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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2020
Hello. I just created an account a moment ago. Never had I felt compelled to do so any other time aside from now. I have been watching this thread for almost 2 years now and honestly I have to say it's been entertaining. With everything that's happened to you guys I just want to say that I appreciate everything your doing. I myself am a big geno fan. Loved him and smrpg since I was just a little kid playing on my dad's snes. The journey to get geno in smash has been a rough one. However even with sephiroth basically annihilating genos chances I still think geno has a very important place in smash history. While I am hurting like many of you I appreciate those who have the confidence in geno that I dont. Thanks.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
Just looked at the news. I really don't feel anything with Sephiroth. No anger or happiness. Just neutrality. I do really feel bad for you Geno dudes and dudettes though. Hold on to any hope for Geno being a bonus fighter at the very least. I don't know what to feel about my personal most wanted picks for the future now but I've sort of stopped with Smash hype and speculation a while ago besides occasional lurking in support threads.


Smash Cadet
Jul 16, 2020

"Guys, Geno's a spirit; it's totally over!"

"Guys, Hero was leaked; it's totally over!"

"Guys, Hero is in Smash; it's totally over!"

"Guys, there's only 5 DLC packs; it's totally over!"

"Guys, Sephiroth is in Smash; it's totally over!"

I laughed so hard at this post that I have tears streaming down my face so thank you for fixing my day


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
I would like to point out to everyone here that for all the concern trolling over us potentially being toxic over Geno not getting revealed that has happened over the last few years when he received the closest thing to a killing blow he could have people here respectfully expressed their disappointment and even excitement over Sephiroth and then the semi regular group of people who enjoy coming in and ****ting on the thread did so like clockwork.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Hey, remember when I said to HYPE RESPONSIBLY and I got yelled at for being a "doomer"?

Yeah, I think we all learned a valuable lesson tonight

View attachment 294971
Bro do you really think now is the time for this? Even as someone who I would say did keep expectations in check, even I came off incredibly disappointed. Like seriously, its f***ing normal to be disappointed, especially if the character you really wanted is probably deconfirmed. And even then, for people who did overhype, they are not the ones at fault here. They just wanted a character that would be hype.

Seriously, I'm so tired of people like you who act all high and mighty about this s***. Quit pretending like you aren't disappointed either because I guarantee you are just as disappointed as us.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Bro do you really think now is the time for this? Even as someone who I would say did keep expectations in check, even I came off incredibly disappointed. Like seriously, its f***ing normal to be disappointed, especially if the character you really wanted is probably deconfirmed. And even then, for people who did overhype, they are not the ones at fault here. They just wanted a character that would be hype.

Seriously, I'm so tired of people like you who act all high and mighty about this s***. Quit pretending like you aren't disappointed either because I guarantee you are just as disappointed as us.
I wanna step in and say this: I told people before to keep expectations in check because they could be wrong, though I was right, I did not rub it in any of the Geno fans' faces here. Why should anyone do that? It is practically beating a dead horse.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
I'm still thinking back on Cloud's Final Smash in Sephiroth's trailer. That wasn't the usual Omnislash; the textbox displayed it as a different version of it. Now I'm wondering if with Update Ver. ... 10.0 we'll be seeing maybe... new Final Smashes? 👀


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I laughed so hard at this post that I have tears streaming down my face so thank you for fixing my day
Yeah. That's the thing... It's not about being optimistic, it's about seeing things through. The situation sucks but WAAAAH'ing about not getting your way isn't going to change the situation. People WANT us to flop about and whine. As we speak, there's people watching this thread that are effortlessly filling jars to the brim over the idea of total strangers being bummed out. Do people really want to give them that satisfaction? I'm more than happy to blue ball detractors , honestly.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
No matter what happens, please do not get mad at Sakurai, Sora, Bandai etc. Despite not choosing the characters I’m sure they are more than happy to make them.
This just shows that we have to fight even harder to convince Nintendo to negotiate with Square and put Geno in more Mario games.
The battle is far from over.
Oh I would never. As absolutely disappointed as I am, I would never take my anger out on Sakurai and his team. I love Sakurai and no matter what, even if its the most disappointing of inclusions, he always manages to produce fantastic and insanely fun characters for all of us to enjoy, and I am unbelieveably grateful for this man.

That's the magic of Smash I guess. Sakurai has the power to make what may look like a boring character, in to something that all of us will enjoy at the end of the day.


Smash Cadet
Dec 31, 2019
This might now have been the way we wanted things to go but at the end of the day we must keep our chins up and look forward, even though geno might not get into smash ultimate as an official character he is in all of our hearts as an underdog that does not fit in this era of video game characters but still somehow is up there with them, geno might not shine in smash ultimate but he shines in all our hearts.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
TBH smash is crazy so who knows at this point? We have a bit of a "deadline" for an imminent deconfirmation and if we pass that deadline, any number of things could happen. (Double dipping, bonus's, a third pass) even if unlikely. Sephiroth was a curve ball, steve was a curveball and I think it's fair to expect more surprises. We still have at least 3 to go. I'm goin to act like this will be the last Square character at the moment so good news is a pleasant surprise. Ryu and Crash or Masterr Chief would still be neat.
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Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Alright. I saw the reveal with a buddy of mind and my reaction was "HOLY *!" To "Oh *..."

Two things to point out as we go forward.

-It is certainly not over, but not looking great for us currently.

-Sephiroth is a BIG DEAL. A Villain got into Smash via DLC. Don't see that everyday.

I will be optimistic about this, because of what happened with Hero. I remember so vividly people coming in and going "Oh that sucks" "Sorry" "Lololololol" and so on. And when it came time to it to 'reveal' Geno's Mii Costume....IT NEVER HAPPENED.

Thus the narrative changed "Well of course Geno's Mii Costume didn't show up. Square wanted to focus on Dragon Quest"

If it happens again and Sephiroth brings only Final Fantasy content...Then there is a chance.

Let's stay optimistic gang!


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
I was in the middle of working out a nice essay post to act as a Norse funeral of sorts to commemorate our efforts here. But I've decided to wait until the seph pres next week to actually go through with it. For anyone still here and watching, old and new, even if you think this is the end,please just give it a little longer, lets wait until the curtain actually falls with the mii costume reveal before we truly cap things off proper. Even if your just going to lurk that's fine but if were going to do this thing lets do it right. Our boy deserves that and you know it.
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Smash Rookie
Dec 25, 2019
lurker here. It's not over til the costume is revealed y'all. Do not let your resolve falter because of what occured today. Seeing fan rules being broke down again and again, I really could still see Geno happening. Worst case scenario, he gets in as a costume, and if that happens. BUY IT! TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO BUY IT! At the end of the day, nintendo is a company and your dollar is what will speak to them. If they see that a lot of people will buy the costume then they'll take us seriously and put Geno in the next time, if he isn't in this game. But as long as the costume isnt revealed, I wholeheartedly believe that there is still a chance. Stay strong Genobros.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2019
Alright. I saw the reveal with a buddy of mind and my reaction was "HOLY *!" To "Oh *..."

Two things to point out as we go forward.

-It is certainly not over, but not looking great for us currently.

-Sephiroth is a BIG DEAL. A Villain got into Smash via DLC. Don't see that everyday.

I will be optimistic about this, because of what happened with Hero. I remember so vividly people coming in and going "Oh that sucks" "Sorry" "Lololololol" and so on. And when it came time to it to 'reveal' Geno's Mii Costume....IT NEVER HAPPENED.

Thus the narrative changed "Well of course Geno's Mii Costume didn't show up. Square wanted to focus on Dragon Quest"

If it happens again and Sephiroth brings only Final Fantasy content...Then there is a chance.

Let's stay optimistic gang!
A very good point, which just gave me an idea.

Hero was revealed, and as we saw, focused on the Enix side of things.

(Geno Dodged)

Sephiroth could focus on the Square side of things.

If Geno dodges this next mii costume dump and if there is a 3rd Pass, let that represent the relationship between Nintendo and Square-Enix and have Geno as the fighter

Peepo T. Skeleton

Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2020
Exactly 9.7 inches away from your current location
Well, after a bit of introspection, there is one possibility left. If the Mii Fighter costume wave for Sephiroth is nothing but FF costumes/content, then there is one last chance.
Yeah. I'm not feeling good about what comes next, but it happened once with Hero so there's absolutely nothing stopping it from happening again.


Smash Cadet
Jul 16, 2020
Yeah. That's the thing... It's not about being optimistic, it's about seeing things through. The situation sucks but WAAAAH'ing about not getting your way isn't going to change the situation. People WANT us to flop about and whine. As we speak, there's people watching this thread that are effortlessly filling jars to the brim over the idea of total strangers being bummed out. Do people really want to give them that satisfaction? I'm more than happy to blue ball detractors , honestly.
For sure! I've been having a really rough time IRL with all sorts of nonsense including health issues, so this was just kinda the icing on the garbage cake. But I appreciate the grit and the good laugh.

I never give detractor babies the time of day because I am almost 30 years old and dealing with many chronic health problems... no time to give them satisfaction. With how nonsense everything's been for me lately it's been nice to come here and just read everybody chatting about a commonly loved thing, even if we're all bummed right now, and I don't post that much.

So thanks guys.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Well, after a bit of introspection, there is one possibility left. If the Mii Fighter costume wave for Sephiroth is nothing but FF costumes/content, then there is one last chance.
We survived 7 Mii costume waves; what's the hassle with watching one more?


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Honestly, it almost brings a tear to my eye to see all of us lose our hopes and dreams for seeing Geno join the battle. I'm really gonna be upset to see how silent this thread will be if Geno's costume comes back on the 17th, which honestly sounds pretty likely to me. I'm seriously gonna miss you all, and the crazy speculation if this truly is the end.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
Well if Geno had to lose out to another Square character, I’m glad it was to Sephiroth. FF7 is my favorite game of all time and I will gladly take more villains in Smash. But it’s not over for Geno unless we see his costume return next week. If it still doesn’t, then that’s highly suspicious.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2019
I think at this point, if Geno just comes back as a costume, the only reasonable explanation is that Sakurai just didn't try very hard to get him as a fighter. That he was told 'no' and he didn't press it and try to work something out. The only other option is that Sakurai explicitly made base/Pass 1/Pass 2 plans over a period of years and didn't include Geno as a possibility in any of them.

He's gone on record as being aware of Geno's popularity and has stated himself that he has interest, so if he made those plans without Geno, that'd just be him saying, 'I know you want him, but I don't care'. And I'm not sure if that's very in-character for someone who we know works to please the fans whenever he can.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
While this may have been a big loss to us, and Geno may not be in Smash Bros. Ultimate at all, we Geno fans aren't alone in this. Other characters that were wanted did not get in to. Fans of Waluigi, Isaac, maybe Ashley and others will be there, and they know our pain. We aren't the only ones who feel bad about what happened. Those other fanbases are ones we can sympathize with, as they may sympathize us, too.
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