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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2018
User was warned for this post; double posting(please edit your messages instead)
The Vifam gun functions similarly to Geno beam, and Geno's gun doesn't have any official art, so the Vifam gun is the closest thing they could use as a reference to Geno's gun
Geno Beam literally has a small wand pop out of his hand. Not a SAW machine gun.

So, what do you think is the giant robot game project he's planning to use it for?

But what if...

View attachment 180371

Neither of them are in the pass after you buy it?

At least FF7R should turn out okay, since outside of mechanics and graphics, the gist of it should still be in. The big issue I have is that it'll come in several installments that could have been on one disc...
Do you think Geno should take inspiration from a giant robot with a machine gun?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
Hahaha, that was me who said they might've been there to test our popularity with Geno. Everyone I knew bought it, and there were thousands out there that bought it; Nintendo gave it a special reveal with a splash screen, and I saw a few people react to the Direct and said stuff like, "Geno took the cake with the final Direct", "Geno's is what made this final Direct special!", etc. But because Geno seemed to be in his own pack, I'm sure many bought the Geno Mii costume with the pack or just separately. Remember, Sakurai said he was incredibly popular and wanted to give our huge fanbase something, so I'm sure many got the costume.
Here's my theory:


Think about it, the ballot was released before the first Mii fighter outfit pack. The first Mii fighter pack could've been planned before the ballot, however, the second one seemed to lead off to requested characters like Inkling, Zero, Isabelle, Heihachi, etc., you get what I'm saying; then came the third pack, which included highly requested characters like King K. Rool, Lloyd Irving, and Chrom. Whichever highly requested/voted characters in the ballot that that seemed reasonable the most were chosen as Mii costumes. My guess is, the Mii costumes that sold the most were selected to be future newcomers in Ultimate based upon how much it was bought by people, and the ones that were sold the least were planned to be in as spirits or assist trophies.
Inkling, Isabelle, Chrom, King K. Rool definitely sound like Mii costumes that sold most.

Also, I have a feeling Lloyd Irving and Geno sold very well, so because of this, I do expect to see Nintendo feel as if Geno and Lloyd are perfect DLC picks because they're highly requested and possibly sold super well as Mii costumes. Maybe this is why a Monster Hunter character may show up as DLC, because its costume sold well. For all we know, Nintendo could've chosen the DLC from the leftover characters that had Mii costumes from Smash 4! This is what I think. And remember, Sakurai can veto if he can make them into a playable character or not. Lloyd, Geno, and a Monster Hunter character have the perfect movesets for Super Smash Brothers! :)
Ooooo wait I like this theory.

Mii Costumes upgraded or already ATs are: Zero, Akira, Black Knight, Rathalos, Ashley, Knuckles, Takamaru

All which probably didn’t place very high in polls but high enough to at least be represented.

Exactly, the key word her being plausible.

As for why Nintendo picked characters, it depends.

Maybe Sakurai is tired of Smash and this is a test run to see if Nintendo execs/whoever is pulling the strings can pick characters the way fans want.

Maybe Nintendo saw the backlash against characters like Incineroar and Piranha Plant, or how hated Kencineroar/how beloved Grinch theory was, and decided Sakurai’s lost his touch and somebody new needs to step in.

Or maybe Nintendo wants to advertise their upcoming Switch catalogue and foster relations between companies, and they see DLC as a means.
Yeah...the key word is plausible. That means you can’t rule out the possibility lol. Otherwise wouldn’t the tweet have just said “Nintendo picked all the fighters this time, I had no say in who got in or out.” So you can’t just say he never said that lol

1. Even if Sakurai is tired, he puts his all into Smash I don’t see him relinquishing control in that way, but maybe. I’m more on board with testing to see how others pick fighters.
2. I was thinking about that option. Why of all
times, is ULTIMATE the one where NoJ steps in? (I believe I read somewhere that usually they just kind of let Sakurai do what he wants). I don’t think it’s anything like “Sakurai lost his touch” but maybe they didn’t like the response from the last direct (especially in comparison to the first two) and quickly stepped in to try to please fans. I remember seeing a lot of “that was underwhelming” “not super excited about newcomers this time” (even though Ridley, Inkling, K Rool, and Simon??? Come on ppl) or “not buying DLC if blankety blank doesn’t get in”. Even xenother’s first post on GameFAQ’s someone said “dlc is gonna suck” when fan favorites were “deconfirmed” from the line up. I wonder If that’s the case, if Nintendo is trying to step in to secure people purchasing the game and getting excited about DLC. If so, I wonder if that’s a point in Geno’s favor.

3. I think this is the most common way of thinking about it. As purely a business move. I kind of think so as well (at the end of the day it is a business) but I do wonder if that’s really the case.

Necro Toad

Smash Apprentice
Feb 21, 2010
In 2016, Sakurai bought a Vifam toy gun which he is most likely using for a newcomer in Smash Ultimate, and we believe that he is using the gun as a reference to Geno's gun since Geno's gun doesn't have any official art
Thank you! I had never heard anything about it.

Compare the above to these:


Let's just say creative liberties can certainly be made for a 22 year old character.
You have a point but I personally don't like this approach for a new fighter. I understand that adapting Geno to mii gunner allow creative liberties, but with a brand new character I would expect a more canon approach, like King K Rool had.


Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2018
Look at how the Vifam gun functions in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwszwb3aIPg

Then compare it to how Geno beam functions, and they do function pretty similarly, and this is the closest reference they can get to Geno's gun, especially with Geno's gun not having any official art
Can you give me a timestamp that shows anything other than a giant robot two-handing a machine gun? I'm not seeing anything in this video that resembles the way Geno works at all. I would love to be wrong.

Deleted member

Can you give me a timestamp that shows anything other than a giant robot two-handing a machine gun? I'm not seeing anything in this video that resembles the way Geno works at all. I would love to be wrong.
Go to 1:00 in the video, and soon the robot will fire the Vifam gun, and it functions similarly to Geno beam


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
I want to entertain a thought. GoodGrief741 GoodGrief741 brought up something I didn't actually consider. What if Nintendo stepped in to pick the DLC due to the infamous Grinch Leak?

Remember the whole feathers getting ruffled about a supposed leak around that time.
Now it could be about the former tester that did leak Kencineroar and Pirahna Plant around the same time, but what I it was the Grinch Leak because of the mock banner?

Speculation on my part...but maybe?

That is interesting.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
Can you give me a timestamp that shows anything other than a giant robot two-handing a machine gun? I'm not seeing anything in this video that resembles the way Geno works at all. I would love to be wrong.
Lmao yo I’m not sure you’re listening. We’re just talking about the gun. And not even really the whole gun, literally just the barrel of it and how it shoots out a...wait for it.. A BEAM


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Wizards

ft. Harry Potter and Friends

Say it is a gun. How on earth does it resemble the Vifam figure at all?
You see, it's a compressed sprite image, and there's no official artwork of Geno using his weapons, so Sakurai may have wanted a gun with a similar barrel for reference.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Ooooo wait I like this theory.

Mii Costumes upgraded or already ATs are: Zero, Akira, Black Knight, Rathalos, Ashley, Knuckles, Takamaru

All which probably didn’t place very high in polls but high enough to at least be represented.

Yeah...the key word is plausible. That means you can’t rule out the possibility lol. Otherwise wouldn’t the tweet have just said “Nintendo picked all the fighters this time, I had no say in who got in or out.” So you can’t just say he never said that lol

1. Even if Sakurai is tired, he puts his all into Smash I don’t see him relinquishing control in that way, but maybe. I’m more on board with testing to see how others pick fighters.
2. I was thinking about that option. Why of all
times, is ULTIMATE the one where NoJ steps in? (I believe I read somewhere that usually they just kind of let Sakurai do what he wants). I don’t think it’s anything like “Sakurai lost his touch” but maybe they didn’t like the response from the last direct (especially in comparison to the first two) and quickly stepped in to try to please fans. I remember seeing a lot of “that was underwhelming” “not super excited about newcomers this time” (even though Ridley, Inkling, K Rool, and Simon??? Come on ppl) or “not buying DLC if blankety blank doesn’t get in”. Even xenother’s first post on GameFAQ’s someone said “dlc is gonna suck” when fan favorites were “deconfirmed” from the line up. I wonder If that’s the case, if Nintendo is trying to step in to secure people purchasing the game and getting excited about DLC. If so, I wonder if that’s a point in Geno’s favor.

3. I think this is the most common way of thinking about it. As purely a business move. I kind of think so as well (at the end of the day it is a business) but I do wonder if that’s really the case.
I can definitely say that Sakurai never said that, because he didn’t. It could still be true, and it could also be false, but that doesn’t change that he never said that.

I’m currently expecting option number 3 to be the one that pans out, but as somebody who was really let down by the last Direct and 17% of character selection, I’m really hoping it’s actually 2. But if Sakurai is out of touch, I don’t know how Nintendo can be in touch.

I want to entertain a thought. GoodGrief741 GoodGrief741 brought up something I didn't actually consider. What if Nintendo stepped in to pick the DLC due to the infamous Grinch Leak?

Remember the whole feathers getting ruffled about a supposed leak around that time.
Now it could be about the former tester that did leak Kencineroar and Pirahna Plant around the same time, but what I it was the Grinch Leak because of the mock banner?

Speculation on my part...but maybe?

That is interesting.
It would be awesome if Nintendo saw the reaction to Grinch Leak and said ‘Oh ****, we got our reaction already, let’s just do this!’. But if that were to happen, who’d be the sixth character cut? Shadow due to Echoes not being DLC? Mach Rider for being the more niche, and thus the least expected to sell?

Also, if having the actual ballot in their hands didn’t make a dent in base game, I doubt reactions to a fake leak would make any difference in Nintendo’s mind.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
The Star Gun is most definitely a gun and it uses the same attack sprite as Geno Beam

Though it's official render looks different


But he dual weirds "Geno Beam" guns for the Star Gun attack


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
It would be awesome if Nintendo saw the reaction to Grinch Leak and said ‘Oh ****, we got our reaction already, let’s just do this!’. But if that were to happen, who’d be the sixth character cut? Shadow due to Echoes not being DLC? Mach Rider for being the more niche, and thus the least expected to sell?

Also, if having the actual ballot in their hands didn’t make a dent in base game, I doubt reactions to a fake leak would make any difference in Nintendo’s mind.
See now that is true. They could honestly get rid of both Mach and Shadow if they did react to the leak like we are imagining. Especially if they wanted slots for promotion.

Yet the Ballot did have SOME presence in base. King K. Rool is proof of that and with how much love he got for having a pretty neat moveset and music to boot, I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility for having the ballot used for DLC.

But who knows for sure?

EDIT: Oh returning Veterans HAD to have been on the ballot as well. Forgot about that lol.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2006
Salt Lake UT
This thread is blowing up like crazy! I love that a few pages ago, an article was shared about how Square Enix likes "modernizing" games. I would absolutely love a Mario RPG remake. It would be the best thing ever!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
Greenville, SC
Short of a straight up announcement or leak, is there any event or hint that would make y’all believe Geno definitely is or isn’t in the game at this point?

Also, what would his alt colors be? Based on Pikachu and Pac-Man I’m assuming the cape has to stay its signature blue.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
I can definitely say that Sakurai never said that, because he didn’t. It could still be true, and it could also be false, but that doesn’t change that he never said that.

I’m currently expecting option number 3 to be the one that pans out, but as somebody who was really let down by the last Direct and 17% of character selection, I’m really hoping it’s actually 2. But if Sakurai is out of touch, I don’t know how Nintendo can be in touch.

It would be awesome if Nintendo saw the reaction to Grinch Leak and said ‘Oh ****, we got our reaction already, let’s just do this!’. But if that were to happen, who’d be the sixth character cut? Shadow due to Echoes not being DLC? Mach Rider for being the more niche, and thus the least expected to sell?

Also, if having the actual ballot in their hands didn’t make a dent in base game, I doubt reactions to a fake leak would make any difference in Nintendo’s mind.
Don't forget; we already have Isaac in assist trophy hell; so we don't even necessarily cut Mach Rider.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
To be fair though, I think I did find an image with Geno using a wand


From Super Mario Kun, so it's not a canon source


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Short of a straight up announcement or leak, is there any event or hint that would make y’all believe Geno definitely is or isn’t in the game at this point?

Also, what would his alt colors be? Based on Pikachu and Pac-Man I’m assuming the cape has to stay its signature blue.
The Official SMRPG Guide has some alts for geno's cape

paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
Short of a straight up announcement or leak, is there any event or hint that would make y’all believe Geno definitely is or isn’t in the game at this point?

Also, what would his alt colors be? Based on Pikachu and Pac-Man I’m assuming the cape has to stay its signature blue.
for alts id assume his cape would probably be different colors and designs, mainly based on his capes in the strategy guide and maybe some based on the unique characters from mario rpg like mallow, booster, and croco


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
It very clearly doesn't have that ball at the end in the game though.
And again, it also uses the same image as the Star Gun, which is definitely a gun.

I think the artist of Super Mario Kun saw the same thing as this person.

It also appears in the comic that Geno is holding the wand, when in game his weapon clearly pops out of his arm
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