying what they should have been from jump.)
I think... in terms of fans being rather annoyed with the way they're picking DLC, it's less entitlement (even if it can feel that way sometimes) and more being teased with something that isn't going to happen. The choices aren't inherently bad; it's the way they're presenting them. Nintendo is trash when it comes to marketing, that's for sure, and even Sakurai agreed that the marketing and order of reveals for Ultimate could have been better. I think that's why this is all so bothersome. If they hadn't been going all out with saying how much they're trying to appease the Smash fans in particular, things would be a lot calmer for a lot of people. Because of this, people who want fan favorites are annoyed, and people who want characters who aren't necessarily fan favorites are getting trashed because their picks might make it instead. Everyone is suffering as a result.
They just really should have handled their PR better.
I can't really agree with some of these statements. The overall PR for the game was some of the best I've seen from Nintendo. Despite how it often felt in the moment, they actually did a really great job of setting up this game to be the success it currently is from a mysterious reveal, to major coverage at E3 to considerably well paced reveals after then. They kept the game alive before release with a variety of showings and making sure that they were getting the actual game into the hands of the people. This was the shortest hype cycle for a Smash ever and I think they not only communicated that fact very well in an attempt to temper some expectations, but also made some of the best use of the time.
Now they did need a better editor for that last Direct honestly given the 40 minutes wasn't used particularly well, but that's relatively minor. They probably should have switched reveals around so Incineroar wasn't last, but I do in some ways understand why they did that. Those were the only problems with the PR cycle this time around. It was leagues better than past Smash games (With massive dead periods, seriously Smash 4 E3 2013 to December 2013 went without anything of substance for us) and generally better for a company that can often be painfully slow and uninformative on how things are being handled. Smash Ultimate's PR shouldn't be looked as a failure given how genuinely well it was all around handled and what it did for the game especially.
Now, the thing is, that perspective shifts depending on how deep you are in/were in speculation for the game is a general trend I've noticed. And Smash Ultimate has a little more entitlement going around than I think some of us want to admit. We're massive fans who dedicate hours to predictions, discussions, and all around Smash hype. We're the hardest to please group by the nature of how much we pay attention to things and how passionately we can get behind certain ideas.
The idea that Smash Ultimate was going to be a complete fan fulfillment was misplaced at best and the narrative that has been created of the fans "being teased" needs to stop. The base game has everything you mentioned about fan fulfillment and pays so much more attention to so many of the things the collective community has been asking for that it absolutely was made around fulfillment in the current state. But you're never going to get everything in a game. I've talked about it before, but I'll do so again with how much fan fulfillment is in this game:
1. Faster Gameplay with more advanced techniques on offer.
2. Custom Rule Sets that can be saved.
3. Making Classic Mode Interesting again.
4. Including a lengthy single player portion (Regardless of your opinion on World of Light, it specifically fills a desire several fans have had for years).
5. Massive stage roster with updated graphics and including fan favorites.
6. No cuts from Smash 4 including DLC.
7. Returning Ice Climbers, Wolf, Snake, Pichu, Young Link, Squirtle, and Ivysaur - All characters that had ballot presence, sometimes at the top.
8. Including Ridley, Simon Belmont, Inkling, King K. Rool, Dark Samus, and Chrom - All characters that had ballot presence again from what we generally know.
That's a pretty hefty list of not-insignificant requests and ideas that have been implemented in to the game. Hell, they just showed us patch notes which we never thought we'd get in a million years. Not to mention all of this in an era when games are so monetized and made with meager amounts of content???
My point being, they did plenty to live up their idea and premise of Ultimate/Special. Maybe not everyone's character got in, but they did a lot of work and executed a clear fan focused vision. The problems start when people start to take this as not enough or indicative of being "snubbed." There was no promise or even tease of every fan favorite character getting in, just the possibilities were slightly elevated for some bigger names. While nice and possibly inspiring to a portion of those fan bases, taking that as anything more rests mostly on the shoulders of those fans. The attacks from fans on less popular characters obviously also lies upon those same fans making those attacks.
They didn't really promise anything for DLC as well. One representative saying that the lineup will be full of "must-haves" and the "fans will love it" (Or however the comments were originally stated) doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot than that representative is excited and sees the characters as such. We're such a wide and diverse fan base that of course everyone is going to take that statement differently. There's the forum fans, then there's the greater Smash fan base as well to consider. Big name third party characters will likely fit that description as well. They just appear less pleasing as some people realize that likely means X-character didn't make it in the game and some fans are very against such choices for that reason (And I think a lot of hate stems less from the character themselves, and more from "this character isn't MY character").