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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I don't think anyone was implying they lied for malicious reasons, but rather, it could have been to conceal that they were working on a new Smash game (which we now know is true with Ultimate) and the ballot was instead for Sm4sh DLC.
They never literally said the ballot was only for Smash 4 either. What they said was "we'll consider using the character for Smash 4 DLC" but also noted future games. Problem is, the future game bit was only in the JP presentation/site. If they had been more clear about future games in the US and EU, this wouldn't be an issue. Technically, that's the only actual lie they did, by omitting key information to two regions. But they were at least clear on the consideration part, so there was no rule that the ballot was for Smash 4 itself. That's actually implying future games would be applicable, since how else would you use it, so it's most likely they thought it was enough information to get the point across, and didn't actually translate. They lied but technically didn't lie either. It's wierd.

People would've understood it better. But even then, they did not promise ballot = Smash 4 DLC, they just worded Bayonetta's stuff weirdly.

They didn't really conceal they were working on a new game either. As I noted above, they actually did say "future games", so they outright made it clear it was applicable beyond Smash 4. Which is where the confusion went in.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
Honestly... The Pokemon 7/11 ad is just par the course for this year. I keep telling people that Nintendo is going above and beyond to keep the contents of this year's E3 secret, especially with the sheer amount of Nintendo stuff that leaked in general last year. I think people often forget that ALL the big E3 Smash announcements since 2013 have leaked (except Everyone is Here but Snake and the Ice Climbers still leaked so...) and Nintendo's probably pretty fed up at this point. There's arguably been dog whistles but it's significantly less than last year with only a fraction of the people taking notice of them. This is also why I'm like:

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when people suggest we're only getting one or even two reveals because Nintendo's never worked this hard to keep Smash at E3 a secret. Think about how much effort Nintendo put into keeping Byleth and Season 2 being 6 packs a secret and realize they're applying that much effort to what's historically their biggest presentation of the year and why I keep telling people "guys... It's okay to be kind of hype this year."
Nintendo hasn't been giving me any reason to be excited this year

Even before the virus ruined everything, all they had to show for themselves was Xenoblade and Animal Crossing, and now they're so starved for literally anything to show off they're shilling a filler game like Clubhouse Games. We only just found out about Paper Mario now too, and when it came to ARMS they gave us half a reveal and called it done.

Nintendo just doesn't seem to have literally anything this year, so I'm not expecting anything then the bare minimum from them.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2018
The only mii costumes I can see being added from ARMS are a Biff costume, Hedlok headwear and maybe a Helix costume.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
Nintendo hasn't been giving me any reason to be excited this year

Even before the virus ruined everything, all they had to show for themselves was Xenoblade and Animal Crossing, and now they're so starved for literally anything to show off they're shilling a filler game like Clubhouse Games. We only just found out about Paper Mario now too, and when it came to ARMS they gave us half a reveal and called it done.

Nintendo just doesn't seem to have literally anything this year, so I'm not expecting anything then the bare minimum from them.
But a full year has basically gone by without anything, which is why I'm still hopeful, personally. Maybe this week? Hopefully not next. I just wanna be off this god dang train.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
Think we will get an announcement for a video today after the tournament? We got one after EVO before which was also on a Sunday.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
Nintendo hasn't been giving me any reason to be excited this year

Even before the virus ruined everything, all they had to show for themselves was Xenoblade and Animal Crossing, and now they're so starved for literally anything to show off they're shilling a filler game like Clubhouse Games. We only just found out about Paper Mario now too, and when it came to ARMS they gave us half a reveal and called it done.

Nintendo just doesn't seem to have literally anything this year, so I'm not expecting anything then the bare minimum from them.
I'm wondering if this is their new standard: minimal insight and information until a showcase literally 20 minutes before the game comes out. Remember how that was one (of many) issue people had with the pre-release of Sword/Shield? The game was coming out very soon and they didn't even reveal the starters until a month before? Perhaps Nintendo is trying this for some dumb reason.

Funny how Ultimate did the exact opposite and was praised every step of the way.

Nintendo may be riding high now, but this little information mindset will backfire greatly later on, especially when Sony and Microsoft ramp up. People will go to them because, hey, at least their TELLING people what they have.

So, again, Nintendo, if you have this vast ocean of content ready to announce, just. Do. IT. ALREADY!


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
So I was watching some old PapaGenos videos and I was reminded of something small that I think may have been mentioned before, but still might be worth ponting out regardless. Back in late August of 2018 is when Vergeben began hearing about a SquareEnix character was coming to Smash, about 10 months or so before Hero's reveal that following June. I can't help but find this very similar to how long we've known about SMRPG content coming to Smash. As we all know, the Mii Costume List was first posted back in mid July, and there's a good chance that the next fighter will be revealed soon alongside the ARMS Fighter.


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
I like surprises and not knowing everything before something is released. But I would like to know there is SOMETHING coming at least.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
Watch Nintendo reveal a new F-Zero and Golden Sun durring summer , while the internet explode.

For real , I agree with you , they must have something big to show. Paper Mario is a decently big deal , but it's also in a weird state where it was shadow dropped.
Then again , it's Nintendo , they could hype up Pikmin 3 Deluxe as the big game of the summer.
If it means getting Louie as a shill pick, I'm not gonna complain xD
(Also, speaking of which, I find it odd that The President doesn't have a spirit when all of the other captains do.)

Yeah, people expecting Dante are probs gonna be sadpandas I feel. I'm personally thinking:

- 1 Namco (Lloyd/Heihachi, with like a 65:35 in Lloyd's favor)
Prince of All Cosmos, calling it now
You heard it here first, folks


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
It's ironically a quiet weekend despite the possibility of us getting the next character reveals in possibly just a few days


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
It's ironically a quiet weekend despite the possibility of us getting the next character reveals in possibly just a few days
Well we've discussed everything to hell and back, even months ago we discussed everything. Despite June coming and passing half of it already so quickly, this has still felt like the longest last few days just agonizingly waiting for news of anything as every other company and event happens.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
this is the only thread Ive seen that is demanding Nintendo show us something, not asking, demanding
Most of us are just frustrated at the lack of transparency. We at least had Piranha Plant and Joker to keep some fans hyped/happy for a few months during the first wave of DLC. I won't condone threats or anything like that.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
User was warned for this post
this is the only thread Ive seen that is demanding Nintendo show us something, not asking, demanding
Get over it? Oh no, people are asking Nintendo for information, the HORROR! Do you think we are going to raid Nintendo HQ or something? I think it's relatively reasonable at this point to be annoyed when information on anything worthwhile has been a barren wasteland for 9 months. Seriously, look at how many companies are either holding or being part of events this month, pretty much everyone but Nintendo. And don't pull the "well they haven't adapted to Covid well because Japan's work culture is different!" when pretty much every major Japanese developer is either taking part in the New Game Expo

or has revealed stuff in other presentations like Square and Capcom. Nintendo doesn't have a single game announced past July. It doesn't help that rather than ripping the band-aid off right away they just decided to string us along with the ARMS rep for 3 months.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
User was warned for this post
this is the only thread Ive seen that is demanding Nintendo show us something, not asking, demanding
Again, why are you here? You sit there and say in the newcomer thread that even if Springman gets added, that it doesn’t mean anything for Geno. You said before you’re here to “support” us, but we don’t need your kind of “support”.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
while i can believe that nintendo's got some **** planned, i feel like i need to raise the question: just when exactly would these announcements come then? they seem to have ditched directs for the time being, so when would they do it? would they pull a paper mario with their non-smash stuff? would they reveal the next fighters in the arms presentation?

i'm not even trying to disprove fatman's claims, i am genuinely curious about this
That's kind of the big problem... We don't know... E3 has been a summer staple for Nintendo since 1996 and, of course, this was back when gaming magazines were the main deliverers of news. 24 years later, obviously things are a lot different so it's not like Nintendo can do the equivalent of hooking up the ol' VCR to watch the Nightmare Before Christmas on VHS. My thoughts on what they're going to do:

-random shadowdrops for what they were going to announce at E3.

-Smash will probably either a full blown Smash Direct or two presentations: one that's just announcements and one that focuses on Pack 6.

Smash is too big of a deal to just shadowdrop. Too many people are involved and it's basically turned into the video game hall of fame. People may not realize it but just being involved in Smash has become prestigious as ****, nevermind the small miracle of a character being deemed "worthy" to be playable. For companies and even individuals, it's like receiving a ****in' Oscar and nobody debates that's a lifetime achievement all on its own. That said, that's why every single new character since 2013 has had their own trailer and is part of a presentation of some kind; because it's a big deal.

Deleted member

Again, why are you here? You sit there and say in the newcomer thread that even if Springman gets added, that it doesn’t mean anything for Geno. You said before you’re here to “support” us, but we don’t need your kind of “support”.
Yeah... the posts made by this user are always off-topic. I mean she barely mention the name Geno in the thread. I really don’t see how this is support.


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
Preach Pin.

What’s wrong with being annoyed with lack of information for 9 months? People can’t be annoyed with that? How does then translate to an entire thread being demanding?

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Get over it? Oh no, people are asking Nintendo for information, the HORROR! Do you think we are going to raid Nintendo HQ or something? I think it's relatively reasonable at this point to be annoyed when information on anything worthwhile has been a barren wasteland for 9 months. Seriously, look at how many companies are either holding or being part of events this month, pretty much everyone but Nintendo. And don't pull the "well they haven't adapted to Covid well because Japan's work culture is different!" when pretty much every major Japanese developer is either taking part in the New Game Expo
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or has revealed stuff in other presentations like Square and Capcom. Nintendo doesn't have a single game announced past July. It doesn't help that rather than ripping the band-aid off right away they just decided to string us along with the ARMS rep for 3 months.
I mean, I didnt say Get over it pf I was acknowledging what Ive been seeing. I think this is the first time Ive ever seen the smash fandom so on edge
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
I think a Capcom rep is likely not happening, and I think the costumes will come back with the ARMS rep or Rex if he gets in.

But if there is a Capcom rep, people are SERIOUSLY sleeping on Monster Hunter. I would argue it's Capcom's biggest series. I mean first of all just the sheer number of games it has, but also Monster Hunter World is the best selling game in Capcom history. It straight up blows Devil May Cry out of the water on every level, far surpassed MegaMan in sales, and I would argue it's just as big as, if not bigger than street fighter. The fact that Monster Hunter has so many games on Nintendo systems and the fact that there's already quite a bit of monster hunter content in smash and has been since smash 4 are just icing on the cake. Imo, if Capcom is getting another character it's Monster Hunter.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
I mean, I didnt say Get over it pf I was acknowledging what Ive been seeing. I think this is the first time Ive ever seen the smash fandom so on edge
Gee, I wonder why the thread that gains considerably from the possibility of the ARMS rep being an upgrade is a little on edge waiting for the reveal.

Deleted member

I can understand a lot of us being on edge about the Arms rep because It being an already existing Spirit or assist trophy could help Geno a lot. And I admit I am kinda interested about that too.

That said, we need to relax.

There are still a lot of days of June left, we should start worrying when June passes and we haven't heard anything yet.

But in the meantime, we should relax because we were told news will happen this month.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I can understand a lot of us being on edge about the Arms rep because It being an already existing Spirit or assist trophy could help Geno a lot. And I admit I am kinda interested about that too.

That said, we need to relax.

There are still a lot of days of June left, we should start worrying when June passes and we haven't heard anything yet.

But in the meantime, we should relax because we were told news will happen this month.
I might just sound like I am just being paranoid, but what if they changed the reveal date, and they did not tell us, at least yet? With COVID-19, anything is possible..

Deleted member

I might just sound like I am just being paranoid, but what if they changed the reveal date, and they did not tell us, at least yet? With COVID-19, anything is possible..
I'd say to still keep positivity Up.

Worry about that when the month passes without news, not right now.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2018
I think a Capcom rep is likely not happening, and I think the costumes will come back with the ARMS rep or Rex if he gets in.

But if there is a Capcom rep, people are SERIOUSLY sleeping on Monster Hunter. I would argue it's Capcom's biggest series. I mean first of all just the sheer number of games it has, but also Monster Hunter World is the best selling game in Capcom history. It straight up blows Devil May Cry out of the water on every level, far surpassed MegaMan in sales, and I would argue it's just as big as, if not bigger than street fighter. The fact that Monster Hunter has so many games on Nintendo systems and the fact that there's already quite a bit of monster hunter content in smash and has been since smash 4 are just icing on the cake. Imo, if Capcom is getting another character it's Monster Hunter.
Big agree right here! From January to March this year I kinda switched my potential Capcom front runner to Dante, but I’ve since gone back to Monster Hunter. I really think they got a strong shot to get in, even if I’m not predicting a Capcom rep at the moment.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Looking from an outsider perspective, the thread does look on edge, that's true(but to be fair, that's once in a while and it moves on fast anyway).

But it's not a problem if nobody is flaming others or going wildly off-topic(PM might seem off-topic a bit, but it's also actually related to the RPG's, so it's a bit more iffy). So it's better to just ignore it.

Rule of thumb is; if there's a problem, report it. Colorful commentary never helps. A more general social thread it might be more appropriate to say something, but it's not really on here. Especially as the reports could resolve it better. If there's a problem with the thread, the moderation can step in and take action, forcing the thread to act more properly. Regular users? They can't do anything, and they become off-topic by bringing it up.

I hope that explains the situation better on both ends.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
*pulls out flash cards written in March*

People in this thread are testy because:

-everything in the world sucks.

-lots of people are either out of work or have had cut hours.

-no real announcement since January.

-ARMS is an underwhelming choice for most of the fanbase and most people want to get past it.

-E3 cancelled so there's no structure or predictor for announcements.

-ARMS is 95% likely to be a promotion of some kind, something that's obviously very relevant to our interests.

-Nintendo news has been super underwhelming this year so far.

-People just want literally good news of any kind because 2020 has been the Circle of ****™ that has ****ed us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, until we find our place, on the path un****ening, it's the Circle... the Circle of ****™.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
*pulls out flash cards written in March*

People in this thread are testy because:

-everything in the world sucks.

-lots of people are either out of work or have had cut hours.

-no real announcement since January.

-ARMS is an underwhelming choice for most of the fanbase and most people want to get past it.

-E3 cancelled so there's no structure or predictor for announcements.

-ARMS is 95% likely to be a promotion of some kind, something that's obviously very relevant to our interests.

-Nintendo news has been super underwhelming this year so far.

-People just want literally good news of any kind because 2020 has been the Circle of ****™ that has ****ed us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, until we find our place, on the path un****ening, it's the Circle... the Circle of ****™.
Speaking of which, the bolded part that is and everything else, I wonder how we will react if Geno is not revealed soon after all this? It's not the end of the world if he doesn't appear, but still, I am curious.
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