Actually Dracula does transform as well. But I guess you do fight both forms of his
I'd love Dracula as a fighter. Forget about his transformation, that could just be used for his final smash.
Man, that'd be amazing. It would be such a throwback with the Wooded Kingdom placement. Maaaannn, I really wish there could be a way for Nintendo to buy the SMRPG rights from Square.
I think I know why they won't:
1. It could be because of Shigeru Miyamoto since he made Geno and has the authority of the Mario characters. Another company can't buy Geno, like Sakurai himself, because they have to get Miyamoto's permission; it's always a no from him, and he's not a big fan of Mario characters that come from extended lore... hell, he wasn't even a fan of Rosalina back in Galaxy.
2. I thought they didn't want to buy Geno or Mallow because they remind Nintendo of Square are their split-up.
3. Square won't let go of their past and sees Nintendo as a "Soviet Union" from long ago, hence why they don't want to sell them nor offer to give the SMRPG characters to them. They probably did offer to give them to Nintendo back when they split-up, but Miyamoto was probably like, "No, **** you, guys, you can keep them since they remind us of you."
They should both just let go of their pasts and call in a peace treaty. I mean, after all these FF games are coming to the Switch, they seem like good friends again. Square should just offer to give or sell them to Nintendo at this point. Even the Mario RPG characters seem to be more popular than the Paper Mario and M&L characters. Also, if buying them is the case, then Sakurai wouldn't have a problem getting Geno in Smash; even Mallow could join, but it's unlikely for him unless he gets a lot of fan demand like Geno.
Hey, I have an interesting SMRPG related question for you all. How do you think is the most underrated SMRPG character?
The Mad Adder/Earth Link (The giant cobra you fight in Smithy's Factory).