Good afternoon, friends; I'm passing through to provide some more little facts and things that I've stumbled across on Social Media. This is some slightly unfortunate news, depending on how you look at this, although for others, this may be something of a bit of closure.
It seems a listing of all the plushies from the run that included the likes of Boshi and Mallow has been found and presented to us, and the long-sought Geno plushie from this run... has been confirmed to have not existed at all, it seems. The mystery of this missing plush is that there was no plush TO be missing. Which is incredibly strange, considering the one character that was canonically a toy was never himself made into a plush toy
I'm a little saddened that an official product never existed, but at the same time, I won't sit here wondering if such a thing had just been lost to time forever.
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