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I really like the stage concept! A lot of people are saying Forest Maze should be his stage if he is DLC, but I agree with you, I think it should be Bowser's Keep. It would work really nicely as a traveling stageSo, in light of recent rumors about a Square-Enix character being announced soon. I decided to play a little "what-if?" and took a crack at making a stage from Super Mario RPG that Geno could bring with him if he's this rumored character.
Bowser’s Keep
from Super Mario RPG
And what better way than to play off some Smash Rumors! I won’t go into too much detail, but tl;dr some stuff that was datamined has caused some people to think that a Square Enix character will be the next fighter announced for the fighter pass.
Heck if I know right now exactly who it will be. But of the stages I have jotted down in my list of ones to put together for this thread, only one of them tied into a Square-Enix character. In this case, Geno.
Now if Geno gets in, the most notable option for a Stage he could bring is the Forest Maze. I wouldn’t object to that in any way. I just have trouble picturing it as a Smash Bros. stage. So I brainstormed a different possibility that I could envision better. I thought of a few ideas that I wasn’t completely sure of such as Nimbus Land. And then the requests for a Bowser’s Castle stage that I am in agreement with hit me like a truck. So here we are.
Oh dear. Apologies for the less than descriptive imagery.
You might need this video as a reference to help figure out how certain things look.
But for what you see above, picture the chamber that looks like the entrance to the castle, complete with Bowser Symbol rug and everything. This is basically a walk-off that looks exactly like that, with the candle pillars that Bowser and Peach are standing on having two passable platforms on them. One in the middle, one at the top.
And that’s pretty much it. Aside from Croco appearing in the background to throw items to the arena if items are enabled (basically just a way of getting items more frequently like the Candle’s in Dracula’s Castle) that’s all that happens here.
Sound boring? Well fear not! This layout is only one of 4 that this stage can switch between. It always randomly start on one of the 4 and then change to another one at random after 20 seconds.
So what’s layout Number 2?
The part of the castle with a wooden bridge over lava. That doesn’t seem safe. And safe it is indeed not because while the bridge, like the stone floor, is a solid non-passable ground one of them will break at a random point that will never exceed 5 seconds. Whether someone is standing on it or not.
As you can see, this layout is not a walk-off. It has edges. As for which parts are bridge and which parts are stone, here you go.
In between the two blue lines is one of the two bridges, and in between the two green lines is the other. When a bridge is broken, it will repair itself at a point in time 2 seconds higher than the amount of time it took to break in the first place. And only one bridge can break at a time. The other will have to wait till after repairs are complete on it’s twin.
Though when a bridges is broken, there will be a small, passable stone platform below where it once was to help make lava dips a little harder. On the flip side though, sometimes the bridge might be replaced by a row of donut blocks instead.
If this happens, any Donut Blocks stood on for too long will fall and won’t come back while this “bridge” is still active. And all the blocks will fall if a bridge breaking point in time is reached.
The 3rd layout takes place on top of those iconic chandeliers. They function as hard platforms, but are held up by the chains. While you can only damage the chains by attacking them at the base where it connects to the chandelier, you can still damage them. And if they take enough damage, they’ll fall down until another chain lowers to bring them back up.
Don’t worry too much though. Paratroopa’s will appear below a chandelier when it’s about to break. They function as hard platforms and will remain there until a few seconds after their corresponding chandelier is brought back.
The 4th and final layout takes place at the top of the keep where Exor resides. Exor functions as a stage boss. If he expands his eye he will shoot a venom drench from that eye to the same side of the stage. It won’t do much damage, but it will poison a character it hits for a small time.
When he opens his mouth, he will release an orb of Corona that will have a limited homing function as it decides a fighter to target. After a while it will stop moving and release a circular electric blast.
He could also summon a Flame Stone from the sky onto one of the platforms when he opens his mouth.
Given the 20 second period each phase takes place in, Exor doesn’t have a health meter. Instead he will go down in 8 hits towards his face. The only place you can damage him.
If Exor is defeated, a spiraling portal in the player color of the character who dealt the last hit will appear in his now hanging open mouth. This will last for the rest of the phase, and 10 seconds into the next phase.
If the character who earned this portal would be KO’d, whether from being launched off the screen or falling to their doom. Then this portal would teleport them back to to the center of the stage right before they hit the the blast zone. But when the time is up, or if this portal is used once, it will disappear until Exor is defeated again.
And that wraps up Bowser’s Keep! If Geno is actually the rumored character, let’s see how close this ends up being to the stage he brings with him
Possible DLC Character this stage could come with:
DLC Music this stage could bring:
Fight Against Bowser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyfoDgGfSfw&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b&index=5
Fight Against Monsters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47E3huMb83M&index=10&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b
Fight Against an Armed Boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3fI6e8Rvgc&index=19&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b
Let’s go Down the Wine River: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6hqp4JPmmA&index=22&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b
Beware the Forest’s Mushrooms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTObNtPZimQ&index=28&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b
Welcome! Yo’ster Island: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwpQJSjJ1bI&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b&index=31
Docaty Mountain Railroad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIwskSQMW7c&index=34&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b
Barrel Volcano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc0yVImE-P8&index=53&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b
Fight Against Smithy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qtWfsPKnF4&index=57&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b
Fight Against Culex (Can this also be put on Midgar please?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8wWtiCorGs&index=46&list=PLSHMcAUZYM-747dALKoLQgcwc_H-mzU9b