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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2014
Switch FC
SW 2409 5852 0213
I'm still not holding my breath for the VGAs for any kind of Smash announcement. Nintendo has had other stuff sitting on a low boil for a long time that I think would be more appropriate. I still say 50-50 on Metroid Prime 4 or Bayonetta 3.
Presenting Metroid Prime 4 or Bayonetta 3 is much better than any Smash DLCs tbh. I feel like it's too early to tease them.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I’d argue that Duck Hunt and Pac-Man are some major asspulls moveset-wise. They do stuff they can’t do in their games and (unlike the Star Fox guys and Falcon) isn’t even derived from the characters. It’s no more of an asspull than if they decided to draw from Chrono Trigger for a Dragon Quest moveset.

(I also think Sakurai really dropped the ball with not making Chrom unique, either in 4 or Ultimate. A man of his talent shouldn’t, and never has, had difficulty coming up with a moveset for a character and the fact that they wield a sword doesn’t really limit possibilities. Just look at games like Soul Calibur, where nearly every single character wields one.)

The argument that he doesn’t force a character is also kind of moot, when he definitely forced himself to envision a playable Ridley due to fan demand, and movesets for Animal Crossing characters (two!) and Miis (three + custom moves) just because they became necessary inclusions.

Also, being a silent protagonist doesn’t really affect gameplay.

And we only have the Links wielding swords and shields, so that’s just one moveset. Likewise, we only have Robin as a sword + magic fighter (Shulk if you wanna stretch it). We don’t have any sword + shield + magic fighter. As for characters that represent RPG mechanics, we have Cloud with his Limit Break and the Fire Emblem guys with counters and Critical Hits, which are mechanics specific to Final Fantasy and SRPGs, so there’s not much possibility of overlap. I don’t really see how you’d have trouble making a DQ character unique. If you were really struggling, I guess you could just pull a Pac-Man and pull from DQV’s monster capturing mechanics, and have it be something like Erdrick & Slime.
Sakurai said himself that he doesn't force characters to work. Duck Hunt's encompassing concept is the NES Zapper. Pac-Man's is classic Namco Arcade games. That's pretty straight forward.

Just because Sakurai went back to the drawing board for some characters doesn't make him a hypocrite. Villager and Isabelle use things from the Animal Crossing games. Ridley is big and vicious. The Mii characters are intentionally kind of blank slates because they're literally player avatars. The concepts still stand and he's willing to try again with new games. He couldn't visualize Villager in Brawl as a fighter so they weren't included but he was able to with Snash 4. It's that simple.

From here you basically flat out admit that they'd have to dig deep to make a Dragon Quest hero unique, specifically mentioning a side trait from one game in a franchise that has 11 mainline entries (Erdrick wasn't even in DQV...) . As Sakurai said, third party characters are basically an accumulation of their franchise in concept and design. For a vast majority of the cast, he was able to think of concepts very quickly yet you yourself spin your wheels and simply blow off the character's defining characteristics as if they don't matter. On top of all of this, these designs and whatever creative liberties Sakurai does would have to be approved by a MINIMUM of three studios. Anyone says boo (Toriyama is a giant stickler and control freak for how his characters are depicted), and it all goes to crap. Futhermore, this is also the reason Dragon Quest characters have NEVER appeared outside a game that Square Enix didn't develop in its 32 year history.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
Sakurai said himself that he doesn't force characters to work. Duck Hunt's encompassing concept is the NES Zapper. Pac-Man's is classic Namco Arcade games. That's pretty straight forward.

Just because Sakurai went back to the drawing board for some characters doesn't make him a hypocrite. Villager and Isabelle use things from the Animal Crossing games. Ridley is big and vicious. The Mii characters are intentionally kind of blank slates because they're literally player avatars. The concepts still stand and he's willing to try again with new games. He couldn't visualize Villager in Brawl as a fighter so they weren't included but he was able to with Snash 4. It's that simple.

From here you basically flat out admit that they'd have to dig deep to make a Dragon Quest hero unique, specifically mentioning a side trait from one game in a franchise that has 11 mainline entries (Erdrick wasn't even in DQV...) . As Sakurai said, third party characters are basically an accumulation of their franchise in concept and design. For a vast majority of the cast, he was able to think of concepts very quickly yet you yourself spin your wheels and simply blow off the character's defining characteristics as if they don't matter. On top of all of this, these designs and whatever creative liberties Sakurai does would have to be approved by a MINIMUM of three studios. Anyone says boo (Toriyama is a giant stickler and control freak for how his characters are depicted), and it all goes to crap. Futhermore, this is also the reason Dragon Quest characters have NEVER appeared outside a game that Square Enix didn't develop in its 32 year history.
Yeah, I'm with you, Fatman. After looking at those presentation slides and the section about creating characters, it's pretty clear there has to be some kind of immediately distinguishing "identity" to a character for them to be chosen. It's especially notable when you look at those "selling point" kind of descriptions he does for them: Ike is "burly sword fighter", Meta Knight is "pointed sword dancer" and so on.

A little challenge: to those suggesting Erdrick, pitch me a three word selling point for him that makes him sound interesting and defines him from the rest of the cast. Note that it needs to describe their whole essence, from how they move to specials to personality. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I truly can't think of one that would have the same impact as someone like Geno's. That doesn't mean it can't happen, but it does seem to imply there are better choices, even if we don't consider Geno.

For the record, my Geno pitch would be "weaponized wooden toy." See how it immediately conjures not only attacks, but potentially his movement and overall essence? And no other character comes close to being similar.

I want to see Erdrick sold to me like that.

Edit: to add something else...I can actually see the selling points for many characters I don't even like. Corrin, for example--"Dragon changeling swordfighter." Even Wii Fit knocks this out of the park, simply by placing a normal thing in the context of Smash: "Healthy yoga instructor."

This is pretty fun, lol. I see why Sakurai does it.
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Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
Geno: bullets, lazers, stars
Geno: precision firearm specialist
Geno: child's transformer toy

Hey, this is actually kind of fun.
It seems like a fun creative challenge.
"Timed projectile variety"
See, this is what I mean. We already have five for Geno, and that took less than three minutes, lol.

Edit: just thought of a Sephiroth one:

"Long *** Sword"

Simple and elegant, no?

(For realsies, his would probably be something like "powerful longsword artist." I don't even know him at all and I can still think of options for him. He has presence and identity.)
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Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Uh, "Black Haired Swordsman"

Nailed it, he's unique now.
The sad fact is that we actually don't have a black haired swordsman outside of alts. I can see the pitch now, "Hey, you want to play as a sword fighter that does not have the hair of a rainbow? Here you go!"
*Chucks Erdrik at the consumer*


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
The sad fact is that we actually don't have a black haired swordsman outside of alts. I can see the pitch now, "Hey, you want to play as a sword fighter that does not have the hair of a rainbow? Here you go!"
*Chucks Erdrik at the consumer*
Dark Pit...sorta? Have we decided if the bow blade counts as swords?

Granted, he's barely not an alt as it is, lol.
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
Yeah, I'm with you, Fatman. After looking at those presentation slides and the section about creating characters, it's pretty clear there has to be some kind of immediately distinguishing "identity" to a character for them to be chosen. It's especially notable when you look at those "selling point" kind of descriptions he does for them: Ike is "burly sword fighter", Meta Knight is "pointed sword dancer" and so on.

A little challenge: to those suggesting Erdrick, pitch me a three word selling point for him that makes him sound interesting and defines him from the rest of the cast. Note that it needs to describe their whole essence, from how they move to specials to personality. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I truly can't think of one that would have the same impact as someone like Geno's. That doesn't mean it can't happen, but it does seem to imply there are better choices, even if we don't consider Geno.

For the record, my Geno pitch would be "weaponized wooden toy." See how it immediately conjures not only attacks, but potentially his movement and overall essence? And no other character comes close to being similar.

I want to see Erdrick sold to me like that.

Edit: to add something else...I can actually see the selling points for many characters I don't even like. Corrin, for example--"Dragon changeling swordfighter." Even Wii Fit knocks this out of the park, simply by placing a normal thing in the context of Smash: "Healthy yoga instructor."

This is pretty fun, lol. I see why Sakurai does it.
It seems like a fun creative challenge.
"Timed projectile variety"
See, this is what I mean. We already have five for Geno, and that took less than three minutes, lol.

Edit: just thought of a Sephiroth one:

"Long *** Sword"

Simple and elegant, no?

(For realsies, his would probably be something like "powerful longsword artist." I don't even know him at all and I can still think of options for him. He has presence and identity.)
Oh, cool. Then that actually means Lloyd has a viable selling point too, with "dual wielding swordsman."

I could probably think of a few more for him anyway, though.
I can certainly envision selling points for some of my most wanted.

Bomberman: Aggressively strategic timed-explosive specialist
Krystal: Free-flowing staff-wielding combat
Vaati: Windbox master/Air-elemental specialist
Lip: Damage-over-time master
Isaac: Earth-elemental specialist/Sword-wielding earth magician


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Oh, cool. Then that actually means Lloyd has a viable selling point too, with "dual wielding swordsman."

I could probably think of a few more for him anyway, though.
I'll do you one better:

"Dual sword berserker."

I think this is the big selling point of Lloyd. He fights with two swords but is almost always in your face, sometimes literally shoulder charging enemies just to do damage. It's also notable that he doesn't wear protective armor or carry a shield despite this.


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I'm no moderator but I dont think it is a very good idea to start dumping on Erdrick or any other character on the list that has a shot.

Yes, we for sure want our guy more than anything and we know his chances against the field are solid. However, I want this place to be kind of open to the speculation of other characters. We don't want to drive away anyone who might want Erdrick, Sephiroth etc the most.

We aren't Sora or Waluigi people.

(I know, the irony of this last sentence but still. Let's be nice.)


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
I'm no moderator but I dont think it is a very good idea to start dumping on Erdrick or any other character on the list that has a shot.

Yes, we for sure want our guy more than anything and we know his chances against the field are solid. However, I want this place to be kind of open to the speculation of other characters. We don't want to drive away anyone who might want Erdrick, Sephiroth etc the most.

We aren't Sora or Waluigi people.

(I know, the irony of this last sentence but still. Let's be nice.)
I agree, but it would be nice if we had more imput from those other perspectives. I think a bunch of just need to be sold on the idea, move set wise at least. That is why we are doing this three word thing, right?


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
Dragon Quest character could be super interesting it's possible the moveset could be an amalgamation of abilities seen throughout the series.

They could make monster recruit a mechanic as well... Then you could have slime or other monsters fight along side you.

Imagine a character that could basically summon its own assist trophies? Although likely much weaker then typical assists for balance purposes.

The character could even have different costumes like the Koopalings since it's an amalgamated move set from the series. Potentially a protagonist/ hero from like 8 different games.
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Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
"goku lookin dude"
I literally laughed out loud at this. :laugh:
I can certainly envision selling points for some of my most wanted.

Bomberman: Aggressively strategic timed-explosive specialist
Krystal: Free-flowing staff-wielding combat
Vaati: Windbox master/Air-elemental specialist
Lip: Damage-over-time master
Isaac: Earth-elemental specialist/Sword-wielding earth magician
All good choices! I can even double up on some of them:

Bomberman: Strategic patient blasting
Isaac: earth moving technician
Vaati: confident wind mage

And some of my most wanted...

Bandana Dee: Earnest spear fighter
Banjo: comical character duo
Rhythm Heaven: beat keeping brawler
Helix: spring-armed amorphous blob

Gosh, I could just go on forever with this...but I don't want to derail the thread, lol.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2018
I got a bad feeling guys. Given how dragon quest has been around for 32 years and has had a game on almost every nintendo console, NOJ might just decide on a dragon quest character based on their iconic status as apparently that might be a rule for 3rd party charcters to make it in.... I am in no way saying geno isn't Iconic but with how stingy square was with cloud, they might be more inclined to chose the most iconic as opposed to a fan favorite most requested character for over 10 years. Sorry for being pessimistic, but this really bothers me.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
We can make arguments against other characters here. As you've seen yourself, people have been coming in here to dump on us and then bemoan that "we're not being nice" when we don't just roll over or, god forbid, actually debate, provide citations, deduce logical conclusions, etc. I feel like people are unironically indignant that we're actually predominantly optimistic and have come in here to scold us about it. Either way, there are other threads including the general discussion thread if they don't want to be in the GENO thread where GENO is seen favorably and arguments are most often made in the favor of GENO against other Square Enix characters.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
I agree, but it would be nice if we had more imput from those other perspectives. I think a bunch of just need to be sold on the idea, move set wise at least. That is why we are doing this three word thing, right?
Pretty much this. I'm not trying to hate on Erdrick at all, I just want someone to tell me what his selling point could be as a Smash fighter, in a simplified, immediately recognizable way. I'm open to the idea of any new character, so long as they're unique--as evidenced by my interest in Piranha Plant. I just can't envision Erdrick's hook.

I got a bad feeling guys. Given how dragon quest has been around for 32 years and has had a game on almost every nintendo console, NOJ might just decide on a dragon quest character based on their iconic status as apparently that might be a rule for 3rd party charcters to make it in.... I am in no way saying geno isn't Iconic but with how stingy square was with cloud, they might be more inclined to chose the most iconic as opposed to a fan favorite most requested character for over 10 years. Sorry for being pessimistic, but this really bothers me.
Don't forget about Sakurai's veto power. If he didn't think Erdrick could work as a fighter, he can just say no, regardless of how much they push him. They trust his input, clearly.

That's why I've been trying to illustrate a DQ character's lack of fighter potential. I've seen plenty of arguments for the history and importance of the franchise, but little in the way of unique fighter mechanics. I want to be excited about the character, even if it's one I don't know, and nobody has yet given me a pitch for DQ that would sell me on one from that series.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2018
Pretty much this. I'm not trying to hate on Erdrick at all, I just want someone to tell me what his selling point could be as a Smash fighter, in a simplified, immediately recognizable way. I'm open to the idea of any new character, so long as they're unique--as evidenced by my interest in Piranha Plant. I just can't envision Erdrick's hook.

Don't forget about Sakurai's veto power. If he didn't think Erdrick could work as a fighter, he can just say no, regardless of how much they push him. They trust his input, clearly.

That's why I've been trying to illustrate a DQ character's lack of fighter potential. I've seen plenty of arguments for the history and importance of the franchise, but little in the way of unique fighter mechanics. I want to be excited about the character, even if it's one I don't know, and nobody has yet given me a pitch for DQ that would sell me on one from that series.
Man, it's easy getting Erdrick in Smash. Just dye his hair blue and he's a lock.

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
I got a bad feeling guys. Given how dragon quest has been around for 32 years and has had a game on almost every nintendo console, NOJ might just decide on a dragon quest character based on their iconic status as apparently that might be a rule for 3rd party charcters to make it in.... I am in no way saying geno isn't Iconic but with how stingy square was with cloud, they might be more inclined to chose the most iconic as opposed to a fan favorite most requested character for over 10 years. Sorry for being pessimistic, but this really bothers me.
Square was stingy with Cloud despise beeing their character.

I'm sorry , but DQ is out of the table with the "stingy" logic. Because that need several parties with SE , a horrible composer to deal with... Yeah , it's even harder than Geno.

Yeah , DQ had a game on every Nintendo console... But a lot of them were japanese exclusive , and didn't do very well outside of Japan. We don't know when is DQ11 is coming to Switch (Yeah , 2019. But there is no release date as of now , and early february seem unlikely.)... It's iconic for Japan , but it need a boost for the western audience.

Also , Nintendo has no interest in doing so if Armor project don't make/port more DQ games exclusively to the Switch.

And nope , Geno isn't iconic , I'm not gonna argue with that lol. He's a big request , not a gaming icon.

And yeah , NoJ is picking the DLC... But they still know that the western audience matter a lot.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Hmmmm 3 word selling point for characters. Sounds like fun.

Lloyd Irving: Dual Sword Specialist
Geno: Timed Hit Action
Banjo & Kazooie: Unique Duo Combat
KOS-MOS: Sci-fi Weapon Android
Bandana Waddle Dee: Spear Wielding Expert


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2018
I got a bad feeling guys. Given how dragon quest has been around for 32 years and has had a game on almost every nintendo console, NOJ might just decide on a dragon quest character based on their iconic status as apparently that might be a rule for 3rd party charcters to make it in.... I am in no way saying geno isn't Iconic but with how stingy square was with cloud, they might be more inclined to chose the most iconic as opposed to a fan favorite most requested character for over 10 years. Sorry for being pessimistic, but this really bothers me.
If Square's being stingy, DQ is out of the question, it just takes too much money, time and effort. Also, DQ hasn't done all that well in the West. Combine that with the fact that Japan isn't really asking for a DQ character, it becomes clear why DQ might be unlikely.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Dragon Quest character could be super interesting it's possible the moveset could be an amalgamation of abilities seen throughout the series.

They could make monster recruit a mechanic as well... Then you could have slime or other monsters fight along side you.

Imagine a character that could basically summon its own assist trophies? Although likely much weaker then typical assists for balance purposes.

The character could even have different costumes like the Koopalings since it's an amalgamated move set from the series. Potentially a protagonist/ hero from like 8 different games.
On paper that works but that also means more character models and more liscensing for every individual character, even if it's just minor enemies like Slime. Like you said, the monsters would have to have the full programming of an assist trophy. If all the ALTs were different characters, that would be a minimum of 32 checks and balances outside Nintendo to go forward because each would have to be liscensed out. We've come back to same spot again that it would be a ton of work, by far more than any other character in the history of Smash.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2018
You seriously need to convince me why Square and Nintendo would go through licensing hell just for a character that isn't popular compared to Geno, Crono or Sora, who have more demand and are less of a hassle to get.

Deleted member

I got a bad feeling guys. Given how dragon quest has been around for 32 years and has had a game on almost every nintendo console, NOJ might just decide on a dragon quest character based on their iconic status as apparently that might be a rule for 3rd party charcters to make it in.... I am in no way saying geno isn't Iconic but with how stingy square was with cloud, they might be more inclined to chose the most iconic as opposed to a fan favorite most requested character for over 10 years. Sorry for being pessimistic, but this really bothers me.
Pros for DQ:

> Popular in Japan

Cons for DQ:

> Have to work with at least 4 parties, one of which, the music composer, is stingy with letting the west hear his music and is known to have denied Japan's war crimes of WWII

> No global appeal or global demand (or almost no demand for that matter), all third parties at least have one

> Only game coming to the Switch is a Japan exclusive, and Square Enix doesn't know when it will be ready, just "sometime next year"

> DQ characters never appeared outside of a game Square Enix didn't develop

> Last character added to Smash based only on Japanese demand was Marth in 2001, and he was a first party character

> All characters (with the exception of Slime) have no way of being made unique, which is something Sakurai always tries to do

Don't know about a DQ character
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Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
> All characters (with the exception of Slime) have no way of being made unique, which is something Sakurai always tries to do
Ah, I keep forgetting about Slime. Yeah, to a point, I can see how he could possibly be unique. I'd need somebody else to give me the selling point, though. Don't know enough about a potential moveset to say.

The rest of your points are definitely the other hurdles for DQ to be represented. And there certainly are a lot of them...

It just doesn't seem likely to happen. That doesn't confirm Geno, or any Square rep for that matter, but it does make me wonder why we're still entertaining the idea. Because the insiders are saying they've heard more DQ? Because it seems the least appealing, and we want to eliminate the possibility, at least in our minds?

Sorry, just musing, lol. It could simply be we have nothing else to talk about...:p


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2018
Watch the SE rep not being one of the 7 and we get Lara Croft instead.

Or worse, no SE rep at all.
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Deleted member

Ah, I keep forgetting about Slime. Yeah, to a point, I can see how he could possibly be unique. I'd need somebody else to give me the selling point, though. Don't know enough about a potential moveset to say.

The rest of your points are definitely the other hurdles for DQ to be represented. And there certainly are a lot of them...

It just doesn't seem likely to happen. That doesn't confirm Geno, or any Square rep for that matter, but it does make me wonder why we're still entertaining the idea. Because the insiders are saying they've heard more DQ? Because it seems the least appealing, and we want to eliminate the possibility, at least in our minds?

Sorry, just musing, lol. It could simply be we have nothing else to talk about...:p
I think a selling point for Slime could be: "Liquid blue bandit"

I think at this point if they try to get a DQ character, it would be Slime. He requires the least amount of parties to work with of any DQ character, and he would be a unique addition to the roster. Still unlikely though, with having to work with the music composer, not much demand, not appearing outside of a game Square Enix didn't develop (or publish, one of the two)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2018
Watch the Square rep be Tidus. He'll laugh at the competition.
Genuinely, if there is a FF rep, please let it be Tidus. Tidus is one of my favorite FF characters and he would bring good music (although very little) with him, plus his laugh (hopefully).

So him or a FF4 rep.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2008
Bay City, MI
I think a selling point for Slime could be: "Liquid blue bandit"

I think at this point if they try to get a DQ character, it would be Slime. He requires the least amount of parties to work with of any DQ character, and he would be a unique addition to the roster. Still unlikely though, with having to work with the music composer, not much demand, not appearing outside of a game Square Enix didn't develop (or publish, one of the two)
Slime is subject to the same policies any other dq character is. So he wouldn't be any easier to get.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
This "3 word sell" is fun:

Arle Nadja: Drop-down magician
Travis Touchdown: Saber swinging assassin
Doomguy: Demon ripping hulk
Jibanyan: Truck punching kitty


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Oh look, more from Sakurai:


"Final Fantasy (FF below) is one of the few uniquely Japanese game series revered by players around the world. I think fans across the globe have hoped a character from one of those series would appear in Smash, so it was only a matter of time. At the same time, there are only so many big-name titles we can work with at this point—mainly because we’ve covered most of those bases. Aside from the major globally-recognized franchises already featured in Smash, there really aren’t that many left."

He then goes on to say:

"And within the FF franchise, Cloud is without question the most popular choice. A number of people fixate on the fact his original game was never released on a Nintendo console, but if we were to limit our choices to characters who appeared on a Nintendo console, we’d end up with Bartz from FFV or the Onion Knight from FFIII—how would that work? Maybe they could change jobs or something… Actually, that would be kind of interesting (laughs)."

Hue hue, indeed, but, please, continue sir:

"At the same time, I think it’s only natural to prioritize the character who enjoys worldwide popularity. I might have had misgivings if Cloud had never appeared on a Nintendo console in any form, though."

He then talks about working with Square Enix:

"They supervised the development, providing detailed feedback and harsh criticism, but they didn’t make much in the way of requests. We have our own format for designing content in Smash, and they were gracious enough to grant us considerable freedom when devising Cloud’s attacks, animations, and Special Moves."

In other words, Square pretty much breathed down his neck the entire time like an asthmatic moose.

He then talks about working with Bayonetta:

"My first concern with Bayonetta was devising a way to maintain the flavor of her games.
In order to efficiently progress through the original Bayonetta, her Dodge Offset technique is absolutely essential since it allows you to dodge mid-attack and continue a combo. I wanted to preserve the concept of holding down the attack button being advantageous, so I included her Bullet Arts in Smash. In addition, I took pains to implement combo and Special cancels for stringing together chains in true Bayonetta fashion. Unfortunately, combo characters don’t exactly fit the fundamental model of Smash."

Once again, sticking to the nature of the character and the games is incredibly important to Sakurai.
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