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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I brought this up in the Banjo thread but we haven't seen a single third party Mii costume yet despite Smash 4 getting 14 of them. Hitagi's dying words make me heavily suspect that Steve is one of them because of what happened to Loz18 and Vergeben being confident in Minecraft content since the summer. How would you all feel about a Mallow Mii costume? It'd look weird but we've long since crossed that bridge with Toad.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I brought this up in the Banjo thread but we haven't seen a single third party Mii costume yet despite Smash 4 getting 14 of them. Hitagi's dying words make me heavily suspect that Steve is one of them because of what happened to Loz18 and Vergeben being confident in Minecraft content since the summer. How would you all feel about a Mallow Mii costume? It'd look weird but we've long since crossed that bridge with Toad.
I'd be okay with it, since his chances have been infinitesimal to start with. I bet it would come with the Froggie stick.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I really hate discussing things with people on youtube, everyone seems to assert their opinions as "facts"

I just made that joke about geno not being in despite the story mode being about spirits that possess puppets.

I get one person that goes on complaining about how I'm complaining (Even though I was joking, I fail to see how a joke is complaining), then I get another person that talks about how "You need to give up on wanting dream characters in smash and be excited for realistic characters like Arle and Geomon".


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I really hate discussing things with people on youtube, everyone seems to assert their opinions as "facts"

I just made that joke about geno not being in despite the story mode being about spirits that possess puppets.

I get one person that goes on complaining about how I'm complaining (Even though I was joking, I fail to see how a joke is complaining), then I get another person that talks about how "You need to give up on wanting dream characters in smash and be excited for realistic characters like Arle and Geomon".
Good lord, I hope they misspelled Goemon, because I severely doubt that a Pokemon clone for mobile would ever get Smash recognition.

Like I said before though, Youtube commenters tend to be trash. Sturgeon's Law can be applied strongly to those.

So he would be a Mii Swordfighter outfit?...

Mallow is now another swordman lol
Damn , now I want a Mallow Mii Swordfighter against Cloud Match-up... XD
Well, I don't see what else they could do, no one has stretchy limbs or cymbals.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I really hate discussing things with people on youtube, everyone seems to assert their opinions as "facts"

I just made that joke about geno not being in despite the story mode being about spirits that possess puppets.

I get one person that goes on complaining about how I'm complaining (Even though I was joking, I fail to see how a joke is complaining), then I get another person that talks about how "You need to give up on wanting dream characters in smash and be excited for realistic characters like Arle and Geomon".
Pfffft. This made me laugh. Maybe that other guy was also joking though, that’s just too stupid otherwise.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
YouTube comments somehow manage to do the impossible by being worse than GameFAQs and 4chan combined. Aside from Facebook, if they have **** opinions, YouTube is where they will broadcast them to the world.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Now the person is arguing that there has never been a case in smash where a character was promoted from AT to playable character.

So, I have no idea what they are even arguing at this point

I give up.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Now the person is arguing that there has never been a case in smash where a character was promoted from AT to playable character.

So, I have no idea what they are even arguing at this point

I give up.
I think they’re playing a satire of an internet idiot.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Luigi The President Luigi The President We've been going good so far with this news right here, I think now's a time that is good for you to come in to see what's new and for it to hopefully get your hopes up a bit lol.

You said to summon you when things weren't crazy, so that too.
Thank you alemerl, here's my thoughts

"-600+ spirits shown off, still no Geno with strong evidence that, even if he does pop up, he'd literally be the only Square Enix spirit."
I mean guys...there's over 1000 Spirits. This is a very big assumption.

-Evidence that Square Enix is very difficult to work with to the point where Cloud was the last veteran added, casting even more strong doubt on Geno's competition. Geno's still in despite this implying deals made during SSB4 were either carried over or renewed.
Why are we parroting what Stealth said about Cloud being the last veteran added? No evidence to this from what I understand. And if these deals indeed carried over or existed, why's he not in base game?

-More evidence that Polar Panda's source knows what they're talking about, being correct about information they said back in early September (still embargoed so I can't say what).
Who tf is Polar Panda??? I genuinely don't know???

-New Sakurai interview where he pretty much drives a stake in the heart of that old vampire that only modernly relevant main characters of the big franchises are considered.
Link me this please that'd be awesome.

-Hitagi bows out, taking with him Dragon Quest and Granblue. [IMG]https://smashboards.com/data/avatars/s/83/83118.jpg?1541199993[/IMG] papagenos is absolved as Hitagi's source is ironically hardcore leak baited.
Genos being absolved doesn't matter from what I understand but yes good for him.

Just trying to keep the hype down. You guys are getting a bit /too/ hopeful; Geno's my current most wanted. Believe me, I literally stress over him being in IRL LOL. I just wanted to post my thoughts.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Though you gotta admit, it's weird there hasn't been any known sightings of SE spirits so far. I still think they're in the single digits and buried under everybody else/the metric tons of Nintendo stuff.

And by "single digits", I mean at least 9 of them.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I've only seen one person say over a thousand spirits and it was a random Nintendo event rep by the account. Everyone else is saying 700-800. As for Cloud being added last, it lines up with everything we've seen: Cloud and Geno are the only SE content seen, Cloud has no new animations, there's no new FF music, Cloud has been absent from all CG trailers, there's no SE AT, etc.

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
Now that I think about it...

Why should the first DLC be a SE rep to begin with ?
I know , Vergeben , but beside that... Why ?

Why would , Nintendo , out of all companies to negotiate with , choose Square Enix ? Especially for a first DLC ?

If they want their first DLC to be ready quickly , why not using a Nintendo character or a third party company that would almost 100% Say yes ?(Shantae for Wayforward , Rayman for Ubisoft...)

Also , why was the SE rep the only one to get leaked by Vergeben ? Before we knew anything about DLCs?

I mean , It's strawgrasping , but compare this and the theory that SE wanted a DLC character since Cloud was in base game... And that the fact that Geno is the most straightforward pick if they want direct profit... Yeah , strawgrasping , I know... But still strange nonetheless.

However , it could be another pure SE rep.
I just think Geno is one of the most straightforward picks + on Nintendo's/Sakurai's radar.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
I've only seen one person say over a thousand spirits and it was a random Nintendo event rep by the account. Everyone else is saying 700-800. As for Cloud being added last, it lines up with everything we've seen: Cloud and Geno are the only SE content seen, Cloud has no new animations, there's no new FF music, Cloud has been absent from all CG trailers, there's no SE AT, etc.
Probably should clarify that by “everyone else”, you mean “official Nintendo PR just a few days ago as part of a massive embargo lift”, and not random leakers or something. They specifically said “over 700”, which would be very weird to use as the official number if they actually did have over 1000.
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2008
Probably should clarify that by “everyone else”, you mean “official Nintendo PR just a few days ago as part of a massive embargo lift”, and not random leakers or something. They specifically said “over 700”, which would be very weird to use as the official number if they actually did have over 1000.
"Over 700" absolutely means between 701-799 spirits.

I can't be the only one awaiting a PolarPanda PolarPanda update today~~
Ofc Polar if you have no update today we still trust and value you!!! <3
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Loliko YnT Loliko YnT Here's how I see it: Square was a pain to work with so why not get their stuff out of the way first, especially if they only are only willing to renew most of the same stuff they did for the last game? Like I talked about yesterday, Geno's a great first character option because Sakurai described DLC as an investment meaning convincing people who bought the game to spend more on it is more of a goal than attracting new buyers altogether. You have loyal customers with wallets on standby, why not attend to them first? Geno certainly does this because the people who are going to buy the game first are the type to go to midnight openings or at least do pre-orders, in a word, the dedicated Smash fans. They are the ones who not only know who he is but want him. It's not one to one but Geno is a lot like Mewtwo in Smash 4 in that he's a great character to install consumer (IE; Smash fans) confidence in DLC and make them more likely to buy the whole pass instead of pick and choose.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2018
YouTube comments somehow manage to do the impossible by being worse than GameFAQs and 4chan combined. Aside from Facebook, if they have **** opinions, YouTube is where they will broadcast them to the world.
I completely agree with you about Youtube. For a while, I didn't think the Smash comments could be worse on YT than on GameFAQs but with time, I was proven very wrong. It's gotten to the point where I can't even take most of the Smash comments there seriously at all.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2007
Switch FC
Loliko YnT Loliko YnT Here's how I see it: Square was a pain to work with so why not get their stuff out of the way first, especially if they only are only willing to renew most of the same stuff they did for the last game? Like I talked about yesterday, Geno's a great first character option because Sakurai described DLC as an investment meaning convincing people who bought the game to spend more on it is more of a goal than attracting new buyers altogether. You have loyal customers with wallets on standby, why not attend to them first? Geno certainly does this because the people who are going to buy the game first are the type to go to midnight openings or at least do pre-orders, in a word, the dedicated Smash fans. They are the ones who not only know who he is but want him. It's not one to one but Geno is a lot like Mewtwo in Smash 4 in that he's a great character to install consumer (IE; Smash fans) confidence in DLC and make them more likely to buy the whole pass instead of pick and choose.
Thinking about it, I probably shouldn't have bought the Smash Pass immediately. I should have at least waited for the first DLC character to be revealed.

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
Loliko YnT Loliko YnT Here's how I see it: Square was a pain to work with so why not get their stuff out of the way first, especially if they only are only willing to renew most of the same stuff they did for the last game? Like I talked about yesterday, Geno's a great first character option because Sakurai described DLC as an investment meaning convincing people who bought the game to spend more on it is more of a goal than attracting new buyers altogether. You have loyal customers with wallets on standby, why not attend to them first? Geno certainly does this because the people who are going to buy the game first are the type to go to midnight openings or at least do pre-orders, in a word, the dedicated Smash fans. They are the ones who not only know who he is but want him. It's not one to one but Geno is a lot like Mewtwo in Smash 4 in that he's a great character to install consumer (IE; Smash fans) confidence in DLC and make them more likely to buy the whole pass instead of pick and choose.
Oh , I see.
I know we talked about this possibility before.

Square Enix is stingy with their properties , so if they had the opportunity to grab both Cloud and Geno DLC at the same time ( Nintendo probably choosed the DLC around that time , and Geno could have been one of their proposal ) I think they would at least try.

It's just that it would be weird to go into all of this , to get someone else than Geno , given the current situation.
That's why I don't think most of Geno's competition is likely anymore. Because they could just get them later , especially since they are owned by several companies , wich make it harder to negotiate.

Trying to get a DQ rep as the same time as Cloud , while Ultimate is still in developpement ? That's needlessly complicated. Especially with no DQ main games on Switch , and others arguments.

Also , thank you for your researchs and speculation Fatmanonice !
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
It also ties into how I think Sakurai tried to get both Cloud and Geno for Smash 4. Sakurai probably wanted at least one for base. Square probably insisted on both for DLC. Nintendo probably said "GFYS you weeaboo nerd" but Sakurai probably worked out the compromise we ended up seeing.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that Mallow fights with a shillelagh and cymbals. The cymbals I get because symphonically it's used to represent thunder and lightning but how did they look at this cloud preteen (he's like 12 in my head) and think "you know what would be appropriate weapon for him? A beating stick."

Anyways, I hope they somehow incorporate timed hits into Geno's moveset if he's in. I've seen mods where literally all his moves have the mechanic and it looks like an enormous pain but I think it would be appropriate for his Smash attacks and some of his specials.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that Mallow fights with a shillelagh and cymbals. The cymbals I get because symphonically it's used to represent thunder and lightning but how did they look at this cloud preteen (he's like 12 in my head) and think "you know what would be appropriate weapon for him? A beating stick."

Anyways, I hope they somehow incorporate timed hits into Geno's moveset if he's in. I've seen mods where literally all his moves have the mechanic and it looks like an enormous pain but I think it would be appropriate for his Smash attacks and some of his specials.
That’s literally the reason I want him in in the first place. He’s an amazing character/design in general and seeing such a long-standing request fulfilled would be great to see, but more than anything else in Smash DLC, I want to see a character with unique hit mechanics. All viable Rhythm Heaven reps and Paper Mario are confirmed Spirits, and unless one of the DLCs is a shock EBA/Ouendan pick out of nowhere, Geno’s literally my last chance to see timed/rhythmic hit mechanics in Smash.

And with early copies of Ultimate already popping up here and there, we’re truly in the last couple hours/days of speculation.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that Mallow fights with a shillelagh and cymbals. The cymbals I get because symphonically it's used to represent thunder and lightning but how did they look at this cloud preteen (he's like 12 in my head) and think "you know what would be appropriate weapon for him? A beating stick."

Anyways, I hope they somehow incorporate timed hits into Geno's moveset if he's in. I've seen mods where literally all his moves have the mechanic and it looks like an enormous pain but I think it would be appropriate for his Smash attacks and some of his specials.
I really want this on the basis of "He knows about timed hits!" to pop up as a meme.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2014
Vernon, British Columbia
Switch FC
"Over 700" absolutely means between 701-799 spirits.

I can't be the only one awaiting a PolarPanda PolarPanda update today~~
Ofc Polar if you have no update today we still trust and value you!!! <3
It was never exact, after all. He simply told me he'd hear stuff at least after Let's Go was out for a week. He told me stuff about a week and a half ago, but it was only about Let's Go because that was all he could find out. After that, he's been only online once every 3 or so days. He's been VERY inactive lately, primarily because he's moving. I'll 100% let you know when I hear something else. hopefully soon.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2013
I just bet $100 with my cousin that Geno will be the DLC square rep. I put my faith on you guys, you better deliver!
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Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
It seems that somebody has the full game already. Hopefully the Battlefield theme from the demo is in the full game, because I like it so much more than the finalized one... I’ll be so sad if the Battlefield beta track isn’t in the game. :(



Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2018
Yokohama, Japan
That’s literally the reason I want him in in the first place. He’s an amazing character/design in general and seeing such a long-standing request fulfilled would be great to see, but more than anything else in Smash DLC, I want to see a character with unique hit mechanics. All viable Rhythm Heaven reps and Paper Mario are confirmed Spirits, and unless one of the DLCs is a shock EBA/Ouendan pick out of nowhere, Geno’s literally my last chance to see timed/rhythmic hit mechanics in Smash.

And with early copies of Ultimate already popping up here and there, we’re truly in the last couple hours/days of speculation.
Well, surely Isabelle has unique hit mechanics...


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Smash Wiki's spirit count is currently 672 with in the wild accounts putting it at 700-720ish so we should be getting the final amount in a few days. I get the feeling that a lot of the unseen ones are the "evolutions" of the basic ones so we're getting incredibly close to the end.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2018
Smash Wiki's spirit count is currently 672 with in the wild accounts putting it at 700-720ish so we should be getting the final amount in a few days. I get the feeling that a lot of the unseen ones are the "evolutions" of the basic ones so we're getting incredibly close to the end.
Yeah, the fact that we're going on 670+ spirits with no trace of some of the battle token icons like Geno, yet alone another FF or SE spirit, is finally making me become more confident that Geno will 100% not be a spirit. Hopefully that's true.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Yeah, the fact that we're going on 670+ spirits with no trace of some of the battle token icons like Geno, yet alone another FF or SE spirit, is finally making me become more confident that Geno will 100% not be a spirit. Hopefully that's true.
Geno is gonna be a Spirit.
A Character Spirit. B)

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
What do you guys think about this alleged leak?
I say they're full of ****. It seems like they're piggybacking off of Hitagi. They even said the fighters pass won't be disappointing, but it was already disappointing the moment he said Steve is in, and it became even more disappointing when he said Banjo and Geno aren't in. Hitagi is confident about Steve being is in as DLC, and I like how they said they only know Steve is in as DLC; it's really obvious that they're just taking Hitagi's word. I won't believe them, even if Verge says something about their credibility, I still won't believe it; he stated Hitagi has "credibility", but it was all fake credibility, the same can happen to this guy, too. If Geno is our Square rep, I doubt Verge is gonna talk to this guy because if Verge denies it, then Verge knows one of those characters they deconfirmed is in.

In other words... if it's not Verge, trash it.
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