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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Beyond this, it just repeatedly suggests that we don't have the emotional regulation or intelligence to deal with disappointment. People get upset. People get sad. Whatever. Aside from Wynn who got so out of hand that he was banned from the site, I don't think there's been anyone in these last two and a half years that wound up being a real problem because of their emotions. Star has had his moments. Serenade has had his moments. Optimistic Strifer has had his moments. All eventually processed everything and have been welcomed back. ****, it's actually common practice here for people to take a mental health break including among "angry" users like KCChief and Forsaken. Some people like Ovaltine have excused themselves from this site because they didn't want to be constantly fighting. Hell, remember when there was like 800 people watching this thread after Steve was 77 and wringing their hands waiting for a total freakout that never happened outside of a handful of angry posts? It kind of reminds me how there was so much insistence for MONTHS that the Joker movie was going to cause a huge uptick in theater shootings but then nothing happened (aside from winning some Academy Awards). Still, the myth of the totally unhinged Geno mob was old back in 2018 and it's still old now.
It's one of those myths you wish something like Mythbusters would deconfirm after a while

Deleted member

If you need to take a break SonicSmasher1 take it you’re always welcome here regardless.

But saying people are to hyped or overhyped? Strange take there Look I say Geno is happening he may very well not but we will continue to show our support and never give up on him for a future Smash or the SMRPG remake not reason in backing down when we’ve been fighting for this for so long

Enjoy your break ether way.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
I just don't see a problem in being optimistic once in a while. I'm so sick and tired of the constant pessimistic bulls*** that takes place outside of this thread. Before joining Smashboards, I used to use Facebook and GameFAQ's to speculate Smash and lemme just say that their was nothing but constant pessimism, and I couldn't take much more of it. I absolutely love this thread because its such a nice change from what I'm used to hearing from people, and thanks to this thread, I have gained so much more hope for Geno then I could ever imagine, and I actually love to talk about a character I'd love to see in the game without some jerk trolling me and saying it will never happen.

And don't even get me started on the criticism towards QQS QQS . QQS is by far the most optimistic person on the entire thread. I absolutely love the fan-art that he shows us all the time. I love his optimism and I'm always glad that no matter what, he won't give up on Geno's chances. I have so much respect for him and the fact that people are actually intimidated by him is kinda hilarious to me. All he's trying to do is uplift our confidence because so much people are constantly pessimistic over everything and its nice to actually have someone that is optimistic and cheers us up over the hell hole that is 2020. Is he a little too confident sometimes? Maybe, but their is nothing wrong about that. He's just a huge fan of SMRPG and wants to see his character included, and thinks he has a great shot. Their is nothing wrong about that at all.

I think SonicSmasher is leaving this thread for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes we do get carried away with hype, but at the end of the day, its a video game. Even if nothing we talk about pans out, its still so much fun to talk about it anyways. I think being disappointed is a reasonable response when finding out that a character you wanna see in a video game isn't gonna make it in. I'm 99% sure everyone in this thread would be disappointed if Geno wasn't in, but that's completely normal, and you can say that for multiple fanbases within this community too. I'll be very disappointed if Crash or Geno doesn't get in, but I'm still very happy with Ultimate and I honestly would have been completely okay with Pass 1 was the end of Ultimate. Sakurai has exceeded my expectations and he's done more then I could have ever envisioned, on top of including two of my most wanted characters with King K. Rool and Banjo. The fact that we're getting 81 fighters is crazy enough on its own and even if Crash and Geno aren't in the Pass, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a hella good time with these DLC because I love Smash and I'm completely okay no matter who they include.

This is basically my two cents on the matter. I just feel people really need to stop worrying about over how other people are hyping themselves. Its fun to get hype and to be optimistic once in a while. I'd rather be hype and optimistic over hyping responsibly and pessimistic anyday. For example, I was someone who was incredibly optimistic for Geno being 77, and when it turned out Steve was 77 and not Geno, I was disappointed for like the first hour after the Direct, and guess what? I moved on, and continued on with my day. And hell, after that one hour of disappointment, I will even say Steve grew on me as a character and I really love what they did with him. I would never be able to let this stuff affect my life and anyone who is like this should honestly get mental help. I'd eventually get over it.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
I’m... gonna call outboth sides here

CannonStreak CannonStreak If you want to leave the thread, that’s totally your choice. Hell, i’d say it’s actually a healthy decision if you don’t like how things are playing out currently. There’s been times where I haven’t posted on smashboards for months.

However, your way of going about it has been extremely childish. Did you seriously go rant about us on the Newcomer Thread when you know how much bad blood there is between here and there? Not cool at all man. Least you could do is take a peaceful leave and not go talk about how we‘re delusional and biased or whatever for still thinking Geno has a good chance. Who‘s side are you even on?

You’re making such a big stink out of your departure, and it’s gross. You’re certainly not making any of us feel bad for you.

that being said...

Fatmanonice Fatmanonice and Paraspikey Paraspikey are also severely misinterpreting the reason why people are getting sick of this “next week, I swear guys!” stuff. It’s been an awful year at least for me personally in terms of Nintendo news and continually saying that next week will be the week just gets draining and becomes old after a while. You can speculate perfectly fine without raising optimism to unquantifiable levels each time. This “Geno fans will go nuclear if he’s not next!” thing is a really big strawman. That’s not at all why we’re getting tired of this type of speculation. It’s because at this point it’s becoming like the boy who cried wolf with the “next week will be the week” stuff. This also was a huge problem during Fighter Pass 7 speculation. I specifically even remember Fatman basically waving the victory flag two times this year like it was confirmed that Geno was going to be next, before July 20th, AND before the Steve reveal. Stuff like “I can‘t believe this is it guys, it’s been an honor knowing you all” and looking back on it now is just... a bit cringeworthy in my honest opinion. Don’t celebrate until there‘s a definitive reason to do so. You just give people the wrong impression and then wonder why they’re mildly upset when the following day wasn’t actually a victory.

I also just want to say that, for me, being involved in this thread isn‘t because I love Smash speculation. I hate it, to be quite frank. It’s been an awful two years because the majority of the fanbase consists of manchildren who take personal offense to the idea of a character they don’t like getting in, and then pretend that they always liked said character once they do get in. It’s a toxic cycle, one that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. I guarentee you I would’ve jumped ship a LONG time ago if Geno was Mii Costume’d or something just like I did during Fighter Pass 1 speculation when Fanrules were running rampant and I thought Geno was definitely going to be a Hero pack costume. Geno is pretty much binding me to Smash speculation at this point where it’s become a love/hate relationship. You could say i’m being overly dramatic in that regard, and yeah, I do kind of give off that impression. How could you blame me though? I just want to see something i’ve hoped to happen for such a long time because it’s been otherwise an abysmal year for Nintendo that I daresay rivals some of their worst years in the Wii U days and may be even worse than that.

and for the record, i’m still extremely confident in his chances at this point; and i’m not going to become the next Serenadesmasher01 and pretend that all of the things that have happened in his favor the past two years are suddenly disproven or never meant anything to begin with. However, I think you guys need to take a step back and understand why you’re putting people off with this rampant speculation stuff. You can speculate and have fun doing so, of course, but i’m just not sure how you’re surprised with people getting tired of this cycle. I honestly hate the “it’s just speculation! If you care that much about it being wrong then go do something else!” narrative. I think Para especially needs to wake up in that regard.

I bet I won’t get friendly replies from either side on this one but i’m honestly used to it at this point. That’s the struggle of being the middle man, the one who’s not totally looking down in the dump but is also tired of the rampant “be optimistic all the time!” shtick. Funnily enough, this is actually pretty accurate to where my political views lie, and I get **** on from both sides for that too. I don’t really care though, because I can’t pretend to feel a certain way that’s inaccurate to how I actually feel.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Telling people to curb their expectations is one thing but I keep seeing the reasoning behind this being "it's going to cause big problems." For who? When have we come together to actively terrorize anyone? Despite past headbutting, we get along pretty well with the mods and admins that frequent this thread. Nonspecificguy has encouraged people to curb their expectations but not under the pretense that this fanbase is potentially dangerous if too many of us are disappointed. That's my issue: the regular suggestion that we're going to all come together as a fanbase with heaping amounts of sour grapes and then be throwing the barrels of whine at anyone and everyone like DK off his meds. Don't really need to explain why being repeatedly told that, despite 15 years of contrary evidence, the Geno fanbase is going to convert to the internet equivalent of domestic terrorism if we don't get our way puts me in a **** mood.


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
Breaks are nice. I definitely think there is some sort of shot he has. The waiting game does get a little frustrating and has gotten the best of me when Steve zoomed his way in. Geno being your most wanted character (especially going on for about 15 years now) is not easy when repeating the same cynical cycle of feeling optimistic and facing disappointment shortly after. You can only feel good for others as their community silently mocks you behind your back.

But even with all that being said, I think Geno still has a fair shot. The way this game has panned out makes me at least feel hopeful.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Everybody's worrying about QQS QQS being too optimistic when they should really be worrying about Malo Mart Malo Mart . That guy has been way too optimistic for too long now, HE NEEDS TO BE TAKEN DOWN!! :ultpacman:

CannonStreak CannonStreak pm'd me and he wanted me to tell you all he's leaving the thread. He told me that he is tired of everyone overhyping themselves and he doesn't wanna be apart of that anymore.

The name "Monthly Rewind" obviously implies that they will in fact have another one for November, but unless there's an announcement soon, it's just going to be 60 seconds of "Hyrule Warriors: AoC is out now! In addition we've rereleased Mario 1 once again but this time in a form scalpers can abuse! Also Bakugan exists we guess."

Would be kinda funny ngl.
I would like to take this opprotunity to point out that Nintendo began making rewind videos at the same time YouTube decided to cancel theirs.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Hmm...supposing we don't get a remake or sequel to Super Mario RPG on the Switch, but it still showed up on the NSO service, would that be okay still? Apart from DKC 3, I'm having a hard time coming up with plausible candidates for what the next NSO update could be that feel like they should've been in from day 1


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
StarLight42 StarLight42 It all boils down to probability. It's not "this week for sure", it's "based on these factors the probability of this happening is pretty good." People choose to think in absolutes and then get mad. Something a lot of people don't get: something has a 99% of happening but then it doesn't happen, did somebody lie? No, it just thread the needle of probability, there were factors that were overestimated or underestimated, or factors that we didn't even know about. It happens all the time. This next week is looking good for a wide variety of factors that we have gone into detail with. This isn't guessing or shaking a magic 8 ball, it's looking at observable patterns and making predictions of probability based on them.

Also, nobody past the age of 25 really cares about "cringe." I don't care if people find some of my posts cringey. That's high school ****. I will post all the cringe I want. It's like the people who have documented Chris Chan's every action for over a decade with zero self awareness that they've become the thing they make fun of. No functional adult cares about that sort of thing that deeply and I wish more people understood this.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2020
Fatmanonice Fatmanonice Fatmanonice Fatmanonice and Paraspikey Paraspikey Paraspikey Paraspikey are also severely misinterpreting the reason why people are getting sick of this “next week, I swear guys!” stuff. It’s been an awful year at least for me personally in terms of Nintendo news and continually saying that next week will be the week just gets draining and becomes old after a while. You can speculate perfectly fine without raising optimism to unquantifiable levels each time. This “Geno fans will go nuclear if he’s not next!” thing is a really big strawman. That’s not at all why we’re getting tired of this type of speculation. It’s because at this point it’s becoming like the boy who cried wolf with the “next week will be the week” stuff. This also was a huge problem during Fighter Pass 7 speculation. I specifically even remember Fatman basically waving the victory flag two times this year like it was confirmed that Geno was going to be next, before July 20th, AND before the Steve reveal. Stuff like “I can‘t believe this is it guys, it’s been an honor knowing you all” and looking back on it now is just... a bit cringeworthy in my honest opinion. Don’t celebrate until there‘s a definitive reason to do so. You just give people the wrong impression and then wonder why they’re mildly upset when the following day wasn’t actually a victory.
I honestly do completely agree that I absolutely celebrated too early when it comes to Geno being 77, and I ended up looking real stupid afterward, it's was a big lesson to me and I've been learning after that point in time. But like what you and Serenade were doing, saying "It's over" after a Hyrule Warriors countdown, and saying "Genovember was fun while it lasted" on the 9th day in a 30 day month was just... really annoying, and it was likely as annoying for me as it has been for other people who kept on seeing "NEXT WEEK FOR SURE!!"
It's a lesson both sides need to learn to not celebrate until it's confirmed, we can have pretty confident ideas and mindsets, but celebrating is something we shouldn't do until it's fully confirmed.
When it comes to the "next week for sure guys!!!", I do believe news in November or very early December is very likely, and that is what I've been pushing. I do believe next week is the most likely week for possible news but I'm not committing to anything, just something in the next 3ish weeks.

I do completely understand why people are getting sick of people saying that though, it's been months of being told "Something is next week" and it ends up being nothing or something unexpected and I have nothing against those people, though it's now coming to a point where people are starting to make up **** like "Nintendo hates all of us!!!!" and stuff like that and that alone has been just killing speculation for me.
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Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
To respond to me “having my moments”, yes, I did get upset last year when Terry was leaked and we didn’t know there were more character coming because I highly doubted Fighter Pass 5 was going to be someone good, and lookie there; I was more right than I should’ve been.

Yes, I did get pretty hostile and mean post-Byleth reveal, and i’m sorry. That was a genuinue fault on my part. But I still don’t think most people understood my reasoning for extreme disappointment at that time. When I saw that Fighter Pass 2 was going to be the same exact type of thing as FP1, I lost a lot of hype because i’m very sick of the “standard” that DLC characters must be some random, completely unrepresented 3rd Party. Byleth instilled zero hope in that pattern changing because Corrin was also the only DLC character like that in Smash 4, and they were one of a kind.

That being said, Min Min did prove me completely wrong in that regard, showing that represented franchises and even spirit characters are on the table; so again; my genuine fault there. I was butthurt by an awful Smash reveal and was not looking forward to Pass 2 being the same more or less cycle of characters. Thankfully, it isn’t

aside from that, i‘m not really sure where i’ve been that negative on Geno’s chances. Criticisive? Absolutely, but being downright negative is something I can only think of doing in those two instances. If you’re referring to the way I come off on Discord, do note that 75 percent of the time I don’t even act seriously about anything on that platform. So i’d say keep judgement to my posts here.

StarLight42 StarLight42

Also, nobody past the age of 25 really cares about "cringe." I don't care if people find some of my posts cringey. That's high school ****. I will post all the cringe I want. It's like the people who have documented Chris Chan's every action for over a decade with zero self awareness that they've become the thing they make fun of. No functional adult cares about that sort of thing that deeply and I wish more people understood this.

View attachment 291877
Yep, I knew that was going to be awful word choice on my part, and wasn’t going to get a good reaction. I’m sorry if you don’t like me using that word, but I genuinuely couldn’t think of a better word to describe my feelings about it. I wish people would dissassosicate such words with their dumb, internet culture meanings and focus on the denotative definitions. I didn’t mean “cringe” as in “THAt’s so cringe bro!!! take it down a notch!!” I specifically even used the word cringe*worthy* so that you guys could understand I don’t mean it that way. Looks like that didn’t do anything, though


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
I mean, for me it's not about being people disappointed, my expectations for something right now are low as it is, even if they weren't not getting a video game announcement I want ISN'T going to ruin my life, and if it does for other people then that's their issue. It's more that I think with what's on the table right now it's not really reasonable to expect a major direct soon, especially next week. Could we get an indie direct, or a standalone game announcement? Yea. Who says the maintenance would even be for something next week, it could just be the week after. And what about a firmware update? The last major firmware update was 10.0.0 in April, and looking over past dates 7 months is the biggest gap we've seen. All I'm saying is I don't think a major direct is reasonable to expect right now, and certainly not the only thing all this maintenance could point to.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Even if we interchanged "cringe" with "embarrassing", it's still the same sentiment. The bar is really, really low and if "not posting cringe" was a genuine concern of most people then pretty much everyone here would be reduced to immobilty. Dedicating this much time to a video game is "cringe." Being a man in Western culture displaying emotions that aren't hungry, angry, tired, or horny is considered "cringe" by an uncomfortably large number of people. "Well, it looks bad in hindsight." What does it say about the people that unironically care about that sort of thing months after the fact? I've seen people throw stuff at me that I said in the late 2000's with a Dreamworks' cocked eyebrow and smirk and same energy as Ben Shapiro saying, "ahem, Venezuela" as if it had any real consequence. The point is that opinions change, people display emotions that can be unflattering, people get ahead of themselves, etc and it's not that big of a deal. Hell, I've flipped the script on people regarding this and then be told how unfair it was so the irony is definitely palpable.

"NOOOOO, you can't bring up things I was wrong about a few weeks when I bring up stuff you were wrong about last year; that's not fair!!!!"


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Breaks are nice. I definitely think there is some sort of shot he has. The waiting game does get a little frustrating and has gotten the best of me when Steve zoomed his way in. Geno being your most wanted character (especially going on for about 15 years now) is not easy when repeating the same cynical cycle of feeling optimistic and facing disappointment shortly after. You can only feel good for others as their community silently mocks you behind your back.

But even with all that being said, I think Geno still has a fair shot. The way this game has panned out makes me at least feel hopeful.
The Steve community had to deal with the exact same crap for over a year and really almost two years (and likely more I’m unaware of), and most I’ve seen aren’t even mocking Geno fans at all with some also liking him and SMRPG, some Steve fans even following the Operation Starfall account, if that’s what you’re implying. There are zoomers in this very thread liking and supporting Geno, including me as an early zoomer. It’s not like some “boomers” haven’t done the same crap to Steve fans extremely often; not defending those who were rude about Geno, as I am aware some unfortunately were, but can we please not generalize and act like one side was so innocent from being mocking and rude as heck -_-
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Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
Just wanna say that SonicSmasher1 is a good guy. He's messaged me several times just to get thoughts on movesets that he created for obscure characters. He also messaged a group of people to basically defend Fatman before. I agree that the way he announced and handled his departure is unsavory but let's be honest a lot of us have done things that are unsavory. It's not like he did anything unforgivable even if it was in poor taste and blown out of proportion. I believe that SonicSmasher struggles with finding the right wording that will really convey their true emotions and intentions. English is not exactly an easy language to use and strong communication especially via text is very difficult.

I definitely understand if people need a break from this site. The same regurgitated topics and circular thinking with "next week" is pretty exhausting. But QQS QQS is awesome and in no way do I tire of the kind of optimism he brings to the table even if I don't share it I'm still optimistic myself at my own level. I can't say I understand SonicSmasher's reasoning but I do think we should just let them go if they need to go and welcome them back if they come back and it's really as simple as that. This community is amazing. The people in this thread are resilient and wonderful people. I think we can survive if there are some people who don't want to stick around or don't think like we do. If Geno gets in he gets in and if he doesn't he doesn't and nothing any of us feel or think no matter how adamantly will change what happens so let's just enjoy this amazing gift of a game from Sakurai and keep pushing for the character we all want in the face of adversities like the year from hell and even worse...peoples' OPINIONS.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
I consider QQS QQS to be the Geno Hype Man, Perhaps even more than Fatmanonice. I do think that for some people he could be a bit much on the hype though, but Honestly it's not much of a Problem and it's not hurting anyone. Even I I Personally disagree with his Conclusions at times (Cause I do sometimes), It's all in good fun. I'm surprised that people are allegdly afraid of him


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
Something to add to the list of things going on next week, albeit this particular pair of events happened on this week. Isn't it curious that Nintendo's two competitors (Microsoft and Sony) decided to launch their next gen consoles on the same week (with only one day in between)? I recall watching one YouTuber (can't remember if it was SpawnWave) who brought up the fact that the Six Month Earnings report was released on the same week of the next gen console launches, kind of in a way of Nintendo saying "aight fam, you pulling out the goods, but don't get it twisted. We too got the goods. Look at all that cash." Certainly this week has been the spotlight for both the XBox Series X, and the PlayStation 5, and considering this, it wouldn't be too farfetched to think that Nintendo will have their own spotlight soon (possibly next week). The question then would be, "but how does Nintendo expect to rival the attention of the two next gen consoles that just released?" Sure, we got Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity releasing on Friday, but one game isn't going to cut it. We can't know for certain yet but, let's see (and hope) Nintendo pulls out an Ace up from their sleeve as this year fast approaches to a close. :denzel:


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Just wanna say that SonicSmasher1 is a good guy. He's messaged me several times just to get thoughts on movesets that he created for obscure characters. He also messaged a group of people to basically defend Fatman before. I agree that the way he announced and handled his departure is unsavory but let's be honest a lot of us have done things that are unsavory. It's not like he did anything unforgivable even if it was in poor taste and blown out of proportion. I believe that SonicSmasher struggles with finding the right wording that will really convey their true emotions and intentions. English is not exactly an easy language to use and strong communication especially via text is very difficult.

I definitely understand if people need a break from this site. The same regurgitated topics and circular thinking with "next week" is pretty exhausting. But QQS QQS is awesome and in no way do I tire of the kind of optimism he brings to the table even if I don't share it I'm still optimistic myself at my own level. I can't say I understand SonicSmasher's reasoning but I do think we should just let them go if they need to go and welcome them back if they come back and it's really as simple as that. This community is amazing. The people in this thread are resilient and wonderful people. I think we can survive if there are some people who don't want to stick around or don't think like we do. If Geno gets in he gets in and if he doesn't he doesn't and nothing any of us feel or think no matter how adamantly will change what happens so let's just enjoy this amazing gift of a game from Sakurai and keep pushing for the character we all want in the face of adversities like the year from hell and even worse...peoples' OPINIONS.
I can also say that SonicSmasher1 is a good guy. He’s also messaged me some cool moveset ideas before and his thoughts feel genuine, and did express before he didn’t want people turning on Fatman if he ended up wrong about Geno or something he said; he means no ill will. He just doesn’t want people hurting themselves mentally I believe.


CannonStreak CannonStreak if any of my posts to you in the past or my one in general about “hype responsibly”/“overly optimistic” stuff earlier today bothered you, I want to say I’m sorry. I do my best to be respectful even if I disagree with something that kinda bugs me, and I believe I have been but sometimes I fear I may come off wrong in either criticism of certain ideas like “hype responsibly” or whatever. I think you’re cool and while I may disagree with the hype responsibly stuff, I understand why you feel that way (and do think the idea is still a good one for some people to follow depending on how they handle things, so I guess I do actually agree with it in a way), and a break now and then is a good idea.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Lol who cares if y’all get carried away with the hype. It’s just a video game at the end of the day.

Maybe Geno shows up next week, and maybe he doesn’t. Either outcome shouldn’t sway your mood too much. Overall I say hype your brains out, and if someone has problem with it, well that’s something they have to personally reflect on.

Can’t say I’m 100% on Geno’s chances, like some of you are, but I do think he has a really great shot still.
If he doesn’t show, Nintendo is just a tease at this point or completely out of touch with what they are doing. Idk, to me it’s weird that the character has a spirit and a spirit battle since the base game was released. Mii costumes and spirits in conjunction are a great way to give players that feeling of a fully playable character. So to wait this long for just a mii costume would be an odd choice when players could have been forced to be content already.

However, I could see Square being picky with how their dlc is handled and I feel like that’s the dilemma. Was Geno held off for the second pass because hero was strictly focused on DQ content? Or does SMRPG have some kind of resurgence planned or maybe Geno was just always planned for a secondary pass?

Either way I do think we’ll get some kind of news for smash by the end of the year.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Yeah I'll say for the record that I can also vouch for CannonStreak CannonStreak and I also think he seems like a really great guy, and I apologize if my last post was a bit harsh. I can't even be too mad at him considering I do find him to be a cool guy. However, even though I don't agree with how he handled the situation nor used the right words, I still wish him farewell and I hope he makes a triumphant return eventually, or at least until Geno gets confirmed, if it happens of course.
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Deleted member

I’m... gonna call outboth sides here

CannonStreak CannonStreak If you want to leave the thread, that’s totally your choice. Hell, i’d say it’s actually a healthy decision if you don’t like how things are playing out currently. There’s been times where I haven’t posted on smashboards for months.

However, your way of going about it has been extremely childish. Did you seriously go rant about us on the Newcomer Thread when you know how much bad blood there is between here and there? Not cool at all man. Least you could do is take a peaceful leave and not go talk about how we‘re delusional and biased or whatever for still thinking Geno has a good chance. Who‘s side are you even on?
I'm sure you're a cool guy SonicSmasher, but this is not okay. I was guilty of this myself.

I'm going to mention names because I don't like having to censor names. Might be wrong for me to do, I apologise, but you've been mentioning names yourself so it's "only fair" I guess.

Drama went down between me and another user (Cutie Gwen) in that same thread. People seem all too happy for Geno to get a deluxe Mii costume. Now as you know, I've always been against that. I don't like the argument because it's always specifically applied to Geno, and no one else, although I'm okay with it if other characters get it - especially the lesser known ones, or ones who never had a chance to begin with (Vault Boy)

Anyways, I don't really like consolation prizes, whereas others are. I get that, I really do.. but I prefer either the full thing.. or just nothing. I don't like a middle-ground, especially after years of support. Is that wrong of me to think? Debatable, really. I just want Geno as well.. Geno. I don't want Geno as "Geno the Mii costume". I'm not a fan of making Sora or Reimu deluxe Mii costumes either, because it feels a disservice to those fanbases. Hence my comment of mii costumes being a "slap in the face" to those fanbases. Obviously I don't think this now, but at the time I did.

When I said this, people called me entitled and spoilt, especially Gwen and DarthEnderX. Gwen was very condescending to me in particular, telling me to "go off I guess" on both my old account and this account when I entered the thread. It's not a nice thing to say to someone else, and it was rightfully called out. Thanks N3ON.

I was essentially kicked from that thread, if I posted more, I would have gotten more flack. I complained about the event in the Social Thread, because this was not the first time this has happened. I saw most of their toxicity first-hand through lurking, and I wanted to complain.

You know the first thing that happened? Shroob called me cowardly, and said I was overreacting. To sum things up, it felt like I was also being kicked out of the Social Thread. Most people there are the same users as in the Newcomer Thread, and sometimes it shows. They were perfectly acceptable with calling out similar toxic behaviour, but as soon as it came to what I said? They looked the other way. Bad double standards showed there, and it was called out like it should have.

I've always felt like the Newcomer thread was full of toxicity, and I never liked it for that reason. Most of the Social threads are toxic, and it's more so a problem with the users than it is a staff problem - because it was usually the same people, yet no punishments were being done to them. They got off scot-free for their bad behaviour. When I went to report these same users for encouraging and actively partaking in bad behaviour, I was met with a "Report abuse" warning. I've always been a little bitter since then.

It does feels like things are finally starting to change, at least from what I've noticed. The same perpetrators are being punished for being awful people. Good.

Since then, I realized I was going too far with it. I would never hurt anyone in real life, but it wasn't right of me to hold grudges. I dropped my own crusade against that thread. I still don't like that thread, hell I've even blocked myself from viewing it at all - I can't access it, nor see it in the thread list. But I did have a personal vendetta against Gwen and other folks there, and I apologised for it a while back. I don't like them as people, especially Gwen, but I can at least forgive them and move on. It happened.

So why did you do this? Like StarLight said, there is bad blood between the two threads. For good reason, I think. This thread, and that thread, can never get along. This is an undisputed fact. We just handle things differently.

I completely understand where you're coming from SonicSmasher, because I was guilty of the same thing. But please do not go to a thread that actively hates us and intentionally stir up trouble. Not only is it really scummy to do, but it also promotes thread brigading. This isn't Reddit. But even if it isn't, that kind of behaviour should not be encouraged. I hate it there, and I hate it here. Please keep all drama related to this thread to this thread, and nowhere else. I'm saying this because despite me dropping my vendetta, I have seen numerous cases of that thread brigading this one, and vice versa. It's a bad thing to do. I don't think this should be allowed at all on both sides.

Speculation In General Rant

This drama and speculation as a whole, shows how it's not a nice place to be. Gatekeeping, toxicity.. everything you could imagine from the speculation community, is there, not only in the Newcomer thread but everywhere else - Twitter being the prime example.
-ARMs being a "dead game", most of all. The amount of times ARMs fans had to hear this, you'd be rich. I like Min Min and I'm happy she's in. If you're unironically mad about her, seek help - Smash Bandicoot, for example.
-Also unironically saying that characters like "Mr Game & Watch" deserve nothing more than an AT is a gross statement, to me. I saw DarthEnderX say this, and I shook my head.
-Relevancy still being an argument - since when was Banjo relevant?
-Calling characters like Ashley and Shantae "pedo bait" or something akin to "Only pedophiles want them". I think this is why this thread hates GameFAQs in general, and the Newcomer thread is basically GameFAQs in a way. I've always said they were one and the same, they share a similar user base.

I feel so bad for characters like Banjo, Steve and Min Min because they had so much pushback, especially the latter two. I'm happy you got your characters in. You guys deserve it, after all the crap you've been through.

So what can be done? Well, the Smash speculation community deserves a wake-up call. For sure. Videos need to be made, I think. They already have, but they haven't garnered enough attention. This deserves to be called out more. This community by far is the worst community I have ever been in, and that's saying a lot, seeing as I've been in hundreds of others. I have never seen so much drama and toxicity from a game that's supposed to be family-friendly.. to a degree.

It's quite honestly embarrassing, and even disgusting. Everyone on both sides should grow up.

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say on this topic. SonicSmasher, this was not an okay thing to do, and StarLight is 100% right on things making it more difficult for us to forgive you when you talk smack behind our back - not only in the thread, but also in your profile posts. It's a scummy thing to do - I know because I did it. I've been dealt with insults thrown my way because of this similar scenario that you're in now, I've been at the brunt of it.

Again, you are a cool person, but I still feel things should be called out, rather than shoved to the side.

Edit: Geno is such a divisive character as of late. I wonder why? Even in the Smash 4 days, there has never been this much pushback against him. Is it because devoted fanbases are seen as a bad thing nowadays? I've said this in the past, but the Switch brought a lot of toxicity towards Nintendo communities because of it's huge install-base. It's sad, because I loved the Wii U days. People should have supported that console. I did. I personally think it's because of that, that and this weird take of "fans don't deserve anything" or "fans are entitled" comments I've been seeing lately. So many franchises and communities have been through this same song and dance. Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, even Smash has been through it several times. Why is criticism seen as a bad thing nowadays? Or fanbases being happy? Nothing wrong with that. They're your loyal customers.

I blame Twitter, honestly. It's always Twitter, isn't it?

Edit 2: Spoke to Smasher. He meant no harm. He does agree it was a bit scummy to do, but just forgot about the.. bad blood this thread and the Newcomer thread has. I don't blame him for anything, though. He's cool.

I wish our threads could get along, although that ain't happening any time soon. We just aren't compatible, I guess. People there can be so hostile towards us for no good reason, and the same goes for here.
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
In terms of Videos on the Smash Speculation Scene, I know there was a video by SuperMarioT Calling the Speculation out, and Also there was that Video recreating the Speculation around Sonic during Brawl

Is there more, and do some of these tackle Smashboards more specifically, since I believe this is where the more Hardcore Smash Speculators go to anyway


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
download (5).jpeg

It's weird but I'm thankful that the current spat we're having is this. Remember how only a year ago we were dealing with raids, the fallout of Grapevine's first Sabi exposee, and that god-awful mile long deconfirmation list of Sabi and Verge? Two years ago we were dealing with the fallout of the Grinch and most of our energy was being devoted to convince other Geno fans to not just completely give up. If the worst thing we're arguing about right now is whether people are too optimistic about Geno or a major presentation happening sooner than later, we've come a hell of a long way.

Deleted member

I'm sure you're a cool guy SonicSmasher, but this is not okay. I was guilty of this myself.

I'm going to mention names because I don't like having to censor names. Might be wrong for me to do, I apologise, but you've been mentioning names yourself so it's "only fair" I guess.

Drama went down between me and another user (Cutie Gwen) in that same thread. People seem all too happy for Geno to get a deluxe Mii costume. Now as you know, I've always been against that. I don't like the argument because it's always specifically applied to Geno, and no one else, although I'm okay with it if other characters get it - especially the lesser known ones, or ones who never had a chance to begin with (Vault Boy)

Anyways, I don't really like consolation prizes, whereas others are. I get that, I really do.. but I prefer either the full thing.. or just nothing. I don't like a middle-ground, especially after years of support. Is that wrong of me to think? Debatable, really. I just want Geno as well.. Geno. I don't want Geno as "Geno the Mii costume". I'm not a fan of making Sora or Reimu deluxe Mii costumes either, because it feels a disservice to those fanbases. Hence my comment of mii costumes being a "slap in the face" to those fanbases. Obviously I don't think this now, but at the time I did.

When I said this, people called me entitled and spoilt, especially Gwen and DarthEnderX. Gwen was very condescending to me in particular, telling me to "go off I guess" on both my old account and this account when I entered the thread. It's not a nice thing to say to someone else, and it was rightfully called out. Thanks N3ON.

I was essentially kicked from that thread, if I posted more, I would have gotten more flack. I complained about the event in the Social Thread, because this was not the first time this has happened. I saw most of their toxicity first-hand through lurking, and I wanted to complain.

You know the first thing that happened? Shroob called me cowardly, and said I was overreacting. To sum things up, it felt like I was also being kicked out of the Social Thread. Most people there are the same users as in the Newcomer Thread, and sometimes it shows. They were perfectly acceptable with calling out similar toxic behaviour, but as soon as it came to what I said? They looked the other way. Bad double standards showed there, and it was called out like it should have.

I've always felt like the Newcomer thread was full of toxicity, and I never liked it for that reason. Most of the Social threads are toxic, and it's more so a problem with the users than it is a staff problem - because it was usually the same people, yet no punishments were being done to them. They got off scot-free for their bad behaviour. When I went to report these same users for encouraging and actively partaking in bad behaviour, I was met with a "Report abuse" warning. I've always been a little bitter since then.

It does feels like things are finally starting to change, at least from what I've noticed. The same perpetrators are being punished for being awful people. Good.

Since then, I realized I was going too far with it. I would never hurt anyone in real life, but it wasn't right of me to hold grudges. I dropped my own crusade against that thread. I still don't like that thread, hell I've even blocked myself from viewing it at all - I can't access it, nor see it in the thread list. But I did have a personal vendetta against Gwen and other folks there, and I apologised for it a while back. I don't like them as people, especially Gwen, but I can at least forgive them and move on. It happened.

So why did you do this? Like StarLight said, there is bad blood between the two threads. For good reason, I think. This thread, and that thread, can never get along. This is an undisputed fact. We just handle things differently.

I completely understand where you're coming from SonicSmasher, because I was guilty of the same thing. But please do not go to a thread that actively hates us and intentionally stir up trouble. Not only is it really scummy to do, but it also promotes thread brigading. This isn't Reddit. But even if it isn't, that kind of behaviour should not be encouraged. I hate it there, and I hate it here. Please keep all drama related to this thread to this thread, and nowhere else. I'm saying this because despite me dropping my vendetta, I have seen numerous cases of that thread brigading this one, and vice versa. It's a bad thing to do. I don't think this should be allowed at all on both sides.

Speculation In General Rant

This drama and speculation as a whole, shows how it's not a nice place to be. Gatekeeping, toxicity.. everything you could imagine from the speculation community, is there, not only in the Newcomer thread but everywhere else - Twitter being the prime example.
-ARMs being a "dead game", most of all. The amount of times ARMs fans had to hear this, you'd be rich. I like Min Min and I'm happy she's in. If you're unironically mad about her, seek help - Smash Bandicoot, for example.
-Also unironically saying that characters like "Mr Game & Watch" deserve nothing more than an AT is a gross statement, to me. I saw DarthEnderX say this, and I shook my head.
-Relevancy still being an argument - since when was Banjo relevant?
-Calling characters like Ashley and Shantae "pedo bait" or something akin to "Only pedophiles want them". I think this is why this thread hates GameFAQs in general, and the Newcomer thread is basically GameFAQs in a way. I've always said they were one and the same, they share a similar user base.

I feel so bad for characters like Banjo, Steve and Min Min because they had so much pushback, especially the latter two. I'm happy you got your characters in. You guys deserve it, after all the crap you've been through.

So what can be done? Well, the Smash speculation community deserves a wake-up call. For sure. Videos need to be made, I think. They already have, but they haven't garnered enough attention. This deserves to be called out more. This community by far is the worst community I have ever been in, and that's saying a lot, seeing as I've been in hundreds of others. I have never seen so much drama and toxicity from a game that's supposed to be family-friendly.. to a degree.

It's quite honestly embarrassing, and even disgusting. Everyone on both sides should grow up.

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say on this topic. SonicSmasher, this was not an okay thing to do, and StarLight is 100% right on things making it more difficult for us to forgive you when you talk smack behind our back - not only in the thread, but also in your profile posts. It's a scummy thing to do - I know because I did it. I've been dealt with insults thrown my way because of this similar scenario that you're in now, I've been at the brunt of it.

Again, you are a cool person, but I still feel things should be called out, rather than shoved to the side.
Yep. That’s the Smash community. The deserving argument is absolutely meaningless no matter how we view a character. Nintendo and Sakurai simply do whatever they want. This is why I’m planning to retire all this speculation once Geno is in. All this nonsense quite ruined my taste. It’s very unfair to the fans of the character trying to shut them out why the character shouldn’t be in. That’s basically how flame wars and heated arguments start. This cycle will never end.
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Deleted member

In terms of Videos on the Smash Speculation Scene, I know there was a video by SuperMarioT Calling the Speculation out, and Also there was that Video recreating the Speculation around Sonic during Brawl

Is there more, and do some of these tackle Smashboards more specifically, since I believe this is where the more Hardcore Smash Speculators go to anyway
I do know about SuperMarioT's video, but people still won't learn. And no videos on Smashboards, unfortunately. I think it deserves to be called out. ResetEra has been more civil than users on this site, and that's saying a lot.

Yep. That’s the Smash community. The deserving argument is absolutely meaningless no matter how we view a character. Nintendo and Sakurai simply do whatever they want. This is why I’m planning to retire all this speculation once Geno is in. All this nonsense quite ruined my taste. It’s very unfair to the fans of the character trying to shut them out why the character shouldn’t be in. That’s basically how flame wars and heated arguments start. This cycle will never end.
For sure. Elitists and gatekeeping kill a community. I have to watch what I say every time I talk about Smash or characters I want for Smash, because it never ends well. I never feel welcome anywhere else other than this thread. Might as well have a sniper to my head.

(I'm fine with any pick as long as it ain't Cinderace, lol. Just give me a grass starter, please! Sceptile, Decidueye, Rillaboom.. whoever! They always turn out to be the most unique, at least to me anyways.)

Again, I blame Twitter and 4chan for this one, they're the ones that encourage this type of behaviour. I've noticed a lot of people on places like the Newcomer thread do use Twitter.. so it goes hand-in-hand, I guess.
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Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Anyways, I don't want to go on all night with this drama, so I think I'm just gonna move on from here.

On topic with speculation, however, I thought I'd give my two cents on the new PapaGenos's video he uploaded a few hours ago. I think its an interesting theory and I actually think it could pan out given the oddity of how Pass 2 could end with 99 named characters. It seems so weird to me that I could unironically see Sakurai include another two-in-one named character as part of the second Pass so that it could reach a full 100. Personally, I'm doubtful over this one given this theory seems as much of a stretch as roster theory and sound test theory, but I do have to admit its fun to think about how Smash could really end with 100 named characters. To me, that sounds really exciting.
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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Anyways, I don't want to go on all night with this drama, so I think I'm just gonna move on from here.

On topic with speculation, however, I thought I'd give my two cents on the new PapaGenos's video he uploaded a few hours ago. I think its an interesting theory and I actually think it could pan out given the oddity of how Pass 2 could end with 99 named characters. It seems so weird to me that I could unironically see Sakurai include another two-in-one named character as part of the second Pass so that it could reach a full 100. Personally, I'm doubtful over this one given this theory seems as much of a stretch as roster theory and sound test theory, but I do have to admit its fun to think about how Smash could really end with 100 named characters. To me, that sounds really exciting.
It does line up with voice theory when you remember there are 5 voice slots left with only 4 characters left, all of which implies something that isn't a simple gender alt


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
So the REAL reason Geno wasn't revealed this past week, so I understand:

Geno is being investigated for Tax Fraud.

Geno Tas.png

He picked up some "tricks of the trade" during a visit to Yo'ster Isle. The Yoshi's taught him ALL ABOUT tax fraud, since ALL YOSHI EVER DOES IS COMMIT TAX FRAUD. It seemed simple enough, so Geno gave it a try. He's spent this last week laying low, trying to throw off the authorities.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
Was just scrolling down through Twitter and saw these tweet from Geoff and upon thinking about it more, Nintendo can be quite the obscurely clever rival.

Microsoft and Sony launch their next gen consoles, and here comes good ol' Nintendo, yet again defying what many in the industry may consider the "normal flow" of progression, and Nintendo launches their special edition Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary GAME & WATCH handheld. Sure, it's more of a collector's item, but the playful contrast is almost naughty. :troll:


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
Again, I blame Twitter and 4chan for this one, they're the ones that encourage this type of behaviour. I've noticed a lot of people on places like the Newcomer thread do use Twitter.. so it goes hand-in-hand, I guess.
Reddit is quite honestly the worst social media platform on the entire planet with Twitter not too far behind. I can imagine this kind of behavior stems from the kind of hivemind culture that a place like Reddit fosters.

The Steve community had to deal with the exact same crap for over a year and really almost two years (and likely more I’m unaware of), and most I’ve seen aren’t even mocking Geno fans at all with some also liking him and SMRPG, some Steve fans even following the Operation Starfall account, if that’s what you’re implying. There are zoomers in this very thread liking and supporting Geno, including me as an early zoomer. It’s not like some “boomers” haven’t done the same crap to Steve fans extremely often; not defending those who were rude about Geno, as I am aware some unfortunately were, but can we please not generalize and act like one side was so innocent from being mocking and rude as heck -_-
Something I have to clarify almost every time is I am not intentionally using the term as a slander. So I do apologize if you felt like I was putting you on blast.

I can understand how you feel if that is the case since I do not see as much toxicity towards Steve or even Banjo probably because I am not as involved with those two characters. I can only give you my perspective. Admittingly, Steve has been a bit of a punching bag for me because I invested a lot on Geno being the next fighter and I feel a little guilty for giving a lot of people too much hope on the night before. I really thought he was going to happen at one point.

Regardless, I still feel pretty good but this cycle has been taking a toll on me which is why I have been feeling the way I have been lately.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2019
SmashBoards is a warzone; being a Geno fan is my curse.

Even if I leave this site I'll still feel the chains digging into my ankles - there's certainly been a bit of a shift, with all of the recent buzz around Geno, but we haven't really moved past the rampant Geno hate just yet. I'll scroll through a YouTube video's comments and see someone say "Hey, maybe Geno might have a chance after all. He's one of the last long-requested characters with a lot of support." but then the response to that comment is, "Geno should never get into Smash. That would be the worse decision Sakurai could ever make in his life."


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2020
Battle Royal Dome
SonicSmasher1 is indeed a good guy. A very passionate Smash fan who has sent myself and others fan movesets he's made. He just gets overwhelmed by this thread now and again. I think he should take a break from coming here and maybe from speculation in general for a bit. And that's okay! If he wants to come back here, he's welcome to. He's done no wrong.

QQS is also a good guy. He's also a passionate Smash fan. I disagree with him that Geno's chances are 100%, and that's okay! It's odd that people find him scary when all he's doing is playing hype man for Geno on a forum few people care about. I may not be as confident as he is in Geno's chances, but his enthusiasm always brightens my day. It's honestly nice to see such optimism, when pessimism is very prevalent from most other Smashboards members (myself included).

But I gotta say, if Geno doesn't get in, I'll probably do the unthinkable... I'll post the Hercules "DISAPPOINTED!!" meme, feel a little sad for a bit, and then move on with my day.

Deleted member

SonicSmasher1 is indeed a good guy. A very passionate Smash fan who has sent myself and others fan movesets he's made. He just gets overwhelmed by this thread now and again. I think he should take a break from coming here and maybe from speculation in general for a bit. And that's okay! If he wants to come back here, he's welcome to. He's done no wrong.

QQS is also a good guy. He's also a passionate Smash fan. I disagree with him that Geno's chances are 100%, and that's okay! It's odd that people find him scary when all he's doing is playing hype man for Geno on a forum few people care about. I may not be as confident as he is in Geno's chances, but his enthusiasm always brightens my day. It's honestly nice to see such optimism, when pessimism is very prevalent from most other Smashboards members (myself included).

But I gotta say, if Geno doesn't get in, I'll probably do the unthinkable... I'll post the Hercules "DISAPPOINTED!!" meme, feel a little sad for a bit, and then move on with my day.
Agree 100%. I like both these folks.

Message from SonicSmasher, asked me to relay this message so I will. He doesn't want to derail the thread or contribute to any drama. He means well. Now I feel bad.

I just want to say, I was not saying being positive was wrong. Being too positive was another story. However, while I am not sure I am going to return, I want to say a few things; while I still see possible disaster from being too positive, key word, possible; I want to apologize if I offended anyone. I wasn't trying to cause problems, I was just concerned, in the possible event that Geno does not get in. I will admit, I could have handled the situation better, and I definitely could have worded things better (though I rarely interact in real life, and that may be because I am autistic). I guess I still have to improve my communication skills.

I also want to admit while I think of myself as insightful and smart, and creative, I am not wise. I have a long way to go on that. I also admit the thing about posting what I did on the Newcomer thread was a bit scummy, but I was just saying how I felt. I also forgot about the fact that the Newcomer thread and the Geno thread were, well, war contestants against each other, so there is that. I also want to say that if I did say things that offended others, know that I did not mean to say those things and meant to offend anyway. It can be hard to say the right things with just text.

I was rather calm, if a bit agitated (at the time), the whole time. Maybe if voice did come with text when sending messages on the internet, I would have gotten my points a bit clearer. Maybe not completely, but it would have more effect. Still I am sorry if I did not handle the situation or say the right things, or most of all, make anyone mad. My intentions were not of ill-intent, and like I said, I was concerned. But I do not want to change anyone, as I know I could never change anyone's point of view. Even if I could, I wouldn't want to even do it even if I were to try. As concerned as I was, I might have worried too much for my own good. I mean, even with concern, I don't think worrying about others' mindset and feelings is really my business, isn't it? Some of the things I just said may not seem that way, but I am being honest on all counts. I still think some of you could have treated me better some, but since this is about me, that is irrelevant, is it?

Anyway, while I am not sure if I will be back, I do not wish to derail the thread any further or continue the drama. So please stay on topic, but if anyone wants to talk to me about this, feel free to PM me.

Edit - Also, I do not hate QQS. I just found his posts annoying. Still, I never said he was bad, and if I did, my mistake. He is by no means a bad guy. I was also upset about people believing in Cacomallow, when it may be false. But that is another thing I cannot change, of course.
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