Geno is a character that appeared in one game
Oh man, I forgot all the games that the Ice Climbers and Duck Hunt Duo had before they got into Smash!
I find this gif very amusing though, I will say. May have to file that one away.
As for those asking me about Ryce, I know little more than most about him, and the consensus from the Brotherhood of Shadow is that he apparently leaked Incineroar, Piranha Plant and Ken along with their movesets in August of 2018 and called out Vergeben on being wrong about Minecraft content, though they currently do not have the resources or evidence to 100% back this up at this time.
I know for a fact that he leaked this entire MvCI roster and one of the SFV DLC seasons but for the life of me I cannot remember which one it was. The talk is that he is a tester and that is were he gets the information he has shared with us, so as long as he either still is a tester for Smash/was a tester during the proper window of time, him talking about Geno like this is kinda nuts.
I'm attempting to message him directly to get more confirmation on some of this information but ResetEra is a whole congregation of elites sniffing their own farts and not only accepts only emails from ISP or schools (No Yahoo, MSN or Google emails, you have to have paid for your email in some way shape or form) but before you can even post or message someone you have to wait for an admin to approve your account. I will attempt to get more truth from the source and will update you guys here at that time.
Regardless, if there is any truth to any of this, and specifically just the tester of Ultimate portion, him talking about Geno the way he has been is ridiculously good for us. You guys rush to denounce it, but this is the same guy who posted all the gifs and then the image of Kirby standing on Vista Hill, as seen
here. The thing is, while Geno is basically talked about everywhere there is Newcomer Ultimate speculation, he wasn't being talked about at that time. Ryce randomly dropped all that there because as far as I can tell everyone was talking about Mario stuff not Geno specifically except for one guy shortly before Ryce's post. Then, he makes a post like the one I just shared where the wording heavily implies Geno is in Smash, that people who expect Geno is be edgy in Smash will be 'in for a rude awakening'. His phrasing isn't that Geno isn't in Smash, but that Geno won't have an edgy personality in Smash because Geno never had an edgy personality.
If any of that is truthful about him being a tester, HE WOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS FIRST HAND!
That being said, things are already really good for us, but I wish Nintendo would get off their asses and drop Sakurai's footage already.