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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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The only ones they’d make money off of? We’ve got nothing to remotely prove that other than some major guesswork. Like that takes lots of leaps in saying we know how these major companies would operate in specific ways to make such a claim. Plus any in-house Square character would then theoretically under this model be as profitable as Geno or Mallow. Saying they’re the only profitable Square characters for Nintendo is way too big of a leap to make.

I have this same attitude with Banjo, who I’ve also never found super likely. Dealing with a third party means you’re playing with such different rules that trying to assume what that means in each individual context just shouldn’t be done. There’s just way too much nuance that we’ll never even see unless Sakurai tells us directly and even then, he’s not the one steering this ship completely with regards to DLC.

As for Kingdom Hearts being on a competitor’s console right now and not having appeared in recent memory... isn’t that using relevancy against Sora when talking about Geno a little bit? And doesn’t Cloud make short work of this argument too seeing as a Final Fantasy VII Remake wasn’t even announced to have relations to Nintendo when he came out? Plus it’s a character get for Nintendo while advertising something Square can make money off of both with Nintendo’s deal and increased exposure to Kingdom Hearts in general, which would probably be the biggest win in general for them while still giving Nintendo a serious win too.

Look, I know there’s this idea here that Sora isn’t a good idea for Smash, but he’d definitely be a recognizable enough character for people to buy or trust the Fighters Pass with. I don’t know where this notion of Geno being such an important show of faith that Sora couldn’t possibly be, but I seriously think he could be just as notable and encouraging. I hate to say it, but most of us big Smash fans who comprise the more core lineup of requests are going to probably buy the DLC anyway. I know that doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone, but there’s an increased chance that we’ll either buy it because we’re getting more Smash content in the form of characters and stages, or that how sakurai interprets a character will convince us enough of things we otherwise didn’t know we wanted.

In short, we’re one of the demographics with the least need of convincing for the Fighters Pass. Maybe not specifically “us” as Geno supporters in this thread, but the “us” of collective posters on the internet and are more likely to be in threads voting in these big polls most of the time.

I just think the first point is assuming too much and I disagree that the advertising playing into Square’s advantage elsewhere is such a big strike against him. And also disagree on the point that Geno is necessary to instill confidence in a Fighter Pass that is likely to sell anyway and I’m convinced there are other options from Square that will drum up hype for the DLC season. And this isn’t just Sora either, some crazy left field picks could just as easily excite the community cause honestly we’re a pretty excitable community by nature and we love to accept characters once we see them in action. I highly doubt that will change with DLC.

I still lean about 70% in favor of us getting Geno just because I do agree there are things pointing in his favor and he should conceivably be an easy win. I just don’t know if I agree with the broader assumptions you’re making about costs and mindsets of both Nintendo and fellow Smash consumers. Geno being an easy win doesn’t necessarily mean much though, we’ve had easier wins before and still seen nothing of them (Shadow and Isaac will forever be the two that come to mind).

As for a point on the holy trinity. I’d disagree on the consistency of it until Ultimate. The minute Mewtwo got dropped from Brawl he dominated the third slot of speculation. I quite well remember the expectations for the trio of Mewtwo, Ridley, and King K Rool for Smash 4 and how often those three were sighted as a place of disappointment upon Smash 4’s release. I’d also contend initially King K Rool didn’t have the popularity until a post Diddy world, so he didn’t really pick up steam until probably Smash 4. Ridley and Geno had support pre-Brawl. And Geno also really struggled during the Smash 4 speculation scene.

I will agree that they were the three of the old guard of requests coming into Ultimate with Isaac as a close fourth. They were the most notable requests with a longer history of fan demand dating back to Brawl. So they became a defacto trinity in that sense. I don’t know if the trinity is nearly as reliable as people make it out to be as I mentioned before though.
Cloud is a gaming icon, FF7 was on the 3DS, and we know they were working on FF7 coming to the Switch. There are no plans of KH3 coming to the switch, Sora being the first DLC would be free advertising for a competitor, and wouldn't build enough confidence for people to buy the pass. DQ doesn't have global appeal or global demand, and demand is low even in Japan, and the DQ game for the Switch doesn't have a set release date, just "sometime next year." Geno is the most popular in the Smash community, he has global demand and global appeal, and him being the first DLC character would make people confident in buying the pass, since he is a huge fan favorite. He would definitely drum up more hype than any other Square Enix character. Nintendo adding him first could even promote the SNES Classic. Think about this - a puppet possessed by a star with a gun for a hand who can fire beams, whirls, blasts, and flashes. Who wouldn't want to buy him or find out where he is from???! People who don't know him would want to learn more about him, so they would buy the SNES Classic to play Super Mario RPG, meaning more money for Nintendo


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Cloud is a gaming icon, FF7 was on the 3DS, and we know they were working on FF7 coming to the Switch. There are no plans of KH3 coming to the switch, Sora being the first DLC would be free advertising for a competitor, and wouldn't build enough confidence for people to buy the pass. DQ doesn't have global appeal or global demand, and demand is low even in Japan, and the DQ game for the Switch doesn't have a set release date, just "sometime next year." Geno is the most popular in the Smash community, he has global demand and global appeal, and him being the first DLC character would make people confident in buying the pass, since he is a huge fan favorite. He would definitely drum up more hype than any other Square Enix character. Nintendo adding him first could even promote the SNES Classic. Think about this - a puppet possessed by a star with a gun for a hand who can fire beams, whirls, blasts, and flashes. Who wouldn't want to buy him or find out where he is from???! People who don't know him would want to learn more about him, so they would buy the SNES Classic to play Super Mario RPG, meaning more money for Nintendo
About Sora, this may be a silly question but..

Does SE gets anything from it? If Sora is 100% owned by Disney then the profit would go for Nintendo and Disney and nothing to SE. I'm saying this since Nintendo and Bamco are making the game, not SE, so I don't see why would they get some profit when Nintendo is using Intellectual Property from Disney. Except if they're making the DLC altogether.
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Deleted member

About Sora, this may be a silly question but..

Does SE gets anything from it? If Sora is 100% owned by Disney then the profit would be for Nintendo and Disney and nothing to SE. I'm saying this since Nintendo and Bamco are making the game, not SE, so I don't see why would they get some profit when Nintendo is using Intellectual Property from Disney. Except if they're making the DLC altogether.
That is a good point, I think Square Enix would get at least some of the money, but yes, definitely more of it going to Disney. With Geno, both Nintendo and Square Enix can split the money 50/50, and they don't have to share with a third company, like Disney, and Disney would get most of the money anyway from Sora


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Nintendo dropped this video today and just look at the marketing angle for this game.

They are hammering hard on the nostalgia aspect of this game. This is why I think we'll be getting one promotional character tops. They are going hardcore into the "what video games made you happy when you 7/12" bent with marketing.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Nintendo dropped this video today and just look at the marketing angle for this game.

They are hammering hard on the nostalgia aspect of this game. This is why I think we'll be getting one promotional character tops. They are going hardcore into the "what video games made you happy when you 7/12" bent with marketing.
And considering SMRPG's nature as many people's entry RPG...


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018
Along with FF7. Both Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy IIV made a hard splash in the western market within 1995 to 1997.
SMRPG made the biggest splash out of all of them though, the main reason everyone says it saved RPGs/JRPGs in the West because up until it's success, companies like Square thought that the West just wasn't into RPGs either because they were too dumb (which got us that awful bare-bones FF game) or later that we just didn't enjoy them.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2018
Switch FC
SW 1521 3002 4745
I am curious guys, how would Geno's classic mode be modeled?
Fighting characters based off the Smithy gang? Pit = Bowyer, a bunch of different colored Captain Falcons = Axem Rangers (he has a color for each of them!), etc
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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I've been thinking about this for a while, but if Kyle Hebert doesn't voice Geno like I said a while back, they could get Dan Green to do it. He's already played heroic characters that are determined before.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2008
I've been thinking about this for a while, but if Kyle Hebert doesn't voice Geno like I said a while back, they could get Dan Green to do it. He's already played heroic characters that are determined before.
Idk about y'all but voice acting would throw me off.
I'd really like Geno's noises to be based on SMRPG sound effects.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Idk about y'all but voice acting would throw me off.
I'd really like Geno's noises to be based on SMRPG sound effects.
Problem with that is Geno has actual in game dialogue. Like the other Mario characters, I expect a voice for him. Probably a wise, determined voice for his character since a kiddy voice would be expected for Mallow.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Problem with that is Geno has actual in game dialogue. Like the other Mario characters, I expect a voice for him. Probably a wise, determined voice for his character since a kiddy voice would be expected for Mallow.
Not only that, he is one of the most talkative characters in the game.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2008
Problem with that is Geno has actual in game dialogue. Like the other Mario characters, I expect a voice for him. Probably a wise, determined voice for his character since a kiddy voice would be expected for Mallow.
I know, and I’m sure he would get voice acting.
I just don’t want a smash version of Geno to radically change the way I perceive him. To me, that’s part of the fun of classic video games, using your imagination to fill in what’s not there.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
I know, and I’m sure he would get voice acting.
I just don’t want a smash version of Geno to radically change the way I perceive him. To me, that’s part of the fun of classic video games, using your imagination to fill in what’s not there.
I mean, at a certain point it’s inevitable for characters in Smash. I’m sure that people perceived what Pit, Captain Falcon, Ness, etc. sounded like before being in Smash and it was probably different than what we ended up with. And even if not in Smash him getting back into the modern Mario series in some way would be the same result with him being voiced in some way.

Also I pictured him having some sort of European accent. Either British or Spanish.
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
I know, and I’m sure he would get voice acting.
I just don’t want a smash version of Geno to radically change the way I perceive him. To me, that’s part of the fun of classic video games, using your imagination to fill in what’s not there.
I feel like he'll just have noises. Like Zelda or Ganondorf. No actual lines.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
You know, its insinuated that you need to speak in order to use your special attacks in SMRPG. After all, the silence status effect rids you of special attack use.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
You know, its insinuated that you need to speak in order to use your special attacks in SMRPG. After all, the silence status effect rids you of special attack use.
Eh, if Mario can shoot fireballs without a fire flower then Geno can cast his specials without speaking.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Ultimate is being datamined for music right now in the SourceGaming discord. At this point, I think it would be better if no SMRPG music was found, that would mean it's being saved for DLC. If music is in the base game that'd pretty much deconfirm Geno if he is also a costume.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Eh, if Mario can shoot fireballs without a fire flower then Geno can cast his specials without speaking.
I don't know, I now can't get the image of Geno calling out his attacks like some DBZ character out of my brain. It would certainly make Kyle Herbert a fitting choice.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
I don't know, I now can't get the image of Geno calling out his attacks like some DBZ character out of my brain. It would certainly make Kyle Herbert a fitting choice.
"GEEEEEEENOOOOOOO................... WHIRL!"


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I mean, at a certain point it’s inevitable for characters in Smash. I’m sure that people perceived what Pit, Captain Falcon, Ness, etc. sounded like before being in Smash and it was probably different than what we ended up with. And even if not in Smash him getting back into the modern Mario series in some way would be the same result with him being voiced in some way.

Also I pictured him having some sort of European accent. Either British or Spanish.
We already have a Spaniard tho. :ultmetaknight:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2018
Switch FC
SW 1521 3002 4745
It would certainly be interesting if Geno spoke. He'd be the only Mario character in Smash to speak full, complex sentences.
Mario: Oh yes! Heeeyah!
Luigi: Bang, bang!
Peach: Sweet!
Daisy: Yaaaaaaah!
Bowser: *Roars*
Rosalina: Mmmmmhmmm.
Geno: I must protect the Star Road so that the wishes of the world can be fulfilled!


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
We already have a Spaniard tho. :ultmetaknight:
Is that a Kirby Right Back Atcha reference? Outside of the Bandana Dee thread? Wild.

Also, out of curiousity...

How many people here were introduced to Mario RPG via this video? (Or the original one)
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Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Is that a Kirby Right Back Atcha reference? Outside of the Bandana Dee thread? Wild.

Also, out of curiousity...

How many people here were introduced to Mario RPG via this video? (Or the original one)
It was either those videos or Chuggaaconroy's lets play of the game. I can't recall which came first for me.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2018
Is that a Kirby Right Back Atcha reference? Outside of the Bandana Dee thread? Wild.

Also, out of curiousity...

How many people here were introduced to Mario RPG via this video? (Or the original one)
I was first introduced to Super Mario RPG from this really old website called Lemmy's Land. However, I totally remember this video from many years ago! The Rawest Forest Maze version was my favourite and the first I saw though. These are classics.

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
Concerning Geno's voice...

I don't see any other possibility than the one he had in "The Rawest Forest". I want his rap battle with Exor to be canon lol


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
I just had a thought, what if they got Kirbopher, or Chris Niosi, to voice Geno? He is the guy who made the SMRPG music video's, and he actually did voice work for Octopath as one of the main characters. It would be an awesome case of promoted fanboy, considering how big those videos were and how SMRPG is Chris's favorite game.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
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