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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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I don't think the remaining 4 slots after FP2 will be all filled as I believe that would be pushing the game towards it's limit and very close to the danger zone. I think 2 bonus characters sounds more realistic than 4 because of this.
Considering that every update seems to bring one or two minor glitches with it and the character select screen already struggles under its own weight (and has since launch), I think it's safe to assume they're not going to push the limits of what we know to be possible. I'm not a big believer in this "bonus character" business anyway. Maybe had there not been a whole second season of DLC, sure, we maybe were going to get one or two more that hopefully included Geno. No telling, really.

I think the best case scenario is that Sakurai/Nintendo had planned to put Geno and Lloyd in as bonuses after the pass just to fulfill two Brawl dream picks and call it a day, and then "special requests" started happening and it turned into a whole damn Fighters Pass.

In unrelated news, I've been having a laugh on quickplay playing as a Mii Brawler in Spring Man's outfit and changed my name to "soon™" (if you have encountered me and been flustered with my play, sorry). I thought it would be a funny joke for the folks out there waiting on the reveal like the rest of us, but it's kind of been a slog because Mii Brawler is absolutely horrible and no fun to play. However, while I complain both to myself and to my wife about how imbalanced the character is, I also tend to talk about Mii costumes, and how I feel bad for whatever indie gets stuck with a Brawler outfit. Last night in particular, though, I said something that brought me to an epiphany: "indie characters tend to be swordsmen, anyway."

Now, I tend to say some ridiculous, hyperbolic things, especially when frustrated, but this was one of the rare instances where a tangent of complaint turned into a moment of clarity. The indie game zeitgeist feels like it tends to be influenced by Zelda and Metroid, and as such, a lot of indie favorites are swordsmen or gunners, and it lead me to two predictions on Fatman's mystery Mii extravaganza:

Possibly the "Sony" associated: Drifter (Hyper Light Drifter) [Swordsman]
Possibly the Nintendo associated: Commander Video (Bit Trip) [Brawler]

I don't believe either of these are "potentially salt inducing", but Commander Video feels especially slept on considering that he had a trophy in Smash 4 and didn't make it back in any form. This might not feel like Geno conversation, but really, any costume that isn't Geno is good news for us.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Hey, I think your predictions are pretty cool and actually realizable! I'm sorry people had to jump on you for even barely suggesting a leak's legitimacy, but I hope that doesn't scare you away from visiting the Newcomer Thread. I just saw what happened, and I kinda felt to apologize on their behalf lmao.

Personally, I have no clue if that leak is real or not, but I'm leaning on that it's fake. But this does in no way affect Geno's chances. I've always said that Sakurai might pull of a Banjo a second time and include Geno in the game as well. We'll just see it for ourselves when that happens.

Also, thanks for including Sol on there, he has been one of my most wanted ever since FP1 kicked off. Seeing him in other's predictions gives me a little big of hope that he might indeed come!
Thank you and I will definitely visit the newcomer thread once in a great while, but I'm probably not gonna post my predictions. Literally everyone got mad at me just because of me saying CacoMallow hasn't been deconfirmed yet lol


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
With plenty of people still wanting their favorite Character(s) to join the fight as a fighter status, it is the ongoing thoughts if they should continue the DLC after FP2. Really, we should wait and see if Sakurai wants to do more or not for Smash Ultimate. (keep in mind that we have 80 fighters and it isn't finished yet.)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
So uh, Nintendo waited until Friday for some kind of announcement and it's all just actual details on Paper Mario TOK
This wild experimentation reminds me of what happened to Star Fox and I don't like it. They REALLY feel the need to do all sorts of weird and different things.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2019
Star Road
Switch FC
SW 4165 4708 0120
The playlists with private videos updated, with the Paper Mario trailer being revealed this morning taking up one of the spots. There is still one more.
Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 8.25.47 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 8.26.07 AM.png


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
So uh, Nintendo waited until Friday for some kind of announcement and it's all just actual details on Paper Mario TOK
This wild experimentation reminds me of what happened to Star Fox and I don't like it. They REALLY feel the need to do all sorts of weird and different things.
I'm still not a fan of how everything is made of paper now. That was never the appeal of the original Paper Mario games and it was just a simple aesthetic.

This game does look like a step in the right direction since party members are officially back and the story seems more ambitious then the last two games, but some of my gripes with modern Paper Mario are still present in this new game.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2019
Star Road
Switch FC
SW 4165 4708 0120
Geno swimming could be funny. I kind of hope they do something quirky like he turns into a little boat or his legs spin around like a propeller.
I could totally imagine Geno having a cartoon -esk character vibe to him. That would be amazing.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
I don’t usually believe in 4chan leaks or think anything off them but some geeza put something up before that said “only 4 hours” and a Nintendo sign. Didn’t think much of it until the paper mario trailer dropped. Maybe it’s to do with a smash announcement of some sort. It’s worth keeping an eye out for.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I don’t usually believe in 4chan leaks or think anything off them but some geeza put something up before that said “only 4 hours” and a Nintendo sign. Didn’t think much of it until the paper mario trailer dropped. Maybe it’s to do with a smash announcement of some sort. It’s worth keeping an eye out for.
I'm counting on it to happen next week more than today


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
So does anyone here still believe we are getting Waluigi? I believe he still has a decent chance in getting promoted.
I was actually about to make a post about this. Tiny tinfoil hat time: the Cuphead and Warframe spirits were permanently added to the game on Tuesday. As others have pointed out, LTO spirits have turned permanent when new spirits get added, either through a spirit event or character addition. What could this mean? Well, as we're all painfully aware 6/9/2020 (nice) was supposed to be the date of Nintendo's E3 Direct. Tuesdays are also traditionally the day that events are announced including spirit events. Was a spirit event supposed to happen on Tuesday? Likely no; why?


Notice for 2020 that the gap between spirit events has been very consistently every two weeks. The last spirit event, the N64 one, was last week.

-We have decent evidence that spirit events are planned fairly far in advance. For example, the Trials of Mana spirit event likely had its own set of liscensing hurdles to overcome first to get it approved. They're not something decided overnight and they're likely decided months out.

With these in mind, what does this potentially point to? Surprisingly, this actually makes an argument for a shadow drop. Consider this for example:


These spirits were permanently added to the game shortly after Byleth's release. The last spirit event that had new spirits before then was January 24th and that had the River City Ransom spirits, the week before. From all of this, we have established a precedent, further supported by the fact that new spirits have never been released on the same week as a character release unless they specifically come with a character.

So, in conclusion, based on all of this, Nintendo's E3 presentation was likely meant to have a shadowdrop literally that day or a few days later. To add further intrigue, all of this also heavily suggests that it wasn't 6 because it was meant to be in the E3 presentation, not the ARMS presentation.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
I don't understand the idea that the Cuphead and Warframe spirits were permanently added recently. I've had them pop up randomly like other spirits on the spirit board for months.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I'm still not a fan of how everything is made of paper now. That was never the appeal of the original Paper Mario games and it was just a simple aesthetic.

This game does look like a step in the right direction since party members are officially back and the story seems more ambitious then the last two games, but some of my gripes with modern Paper Mario are still present in this new game.
It wasn't simply an aesthetic. Paper Mario literally floated down like paper. Things being made of paper(or what felt like cardboard) was important to the puzzles. It always was a core part of the series, just not entirely emphasized. They didn't actually change the puzzles that much in the end. You're still dealing with a lot of paper-based ones. You see things literally unfold in the first game alone. Paper is a literal part of the world and its mechanics from the start. TTYD did even more than the first game did. Super Paper Mario surprisingly didn't focus that much on the Paper aspect, but all the other games had a lot of Paper focus. The Paper focus wasn't part of the core story in the first two games, which is the actual difference. But calling it only a "simple aesthetic" is incorrect.

Game looks amazing to me. Though I don't like that there's a time requirement to move the battlefield itself. Keep it how the turn-based gameplay was, which is "no time requirement to do stuff, bar timed hits". It's already enough of an action rpg without throwing arbitrary time limits on mechanics. Those don't make it better.

It also looks like the HP cap is massive, meaning it might be closer to Mario & Luigi/SMRPG stats. Another true appeal of Paper Mario was a low stat thing. The stats felt relevant, not having tons of HP/defense/etc. where you could take 50 damage, and then 39 or something. The difference in damage was only slight, and that was due to you not timing your attacks well enough. The low stats thing should honestly come back. There's too many HP sponges now. That's what the M&L games are for.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
Origami King looks better than Color Splash and Sticker Star having seen more if it. But the battle system still looks disappointing and the characters still look generic. It'll still be good I think, but definitely doesn't seem like what the fanbase wanted

On the bright side, Nintendo is sharing news now. So hopefully that means more future announcements

So does anyone here still believe we are getting Waluigi? I believe he still has a decent chance in getting promoted.
I think we are if Spring Man becomes playable. It would seem weird if Assist Trophies become upgradable, but they didn't upgrade at least one of the popular ones. They only issue, is that Waluigi would have to be a bonus character. Which isn't impossible, but it's still questionable since we don't know what Sakurai is planning


Banned via Warnings
Jun 10, 2020
We're probably getting at least one more "anime swordsman" because it's a sizable category to begin with and a lot of popular characters fall into it anyways. Off the top of my head you have Travis, Isaac, Sora, Rex, 2B, Lloyd, Dante, Ryu, and Sol Badguy that have notable fanbases and I have a hard time seeing Sakurai absolutely swerve all of them, especially since half this list has had standing Smash fanbases since Brawl.
Dood, don’t give me hope plz. Those are two of my MWs right there


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2018
I don't understand the idea that the Cuphead and Warframe spirits were permanently added recently. I've had them pop up randomly like other spirits on the spirit board for months.
That may be because you already got the Spirits beforehand. They’re back now for people who didn’t get them in time.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
With plenty of people still wanting their favorite Character(s) to join the fight as a fighter status, it is the ongoing thoughts if they should continue the DLC after FP2. Really, we should wait and see if Sakurai wants to do more or not for Smash Ultimate. (keep in mind that we have 80 fighters and it isn't finished yet.)
if Im to be honest, If none of my favs get in, Im fine with no more DLC if it means giving Sakurai a break


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
It wasn't simply an aesthetic. Paper Mario literally floated down like paper. Things being made of paper(or what felt like cardboard) was important to the puzzles. It always was a core part of the series, just not entirely emphasized. They didn't actually change the puzzles that much in the end. You're still dealing with a lot of paper-based ones. You see things literally unfold in the first game alone. Paper is a literal part of the world and its mechanics from the start. TTYD did even more than the first game did. Super Paper Mario surprisingly didn't focus that much on the Paper aspect, but all the other games had a lot of Paper focus. The Paper focus wasn't part of the core story in the first two games, which is the actual difference. But calling it only a "simple aesthetic" is incorrect.

Game looks amazing to me. Though I don't like that there's a time requirement to move the battlefield itself. Keep it how the turn-based gameplay was, which is "no time requirement to do stuff, bar timed hits". It's already enough of an action rpg without throwing arbitrary time limits on mechanics. Those don't make it better.

It also looks like the HP cap is massive, meaning it might be closer to Mario & Luigi/SMRPG stats. Another true appeal of Paper Mario was a low stat thing. The stats felt relevant, not having tons of HP/defense/etc. where you could take 50 damage, and then 39 or something. The difference in damage was only slight, and that was due to you not timing your attacks well enough. The low stats thing should honestly come back. There's too many HP sponges now. That's what the M&L games are for.
Fair enough. Like I said, Origami King looks good but I'm just not a fan of the huge emphasis on paper.
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Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
So uh, Nintendo waited until Friday for some kind of announcement and it's all just actual details on Paper Mario TOK
This wild experimentation reminds me of what happened to Star Fox and I don't like it. They REALLY feel the need to do all sorts of weird and different things.
Oh boy... I'm going to be honest about the PM news...
I'm just disapointed in the "Well yeah , I was kind of expecting it to be like that considering what we saw , but still..." kind of way.

I know I'm going to get murdered for my opinions god , I forgot how divisive PM talk was before PM TOK's reveal , but this game feel like Color Splash 2 , but they try to give us a new battle system , while cattering a bit to old school Paper Mario.
Wich make for an... Okay result , I guess ? Color Splash had some strong elements , most notably some unique locals and the humor. However , the structure of the game felt more like "lot of mini funny stories" and less "one huge adventure" , and PM TOK is giving me the former vibe.

This game is clearly going to have memorable parts people are going to love , it's obvious that a lot of efforts went into these locals and scenarios. But... Ultimately...
This isn't Paper Mario at it's strongest. I don't like using "IT'S NOT REAL PAPER MARIO" because I'm going to get the "well there is 2 real paper mario , and 4 fake one then ?" , so I feel like "Paper Mario at it's strongest" is a best way to express it.
64 and TTYD were simply super fun and well made RPGs , despise the issues that plagued them. (Most notably the level design of TTYD) Super Paper Mario was very hit and miss (Super good in certain areas , but missed the point in others) and Sticker Star and Color Splash... Failed as an RPG. Fun exploration , but ultimately a rather boring world , on top of having combat that end up being too easy , frustrating , and a lack of reward.

While Sticker Star and Color Splash had their moments , I feel like the experience as a whole was less enjoyable than 64 and TTYD , and even Super to some degree.
And that's why I'm disapointed with those PM TOK news. It's a fine enough game , but when you look back at what they made before , and see the jump in quality it's... Let's say that I don't want to settle for less when IS proved they were able to make what was the most enjoyable experiences I had in the franchise.

To developp a bit on why I think PM TOK is so much like a Color Splash sequel :

-The world is made of paper. Is it gorgeous ? Absolutely. However , this is the third game in a row to play with the same two gimmicks since Sticker Star. Coloring empty spaces ? Well now , you throw confettis. It's litteraly going to do the same things than in Color Splash , but it just look different. The 1000 fold arms ? You manipulate the world made of paper to build a path to explore with a singular mechanic... Just like Color Splash did when you cutted parts of the world on the gamepad to progress on the background , as an example. Ultimately , these gimmicks accomplish the same exact things , and lack depth. It's not even like SPM when even if you had a limited ammount of characters , each pixel allowed for something unique , giving some variety to the puzzles.

-A new combat system with a Solo Paper Mario , on top of having high numbers , and a lack of FP and BPs , while making Partners trivial. The 64 and TTYD structure was basically "Easy to understand , but has a lot of depth thanks to how much you can customize Paper Mario and friends with badges and level up , as well as partners." and I loved it. On top of that , it also put an emphasis on smaller numbers , to make planning strategies easier , it's way easier to realize how big a buff or debuff is , how high or low an ennemy's HP is , so on and so on.
... This new combat system is nothing like that , and it's not what I'm looking for in a PM game. Could this combat system be fun ? Absolutely. There is a lot of potential with that 3D arena but... ultimately , I wonder... Why ? Why throw away a combat system that worked so much and could be improved further upon , wich is one of the main things that make your franchise remember so fondly , and do something completely new when nobody asked for it ?
Sure , this combat remove stickers and ... Brought back upgraded ennemy cards from Color Splash , but it's simply not what I feel like is Paper Mario at it's strongest. It's something completely different that didn't needed to be there , but was here for the sake of having something new.

Also my stand on partners...
... They seem useless. I'm blunt , but god , they feel horribly useless in that game. The best we saw about them is a rare summon in a fight where the Bob-bomb dude did Bombette's basic charge attack. There isn't a single instance of them helping with puzzle solving on the overworld either. No exploding rocks , no hitting switch at a distance with Kamek's spell , no Bowser Jr. helping you cross gaps...
Just... Why ? Is it really that hard to get ? They help for puzzle solving on the overworld , and are super good at one job in combat , and you need to switch them around depending on the situation. That's what partners did.

It's like if the new Fire Emblem only gave you generic dudes with no dialogues as your roster. Imagine if instead of all the colorful characters we get in FE... We get a basic soldier , a basic myrmidon , a basic pegasus knight , all unamed. On top of that , they would be green units you wouldn't be able to control , have at best a D rank weapon , and you couldn't promote them.
That's how I feel about the partners currently. Sure , they're here , and it's better than nothing... But they barely do anything.

"Oh , but wait for the game to be out !"

... People told me that after the first trailer.
I waited for a second trailer.
I got a 5 minutes and 30 seconds in depth trailer to sell me on the game.
I only judge what I saw. And what I saw with partners is them being temporary party members with limited use in combat , and no puzzle solving purposes on the overworld , on top of having generic and forgettable designs.

So they simply didn't sold me on the game.

I'm sorry if I come as passive aggresive , because I really don't want to give that vibe , I really don't want to be some kind of smug guy who say "You enjoy this game ? Well **** you , here's why it's trash."
But I also want to be completely honest with how I feel about this game.

And honestly , I'm at a point where I'm strongly considering giving up on PM and just go all out with Geno and a SMRPG remake.
Alphadream is bankrupt and we don't know what happened to the staff , and Paper Mario is barely an RPG anymore...

So yeah , Geno , as cliché as it sound , is my last hope for reviving the Mario RPGs. Or at the very least , give them some proper celebration in Smash.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
Dood, don’t give me hope plz. Those are two of my MWs right there
Don't get your hopes up for 2B at all. I really doubt any company that isn't Nintendo (because it's their game) or Namco (because they deserve it for all their hard work being a main company to help with both Ultimate and Sm4sh) is getting to double-dip this FP.

I know I'm going to get murdered for my opinions god , I forgot how divisive PM talk was before PM TOK's reveal , but this game feel like Color Splash 2 , but they try to give us a new battle system , while cattering a bit to old school Paper Mario.
Here I'll be the jerk so they attack me instead of you: It looks like absolute crap. If you're (the general you, not specifically Loliko) buying the game, I legitimately hope you have fun, but I refuse to buy one more thing I know I will hate.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2020
It feels like they are making a hodge podge of every single Paper Mario game into this one (but threw out the stylized species, why would you do that?). Thankfully, this answered some of my worries in regards to partners and locations which look really nice. Motion Controls will probably turn off a lot of people: Every Paper Mario game (no exception) tends to always use some system gimmick, so it doesn't surprise me. The story is probably something that can go either way, but we will only know by playing or checking out a review. Now, the battle system seems to be all right, I just worry about difficulty and this below:

"You thought the Switch generation would be all about tag and switch mechanics? Nah, it's weapon breaking in another game, baby!" EDIT: It seems that the basic attacks are always available (no durability attached). The fact that it's not one-time use is good, but THIS is the thing that will probably upset everyone. At the end of the day, the biggest make-or-break of this game will be the economy: values reach 5 digits, but we don't know nothing about costs of any kind and what is bought vs what is acquired in battle. Most things are all right: exploration is classic PM, ARMS are like always, bosses are original, even though they range from cool to weird.

Another thing to note is that there's still stuff they will keep hidden about this game until launch, because that shot with Luigi makes me think that he could be a surprise party member (Mario and Luigi is alive lol). Also, we finally got a look at the menu and it looks very 64-esque in terms of tabs: Accessories seems to be like Badges without BP, but I'm not too sure yet because it seems simpler than before.

Based on the fact that we got this trailer right now, I think the supposed media event next week teased by Markomaro is happening. Also, there were people that leaked that Nintendo would make an announcement today (they may not even be done yet, but IDK) and the next date seems to be June 19. There's also two dates in July to keep an eye for, but I don't think any of them are related to Smash. Just be careful when looking up the source, because it's not for good boys and girls...
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Fair enough. Like I said, Origami King looks good but I'm just not a fan of the huge emphasis on paper.
I honestly think it's great. It makes feel like its own world instead of just being a quick RPG idea. Paper Mario isn't Mario. They're different people and should stay that way, imo. The story doesn't need to be all paper, but the paper should be an important part too.

Though it looks like there might be no experience system, and that I find ridiculous. The badge system was super broken(especially in TTYD), but they had a good idea with Super Paper Mario's system, balancing it out well. There was never a straight-out attack stat in Paper Mario for you, using equipment/items instead, so it worked fairly well as an idea. Problem is they didn't outright combine the idea and focused a little too much on inventory space(I like a large inventory, but only consumable items is the wrong direction).

They didn't actually make a new balance to replace the borked badge system. All they really need to do is have equipment/items for power-ups. No FP is also getting annoying, since that made the game interesting too. Having FP/Defense/HP is good. You can easily use skills you gain by finding them in the overworld or buying them. Or leveling up and gaining a skill like a classic rpg. I guess the idea of leveling up to gain a new skill was mostly for SMRPG and M&L, so that might be why Paper Mario doesn't do that kind of thing?

(Note looking up at the above images, they did fix the equipment system a bit to be actually interesting, and almost badge-like, but without the broken bits). What still needs to be done, besides actual leveling up(only Sticker Star failed to have an experience system, well, in battle specifically. It does have a form of leveling up, in the same way every Zelda game does. Find major items to increase your options), is have the Partners be interesting again. They seem to have at most dialogue? Which isn't bad, but they should be used for puzzles. Even just being mostly summons in combat isn't that bad, cause that's only 1/3 of what makes them good. Being 2/3 good is still a win in my book. But it looks like only 1/3(the dialogue) is where they shine. Cause the partner system also meant they could be hit.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Dood, don’t give me hope plz. Those are two of my MWs right there
You know my stance on Dante. I don't really like the character and it's the only one of my predictions that I begrudgingly accept but, as far as Capcom reps go, he honestly runs away with it to a ridiculous degree.

-Kamiya does a poll in December 2018 asking which of his characters fans would most like to see in Smash. Dante runs away with the poll.

-Capcom officially comments in February 2019 that if people want Dante in Smash, they have to support DMC ports to Switch.

-Public demand is big enough to not only spur three ports in about 8 months but a special edition on top of all of it.

If I actually cared about Dante, I could easily write a sprawling essay on why I think he's super likely and, along with Lloyd and Sora, the most likely Sakurai would be willing to swerve the "too many anime swordsmen" complaint for.
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Banned via Warnings
Jun 10, 2020
You know my stance on Dante. I don't really like the character and it's the only one of my predictions that I begrudgingly accept but, as far as Capcom reps go, he honestly runs away with it to a ridiculous degree.

-Kamiya does a poll in December 2018 asking which of his characters fans would most like to see in Smash. Dante runs away with the poll.

-Capcom officially comments in February 2019 that if people want Dante in Smash, they have to support DMC ports to Switch.

-Public demand is big enough to not only spur three ports in about 8 months but a special edition on top of all of it.

If I actually cared about Dante, I could easily write a sprawling essay on why I think he's super likely and, along with Lloyd and Sora, the most likely Sakurai would be willing to swerve the "too many anime swordsmen" complaint for.
Oh I know. Thing is though, my expectations have hit rock bottom after the Arms announcement, so I’ve really been trying to hold back any hope for my MWs ever since. (Even if they have blatant evidence in favor for them like Heihachi, Crash, ect)
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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
Welp, E3 week was a bust for Smash reveals, but thanks to the tournament, we have a potential (not guaranteed) chance for possibly before Wednesday or Thursday of next week.
Tbf it's unlikely as unlikely can be that it launches on Wednesday. That's the exact day the Pokemon DLC launches. I guess maybe tuesday. Not because of the anniversary obviously but that's assuming it's next week at all
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Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
Here I'll be the jerk so they attack me instead of you: It looks like absolute crap. If you're (the general you, not specifically Loliko) buying the game, I legitimately hope you have fun, but I refuse to buy one more thing I know I will hate.
Hey , no need to take the blame for me. Even if to be frank , some people can get really nasty when they see criticism toward PM TOK , and I agree with your stance on the game , so I understand where you're coming from.
It's hard to express high disapointment concerning this game , even if you explain why , due to how much of a mess the PM franchise became.

And same ; If the game look interesting and you want to buy it , then just do it. If you had fun with the game , then I say it was worth your money. However , like Polarthief said , I know I'm not going to like that game , so I'm not spending 60 bucks on it.


... You know , the more I think about it , and the more I find the recent console port of Bug Fables comedic. Like , they couldn't pick a better time to do it lol

In general , I find it interesting that indies pretty much improved a lot on the Mario RPGs formula with their own games inspired by it.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Man, this wait feels worse than the first Fighter Pass because we don't even have one fighter revealed, let alone Geno

Springwood Slasher

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2020
Switch FC
5791 9674 3792
I had Paper Mario preordered, but honestly, I think I preordered it more out of desperation and because Nintendo has been having a bit of a game drought this year.

the game doesn’t look bad per day, but I too was looking forward to battles with traditional partners, and this looks like it’s mostly Mario vs. A bunch of enemies. I don’t know...maybe it’s not for me. I’ll wait and see what the first reviews have to say about the game.

Nintendo does have a funny way of convincing me to like something that I would normally not enjoy...they are just THAT DAMN MAGICAL sometimes.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
I'm glad you all liked my "confession & change of heart" essay on Geno. I know it wasn't as much of a bastion of hope as Fatmanonice's huge sprawling Geno epic, but I really do hope my words lifted someone up in this thread (hell, my girl Ovaltine Ovaltine gave it a like so I can only hope it brought her even a sliver of hope or a smile). That goes for anyone in here! Despite me not being a "real fan" yet, thank you for welcoming me in here and enjoying my stupid jokes and opinion pieces whenever I give them! Love you weirdos! As a young zoomer (not the youngest though... friggen ActualGarbage ActualGarbage ) I give you oldies the seal of approval. (P.S. I'm younger than Lord Woomy Lord Woomy though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) As I've said before, I gotta act as my generation's Geno ambassador, yeah? Just you wait Geno lads and lassies, Geno is gonna be takin' over Snapchat, TikTok... and all the other weird stuff my generation likes. Geno is gonna be a star (though I guess he technically already is)!

*Me when I said I used the hate Geno in the literal "Geno thread"

(At least I acted better than some people on GameFaqs and the Newcomer thread and didn't attack people, yeah?)

(Also yes, I promise to play Super Mario RPG on my SNES Classic! But right now Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is on my menu.)
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
  • Weapons with limited durability (this isn't going to be like Fire Emblem man, LOOK at how many Shiny Hammers has in his inventory, they probably degrade really fast)
  • No EXP from battles, only coins
  • Coins are used to extend battles and buy more weapons

Ok maybe that's a bit overreacting, there do seem to be Keychains which seem like a mash-up between badges and equipment, so that's nice? The fact that coins go into quintuple digits is very concerning though. Partners seem pretty limited, like we thought they seem to be tied to certain areas/story segemnts, the battle system seems gimmicky and I'm really not sure how much they could actually do with it to keep it interesting through the whole game, there's some interesting environments that are stuck being populated with generic copy paste designs for no reason, toads being collectibles that actually help you in battle is cool but it's also nothing but TOADS, ENDLESS TOADS, EVEN THE TRAILER MAKES FUN OF IT! And of course, it seems to be entirely focused on the idea that, YEP, the world is PAPER, look at all these WACKY Arts and Crafts bosses, OOOOOOOOOH. It doesn't look bad, but that's really the best I can say about it.

I've said this before, but a lot of it feels like half-baked attempts to try and appease classic fans. We aren't doing stickers and card again, now it's weapons which are exactly the same but now they're multiuse? Partners are back except not really, they're area specific and some don't even attack in battle. Here's a unique villain...who is still tied to the Paper gimmick. Christ, you know how the Bob-omb is now named Bobby in the trailer? HE'S STILL NAMED BOM-OMB IN THE JAPANESE VERSION, it's like Treehouse heard/anticipated the complaints and tried to do patchwork the best they could. My biggest gripe is that the game seems to forget the actual most annoying problem a lot of people have with the new games, they just don't feel like Paper Mario games at all. The writing style is different, the artstyle leans super heavily into the paper aesthetic (even more this game), all the enemies and NPC's feel so generic and sterile. You notice how I haven't mentioned any RPG mechanics yet? That's because Super Paper Mario, despite being nothing like the first two gameplay wise, still feels 100% LIKE A PAPER MARIO GAME. The problem isn't just the lack of a traditional Paper Mario battle system, it's how these games seem to completely disregard everything that came before aside from barebones references once or twice.
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Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2018
Glasgow, Scotland
I'm glad you all liked my "confession & change of heart" essay on Geno. I know it wasn't as much of a bastion of hope as Fatmanonice's huge sprawling Geno epic, but I really do hope my words lifted someone up in this thread (hell, my girl Ovaltine gave it a like so I can only hope it brought her even a sliver of hope or a smile). That goes for anyone in here! Despite me not being a "real fan" yet, thank you for welcoming me in here and enjoying my stupid jokes and opinion pieces whenever I give them! Love you weirdos! As a young zoomer (not the youngest though... friggen ActualGarbage ActualGarbage ) I give you oldies the seal of approval. As I've said before, I gotta act as my generation's Geno ambassador, yeah? Just you wait Geno lads and lassies, Geno is gonna be takin' over Snapchat, TikTok... and all the other weird stuff my generation likes. Geno is gonna be a star (though I guess he technically already is)!

*Me when I said I used the hate Geno in the literal "Geno thread"
View attachment 274574
(At least I acted better than some people on GameFaqs and the Newcomer thread and didn't attack people, yeah?)

(Also yes, I promise to play Super Mario RPG on my SNES Classic! But right now Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is on my menu.)
I think what's important to note is that even though you used to hate Geno (which is fine), you never ever went out of your way to attack Geno fans, and that's great- your current support of him is also really nice. As for age, yeah, I was born in 2004, I'm possibly(?) the youngest in the thread- you, me and all the other zoomers gotta keep our boy going.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
You know , the more I think about it , and the more I find the recent console port of Bug Fables comedic. Like , they couldn't pick a better time to do it lol
This is why pmtok and all these big direction shifts in series I like doesnt bother me too much. I still have all the games i like and were just as capable of continuing them properly so Nintendo can eat as much glue as they want with 0 effect on my life.


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2014
Where I live
I think the reason people are so hostile about the new Paper Mario is just that we get it already. People have been complaining since Super Paper Mario came out and that was in 2007. Obviously the new paper mario still has a ton of fans, they're just not as vocal. And i'm sorry to say, but its painfully obvious the series isn't going back to TTYD. We're just sick of hearing it every time a new paper mario comes out.

Edit: See and the guy above me is saying how the newer games are "eating glue", that's just rude and obnoxious. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad or stupid or anything.
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Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
Man, this wait feels worse than the first Fighter Pass because we don't even have one fighter revealed, let alone Geno
If anything, that is what makes this event that more exciting. There is so much at stake with this ARMS character and I hope we come out of it smelling like roses.

This is the first bit of Smash News I have been this tense about since the one in November. It's a pretty cool feeling but it really does feel like Geno is revisiting another make or break territory. But I refuse to let any overzealous Sora fans put me down like they did last time. I'm determined see that we win in the end.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2018
United Kingdom
I tried to do the same with the Geno thread and the same happened to me cause I didn't think cacomallow was real. People said my reasoning was stupid and I was accused of being a drive by troll. It put me off from posting here for a long time cause I too felt ganged up on.

That said, what happened to you wasn't all that bad. That thread can get much worse.

You should see us talk about politics! :4larry:

No. It happened because there was no poll for Smash 4 when every Smash game prior (aside from the original) had a poll. Smash 4 is the anomaly as there was no poll before it and they simply used Brawl's poll.

Guys c'mon.

This is hypocritical don't ya think?
I'm not suggesting every post or poster on the newcomer thread is toxic, just that there is a lot of toxicity there. I don't see how that makes me hypocritical.
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