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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
So how many of you all still have your original Super Mario RPG cartridge? Do you have a fun story to go along with it?

I don't have my original copy but I know where it is. My grandmother, who lived way out in the boonies where there was nothing but walnut orchards for miles, still has an old SNES with the same, small selection of games. Addams Family Values, Super Mario World, Primal Rage, Krusty's Fun House, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, some dumb sports games, and of course, my copy of Super Mario RPG.

I had to live out there in a particularly trying time in my life, and there was absolutely nothing to do there. I'd go "exploring" with my brother but often times we'd just find nothing but farms and ditches. So I sat indoors and played the heck out of the two Mario games, so I know SMRPG almost front to back. I must have replayed those games five or six times when I lived there. At one point, my brother and I even took turns "voice acting" the characters... idk why but my brother tried to make Geno sound like a generic surfer dude. I'll take that as a sign that he thought Geno was cool, since his idea of cool back in the 90's was absolutely Michelangelo from the TMNT.

Super Ghouls n Ghosts was too hard for me, Rage was too short, and besides Super Mario World, I didn't care for the other games... so really, that was all I ever played there.

These days, my method of playing Super Mario RPG is the SNES Classic Edition. I also got it as a gift on the Wii shop channel, but that old wii broke down years ago. Maybe some day i'll reclaim my copy of SMRPG, but it's not really going to do me much good. I'm fine with a non-physical version... besides, I love the borders and extra functions on the SNES classic.
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Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
Just out of curiosity, how many of you guys have played the Mother series? Being how SMRPG and Mother are both JRPGs, I'm quite curious to see if there's any overlap here.
Late, but huge Mother fan, here. Played all three games, Earthbound more times than I can count, and Mother 3 at least thrice. Beginnings only the one time, but it was shockingly better than I thought it'd be. As I've said before in this thread, Earthbound was one of my two first RPGs ever, the other being SMRPG. So I hold the series in VERY high regard.

I was playing Super Mario Odyssey earlier today and I just thought of something...

What if there was a Geno costume to buy at a shop in Odyssey? I'd so get it. Also, what if the Geno doll was in Odyssey and we could actually possess the doll and use its attacks against enemies and a boss? That would be so awesome. If I were to pick an area where the Geno doll would be in, it'd probably be in the Wooded Kingdom or New Donk City. Geno is made out of wood and it's my favorite kingdom, I don't see why not; as for New Donk City, there's a tank there and using the Geno doll for obstacles and against enemies in New Donk City would be cool.

Such a missed opportunity, but I doubt Square would even allow it. A costume is still possible, however, Square would probably want actual money with that.
That...sounds amazing, and actually feasible, if extremely unlikely. I would actually pay money for that kind of Odyssey DLC, along with a new Isle Delfino world. :) Maybe we'll actually see these things if the game gets another update? One can dream...

Oh yeah, Wooded Kingdom is my favorite as well, forgot to say. Love those little watering can robots, lol. Glad to see another fan of it!

Also, ranking the Smithy Gang...

Exor > Bowyer > Yaridovich > Smithy > Axem > Blade > Boomer > Mack.
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Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2018
So how many of you all still have your original Super Mario RPG cartridge? Do you have a fun story to go along with it?
Arrgh I wanted to post a photo I took some months ago but Imgur is having some issues. Anyway, I still have my copy that I bought used at a GameStop sometime in the Summer of 2003; it still has the GameStop sticker on the back for $24.99 but it's really worn out.

Deleted member

I was playing Super Mario Odyssey earlier today and I just thought of something...

What if there was a Geno costume to buy at a shop in Odyssey? I'd so get it. Also, what if the Geno doll was in Odyssey and we could actually possess the doll and use its attacks against enemies and a boss? That would be so awesome. If I were to pick an area where the Geno doll would be in, it'd probably be in the Wooded Kingdom or New Donk City. Geno is made out of wood and it's my favorite kingdom, I don't see why not; as for New Donk City, there's a tank there and using the Geno doll for obstacles and against enemies in New Donk City would be cool.

Such a missed opportunity, but I doubt Square would even allow it. A costume is still possible, however, Square would probably want actual money with that.
This is such an amazing idea and words can't describe how stupidly clever and sense-making this is. Screw Square Enix


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
You know, there’s a counterargument to almost everything. It just seems to me like you’re worrying about something that simply isn’t going to happen.

The idea that they’re going to support this game more than they supported the previous Smash Bros is a given, especially considering the Switch is overwhelmingly more popular than the Wii U was. Stop worrying yourself over literally everything or this speculation won’t even be fun for you
I'm not worrying, I just have a tendency to expect some degree of mishandling from Nintendo. They're one of my favorite companies, but they have a tendency to make specific decisions that are quite questionable and often times disappointing.

I wouldn't say their support for this game versus Wii U is a given in any way, shape, or form til we're there. Maybe one wave of DLC is all they're going for and that would be a very Nintendo move to complete their initial idea and move on. Is the sensible decision to have more support? Of course it is, but I'm not inclined to have that much faith in Nintendo right off the bat. Especially when Sakurai seems to me to be the kind of guy who would take the game's DLC cycle with him if he decided he was finished.

I'll have plenty of fun with speculation though just as soon as we get something for me to actually work with. Which is not to say I'm not having fun with my approach now and talking about the game in other ways/I also just enjoy having my discussions here with people over the chances of these different characters. I'm not ever trying to be a contrarian, but like I've mentioned before there seems to be a lot of areas in which I disagree with people and like to see why that is/state my own opinions.

Deleted member

I'm not worrying, I just have a tendency to expect some degree of mishandling from Nintendo. They're one of my favorite companies, but they have a tendency to make specific decisions that are quite questionable and often times disappointing.

I wouldn't say their support for this game versus Wii U is a given in any way, shape, or form til we're there. Maybe one wave of DLC is all they're going for and that would be a very Nintendo move to complete their initial idea and move on. Is the sensible decision to have more support? Of course it is, but I'm not inclined to have that much faith in Nintendo right off the bat. Especially when Sakurai seems to me to be the kind of guy who would take the game's DLC cycle with him if he decided he was finished.

I'll have plenty of fun with speculation though just as soon as we get something for me to actually work with. Which is not to say I'm not having fun with my approach now and talking about the game in other ways/I also just enjoy having my discussions here with people over the chances of these different characters. I'm not ever trying to be a contrarian, but like I've mentioned before there seems to be a lot of areas in which I disagree with people and like to see why that is/state my own opinions.
I promise DLC will be satisfying :)


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
So how many of you all still have your original Super Mario RPG cartridge? Do you have a fun story to go along with it?
Forgot to answer this! I've still got my copy, but it wasn't the first one I ever played--unfortunately I was a poor, forlorn child when I first played, so I had to rent. The copy I have now though is the first I ever bought, and I do distinctly remember getting it at a local flea market--it was hard to track down too, as this was before internet was readily available (at least to me.)

I definitely treasured that cart once I got a hold of it. Same with my Earthbound cart--now worth a pretty penny, that one.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 25, 2015
The moon
Aw man, I missed the big Brawl thread passing moment! Belated congrats to you all! This will easily hit 500 pages before release.

Also, so Fatman's hints are for a character...oh boy. My vote is for Lloyd or Tails--as an apparent "boomer," I know those would be cool for us.

Also, this. I would love Klonoa! A total sleeper Namco pick.

Well, this pretty much proves to me that some people at least in NOA know who at least some of the DLC characters are. His wording seems to suggest it heavily. My guess is this is how Polar and Fatman know. Even crazier is that it appears they might know most of the DLC already. But how could that be, unless...

The whole fighter pack will be revealed at the VGAs...???

Edit: hold on. Hold up...I just thought of something bananas. If the characters are all going to be ones we'll love, and one will bring people back...and boomers will love it, zoomers might complain, and no one is asking for them now...

Holy crap. Is it Isaac?

Maybe Nintendo listened, and that's the big news? Could it be that characters already IN as assists will now have a shot?

Now THAT would be earth-shattering.
That would cure my depression. SIGN ME UP. Of all the timelines...PLEASE! PLEASE! LET ME BE LIVING IN THAT ONE!


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I promise DLC will be satisfying :)
Hey, I certainly hope so. My comments were more directed at the future of the game outside of the Fighter Pass anyway. I'm actually pretty hopeful that we'll get some good choices with the DLC we are getting. I largely push back against this idea that we HAVE to be getting stuff like a Gen 8 Pokemon or Edelgard in the DLC.

I also just pretty much end up liking all characters in Smash even if I initially dislike them and their reveals, so I'm actually just kind of completely excited by knowing I have five more stages and five more characters in a game I already love that has a ton of content (Well should love, I should probably actually play it before I sing it's praises as a game too loudly haha)


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
If Geno and Banjo don't get in, I can deal with it as long as I actually enjoy most of the characters that do make it in. Aside from the returning veterans, there wasn't a single Smash 4 DLC character that made me crack a smile.

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
Don't get me wrong. I still am personally betting on Geno (this is NOT a leak, please don't misinterpret my words, anyone). However, given the sheer number of sources who have heard a couple other names, I'm accepting of the possibility they have. I'm kinda just bracing myself, if that's another way of putting it.
Hey, no need to worry. We all make mistakes. Lady Lima-- I mean, your Nintendo ambassador has gotten everything right so far. If they directly told you that Geno would be DLC, I'm not getting my hopes up, but I trust them at this point. You said that THEY said stuff about certain bosses and content getting in before it was announced, and they were right, and now they got new spirits coming in right with the Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee spirits.

The people with multiple sources could be getting their info from someone else, piggybacking off of others, or just pulling it out of their ass. But you and Vergeben are the most legitimate out there, and with an actual Nintendo ambassador at your will, I definitely trust you and the ambassador more because you two don't hesitate to tell like the other sources. And it just seems like the ambassador doesn't care about Smash like us or the other insiders because they're more focused on other things that's part of their job; they're willing to tell us what legitimate stuff they've heard, and they're basically like, "Oh yeah, you want to hear about some Smash content I heard of so far? Yeah, no worries. Here you go, let's just get on with the details: they're in, these guys are in, this chick is in, they'll be in as DLC. That's all I got for now, see you soon and have a good day." The fact that they tell us and get the job done is just... amazing.

Deleted member

Hey, I certainly hope so. My comments were more directed at the future of the game outside of the Fighter Pass anyway. I'm actually pretty hopeful that we'll get some good choices with the DLC we are getting. I largely push back against this idea that we HAVE to be getting stuff like a Gen 8 Pokemon or Edelgard in the DLC.

I also just pretty much end up liking all characters in Smash even if I initially dislike them and their reveals, so I'm actually just kind of completely excited by knowing I have five more stages and five more characters in a game I already love that has a ton of content (Well should love, I should probably actually play it before I sing it's praises as a game too loudly haha)
Same (except for the FE characters lol). Incineroar was a character who I wasn't really big on being playable, because he was pretty recent and we have too many Pokemon, but I will say, he looks like a really fun character. He is a grappler, which is a type of character we haven't had yet, and Decidueye had his chance in Pokken tournament, so Incineroar got his shot in Smash! I am also happy for his fans too. The only thing is that his recovery is garbage lmao


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
Hey, I have an interesting SMRPG related question for you all. How do you think is the most underrated SMRPG character?
All I have to say is Booster's segment is on par with golden age Simpsons humor; I don't know if that makes him underrated or not. I'd say the majority of people only know Geno, Mallow and Boshi.

Can I say again it just astounds me that they made an entire cast of cool and creative characters for this one game who were never seen again.

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
Same (except for the FE characters lol). Incineroar was a character who I wasn't really big on being playable, because he was pretty recent and we have too many Pokemon, but I will say, he looks like a really fun character. He is a grappler, which is a type of character we haven't had yet, and Decidueye had his chance in Pokken tournament, so Incineroar got his shot in Smash! I am also happy for his fans too. The only thing is that his recovery is garbage lmao
I actually disagree about too many Pokémon; I think it should be getting a lot of representation, since it's the second biggest franchise of Nintendo.
But I do agree that Incineroar's recovery is even worse than Little Mac's!
I'm not too big of a fan of Incineroar, but I'm glad his fans wanted him. I was more of a fan of Decidueye, most were, but hopefully he appears in the 2nd wave of DLC, if there is one. We need a fully-evolved grass starter, if not Decidueye, I'll take Sceptile.

Deleted member

I actually disagree about too many Pokémon; I think it should be getting a lot of representation, since it's the second biggest franchise of Nintendo.
But I do agree that Incineroar's recovery is even worse than Little Mac's!
I'm not too big of a fan of Incineroar, but I'm glad his fans wanted him. I was more of a fan of Decidueye, most were, but hopefully he appears in the 2nd wave of DLC, if there is one. We need a fully-evolved grass starter, if not Decidueye, I'll take Sceptile.
That would be cool, we have a fully evolved water and fire type Pokemon, so a fully evolved grass type Pokemon would make a lot of sense. I think there are more series that should get some more love too like the Mother series


Smash Rookie
Dec 2, 2018
Have you actually heard anything about Sora? If you’re able to divulge. I feel like I have a lot of evidence for his inclusion even with Tetsuyas drawlings for the KH Mickey anniversary of Mickey a Sora and Riku, and the Cloud in SSBU drawling being exactly the same art. I’ve even made a video, because of the evidence. Im honestly just trying to find a straight forward answer. Xenother(can’t remember his full name one of Vergebens sources), came out and said Sora was definetely not in, neither was Banjo and etc. He outright said Steve is in, accept it. Only to find out he was wrong so I’m back to square 1 on no answers for Sora. Can you say anything for his inclusion?
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Deleted member

PolarPanda PolarPanda even if we don't get geno.... i need your reassurance that Nintendo didn't pick completely awful, marketing driven choices.
Tbh, I doubt that will happen. Nintendo released a video on Smash (I think) and Fatmanonice Fatmanonice described how Nintendo is really hitting the nostalgic angle the game provides, so I am sure they know what will make fans happy, and they will want to make the fans happy. After all, we got Pauline in Mario Tennis aces! And when Nintendo described the DLC as must haves, I don't think they are going to go any bad route, I think they truly want to make the fans happy this time around


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Have you actually heard anything about Sora? If you’re able to divulge. I feel like I have a lot of evidence for his inclusion even with Tetsuyas drawlings for the KH Mickey anniversary of Mickey a Sora and Riku, and the Cloud in SSBU drawling being exactly the same art. I’ve even made a video, because of the evidence. Im honestly just trying to find a straight forward answer. Xenother(can’t remember his full name one of Vergebens sources), came out and said Sora was definetely not in, neither was Banjo and etc. He outright said Steve is in, accept it. Only to find out he was wrong so I’m back to square 1 on no answers for Sora. Can you say anything for his inclusion?

paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
If Geno and Banjo don't get in, I can deal with it as long as I actually enjoy most of the characters that do make it in. Aside from the returning veterans, there wasn't a single Smash 4 DLC character that made me crack a smile.
sadly geno and banjo are the only characters i actually care about making it in (other than marx but hes a boss and that probably deconfirms somehow) so i cant really see myself enjoying dlc characters that i either dont recognize or dislike tbh


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
Cool! Just caught up!

Someone shouted me out for my name, i forget yours and will probably find you and edit it in, but thank you so much!!! I’m clearly a big fan of Donald Glover as well.

Also, I definitely see Lloyd as being a viable pick and if he is, that’s definitely points in Geno’s favor, continuing the Mii Costume theory. So I’m hoping he’s in. Symphonia was my first Tales game so I’d love this for Lloyd being in and potentially pointing at a possible Geno inclusion.

Also, JC Rodrigo’s words are a little hopeful too. The last time he did an interview, Waluigi and Geno were mentioned and he said Nintendo hears us, and then says the DLC is gonna be a treat for fans...

I kind of doubt a Wave 2...Sakurai needs a break lol if they do Wave 2 that’s definitely in 2021/2022

paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
Have you actually heard anything about Sora? If you’re able to divulge. I feel like I have a lot of evidence for his inclusion even with Tetsuyas drawlings for the KH Mickey anniversary of Mickey a Sora and Riku, and the Cloud in SSBU drawling being exactly the same art. I’ve even made a video, because of the evidence. Im honestly just trying to find a straight forward answer. Xenother(can’t remember his full name one of Vergebens sources), came out and said Sora was definetely not in, neither was Banjo and etc. He outright said Steve is in, accept it. Only to find out he was wrong so I’m back to square 1 on no answers for Sora. Can you say anything for his inclusion?
most of what we've come to the conclusion of about sora is that he's either competing with geno for the square dlc spot or he was deconfirmed


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Don't get me wrong. I still am personally betting on Geno (this is NOT a leak, please don't misinterpret my words, anyone). However, given the sheer number of sources who have heard a couple other names, I'm accepting of the possibility they have. I'm kinda just bracing myself, if that's another way of putting it.
What's the old British saying: "expect the worst, hope for the best?" Pretty much this. Even if everything lines in one way or another, something just might not happen. Like in the Lloyd and Yuri case from today. There's the possibility that it might flat out not happen in either way. Namco could jump the shark and go Klonoa. Like in the SE case, it could have been bad Intel even though there was no conclusive answer to begin with. One, the other, both, none? It's all on the table because that's simply how statistics work.

There might be a .00000000056% that your car could explode into a 30 foot towering inferno when you start the ignition but it could still happen. There could have been factors that were overlooked or bad info that explains why you're nothing but a pile of Ash where a Honda Civic once stood. That said, someone super reliable could come forward and flat out say "Geno's in, my dudes" only for it to be totally wrong or even the opposite "Geno's out, my guys" and be wrong with that too. **** happens, good and bad, and we don't always get explanations why and sometimes things just beautifully thread the needle of probability.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
Well , it could mean that they are saving up FF7 music for a Sephiroth DLC. However , there is a reason we only got 2 tracks back in Sm4sh... They cost a lot of money , and , correct me if I'm wrong , but...
SE has a big buisness in video game music. Selling CDs , musics , doing concerts and stuff. So since SSBU allow the switch to be used as a MP3 with it's soundtrack (as showned in the august direct) , I think SE didn't liked that. I think the most we could get is untouched FF7 tracks... And to be honest , I don't know if they could use One Winged Angel , it's so important to SE , I don't know if DLC budget will be enough for that.

However , Yoko , the SMRPG composer is on board with Ultimate... And SMRPG is still a Mario game. Remember , Fight against an armed boss is a remix of the Super Mario Bros 3 boss theme.
For real?!?

That would explain why they sound familiar


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2014
Switch FC
SW 2409 5852 0213
Can we rename the thread to Geno / SE thread pls.

Have you actually heard anything about Sora? If you’re able to divulge. I feel like I have a lot of evidence for his inclusion even with Tetsuyas drawlings for the KH Mickey anniversary of Mickey a Sora and Riku, and the Cloud in SSBU drawling being exactly the same art. I’ve even made a video, because of the evidence. Im honestly just trying to find a straight forward answer. Xenother(can’t remember his full name one of Vergebens sources), came out and said Sora was definetely not in, neither was Banjo and etc. He outright said Steve is in, accept it. Only to find out he was wrong so I’m back to square 1 on no answers for Sora. Can you say anything for his inclusion?
I have no idea if you're baiting or completely serious.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
What's the old British saying: "expect the worst, hope for the best?" Pretty much this. Even if everything lines in one way or another, something just might not happen. Like in the Lloyd and Yuri case from today. There's the possibility that it might flat out not happen in either way. Namco could jump the shark and go Klonoa. Like in the SE case, it could have been bad Intel even though there was no conclusive answer to begin with. One, the other, both, none? It's all on the table because that's simply how statistics work.

There might be a .00000000056% that your car could explode into a 30 foot towering inferno when you start the ignition but it could still happen. There could have been factors that were overlooked or bad info that explains why you're nothing but a pile of Ash where a Honda Civic once stood. That said, someone super reliable could come forward and flat out say "Geno's in, my dudes" only for it to be totally wrong or even the opposite "Geno's out, my guys" and be wrong with that too. **** happens, good and bad, and we don't always get explanations why and sometimes things just beautifully thread the needle of probability.
Oh gosh. I need to get in a car tomorrow. Now I'm scared.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2014
Vernon, British Columbia
Switch FC
Have you actually heard anything about Sora? If you’re able to divulge. I feel like I have a lot of evidence for his inclusion even with Tetsuyas drawlings for the KH Mickey anniversary of Mickey a Sora and Riku, and the Cloud in SSBU drawling being exactly the same art. I’ve even made a video, because of the evidence. Im honestly just trying to find a straight forward answer. Xenother(can’t remember his full name one of Vergebens sources), came out and said Sora was definetely not in, neither was Banjo and etc. He outright said Steve is in, accept it. Only to find out he was wrong so I’m back to square 1 on no answers for Sora. Can you say anything for his inclusion?
I feel like I shouldn't say Sora is deconfirmed myself. My primary source has not heard anything about Sora. On the other hand, Verge specifically heard Sora is "not in", so I'd say he has incredibly low odds currently. Again, I personally have not heard anything about Sora. I just know what Verge has.


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
sadly geno and banjo are the only characters i actually care about making it in (other than marx but hes a boss and that probably deconfirms somehow) so i cant really see myself enjoying dlc characters that i either dont recognize or dislike tbh
I didn't know who most of the Smash Bros cast was when I first played, I only knew the Mario and Pokemon characters. I didn't recognize the rest, but eventually became fans by playing them in Smash and then trying out their games. So I'm not going to be too bothered if I don't recognize the character... the problem for me is if I either don't recognize the character and it's still not exciting to me ( basically, no stoic sword or gun slinging heroes plz ) or I do recognize them and I already know I don't like them ( plz no Sephiroth. )
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Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Can we rename the thread to Geno / SE thread pls.

I have no idea if you're baiting or completely serious.
This. The thread is a Geno thread. It's logical that people would bring up other SE characters too, but tbh that was never the point of this thread. I think we've gotten a lot of people who have jumped into the thread because they "Want Geno" but then end up discussing other SE characters more while also putting down Geno's chances or telling people that the thread is an echochamber. Some even jump in and try to talk about a bunch of characters that aren't even Geno. I feel like there's a line between discussing Geno in relation to other SE characters and just discussing all other SE characters with little to no reference to Geno. Especially when several of those characters have their own dedicated threads. As someone who wants Geno and not other SE choices in the slightest and just wants to discuss Geno it is getting pretty annoying.
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