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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Deleted member

*pulls out flash cards written in March*

People in this thread are testy because:

-everything in the world sucks.

-lots of people are either out of work or have had cut hours.

-no real announcement since January.

-ARMS is an underwhelming choice for most of the fanbase and most people want to get past it.

-E3 cancelled so there's no structure or predictor for announcements.

-ARMS is 95% likely to be a promotion of some kind, something that's obviously very relevant to our interests.

-Nintendo news has been super underwhelming this year so far.

-People just want literally good news of any kind because 2020 has been the Circle of ****™ that has ****ed us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, until we find our place, on the path un****ening, it's the Circle... the Circle of ****™.
That's all true, but those aren't conditions exclusive to this thread, this applies to pretty much every other speculation related thread on the forum, yet there's far less begging Nintendo to announce something in those threads. In most threads I've seen, while people do want news, they're not acting like this is some major drought that's the end of the world. As I said the same things listed here apply there, so why should this excuse people in this thread, when other threads are perfectly fine?


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
That's all true, but those aren't conditions exclusive to this thread, this applies to pretty much every other speculation related thread on the forum, yet there's far less begging Nintendo to announce something in those threads. In most threads I've seen, while people do want news, they're not acting like this is some major drought that's the end of the world. As I said the same things listed here apply there, so why should this excuse people in this thread, when other threads are perfectly fine?
Well, I must say, we seem more impatient that others. I don't think we Geno fans should be excused from anything. We really should try to be patient and not get upset over this. I mean, this is not the end of the world here, let alone a big part of our lives, may I say. It will come when it will come, as Professor Pumpkaboo Professor Pumpkaboo said on other things before. We can wait, and act more like the others on other threads. Nintendo may not be the best at delivering news when we want it, but I think it will be worth it in the end, even if Geno happens to not be revealed then.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Speaking of which, the bolded part that is and everything else, I wonder how we will react if Geno is not revealed soon after all this? It's not the end of the world if he doesn't appear, but still, I am curious.
*pulls out additional flash card from March*

"Based on everything up to this point, Geno's chances of appearing in the first half of Season 2 are very strong. Although his chances tank if he doesn't appear by 8 (meaning he's not 7 or 8), we're not in a totally "pack it up boys" situation until Geno is not 9 either. That said, worst case scenario is we don't have a final answer until September but I honestly don't think it'll get to that point."

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
That's all true, but those aren't conditions exclusive to this thread, this applies to pretty much every other speculation related thread on the forum, yet there's far less begging Nintendo to announce something in those threads. In most threads I've seen, while people do want news, they're not acting like this is some major drought that's the end of the world. As I said the same things listed here apply there, so why should this excuse people in this thread, when other threads are perfectly fine?
And? There's no actual problems here either.

They aren't breaking any rules, so there's no need to do anything. Report the posts in the thread when rules are broken.

Sure, the thread had issues in the past. Want to know what happened? The moderation handled it and the thread got its back on track and fixed its core issues. The worst that happens is when a bad post comes in and people way overreact instead of reporting. And that's resolved by reporting the overreacting posts(as some break the rules too). This is a rare thing and happens on a lot of threads. It's not a special thing to this.

So no, I don't really see this special problem at all to worry about.


Moving on, is it Tuesday or Wednesday the Pokemon DLC drops?
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
And? There's no actual problems here either.

They aren't breaking any rules, so there's no need to do anything. Report the posts in the thread when rules are broken.

Sure, the thread had issues in the past. Want to know what happened? The moderation handled it and the thread got its back on track and fixed its core issues. The worst that happens is when a bad post comes in and people way overreact instead of reporting. And that's resolved by reporting the overreacting posts(as some break the rules too). This is a rare thing and happens on a lot of threads. It's not a special thing to this.

So no, I don't really see this special problem at all to worry about.


Moving on, is it Tuesday or Wednesday the Pokemon direct is on?
Breaking rules, not breaking rules; in the end, the way we have been acting, or some of us at least, does make us and this thread look bad in a way, especially compared to other threads as SGoW said. It doesn't help that we are already picked on by other fans for wanting Geno and there are people who already hate us. We may not be breaking any rules, but we can still make ourselves look bad here.

And I am not sure on the Pokemon thread.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
It's the start of a new week, hopefully we get some news this time

I'm excited for more Smash news, especially with Geno having extremely good chances, but I also hope Nintendo starts talking about other stuff they're working on. 2nd half the year is barren to my knowledge aside from Origami King

I hope when the time comes, Nintendo will be a little clear on how they'll be handling news this summer. I'm assuming they'll be shadow dropping trailers, but it's not even 100% certain. Some transparency would be nice


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
User was warned for this post
That's all true, but those aren't conditions exclusive to this thread, this applies to pretty much every other speculation related thread on the forum, yet there's far less begging Nintendo to announce something in those threads. In most threads I've seen, while people do want news, they're not acting like this is some major drought that's the end of the world. As I said the same things listed here apply there, so why should this excuse people in this thread, when other threads are perfectly fine?
I gotta say, this is basically virtue signaling and it honestly begs the question if you really care that much about how people express discontent in this thread and, if so, literally why? Sure, it's kind of uncouth but I don't really understand the regular coughing blood into your hankerchief reactions that people in this thread get when they're impatient or mad or snippy. "Oh, those UNCIVILIZED Geno fans are at it again! Jeeves, prepare the fainting couch and smelling salts; I am overwhelmed to my VERY CORE by these brutish commonfolk! Alas, the world fades from my eyes upon witnessing the SHEER SAVAGERY of these MARIONETTE MISCREANTS! Should they exist upon my reawakening, I hope to be closing my eyes for the last and final time... LE OOF... " Something something moderators something something P & Qs.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I gotta say, this is basically virtue signaling and it honestly begs the question if you really care that much about how people express discontent in this thread and, if so, literally why? Sure, it's kind of uncouth but I don't really understand the regular coughing blood into your hankerchief reactions that people in this thread get when they're impatient or mad or snippy. "Oh, those UNCIVILIZED Geno fans are at it again! Jeeves, prepare the fainting couch and smelling salts; I am overwhelmed to my VERY CORE by these brutish commonfolk! Alas, the world fades from my eyes upon witnessing the SHEER SAVAGERY of these MARIONETTE MISCREANTS! Should they exist upon my reawakening, I hope to be closing my eyes for the last and final time... LE OOF... " Something something moderators something something P & Qs.
Personally, I say we are not uncivilized, and not so bad, but I think we can do better in some areas. Especially if we are acting worse than other threads about Nintendo news. I think the hype for Geno has got us too excited and impatient,


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
I don't think comparing this thread to others is fair. Geno fans have had to endure a decade+ of crap from the rest of the Smash fanbase. I don't think even Ridley, K Rool, and Banjo received the amount of hate that Geno has. And we're finally at a time where Geno has a lot of things going for him, so yeah we're going to be a bit impatient. Me personally, I just want the band aid ripped off if he's not going to be playable rather than having to possibly wait until 2022 to see who the final character is.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
All I can say without being dogpiled on is relax, its ok. yes, there hasnt been news in a while but it will happen. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow but it will happen and the best thing you can do is do something else to ease your mind
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Personally, I say we are not uncivilized, and not so bad, but I think we can do better in some areas. Especially if we are acting worse than other threads about Nintendo news. I think the hype for Geno has got us too excited and impatient,
No, I was using hyperbole but the finger waggling this thread puts up with honestly reeks of the same energy as "why can't you be more like your brother" and this uncomfortable unlying message that all the fanbases need to be the same and strict conformity is the only way the Smash fanbase will ever get along. "Stop being impatient." Okay, Mom... Like, is it really necessary when most of us here are legal adults anyways?
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Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
User was warned for this post
Gotta love people deliberately entering a thread for something they've made it clear they don't give a **** about and then being upset that the users in the thread aren't discussing what they want them to be discussing.

To those who do this, find a more constructive way to spend your time. I really, REALLY will never wrap my head around telling peaceful posters who simply want video game news (on a video game website) that they're out of line or "on edge".

It bothers me that I can't escape certain people even when I have them on "Ignore" because they are so disruptful to a thread that all the actual Geno fans feel like they have to reply and then I get sucked in. And to the mods who say to "ignore" off-topic or troll posts, if I set up shop in your hobby group and sat there and poked you all with a stick all the time, would you ignore me?


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I don't think comparing this thread to others is fair. Geno fans have had to endure a decade+ of crap from the rest of the Smash fanbase. I don't think even Ridley, K Rool, and Banjo received the amount of hate that Geno has. And we're finally at a time where Geno has a lot of things going for him, so yeah we're going to be a bit impatient. Me personally, I just want the band aid ripped off if he's not going to be playable rather than having to possibly wait until 2022 to see who the final character is.
I hate to say this, but having to endure a decade of bad stuff is hardly an excuse, especially since we can make ourselves look bad without the haters. The Sonic fanbase, which I am a part of, is bad, and it gets hate, but we do stuff that makes ourselves look worse in many ways. Now I don't think this fanbase is Sonic-fanbase bad, nor do I think it will be. But still, I am just worried about how bad we may make ourselves look if other threads don't complain as much as we do.

No, I was using hyperbole but the finger waggling this thread puts up with honestly reeks of the same energy as "why can't you be more like your brother" and this uncomfortable unlying message that all the fanbases need to be the same and strict conformity is the only way the Smash fanbase will ever get along. "Stop being impatient." Okay, Mom... Like, is it really necessary when most of us here are legal adults anyways?
Well, the middle finger thing you said is hardly an excuse to try and get out of this. Like I said, if we are making a big thing about this compared to other threads, I see that as a bad thing. As for the being adults thing, we should probably act more like it then, and the fact that some people complain here, not to generalize, makes it seem like we are impatient and too excited for a Geno reveal. Even a few bad apples will affect others' view on us, no matter what is actually true about us.

Look, I am just concerned and worried about how we are making ourselves look. That is all. I mean, I agree SGoW could have worded it better or not say anything, but other than that, if what he says about other threads compared to this is true, that has me worried.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2018
Yo'ster Island
Switch FC
I think it's understandable as to why so many people are frustrated with Nintendo's approach to delivering news. This is something that goes beyond the Geno thread (I'm not too sure why people think this is something the members here exclusively do, but whatever), as I've seen plenty of people on other platforms like YouTube and Twitter express their grievances with Nintendo's lack of transparency and information. And most of these people feel relatively indifferent towards Geno, so again, this in't just something Geno fans do.

But I don't want to veer too off topic here. Nintendo being silent while their competitors and fellow game studios releasing new games is a talking point, and it really makes me wonder what they have up their sleeves. We've been speculating about Nintendo dropping their metaphorical game announcement bomb for weeks, and yet all we have on the docket is Paper Mario, Pokemon DLC, and Smash DLC.

Considering Paper Mario releases in July, and Pokemon is handled separately from Nintendo, it stands to reason we could see Smash news this week, but I'm... A tad worried they'd hold it back once more as to not interfere with Pokemon DLC. At the end of the day though, we at least know we'll see something before June ends which is a relief, but I can't help but feel a tad pessimistic.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
...To be fair, the Ridley, King K. Rool, and Banjo fanbases got pretty bad while being **** on too.

Let's be real, they were in a pretty similar position.

Only key difference is they have a character now. That's... it?

That doesn't mean it was a good thing on any of those threads. I've seen a Ridley supporter be permabanned for flaming too. Every single fanbase has good and bad people. Regardless, let's... not worry about it and move on.

It does suck Nintendo has little to show. The way things are talked about, there's a possibility some production has slowed down due to the pandemic. We at least know it can happen thanks to Sakurai speaking very clearly on it. Nintendo has not actually said this outright, but that may be why. I do hope we get more information soon.

That said? I don't think it's really a big deal people are impatient here. As long as they don't snap at others, it doesn't really matter.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I think it's understandable as to why so many people are frustrated with Nintendo's approach to delivering news. This is something that goes beyond the Geno thread (I'm not too sure why people think this is something the members here exclusively do, but whatever), as I've seen plenty of people on other platforms like YouTube and Twitter express their grievances with Nintendo's lack of transparency and information. And most of these people feel relatively indifferent towards Geno, so again, this in't just something Geno fans do.

But I don't want to veer too off topic here. Nintendo being silent while their competitors and fellow game studios releasing new games is a talking point, and it really makes me wonder what they have up their sleeves. We've been speculating about Nintendo dropping their metaphorical game announcement bomb for weeks, and yet all we have on the docket is Paper Mario, Pokemon DLC, and Smash DLC.

Considering Paper Mario releases in July, and Pokemon is handled separately from Nintendo, it stands to reason we could see Smash news this week,, but I'm... A tad worried they'd hold it back once more as to not interfere with Pokemon DLC. At the end of the day though, we at least know we'll see something before June ends which is a relief, but I can't help but feel a tad pessimistic.
Maybe people think it is exclusive here because they want to pick on this thread that way? I mean, that is actually one possibility out of many, so it may not even be true, but yeah, it is not exclusive here.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
Considering Paper Mario releases in July, and Pokemon is handled separately from Nintendo, it stands to reason we could see Smash news this week, but I'm... A tad worried they'd hold it back once more as to not interfere with Pokemon DLC. At the end of the day though, we at least know we'll see something before June ends which is a relief, but I can't help but feel a tad pessimistic.
I'm convinced it will be the week after purely to not interfere with Pokemon

As Fatman said, Smash is a big deal. It's the kind of game that grabs headlines and attention and holds it for a good week or two. Pokemon is already in rough shape as it is, and they'll want to clear the runway for Pokemon to have at least a bit of spotlight time before dropping Smash on us.

Remember, we had to wait until the absolute ass-end of July to get our hands on Hero because they didn't want to overshadow Three Houses, why should Pokemon be any different?


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
...To be fair, the Ridley, King K. Rool, and Banjo fanbases got pretty bad while being **** on too.

Let's be real, they were in a pretty similar position.

Only key difference is they have a character now. That's... it?

That doesn't mean it was a good thing on any of those threads. I've seen a Ridley supporter be permabanned for flaming too. Every single fanbase has good and bad people. Regardless, let's... not worry about it and move on.

It does suck Nintendo has little to show. The way things are talked about, there's a possibility some production has slowed down due to the pandemic. We at least know it can happen thanks to Sakurai speaking very clearly on it. Nintendo has not actually said this outright, but that may be why. I do hope we get more information soon.

That said? I don't think it's really a big deal people are impatient here. As long as they don't snap at others, it doesn't really matter.
I don't remember the K. Rool and Banjo fanbases being that bad, at least here where I am talking about anyways, but it is possible to make ourselves, and any fanbase in general make themselves look bad without the help of the detractors. No snapping needed. And was talking about the no information scenario we are talking about too. That said, I am still worried about how our potential behavior could change how others view us.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
CannonStreak CannonStreak We did a fundraiser for a children's charity for Mario Day and ended up raising a thousand dollars. People accused us of being manipulative and tried to spin it as some nefarious plot. People have justified all kinds of degrees of harassment against me and this fanbase. On that note, I don't think it's us that needs to "get a grip." Being in this fanbase for so long, we could revert to self flogging after every misspelling and it still wouldn't be good enough for some people. Chastising the Geno fanbase for not being perfect is counterproductive, especially when the complaints are mosquito bites and grass stains in the grand scheme of things. For obvious reasons, I'm pretty burned out on it.
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Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
Honestly i can only be so bothered by the situation, Once ultimate is over I'll be free to never care about their idiotic marketing strategies ever again. Hell if it wasn't for geno I doubt if I'd even have gotten attached to it now, since smash 4 didn't have any effect on me besides their choices and from what I hear they stiffed people pretty bad after e3.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
CannonStreak CannonStreak We did a fundraiser for a children's charity fort Mario Day and ended up raising a thousand dollars. People accused us of being manipulative and tried to spin it as some nefarious plot. People have justified all kinds of degrees of harassment against me and this fanbase. On that note, I don't think it's us that needs to "get a grip." Being in this fanbase for so long, we could revert to self flogging after every misspelling and it still wouldn't be good enough for some people. Chastising the Geno fanbase for not being perfect is counterproductive, especially when the complaints are mosquito bites and grass stains in the grand scheme of things. For obvious reasons, I'm pretty burned out on it.
Fatmanonice, I am not saying the detractors are right or better. I did say it was impossible to make ourselves look bad without the detractors, even. That said, I have seen far few other examples of this happening aside from now, but I am just worried. I might have said it better if the detractors are not being any better, but I do believe we are taking things too seriously. We should be cool if we are going to overcome the haters. We must really act like adults here. We don't have to complain about the lack of news more than what others do, nor do we have to be sensitive overly about what they may say to us like what I believe happened with SGoW. We have done that a lot in the past, and we can be better than that. That said, I think you are talking this too personally a little, no offense.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
I'm convinced it will be the week after purely to not interfere with Pokemon

As Fatman said, Smash is a big deal. It's the kind of game that grabs headlines and attention and holds it for a good week or two. Pokemon is already in rough shape as it is, and they'll want to clear the runway for Pokemon to have at least a bit of spotlight time before dropping Smash on us.

Remember, we had to wait until the absolute ass-end of July to get our hands on Hero because they didn't want to overshadow Three Houses, why should Pokemon be any different?
Tbh it's probably gonna be Pokemon that will annihilate Smash considering how large it is but it's the same basic premise


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2018
I dont think pointing at this thread and saying how its a lot more tense is fair considering that at least from what ive noticed, the geno thread is way more active then other threads, except for the general thread


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
And? There's no actual problems here either.

They aren't breaking any rules, so there's no need to do anything. Report the posts in the thread when rules are broken.

Sure, the thread had issues in the past. Want to know what happened? The moderation handled it and the thread got its back on track and fixed its core issues. The worst that happens is when a bad post comes in and people way overreact instead of reporting. And that's resolved by reporting the overreacting posts(as some break the rules too). This is a rare thing and happens on a lot of threads. It's not a special thing to this.

So no, I don't really see this special problem at all to worry about.


Moving on, is it Tuesday or Wednesday the Pokemon DLC drops?
It's on the 17th to answer your question


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2015
Switch FC
Since Nintendo is doing both regional finals today on there online tournament that means they only have one region left (They're leaving that for next weekend) I have a feeling that this week we're FINALLY gonna get some news....though i still hate the fact they're using inklings as part of the advertisement


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I dont think pointing at this thread and saying how its a lot more tense is fair considering that at least from what ive noticed, the geno thread is way more active then other threads, except for the general thread
I would not personally count this as an excuse by any means, considering how we have been reacting to others who don't like Geno and dislike us, how we are reacting to SWoG and...me. Sometimes, we are so sensitive, we don't act sensibly, even if it isn't the haters against us. Maybe it is because of what Nintendo does or does not do at times, but my point is, we could at more mature, despite the trouble we have had from others, whether they do something or not.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
User was warned for this post
Fatmanonice, I am not saying the detractors are right or better. I did say it was impossible to make ourselves look bad without the detractors, even. That said, I have seen far few other examples of this happening aside from now, but I am just worried. I might have said it better if the detractors are not being any better, but I do believe we are taking things too seriously. We should be cool if we are going to overcome the haters. We must really act like adults here. We don't have to complain about the lack of news more than what others do, nor do we have to be sensitive overly about what they may say to us like what I believe happened with SGoW. We have done that a lot in the past, and we can be better than that. That said, I think you are talking this too personally a little, no offense.
People have literally threatened my life and tried to doxx me over this **** so, yes, I do take it personally. I've seen a number of people who shall not be named go to multiple websites to bad mouth me. I've had my mailboxes filled up with hate mail. I've been tagged in random threads only to find people having round table discussions of how I'm a liar and a con man. I'm quarantined to a single thread on a website that I've been a member of for 14 years and a staff member twice of. This said, it doesn't take much to set me off anymore because the harassment has been so extreme and over-the-top that it's gotten deeply personal and every time someone waddles in to concern troll or sealion, I don't want to put up with more bad faith and chastising of this fanbase over the pettiest of bull****.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Let’s just move on from this topic, yeah? Let the tension settle for a while. Talk about something else. Real quick.

Example: Geno comes with some Mii costumes. Who do we think they are?


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
People have literally threatened my life and tried to doxx me over this **** so, yes, I do take it personally. I've seen a number of people who shall not be named go to multiple websites to bad mouth me. I've had my mailboxes filled up with hate mail. I've been tagged in random threads only to find people having round table discussions of how I'm a liar and a con man. I'm quarantined to a single thread on a website that I've been a member of for 14 years and a staff member twice of. This said, it doesn't take much to set me off anymore because the harassment has been so extreme and over-the-top that it's gotten deeply personal and every time someone waddles in to concern troll or sealion, I don't want to put up with more bad faith and chastising of this fanbase over the pettiest of bull****.
This isn't just you, but still, you seem to be taking this too personally. This is about all, or some Geno fans as well. No need to play the victim here. I was talking about others more than you, anyway. That said...

Let’s just move on from this topic, yeah? Let the tension settle for a while. Talk about something else. Real quick.

Example: Geno comes with some Mii costumes. Who do we think they are?
I will take this guys word, though given he says something about the tension here, which may show how tense we are unnecessarily being. Anyway...

One of them is Mallow, I would guess.
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Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I think it's valid for Geno fans to be excited/on edge for the reveal of the ARMS character. We have a lot to learn about from it's inclusion.

-If Spirits Deconfirm
-If Fatman's info is legit or fake
-If part of the Cacomallow leak could make an appearance

I don't think anyone should be jumping in here and trying to put anyone down for being annoyed with Nintendo's lack of information. Clearly it isn't the Geno supporters asking Nintendo on their BLM posts for a new direct.

Just don't take the bait and move on. We know what's at stake.

I think it's possible to get an announcement/direct this week but regarding Pokemon DLC coming out, I think the earliest the ARMS character will be playable will be next week and not during the week Sw/Sh DLC releases.

Let’s just move on from this topic, yeah? Let the tension settle for a while. Talk about something else. Real quick.

Example: Geno comes with some Mii costumes. Who do we think they are?
Mallow for certain. We may even get the Geno costume returning. I'd still like to see whichever Mii Swordfighter costume gets in uses Exor as the sword. That seems like such a unique way of including him in. Especially if you have a Smithy costume using him.
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Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
Let’s just move on from this topic, yeah? Let the tension settle for a while. Talk about something else. Real quick.

Example: Geno comes with some Mii costumes. Who do we think they are?
Most likely it will only be SE costumes, so I would guess Chocobo hat, Mallow, Smithy, Sephiroth, and Crono maybe.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Mii costumes? Mallow Hat, for sure.

I can't see all the Axem Rangers(they'd be a great AT though), but a Boshi Hat as well sounds more plausible. I'd say Axem Red if only one was possible.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Let’s just move on from this topic, yeah? Let the tension settle for a while. Talk about something else. Real quick.

Example: Geno comes with some Mii costumes. Who do we think they are?
Geno's Mii Costumes would likely be characters Square also owns that aren't FF or DQ related. Characters like Crono, Mana characters, even Lara Croft if they wanted to.
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It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
The chocobo hat for sure and if the Mii Costume guy is right, then we have Mallow and Smithy.

A PS1 style Sephiroth would be kinda cool if it looks just like the model in the original game.

Also, how do you double like some of these posts like Fatmanonice Fatmanonice and @ KCCHIEFS27 KCCHIEFS27 ....


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I can see them announcing the ARMS character around the Pokémon DLC I think they can both stand on their own legs without cannibalizing the other.

I’m not very confident in them showing FP7 this soon though especially considering the rumors from back when that said there was no direct coming in June but I guess we’ll see.
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