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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2020
I remember I would get into some fights on Gamefaqs during Brawl speculation over Geno. Very toxic place to be. It’s an endless chain of miserable people who just want to be right at all costs. Such jerks.
Some speculation zones are like that. People do it only for attention, pray to god their garbage claims are correct, and take clout for it.
It's a cycle that's too far deep to fix, a lot of people mainly waste their lives on message boards and discord servers to be "correct", harass and be rude to others who disagree, or create a toxic blackhole that some people just cant escape from.
I feel sorry for most people who got into discussions with people like that, it's not worth giving your time away to those who are wasting their own lives trying to piss you off. A lot of people deserve better then just get bullied over a children's party game.
Hell, this is one of the few places that doesn't try to act toxic to one another, and is one of the only message boards I'm in due to it. A lot of people here are just really hopeful that the character they've been supporting finally makes it in. The raids and trolling that happen here often is seriously awful.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
This honestly one of the slowest times the thread has been.
That's what happens when Nintendo basically threatens the entire industry to not so much as hint upcoming announcements. That's pretty much why even all the big Twitter accounts haven't really said anything substantial all month.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
What kind of tracks do you think they’re gonna lay down for our guy? If those music takedowns from last year are any indication, then that means we’ll get:
Beware the Forest Mushrooms
Fight Against an Armed Boss

I say that may very well be the only ones from SMRPG that we get, hopefully I’m wrong. But I also believe that the tunes from the M and L series will be included with Geno too. I hope at least 10 songs. Seeing as how a big part of the crew who worked on SMRPG also helped with M and L.
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Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2020
Battle Royal Dome
Ya see.... Incineroar is actually my favorite Fire starter Pokemon.... I sometimes feel like the only person who loves Incineroar, seeing not only the Vergeben leaks but also the reveal vid actually showing him off, I quite loved him and now he's like, my #1 main with Hero close behind.

He's basically EXPRESSLY DESIGNED to upset people and I AM HERE FOR IT! Prior to (official non-leaked) reveal, people had this idea that Litten was gonna turn into a fiery sabertooth tiger like Kilala from Inuyasha or something... NOPE! He turns into a PRO WRESTLER, a HEEL no less, aka he goes out of his way to be a complete jerk! The Pokemon website even claimed that when fighting he sometimes doesn't even distinguish between Pokemon or Trainer, he's coming after ALL OF YOU. People claimed they did not like the martial arts themed Fire starters and bipedal Fire starters and Incineroar, almost INTENTIONALLY, is exactly that barring the Fighting typing. The muttonchop whiskers, the jerkish "love me or get smashed" Heel wrestler personality... it's so much like he was EXPRESSLY MADE to defy expectations and for me, it WORKS and I LOVE IT! He's definitely one of my favorites in Smash. Even in Smash, he's posing after every move playing into that jerk personality of his. There's one of them that I have to double take because I keep thinking he's flipping someone off, but nope he's just sticking up his POINTER finger.

And true to his whole "expressly designed to upset/defy expectations" thing, people were like ON THE WAGON for Decidueye the resident "Cool Man McCool" of the three starters. People were so sure it was gonna be him, especially after he was added to Pokken DX instead of Incineroar... NOPE! INCINEROAR! Whether you like him or not haha!
Nah, man. You're not the only person who loves Incineroar. You're not even the only Geno supporter who loves Incineroar. Tis a small world!

So, this was my son. His name was Sid:

I found him in 2011 behind a supermarket. He was hanging out with his 2-3 other Russian Blue siblings, and 1 orange tabby sibling. I'm the kind of person who will attempt to pet cats if I find them, so I did. I wasn't very successful, but nevertheless, after I began to continue my walk, Sid and the orange kitten started following me and never really stopped. I went back and knocked on a couple doors, getting no answer from one, but the other one, the person told me they were not aware of the kittens belonging to anyone. I was still a far way out from home. The kittens followed me until we got near a freeway and the sounds of the vehicles scared the two so badly, a good hour or so of coaxing couldn't get them to continue. Try as I might, the orange kitten wouldn't let me pick him up. So I had no choice but to leave him in someone's driveway. I hope the little guy found a good home somehow. But I was able to pick up the Russian Blue - he fought me way less than I was expecting him to. Not that he could have even done much to my leather jacket. I carried him all the way home. I was thinking maybe we'd give him to a no-kill shelter since we already had a cat, but well, considering he is much adulter and much fatter in the picture I linked, you can guess what actually happened.

He would walk the neighborhood in the middle of the night with me. One house had a front yard that was kinda elevated, all dirt. We would of course keep quiet, but we'd hop up there. That was our wrestling ring! I'd get Sid all worked up by playfighting him, obviously being careful not to actually hurt him. His wild side would finally take over sometimes, and he'd bruise me super badly with a bite, even through jeans! He didn't really want to hurt me, cats will just go wild if you get them worked up enough. I don't think he disliked playfighting, since he seemed to always want to do it. Sid disappeared in early November of 2016. I have not seen him since then, though the fact that he had been failing to show up for breakfast often before then, gives me hope someone else was feeding him, and stole him. He wasn't chipped, so at this point I've given up hope of ever seeing him again.

A good while before his disappearance, Pokemon unveiled the new starters, and well, how was this not guaranteed to become my favorite starter of all time? It was a Fire starter, my favorite of the three starter types, and a cat! It also instantly reminded me of my Sid!

And while most people were disappointed in the evolutions, I wasn't! It became part Dark, my favorite type! It became a wrestler, Sid loved wrestling with me as best we could! Incineroar went on to become not just my favorite Fire starter, but my favorite Pokemon in general! Tied with Umbreon, who had held its position as my favorite since like, 2002. It took Pokemon a long time to truly equal my fave, but there he was!

Oh crap, this is the Geno thread, huh? Well, here's how Incineroar would look in SMRPG:


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2019
Rhode Island
Haven't been on here in a bit, kinda just dipped out of everything Smash once the Steve reveal happened... But I've been getting back into it again lately, so I figured I might as well come back. I'm assuming nothing big's happened since then though?

I'll give you all 7 guesses as to whose bday it is today.
Well shoot, I know this is a couple days late at this point now, but... It looks like you and I share a birthday, so Happy (late) Birthday, Birthday pal!


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
What kind of tracks do you think they’re gonna lay down for our guy? If those music takedowns from last year are any indication, then that means we’ll get:
Beware the Forest Mushrooms
Fight Against an Armed Boss

I say that may very well be the only ones from SMRPG that we get, hopefully I’m wrong. But I also believe that the tunes from the M and L series will be included with Geno too. I hope at least 10 songs. Seeing as how a big part of the crew who worked on SMRPG also helped with M and L.
Reposting from a while back.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2020
Battle Royal Dome
Haven't been on here in a bit, kinda just dipped out of everything Smash once the Steve reveal happened... But I've been getting back into it again lately, so I figured I might as well come back. I'm assuming nothing big's happened since then though?

Well shoot, I know this is a couple days late at this point now, but... It looks like you and I share a birthday, so Happy (late) Birthday, Birthday pal!
The big thing has been Steve himself releasing, and getting a patch shortly after that fixed the glitches he brought with him. Steve has only been out for around two weeks, so yeah, hasn't really been enough time for anything big to happen.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
Thinking about the current Fighters Pass, Steve's inclusion as Challenger Pack 7, and Smash DLC going forward, it got me thinking; could a third season of DLC be more likely to happen after Steve's inclusion? "What NONSENSE are you talking about?!", skeptics may gasp. Well, let's bring up a couple of factors. Most popular fighting video game franchises typically release various seasons of DLC such as the following:
  • Street Fighter V = it will soon start releasing content for its fifth season of DLC (five more characters + stages + mechanics)
  • Tekken 7 = it will soon start releasing content for its fourth season of DLC
  • Dragon Ball FighterZ = it is currently on its third season of DLC
Other popular fighting games that are on their second season include Soul Calibur 6, Mortal Kombat 11, Samurai Showdown, and Granblue Fantasy Versus. As it has been proven last year, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was acknowledged as one of the best Fighting Games of the year. Heck, the game received awards left and right. However, with the negotiation process, and development of characters and deadlines the staff has to meet in order to add new guest characters into Smash is no simple task, it's reasonable to think that Fighters Pass Vol. 2 might be it for Ultimate; that is if money were a problem. Here's where Minecraft comes in.

When looking at games like Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, and Dragon Ball FighterZ, the roll out of numerous seasons and the lengthy support given to the game can be attributed to the fact that these fighting game franchises have had a long history within said genre. Dragon Ball FighterZ is an exception since what drove its popularity was its anime visual aesthetic, the fact that it's a Dragon Ball game (legendary manga and most of all animated series), and battles are akin to the beloved Marvel vs Capcom games (3 v 3s). Super Smash Bros. although a franchise that started a couple of years after some of the most iconic fighting games of all time, did manage to build a reputation throughout the years due to its stellar roster representative of Nintendo's mayor franchises, and then pushed it further when it brought guest characters such as Sonic, Snake, Cloud, and even Street Fighter's own Ryu to the game. The addition of guest characters to Smash always helps to increase the game's playerbase, and to boost game sales (some characters contributing more than others). And now we got Steve in the game. Time to bring in some numbers.
It's true that when Sakurai said during Steve/Alex's showcase that Minecraft is the best selling game in the World he really meant it; it's just that looking at the numbers one can have a clearer understanding of just how good the game's sold. Now, let's think about all of those (or at least a majority) of the players that bought Minecraft, looked at Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and saw Minecraft content in the game. Ah, but rather than taking the 200+ million Minecraft sales, let's consider the monthly player base according to the article (active players), which is still at an impressive 126+ million. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, just by having Minecraft content in the game (Steve, Alex, Zombie, Enderman, Minecraft World stage, spirits), the cumulative sales of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate could jump well over 100+ million units. Just by having added one guest character (funny enough, one that actually is a big deal regardless if one is a fan of it or not). Thinking about it further it's actually crazy. Steve's inclusion might have just come as a Godsend for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and what could be an extension of continued support for the game well beyond what may have been initially anticipated. Really, just think about it. Even with the characters included in the first Fighters Pass (which were also great choices), as of June 30, 2020 (quite a few months after the first Fighters Pass was completed, and Min Min had released for the second pass) Ultimate had sold near 20 million units. With the inclusion of ONE character in the second Fighters Pass that number might potentially increase four, or eight times as much! As the train of thought continues marching on, a realization comes to mind; there may still be hope for more of many most wanted characters to make it into Smash.

Stepping back down to Earth, as a Company, Nintendo and its staff decides what to do and what negotiations to establish with its partners. Luckily, Companies exist to provide services and goods for a profit, and Nintendo has always (or at least most of the time) delivered quality in spades. Remember when Sakurai said during the first Super Smash Bros. Ultimate presentation that he hoped we weren't expecting too many new fighters, and then he revealed Ridley... and Simon... and Richter, and Chrom, Dark Samus, King K. Rool, Ken, Incineroar. Then as that Smash Direct of November 2018 neared its end, he revealed that we'd be getting an entire season of DLC (which included 5 new characters + stages + music)... and then he revealed Piranha Plant as a timed free DLC. Heck, after Terry Bogard was revealed, the announcer went "can there really be only one character left?" Jaja!!!... OF COURSE NOT! NEW DLC IS ON ITS WAY!!!! Thus during Byleth's presentation, Fighters Pass Vol. 2 was officially revealed (which includes 6 characters + stages + music). Ah yes, incredible. Well, six more slots (two of which have been revealed and released) of new content. "I guess after that, that'll be it for Ultimate" many a fan may have thought. Challenger Pack 7 = STEVE (from Minecraft). Oh, well ain't that a THING. I guess we'll have to see what happens once CP 10 is revealed.

Announcer: "Five of the six fighters have been revealed for the Fighters Pass Vol. 2. Can there really be only one more character left?"


: "That's right! The battle ain't over yet. Even more content is on its way for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Stay tuned for further news."
Everyone: experience spontaneous ascension


Smash Cadet
Oct 11, 2020
Where the hell am I? Hello? HELLO?
Man, it's slow. Here's a topic that hopefully doesn't go too far from the central theme. A while back, somebody asked what Pokemon typing would belong to Geno. To the people in here that play Pokemon, what typing would you give the bosses of SMRPG? You can even extend this to enemies.

Springwood Slasher

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2020
Switch FC
5791 9674 3792
Man, it's slow. Here's a topic that hopefully doesn't go too far from the central theme. A while back, somebody asked what Pokemon typing would belong to Geno. To the people in here that play Pokemon, what typing would you give the bosses of SMRPG? You can even extend this to enemies.
Valentina would definitely have Jynx!

Deleted member

Thinking about the current Fighters Pass, Steve's inclusion as Challenger Pack 7, and Smash DLC going forward, it got me thinking; could a third season of DLC be more likely to happen after Steve's inclusion? "What NONSENSE are you talking about?!", skeptics may gasp. Well, let's bring up a couple of factors. Most popular fighting video game franchises typically release various seasons of DLC such as the following:
  • Street Fighter V = it will soon start releasing content for its fifth season of DLC (five more characters + stages + mechanics)
  • Tekken 7 = it will soon start releasing content for its fourth season of DLC
  • Dragon Ball FighterZ = it is currently on its third season of DLC
Other popular fighting games that are on their second season include Soul Calibur 6, Mortal Kombat 11, Samurai Showdown, and Granblue Fantasy Versus. As it has been proven last year, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was acknowledged as one of the best Fighting Games of the year. Heck, the game received awards left and right. However, with the negotiation process, and development of characters and deadlines the staff has to meet in order to add new guest characters into Smash is no simple task, it's reasonable to think that Fighters Pass Vol. 2 might be it for Ultimate; that is if money were a problem. Here's where Minecraft comes in.

When looking at games like Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, and Dragon Ball FighterZ, the roll out of numerous seasons and the lengthy support given to the game can be attributed to the fact that these fighting game franchises have had a long history within said genre. Dragon Ball FighterZ is an exception since what drove its popularity was its anime visual aesthetic, the fact that it's a Dragon Ball game (legendary manga and most of all animated series), and battles are akin to the beloved Marvel vs Capcom games (3 v 3s). Super Smash Bros. although a franchise that started a couple of years after some of the most iconic fighting games of all time, did manage to build a reputation throughout the years due to its stellar roster representative of Nintendo's mayor franchises, and then pushed it further when it brought guest characters such as Sonic, Snake, Cloud, and even Street Fighter's own Ryu to the game. The addition of guest characters to Smash always helps to increase the game's playerbase, and to boost game sales (some characters contributing more than others). And now we got Steve in the game. Time to bring in some numbers.
It's true that when Sakurai said during Steve/Alex's showcase that Minecraft is the best selling game in the World he really meant it; it's just that looking at the numbers one can have a clearer understanding of just how good the game's sold. Now, let's think about all of those (or at least a majority) of the players that bought Minecraft, looked at Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and saw Minecraft content in the game. Ah, but rather than taking the 200+ million Minecraft sales, let's consider the monthly player base according to the article (active players), which is still at an impressive 126+ million. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, just by having Minecraft content in the game (Steve, Alex, Zombie, Enderman, Minecraft World stage, spirits), the cumulative sales of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate could jump well over 100+ million units. Just by having added one guest character (funny enough, one that actually is a big deal regardless if one is a fan of it or not). Thinking about it further it's actually crazy. Steve's inclusion might have just come as a Godsend for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and what could be an extension of continued support for the game well beyond what may have been initially anticipated. Really, just think about it. Even with the characters included in the first Fighters Pass (which were also great choices), as of June 30, 2020 (quite a few months after the first Fighters Pass was completed, and Min Min had released for the second pass) Ultimate had sold near 20 million units. With the inclusion of ONE character in the second Fighters Pass that number might potentially increase four, or eight times as much! As the train of thought continues marching on, a realization comes to mind; there may still be hope for more of many most wanted characters to make it into Smash.

Stepping back down to Earth, as a Company, Nintendo and its staff decides what to do and what negotiations to establish with its partners. Luckily, Companies exist to provide services and goods for a profit, and Nintendo has always (or at least most of the time) delivered quality in spades. Remember when Sakurai said during the first Super Smash Bros. Ultimate presentation that he hoped we weren't expecting too many new fighters, and then he revealed Ridley... and Simon... and Richter, and Chrom, Dark Samus, King K. Rool, Ken, Incineroar. Then as that Smash Direct of November 2018 neared its end, he revealed that we'd be getting an entire season of DLC (which included 5 new characters + stages + music)... and then he revealed Piranha Plant as a timed free DLC. Heck, after Terry Bogard was revealed, the announcer went "can there really be only one character left?" Jaja!!!... OF COURSE NOT! NEW DLC IS ON ITS WAY!!!! Thus during Byleth's presentation, Fighters Pass Vol. 2 was officially revealed (which includes 6 characters + stages + music). Ah yes, incredible. Well, six more slots (two of which have been revealed and released) of new content. "I guess after that, that'll be it for Ultimate" many a fan may have thought. Challenger Pack 7 = STEVE (from Minecraft). Oh, well ain't that a THING. I guess we'll have to see what happens once CP 10 is revealed.

Announcer: "Five of the six fighters have been revealed for the Fighters Pass Vol. 2. Can there really be only one more character left?"


: "That's right! The battle ain't over yet. Even more content is on its way for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Stay tuned for further news."
Everyone: experience spontaneous ascension
Here we go! Lara Croft has the 3rd Square rep, but the Geno outfit and Chocobo hat are missing the 2nd time!
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2019
I remember I would get into some fights on Gamefaqs during Brawl speculation over Geno. Very toxic place to be. It’s an endless chain of miserable people who just want to be right at all costs. Such jerks.
Pretty much sums up all of GameFAQs. I used to find matches there in the Brawl friend-code days and I ran into so many toxic people


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
What kind of tracks do you think they’re gonna lay down for our guy? If those music takedowns from last year are any indication, then that means we’ll get:
Beware the Forest Mushrooms
Fight Against an Armed Boss

I say that may very well be the only ones from SMRPG that we get, hopefully I’m wrong. But I also believe that the tunes from the M and L series will be included with Geno too. I hope at least 10 songs. Seeing as how a big part of the crew who worked on SMRPG also helped with M and L.
Seeing how Yoko Shimomura owns the tracks in SMRPG, as well as remixing a lot of songs in Ultimate, I think its likely Geno will come with more than two songs. I think BTFF and Armed Boss are givens for music tracks, but I also think we could see other "Fight Against" tracks, like Smithy, Bowser, Monsters and A Somewhat Stronger Monster. I also think they could throw in the theme from Rose Town considering this is the world where Gaz lives in.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2020
Here! I think...
So, I've been wondering. Do you all think we'll see #78 and #79 revealed before E3, and then #80 and #81 revealed at E3? I could see a schedule like this:

December 10th, 2020 (TGA) - #78 possibly revealed.
January 2021 - #78 revealed if not at TGA, #78 released.
March/April 2021 - #79 revealed and released.
E3 2021 - #80 and #81 revealed.
July 2021 - #80 released.
Fall 2021 - #81 released.

This would mean that we'd hopefully know if Geno was in in just 8 and a half months.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
This honestly one of the slowest times the thread has been.
That would be because the release of Steve left the Smash community absolutely bone dry for news. Almost all points of past speculation have been explored ad nauseum and Nintendo's lockdown of all information/leaks means that 99.9999% of all rumors are likely full of crap. Safe to say the Smash DLC hype train has pretty much completely run out of steam.

Peepo T. Skeleton

Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2020
Exactly 9.7 inches away from your current location
Found a pretty good video that gives a sort of history lesson on the beginnings of the Geno fanbase and how it grew throughout the years.
I dunno where the narrator got the idea that the Geno profile icon was added after Min Min, but plenty of people in the comments let him know lol


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018
So there has been some doubt about Geno on this thread, specifically on the odds of him being a Deluxe/Premium Costume, so I'm going to attempt to explain why that will never happen.
  1. The first major reason is that these deluxe costumes are for characters or companies that are kinda a big deal but just aren't possible for Smash. We've seen this with Sans, Cuphead, Vault Boy and Bomberman. Sans and Cuphead are indie characters and currently Smash is giving them consolation prizes with costumes as the best they can get outside of Shovel Knight being an AT, which fits perfectly as the list of more AAA characters is still super big and it's hard to pick just one or two indie characters and do the whole indie fandom justice (I'll explain this better in another post someday if people like, but odds are we won't get a single indie rep as playable and at max we would get two since I expect a Vol 3.); Vault Boy is a AAA character with wacky proportions done full justice and never really had what it took to be a character, and Bomberman also has wacky proportions and was already an AT. You could argue Geno could fall into this category if Sakurai couldn't work it out with Square, but not only is Geno extremely likely and has a lot more going for him than these guys ever did, but there are other reasons the separate Geno from this.

  2. Geno already has a costume, which means if all we got for him WAS a costume, it would likely be the Heihachi/Gil route were it returned and got some minor tweaks. If you notice, all the deluxe costumes are brand new costumes for characters who didn't have a costume already, but when it came to characters who already have a previous costume, all they've done is update it a bit. When you consider that the proportions aren't very strange so it would likely only need some small updates (it's this human-esq design like Gil and Heihachi or other costumes where the face isn't considered important) and that Square would never want to make the same amount of money for a brand new and improved costume AND including a music track, it's clear this would never happen.
So, in essence, because of Geno's status as one of the most requested characters and the fact that he already has a costume from a previous Smash title and that Square likes to make money of their content rather than give more of it for less or the same, Geno's chances of being a deluxe costume are essentially non-existant.

I would love to add in all the reasons why he's not going to be just a costume and how, since a lot of people are suggesting Square would try to argue for someone else, all the reasons Geno is actually a good choice for them and that they would likely just agree to him...but I'm fading in and out while typing this so it will have to wait until tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2019
Switch FC
That's what happens when Nintendo basically threatens the entire industry to not so much as hint upcoming announcements. That's pretty much why even all the big Twitter accounts haven't really said anything substantial all month.
Nintendo's legal ninjas are horrible.

They wasted all their load from e3 from august to early october.
We will probably get one ninty announcement a month for a while.
The big corps in japan were struck badly by covid, according to square,grasshopper and many more.
I expect a lot more people on this thread if a second lockdown happens.
Also, the thread slowed down because we were also the busiest one. There's a definite number to discuss a single character moves,music,stages colors and accompanying dlc.
I remember here being somewhere in the page 1900s.
I bet the mods are somewhat ok for the thread to slow down a bit.
It's also hard to give a F%$ after getting a popular but iffy request.

Let alone, the character feels kinda gimmicky and absurd.
I rate steve somewhere with hero in the dlc mechanics gameplay.
It has too much $%^+ going on for my taste.

Odds are,one of the next dlc's is gonna be relatively fun and back to basics. I bet even Sakurai needs to take a breather while working.
Think of 64's twelve, that simple.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2020
Here! I think...
Nintendo's legal ninjas are horrible.

They wasted all their load from e3 from august to early october.
We will probably get one ninty announcement a month for a while.
The big corps in japan were struck badly by covid, according to square,grasshopper and many more.
I expect a lot more people on this thread if a second lockdown happens.
Also, the thread slowed down because we were also the busiest one. There's a definite number to discuss a single character moves,music,stages colors and accompanying dlc.
I remember here being somewhere in the page 1900s.
I bet the mods are somewhat ok for the thread to slow down a bit.
It's also hard to give a F%$ after getting a popular but iffy request.

Let alone, the character feels kinda gimmicky and absurd.
I rate steve somewhere with hero in the dlc mechanics gameplay.
It has too much $%^+ going on for my taste.

Odds are,one of the next dlc's is gonna be relatively fun and back to basics. I bet even Sakurai needs to take a breather while working.
Think of 64's twelve, that simple.
Speaking of the E3 announcements being spread out across 2020's second half, shouldn't we be seeing the "one more thing" soon? Was that going to be Challenger Pack 8, or maybe Breath of the Wild 2 getting more info?

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
I remember I would get into some fights on Gamefaqs during Brawl speculation over Geno. Very toxic place to be. It’s an endless chain of miserable people who just want to be right at all costs. Such jerks.
I genuinely tried to go to gamefaqs and open the discussion about Geno , but sadly... While I found some open minded people , I found other people telling me that geno's popularity was fake , and used as evidence the ammount of views the Terminal Montage Geno video got , compared to his other videos. It sadden me , truly , because there was some cool people in there , but there was also some people who hated Geno like he broke a glass during their family dinner.

In the end , they won't pick the fighters. That's Nintendo and Sakurai's job. The best we can do is to keep supporting the character we want , gatekeeping truly accomplish nothing to affect the roster. Ridley was victim of gatekeeping for more than a decade , and guess what ? He got in anyway. Because a lot of people asked for him.
Of course , people should be allowed to criticize a character's status when it come to Smash , but ultimately... A lot of issues we deem as "super big roadblocks" can actually be trivial for the smash team now.
We live in a day where they added everyone back , added ton of third party characters that were considered pipe dreams in the brawl days , and managed to avoid technicalities such as Ridley's size , or Villager being too peaceful for fighting. I know I'm repeating myself , but sometimes , it feel like I'm the only one noticing how insane it is that Sakurai can get pretty much anyone he want lol.

Anyway , I found this lovely 16 bits remix of Rogueport , using the SMRPG soundfont ;

And some fan-arts as well ;
There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet
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Deleted member

I'm pages behind on this particular post, but

That's another thing too. With Steve in, Geno's absence is even more wildly apparent. For example, look at this massive poll data collection that was done for the Smash Ballot:

Geno was ranked the 6th most requested third party character in the world. Everybody above him has either been confirmed as playable or an AT or deconfirmed by their respective owners. Combine this with the first party requests and Geno's absence is even more apparent.
This sure is some god damned deja vu. Here we are nearly 20 years later looking at the same elephant in the room: Every character that ranked higher than Geno is already in the game or out of the running, I guess with the notable exception of Waddle Dee.

Man, it's bad enough as it is without turning into Groundhog Day except we relive the last two decades without a restart.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
Late response, but Magnemite is a meme in Japan. Anytime there is a Pokémon poll, Magnemite tends to place pretty high. It makes sense that some of that would transfer to the Fighter Ballot.
Good ‘ol Japan. They have respect. They haven’t forgotten about Geno.
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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
Hey folks just wanted to drop by to give some thoughts on something I haven't seen much discussion on. A lot of the stuff we've seen recently has been reusing assets from other official sources moreso than previously. Just to briefly break it down, Min Min does so from ARMS, Steve's model is pretty much a direct rip too, and the Creeper, Pig, Diamond Armour, Heihachi, Gil, Callie and Marie and Bomberman outfits are ripped from Minecraft or Smash itself respectively. The debatable ones are Ninjara although he very well could be, Travis and Vault Boy. The last 2 while looking quite similar to their actual appearances in.their games, like every costume before, they were probably changed a bit although Vault Boy was obviously supposed to garner a certain reaction, which was similarly to what they were trying to do with Travis but idk. The Minecraft Stage is obviously a direct rip with a video file filling in for the background and setting and Spring Stadium, while it may borrow some assets, it wasn't a direct rip since the effects from the bounce pads, the bounce pads themselves and how it's layed out is different from ARMS.

I'm thinking this could relate to Geno as they could pretty much just use his Smash 4 Mii costume model as a base. Obviously he would need a face and some other slight alterations but Min Min had a few tweaks too while still remaining largely ripped. 2 things this could help is the lack of not only another official source which provides an actual model, but also his lack of appearances recently as well as the fact that it's made by the Smash team themselves for the Miis which are obviously playable which means they are not only fully smashified but also lack compression that assist trophies and other NPC models do.

Just for fun obviously but thought some fun discussion could come out of it. Obviously it doesn't have to hold up and it might not too. But should the next character not be Geno but has something similar going on them it could potentially be a boon although it probably won't hold up.

Fun theory either way.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
I feel the SMRPG 25th Anniversary in March is such a huge milestone for the game and Geno. I think that’s the make or break for Geno speculation. Something to keep an eye on.

We could get:
Sequel/remake on Switch
Geno for Smash

Or all 3 would be a dream.
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Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
Truth to be told to some places like GameFAQ. More of the time in discussions is about who can destroy who in an argument

Really, it is all about discussions and ideas sharing, but people does take it differently.
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