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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2018
Geno costumes I’m banking on:

Mallow hat > Chocobo hat > Smithy (swordfighter) > Black Mage (Gunner) > Crono (swordfighter) > Neku (brawler)


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I can see them announcing the ARMS character around the Pokémon DLC I think they can both stand on their own legs without cannibalizing the other.

I’m not very confident in them showing FP7 this soon though especially considering the rumors from back when that said there was no direct coming in June but I guess we’ll see.
They probably will show FP7 off. ARMS on its own is not going to sell the pass for most people. A major fan request or a 3rd party character like Crash Bandicoot would do more to sell it. I'm glad ARMS is getting a rep, but unfortunately it won't be enough


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2018
Yo'ster Island
Switch FC
Oh hey, happy birthday Enigma735 Enigma735 ! Best wishes man, hope you have a great one.

Hey, maybe we'll get some Geno related Smash info soon as a belated birthday gift for you from Sakurai himself ;)

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
If it means getting Louie as a shill pick, I'm not gonna complain xD
(Also, speaking of which, I find it odd that The President doesn't have a spirit when all of the other captains do.)
I agree that the lack of the President is... Strange. He's a key character in Pikmin 2 story , and end up being playable. He also have an official render like Olimar and Louie , and it's easy to make a spirit battle for him.
But overall , I truly get the feeling that Pikmin 2 got shafted when it come to Smash content , the best it got is spirits. We don't even have Bulblax's Kingdom or Wistful Wild as rips for the music selection.
For real tho , Louie as a bonus echo for the FP2 isn't unrealistic if Pikmin 3 Deluxe become a thing , he would be well recieved. Even if he has enough material for a unique moveset.


Just to throw my 2 cents on this whole lack of news :

Nintendo is weird , but I'm 100% sure that while things did slow down , they're still making games in the end. I'm confident that they have good stuff in store for us , especially if they can shadow drop a new Paper Mario like that. However , i'm more confident in them releasing/revealing stuff in July and August instead of June , since E3 isn't a thing anymore.


Let’s just move on from this topic, yeah? Let the tension settle for a while. Talk about something else. Real quick.

Example: Geno comes with some Mii costumes. Who do we think they are?
Well , to start with the obvious :

-Mallow hat or full Mallow costume swordman , with a froggie stick.
-Smithy. He could either be a swordman with his hammer , or maybe even gunner with his tank form. It's hard to give an archetype to Smithy since he's a forgeron , he build a lot of advanced weaponery , but his key weapon is still his hammer...
-Axem Ranger suit. Easy swordfighter , the closest we'll get to power rangers.
-Boshi costume as brawler.

If we count other RPGs :

-Dimentio as some kind of gunner , the closest thing to his magic skills.
-Fawful as gunner , he litteraly has a star gun.
-Vivian costume as brawler , or maybe only her hat since her lower body doesn't have legs. I chosed her since she's the most unique/popular partner.
-Starlow hat. People hate Starlow , but she's a iconic Mario and Luigi character.

If we count other Square properties :

-Chocobo hat (duh)
-Kefka , he's a very iconic FF villain , and come from a SNES RPG like SMRPG. If we're lucky , Dancing Mad could come with him
-Blocky FF7 Sephiroth as swordfighter.
-Agnès or Tiz brawler. BD is very close to Nintendo , so I feel like they could get something in Smash.
-Neku Sakuraba. Started as a DS game , got a Switch port , he would fit well.
-Gex. I don't need to explain why.
-Marina Liteyears , because it would make me happy.

I didn't included Lara Croft or Sora because I don't see Nintendo negociate the rights for them , just for a costume.

Of course , not all of them will be in his Fighter Pack , it's just all the possibilities I can think off.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2019
Hope this coming week we see character #76 and #77. Beyond the theories of multiple ARMS reps, if I have to make personal choices, looking for Min Min and then our boy Geno. Also 3D Mario remasters and more news about Metroid and Zelda. Pretty sure it’s Geno time right now. Don’t lose faith and walk tall!



Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2020
For my birthday today, I would really love to get the Ultimate birthday gift by getting some announcement today. Please Sakurai!
Happy Birthday Enigma735 Enigma735 !

Let’s just move on from this topic, yeah? Let the tension settle for a while. Talk about something else. Real quick.

Example: Geno comes with some Mii costumes. Who do we think they are?
Besides Mallow, Smithy and Chocobo I can see a Boshi Mii costume happening like the wool Yoshi one.

Now that I think about it, are characters like Boshi, Gaz or Shysters also owned by Square Enix? I mean, they are based on Mario characters after all.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
They probably will show FP7 off. ARMS on its own is not going to sell the pass for most people. A major fan request or a 3rd party character like Crash Bandicoot would do more to sell it. I'm glad ARMS is getting a rep, but unfortunately it won't be enough
If ARMS character is shown in a Direct I think yeah, definitely FP7 is getting shown but if it’s just like a Terry presentation I think they’ll only focus on the ARMS character. And considering the rumors from a while back I’m not sure we’re getting a direct this month.


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I can see them announcing the ARMS character around the Pokémon DLC I think they can both stand on their own legs without cannibalizing the other.

I’m not very confident in them showing FP7 this soon though especially considering the rumors from back when that said there was no direct coming in June but I guess we’ll see.
I'm in no rush for FP7 or 8 no matter how much things might be lining up for Geno. I'm really at peace with Geno either getting in or not getting in. It will sting to see him miss the cut again, but considering all the wonderful things that I've been able to accomplish with Operation StarFall, just being able to put Geno in an overwhelming good light within the Smash community is all I could ask for. I've been able to speak with players who tell me they tried Mario RPG for the first time and they loved it or they really like how a lot of the original characters look and decide to draw them or become fans of them. I mean heck, we raised $1000 as a community to provide kids going thru chemo gowns or just a chance to escape whatever they are going thru. Even if Sakurai decides to pass us up again, I can at least say we really made an impact where it truly mattered.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2020
On a cloud with some kid to defeat the Red Ribbon
I can see them announcing the ARMS character around the Pokémon DLC I think they can both stand on their own legs without cannibalizing the other.

I’m not very confident in them showing FP7 this soon though especially considering the rumors from back when that said there was no direct coming in June but I guess we’ll see.
Yeah i can definitely see a pokemon news one day the smash on another day on the same week. Also i can sorta see FP7 going both ways of either happening or not. My reason is the huuuuuuge gap kinda like when joker was revealed but instead of joker's announcment to his release (which is a 4-5 month gap and adding two months for hero and banjo) its byleth's release and the ARMS rep info (which is almost at the 5 month gap) so that's why i can definitely see the arms rep and 7 going along with each other. But hey i could be completely wrong and FP7 doesn't happen because nintendo can pull anything or change up on us.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
Happy birthday Enigma! Coincidentally it's also my mother's and her mother's birthday today as well!

I was about to try to catch up to thread but the little bit I did read made it pretty clear I should just not bother lol. Glad to see that at least QQS is as optimistic as ever - I wish I had your enthusiasm buddy. On the bright side, once we get through tomorrow, this month will be half over so we will at worst be halfway to the ARMS announcement this month. I know it's a point of contention for some, but I'm also looking forward to Pokemon dlc even though Crown Tundra is what I'm really looking forward to. It's kinda funny there's so many games on sale for switch right now but I'm not really all that interested in any of them, but maybe I'll give A Hat in Time a chance. At any rate, us Smash fans have a lot to look forward to in just the ARMS presentation alone. Even if I'm holding off on the pass for now, I know that the ARMS character will be really fun and unique and the presentation will surely be a lot of fun to watch even if a part of me will still be biting my nails throughout the entire Mii costume portion.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I think we're just going to see a Sakurai Presents with CP6. CP7 I'm thinking will be announced in July. They're stretching this for over a year, so they don't need to do it all at once. It's possible we could get a Smash direct, but I'm not counting on it.

I can see a max of 2 full characters(ARMS and CP7).

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
Now that I think about it, are characters like Boshi, Gaz or Shysters also owned by Square Enix? I mean, they are based on Mario characters after all.
While they are based on pre-existing species , they are still original characters.
... Yeah , even if Shysters are just Shy Guys on pogo sticks.

So I'm pretty confident that SE still own them.
But then , Yo'ster cookies got referenced in Crafted World , so who know.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
While they are based on pre-existing species , they are still original characters.
... Yeah , even if Shysters are just Shy Guys on pogo sticks.

So I'm pretty confident that SE still own them.
But then , Yo'ster cookies got referenced in Crafted World , so who know.
I thought that was a reference to what the islands were called in Japanese Super Mario World?

They did however reference a specific Piranha Plant that was only from SMRPG in a Palutena Guidance.
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Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I thought that was a reference to what the islands were called in Japanese Super Mario World?

They did however reference a specific Piranha Plant that was only from SMRPG in a Palutena Guidance.
Yo'ster has always been how Japan refers to Yoshi Island since Super Mario World. It isn't exclusive to Super Mario RPG. The tie in with cookies also seems suspicious but it wasn't like Yoshi Cookies was as RPG thing either.

So fat the only reference to SMRPG in the game would be the Megasmilax name drop in the PG


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
If ARMS character is shown in a Direct I think yeah, definitely FP7 is getting shown but if it’s just like a Terry presentation I think they’ll only focus on the ARMS character. And considering the rumors from a while back I’m not sure we’re getting a direct this month.
Most likely, it's a full on direct rather than just an individual character presentation.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
Just like the other Sakurai presents, he will focus on the ARMS rep, Mii costume round 6 and maybe a sneak peak of Challenger 7.

For those predicting the next Indie Mii Costume, I say it will be revealed with Challenger 7.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I think the Geno fanbase as well as some others are all proof that if you poke a bear, it’s going to lash back, and if you keep poking a bear, it’s going to perceive you and anyone who looks similar to you as a threat on sight; so that while some may think the bear is dangerous/toxic, in reality, the bear is tired of what appears to be danger/toxicity being directed towards it after having had to put up with it so much.

I think people should stop trying to police others over simple stuff, though I know some people can be a bit too harsh and passive aggressive to some users who come here from time to time...


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2019
Anyone tired of waiting? it has been way too long for the next fighter to be revealed
Im pretty sure Nintendo and Sakurai will compensate this 6 months wait. With #76 and our big, best and epic fan favorite: Geno. Probably even more. And a Premium Costume Knight. And more games. Just a couple of days more :)


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
This video is made by fans for the Mother series. It is better to have your attention away from Smash instead just thinking about it constantly with the prize SO CLOSE to reveal.

Really, it doesn't matter who gets in. If one does get in regarding of requests and/or popularity, it will be a hot topic for a while. Then it will fuse in that everyone will be ok with.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Let’s just move on from this topic, yeah? Let the tension settle for a while. Talk about something else. Real quick.

Example: Geno comes with some Mii costumes. Who do we think they are?
well, there'd of course be a couple smrpg costumes like mallow and smithy. in terms of others, i don't really think we'd see any major square players taken off the board. that doesn't usually seem to be how they roll when a character gets miis from their company. so no sora or 2B miis. so i think the way to go IF he doesn't just get a grab-bag is either costumes from mario rpgs in general, or costumes from old-school square rpgs like chrono trigger and the mana games. those i just mentioned probably don't have much of a chance so they ain't super big losses like the aforementioned sora and 2b. so smaller franchises, basically
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Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
though i still hate the fact they're using inklings as part of the advertisement
Oh no

I agree that the lack of the President is... Strange. He's a key character in Pikmin 2 story , and end up being playable. He also have an official render like Olimar and Louie , and it's easy to make a spirit battle for him.
But overall , I truly get the feeling that Pikmin 2 got shafted when it come to Smash content , the best it got is spirits. We don't even have Bulblax's Kingdom or Wistful Wild as rips for the music selection.
For real tho , Louie as a bonus echo for the FP2 isn't unrealistic if Pikmin 3 Deluxe become a thing , he would be well recieved. Even if he has enough material for a unique moveset.

Pikmin 2 barely has anything aside from a couple of remixes of its' map theme (though regarding Distant Planet, while it's more than likely intended to represent Forest of Hope, the backdrop is actually from Awakening Wood). Pikmin 2 has more than enough content to make for its own challenger pack for Louie, let alone a bonus echo. Pikmin is extremely underrepresented despite being an ongoing series, and this would definitely be the boost it needs! Especially compared to other niche franchises that people are asking for more content of (I'm sorry, Porky, we need Louie first).

Either way, Louie would be super easy to do as a fighter, and would make Pikmin fans very happy. Here's hoping Miyamoto requests his addition!

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
This post was warned for flaming/harassment.
Mod Edit: Removed the offending message. That was not appropriate and would be considered a form of bypassing the censor.

Anyone tired of waiting? it has been way too long for the next fighter to be revealed
how many days has it been so far? I kinda lost count
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It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
And that's on top of a character from a separate pass ... still waiting for the "current" pass reveal. Long, long time.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2020
I was thinking of something like this for ARMS characters Mii Costumes: (using supposed Mii costume leak list as reference)

Knight (Hollow Knight) or Kris (Deltarune) [with music track]
Arle (Puyo Pop)
Secret one heavily connected to Nintendo
An ARMS mii costume? Like Twintelle or Dr.Coyle

And if they wanted to include one more, I hope they include something from another third company (I want a pyramid head mii hat, I think it would be cool xD)


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
The Gooigi is kind of the more interesting idea of a Mii Costume ... like .... is it just the suit and hat? A "premium" Mii Costume where it looks like the character?

Gooigi would make for a neat echo too though if they ever decide to do echos. That would be an easy one.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
The Gooigi is kind of the more interesting idea of a Mii Costume ... like .... is it just the suit and hat? A "premium" Mii Costume where it looks like the character?
Probably a K.K. Slider styled flesh hat and full-body suit


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
Ah good point, I think if it’s that route I’d take just the hat as opposed to some psudo helmet.

Personally, those kind of costumes seem a little too silly for me.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
Man I’m so bored of waiting for character reveals. I don’t even care who gets in. I just wanna see some sick trailer like hero’s and banjos etc and watch reactions to them. Obviously I do want Geno though.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
The Gooigi is kind of the more interesting idea of a Mii Costume ... like .... is it just the suit and hat? A "premium" Mii Costume where it looks like the character?

Gooigi would make for a neat echo too though if they ever decide to do echos. That would be an easy one.
If gooigi was a premium costume though what music would he come with that would fit in smash. The Luigi mansion series isn’t really known for its music.


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
If gooigi was a premium costume though what music would he come with that would fit in smash. The Luigi mansion series isn’t really known for its music.
Gooigi Disco obviously! Lol. I know nothing of Luigi mansion stuff as you can see.

Sigh, let’s see who the ARMS rep is! Let’s go promotion! Let’s go Geno! Sakurai free Fatmanonice Fatmanonice !
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2019
I think we're getting a Sakurai Presents this week, not only with the ARMS character, but also with #7. Here's my reasoning:
It's certainly possible that a Smash presentation this week would take the spotlight out of Pokemon's DLC, but I feel most of the people who were going to buy the Pokemon DLC already have bought it, not to mention they could have a Smash presentation and just... not release the ARMS character this week. Byleth was released 12 days after their presentation. Why can't it be the same here?
Then there's the whole "All of the Sakurai Presents so far have only mainly focused on one character in all of them" issue. We don't know if characters can or can not be revealed there. After all, we knew Banjo was already coming after Hero when he released, and we even saw a tiny gameplay clip of Terry in Banjo's presentation. Yes, they didn't reveal Byleth in Terry's presentation, or ARMS in Byleth's presentation, but that's because they were most likely waiting for a specific point to reveal them, I.E. Directs. And since most likely all direct plans (besides the March Mini Direct) for this year (or for at least the next 2 and a half months) have practically gone out the window, they'd either need to do a similar thing to Byleth to reveal #7 (which would just be us waiting aimlessly for the next 3 months, and would overall be a bad idea for a pass that has one character revealed so far and one that hasn't had the biggest of fanfares for them at that), or just show #7 in a Sakurai Presents. It was... certainly easier to guess when Byleth would release anyway though, considering the deadline for Fighter's Pass 1 was February, though that's not necessarily my point. There's another thing I wanted to bring up. This might be a tad reaching, but the Smash 4 directs we have had were practically just Sakurai Presents but with more stuff in it. I specifically remember the last Sm4sh direct showing off Corrin's trailer, then showing off Cloud and Corrin's moveset, and then revealing Bayonetta while also showing her moveset and stage. I think the same could be done for the ARMS character. Show their trailer, show their stage and moves and music and Mii Costumes and whatever else and just have a "one more thing" at the end. That's what I think at least, though I don't mind waiting another week or two for the Sakurai Presents anyway.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2018
With the talk about waiting, I just want some explanation of what's coming in the pass Nintendo wants me to pay for. Like I don't even need to get into time but it's like:
"Come buy our DLC fighters for $25"
"Who's the fighter"
"Ohhhhhhhh I dunno"
"You can't even tell me anything?"
"Wellllll we got an ARMS guy"
"Someone. Now give me the money!"
Now I know that's hyperbole but still, why the actual heck should I pay for something I know next to nothing about, and Nintendo and Soccerguy have been seemingly drawing out any and all info on? I'm not even asking to know all six characters, but I think knowing ONE shortly after opening up purchases would be nice.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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