Hey, gang. I usually poke my head in here from time to time, and with the recent news I wanted to say some stuff.
As a silent Geno supporter rooting for his fans it almost pains me to see him have to face off against Sephiroth. Yes, I know they're just two names in a big list, but it's still a fascinating narrative. My struggle with this is so personal - on one hand I've seen people pull for Geno since 1999. On the other hand Final Fantasy 7 is one of the best games to this day and Sephiroth an absolutely legendary villain and the standard for all other JRPG villains after him.
I know a lot of Geno fans may not understand it or may even see Final Fantasy 7 as surely overrated, but I promise that the story of Cloud and Sephiroth is every bit as nuanced and compelling as it is hyped up to be. I'm still rooting for you guys - as much as I adore Sephiroth and am backing him I can't help but love underdog stories
that much - but I only ask that if Sephiroth makes it, try not to be too mad at him.
If you don't have time to play Final Fantasy 7, I implore you to listen to Mega Ran's incredible album Black Materia, a phenomenal piece of work that tells the story of Midgar with beauty and poise, nailing the game's themes, charm, humor, tragedy, and voice. If nothing else, give the track
One Winged Angel your best, a track that tells the tale of the final battle against Sephiroth and truly puts across what an amazing villain he really was.
This is all so very exciting. I'm supporting you all and in an ideal world I'd love to get both Geno and Sephiroth. That would be one of the most amazing outcomes ever, but in the end laying my personal bias aside...I can play as and experience Sephiroth in so many other ways, but this would be the only way to play as Geno.
Good luck, everyone, and if nothing else I'm so happy for you all that you got this far. It's come a long way from a single user on a forum in 1999 saying to me "I'd like to see Geno from Super Mario RPG!".