Reimu is like Travis, Sora, Steve?, Ryu, etc and it all boils down to opinions and ultimatums. Reimu is pretty clear: are the Tohou leaks real or fake? I think they're fake, some people think they're real. That's basically the divide. ... Fine, **** it... Let me do it for the others for the sake of clarification:
Sora: Disney being a hardass; true or false?
Ryu: real or Byleth bait?
Travis: Is Suda being honest or are they full of japes?
Tracer: real or fake?
Heihachi: Mii costume, playable, or neither?
Lloyd: Mii Costume, playable, or neither?
KOS-MOS: Mii costume, playable, or neither?
Steve?: Eventually coming or leakbait for Banjo/Chief?
Sephiroth: Mii costume, playable, or neither?
Sol Badguy: real or fake Smash news attached to real Guilty Gear news?
Arle: eventually coming or junked by Joker?
I think that's everyone I listed earlier...