So I've been busy remodeling a house and having bad luck with it thus far, so I haven't been able to comment much about things until now and even now I'll be on my way to drop off some construction at a landfill so this is just a precursor.
Some of you may remember the old OLD ForsakenM who just wanted to talk about Smash speculation and was a nice guy, but I'd be much more willing to believe that most of you remember that old ForsakenM who is sassy and has unpopular opinions based in truth who is still nice but doesn't show it as much because of the atmosphere in this thread.
Well I'm happy to report that my sassy self is still alive and well, and I feel it's about time we have a discussion about Nintendo fans, the Smash portion of that fanbase, and patience.
You guys may remember my highly unpopular rant in which I mentioned how irritated I was with the Smash fanbase because of that stupid Smash 4 Battlefield tweet Sakurai made and the stupid speculation behind it and how when it meant nothing, the fans went after Sakurai like it was his fault. This will be in a similar vain, but this is more about Kelios and leakers we can trust.
The Nintendo fanbase has this tendency to act like a spoiled child when it comes to Nintendo news: They get themselves excited for what Grandpa Nintendo could be getting for them, get impatient and throw minor tantrums about having to wait for Grandpa Nintendo to visit them, and when Grandpa Nintendo finally DOES visit and provides various degrees of okay to really awesome presents...they throw an even bigger fit because they didn't get what they thought they should and they lash out at Mom, Dad, their siblings who were waiting more patiently for Grandpa Nintendo, Grandpa Nintendo himself and sometimes even the mailman and a random neighbor jogging down the street.
Now, what if in this scenario one of the siblings heard Mom on the phone talking to Grandpa Nintendo and caught a little bit of what gifts he was going to bring but didn't hear it all and then proceeded to share that with their other siblings, and then Grandpa Nintendo didn't quite give what they said? Then that spoiled sibling lashes out at the older one who gave them information and then they say "Oh yeah! Well fine, I'm not telling you what I hear anymore!"?
This is the exact situation we have been finding ourselves in this past year with leakers and Nintendo.
The first thing I want to say is that I'm still 100% against policing people's hype. Anyone who shares 'Hype Responsibly' stuff irritates me because the idea of hype is being more excited than you would if you were forcing yourself to be calm. Hype in and of itself is about getting excited enough to where you aren't really worried about maintaining composure. Thus, one cannot just simply 'Hype Responsibly'. However, I unfortunately understand why you all say this, and it's because of this next issue: self-control and personal responsibility.
See, we live in a culture now in the US in which no one wants to take personal responsibility for their own actions. It's much easier to blame someone else and lash out than to accept your own failure. In this case, Nintendo fans are doing this with leakers: these fans hype themselves up SO much and then inevitably they get disappointed, and then they blame anyone they can. Sometimes it's Nintendo, but recently it's been leakers who have done nothing but try to close the gap in information. It doesn't matter whether you are Kelios who does nothing but tell you dates and times or other leakers we have who are talking about potential game announcements: facts are facts, and the fact is that all these people are doing is trying to give fans what they want when Nintendo is slipping. Your disappointment has nothing to do with what they said, that was all on you and your emotions, so own up to it and stop biting the hand that feeds us leaks.
Lastly, and I see it everywhere in the Nintendo fandom, but no one really understands how much information Nintendo actually gives us when compared to competitors. There was a time in which Nintendo single-handedly gave us the most information out of any video game company back before Sony and Microsoft starting making their own versions of Directs, but even now we get more from Nintendo than others. Most companies you only get two shots: E3 and a single self-delivered presentation, barring new console introductions. Nintendo normally gives us three Directs in a year, which already beats out the competition, but that doesn't include stuff like detailed gameplay breakdowns like with Animal Crossing and most recently Origami King, and we've also been getting Mr. Sakurai Presents and even though it may not have all been good stuff we got many TPC Presents when we normally only get one or two.
Nintendo has more dedication to giving us news than most other companies in the same field and yet you hear nothing but complaints, which is mostly to do with current 'Give me more, give it now' culture in the US but also because us fans just keep wanting more because mostly Nintendo hits that spot for us and we just want more of that Nintendo goodness.
People need to breathe and realize that just because what YOU wanted didn't get announced doesn't mean nothing got announced. Be disappointed for sure, but don't act like Nintendo failed to deliver just because BOTW2 hasn't been shown yet when they delivered Waluigi's first game. True entitlement is thinking you deserve something just because when you truly do not, and none of us are entitled to getting exactly what we want from Nintendo whenever they give us news.
That said, I really how these short bursts of announcements become a thing so that people can feel like they are getting more info more regularly even if Nintendo spoils us with that already.