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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Lord Woomy

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2019
The Void
I can’t help but find a little concerning that Nintendo wanted to add Sora. Yes, Sora is owned by Disney, but one could argue that he can still count as Square rep because of his association.
Again, we can't be completely sure of the time frame. If everything here is correct, then all we know is Nintendo once asked to use Sora in Smash sometime for Ultimate. It could've been base game, it could've been FP1, or it could've been 2. We don't really know. Not to mention this was still before FP2 was fully agreed upon so this could've just been in the very early stage of "Let's see if this will go anywhere" and it didn't. Heck, Geno may have been decided after this meeting took place.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I'll write this here and now should Fighter #6 be revealed in the Direct that's heavily rumored for next week. If it turns out that Fighter #6 is Crash like quite a few are speculating on right now and not a female fighter like I've been speculating on given the recent Bayonetta glitches and the shared characteristics, I won't be mad about it. That, and I'm fairly confident we'll still get Geno since his Mii Fighter costume didn't return and that Square's Mii Fighter offerings in the first DLC wave was the only one to not have any returning Smash 4 content. I don't believe for a minute that what the source that Papagenos said in his recent video should be considered a morale killer since Sans and Cuphead are indie characters and not like Geno's case at all. I'll keep seeing this through to the end


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Professor Pumpkaboo Professor Pumpkaboo I hear yeah on that. It is a F****** VIDEO GAME Y'ALL!

Be nice and courteous to others. We are sitting pretty right now, but there is nothing to say that it can change at the drop of a hat.

Deleted member

Professor Pumpkaboo Professor Pumpkaboo I hear yeah on that. It is a F****** VIDEO GAME Y'ALL!

Be nice and courteous to others. We are sitting pretty right now, but there is nothing to say that it can change at the drop of a hat.
I agree and I may have gone a bit overboard with the celebration and all, but nothing serious really happened at all. It would have been way much worse that one of us harassed or make fun of Sora fans.
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Lord Woomy

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2019
The Void
I don't believe for a minute that what the source that Papagenos said in his recent video should be considered a morale killer since Sans and Cuphead are indie characters and not like Geno's case at all. I'll keep seeing this through to the end
Not to mention, the source was just speculating there about the reaction to Cuphead, he wasn't leaking anything Geno-specific.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
True, but after Byleth's disastrous reception, I'm not sure they'd feel that way. Even if we got someone like the Ring Fit Adventure protags, it wouldn't exactly be the pick to get people wanting to buy it.
Full disclosure, I have no effing clue who the hell Ring Fit Adventurer is and I will not buy them if they end up in FP2 unless the reveal trailer can change my religion with its awesomeness.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
I can’t help but find a little concerning that Nintendo wanted to add Sora. Yes, Sora is owned by Disney, but one could argue that he can still count as Square rep because of his association.
This is true, though like I said earlier, they could be considering both characters. Sora had little to no evidence besides the (very vocal) fan requests. Geno meanwhile still has his missing costume, Sakurai has talked about him, likes him, and thinks he would be a good fit for Smash.

SMRPG has also been re-released multiple times, and was even included on the SNES Classic. Putting it on NSO would just add to his chances dramatically. Not to mention Geno already has 2 things in Smash history: Sm4sh costume and Ultimate spirits (of both Mallow and himself). Sora hasn't had a single thing in Smash and was never talked about officially (AFAIK).


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
Full disclosure, I have no effing clue who the hell Ring Fit Adventurer is and I will not buy them if they end up in FP2 unless the reveal trailer can change my religion with its awesomeness.
The main character from Ring Fit Adventure, a recent game like Wii Fit.


Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
This is true, though like I said earlier, they could be considering both characters. Sora had little to no evidence besides the (very vocal) fan requests. Geno meanwhile still has his missing costume, Sakurai has talked about him, likes him, and thinks he would be a good fit for Smash.

SMRPG has also been re-released multiple times, and was even included on the SNES Classic. Putting it on NSO would just add to his chances dramatically. Not to mention Geno already has 2 things in Smash history: Sm4sh costume and Ultimate spirits (of both Mallow and himself). Sora hasn't had a single thing in Smash and was never talked about officially (AFAIK).
One of my general predictions for Fighters Pass 2 is that, with there being six characters instead of five, we might see a double-dip for one of the third-party companies involved. In light of the new info that Nintendo apparently tried to get Sora, I wouldn't be surprised if they were planning on having a Square Enix double-dip with Sora and Geno.

Deleted member

My general thoughts on everything we’ve learned.

As far as Sakurai saying yeah there is too many Fire Emblem characters. But Nintendo wanted it so yeah have to put him in. I get that that I was harsh on the entire thing when it happened even calling Sakurai a Fire Emblem loving *****. When it did happen, with some friends. They said nah let him do as he wants. Their right I was in the wrong there, and I apologize for that. I appreciate all you do Sakurai and will always be grateful thank you and again sorry. For stupid stuff I’ve said.

Anyway I can’t say anything bad about it. He’s in he’s a fun character I totally appreciate Nintendo for that, of course they want to promote one of their big IP’s.. I get that.

Sad about the news about Sora and it sucks I am not celebrating what could be him not getting. In just hope there is hope someday.

I am hopeful for Geno’s chances. As ever could he be the character a Sakurai was referring to he wanted to implement? Well whoever it is hope they are in fighter pass volume 2. Geno being in as well.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
One of my general predictions for Fighters Pass 2 is that, with there being six characters instead of five, we might see a double-dip for one of the third-party companies involved. In light of the new info that Nintendo apparently tried to get Sora, I wouldn't be surprised if they were planning on having a Square Enix double-dip with Sora and Geno.
Honestly, this is probably the case. I know part of my own speculation was Master Chief but now to have someone like Imran Khan entertain the idea, I feel my theory about Season 2 being super heavy handed with big fan picks is getting closer and closer to being a reality.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
One of my general predictions for Fighters Pass 2 is that, with there being six characters instead of five, we might see a double-dip for one of the third-party companies involved. In light of the new info that Nintendo apparently tried to get Sora, I wouldn't be surprised if they were planning on having a Square Enix double-dip with Sora and Geno.
Totally possible, though now I'm curious who the hell will be replacing Sora... I could totally see a popular AT being promoted as a result since it'd probably be easier than making a character from complete scratch if they don't have a clue.

Edit: Honestly, if they were already considering Waluigi, Isaac and SK are potentially on the table too now... wasn't there also a new Golden Sun game rumored or am I misremembering the rumors? That would potentially make him a shill/advertising pick, no?
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Deleted member

I’m glad they tried at least my support for Sora hasn’t stopped.

Still I guess Disney Japan didn’t want it.

Thank you though Nintendo he would have been amazing.


Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
Totally possible, though now I'm curious who the hell will be replacing Sora... I could totally see a popular AT being promoted as a result since it'd probably be easier than making a character from complete scratch if they don't have a clue.
They could also go for another Square Enix character if they want to maintain the third-party double-dip with Geno. As for who it would be in that case, I think 2B is probably the most likely, though for all we know they might pair Geno up with Crono for a "classic Square Enix SNES RPG heroes" kind of vibe.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018

though for all we know they might pair Geno up with Crono for a "classic Square Enix SNES RPG heroes" kind of vibe.
Oh god stop that would be pretty neat. Though if they actually went with a CT rep, I kinda wish they could pull in Magus instead, considering Crono is yet-another-anime-swordsman while Magus wields a scythe and is all about that sweet sweet magic. Out of the other party members besides Crono, I feel like Magus, one of the early antagonists turned good, does rep the game pretty well given that he's tied directly to the story, unlike... well any of the other characters really; he's even tied to the story better than Crono! Plus they wouldn't have to go with yet-another-swordsman that even Sakurai says there's too many in the game.

It'd never happen though.

Deleted member

Hey I kinda of have to wonder. With the too many swordsmen argument?

Does that hurt Lloyd’s. chances for season 2 I wonder?
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I wouldn't say Sora is completely out of the running, from the sound of it he wasn't referring to Fighter Pass 2, or at least not explicitly.

Granted I don't particularly expect Sora and I don't want him at all. I just don't think that anyone should be of the mindset that he's out of the picture just yet, if Nintendo tried once maybe they needed the extra time to try again, and FP2 provided it? Just don't jump to conclusions is all I'm saying.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Hey I kinda of have to wonder. Witt the too many swordsmen argument?

Does that hurt Lloyd’s. chances fir season 2 I wonder?
Probably not.

-Not only did Namco help develop the last two Smash games but most of the developers were from the Tales team.

-Lloyd fights with two swords and is very physical and acrobatic. Smash doesn't have that yet.

-Namco doesn't have a second rep yet and Tales has been a fairly steady Nintendo loyal series since the SNES.

-It's Tales 25th Anniversary and Namco has already teased it has big announcements for it.

-Lloyd was a Mii costume in Smash 4 and the costume is still MIA.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2019
So from what it seems like based of Papagenos video, FP6 seems split down the middle with Hayabusa and Crash. Kind of rooting for Crash since if he's in then the mii costume list may have actually been real, which means Geno may have a chance, and Crash is a massively requested character which could alude that Geno has an even bigger chance since the FP pass could be based on fan favorites. But really it's split down the middle, those are just the two that seem to be popping right now.

Let's go Crash


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Switch FC
Coincidentally, I've had to work with Disney for public events. You all know but for the lurkers, my wife and I run a Halloween Facebook group where he advertise and help plan public events each October. Disney is very particular about movies and you have to work with a second party for the licensing. For starters, you have to give them about 90 days notice for the event. Second, you have to lock in the date. Doesn't matter if the location gets carpet bombed, you have to stick to that date. No rescheduling. Next, you have to do a date that they permit. For example, Disney is super hard nosed about not licensing out the Nightmare Before Christmas after October 15. Can't do it before then? "**** you, try again next year" -Mickey Mouse.

Next you have to explain the nature of the event in full. If they don't like it in any way, it's no deal. Of course the biggest rule is that you can't make a profit from the showing. If you do, the Disney Death Eaters will find you. Surprisingly, they're not cool with charity events either. Doesn't matter if it's for paralyzed baby seals, they find out that anyone gets a large sum of money except them, they're coming to your house. So, if they approve the event and you legally acknowledge that they can make your life Hell if you break any of the rules, then comes the costs. Depending on demand and time of year, it fluctuates. Something like TNBC or Hocus Pocus in October will set you back about $800 PER SHOWING and there's also a deposit that's non-refundable and due as soon as the deal is closed. You then have until about 2 weeks out from the event to pay the rest or the deal's off.

Something I also have to say regarding this is that you're responsible for all your own equipment and they provide none of that. The "movie" is also a simple DVD if you don't already own it and you have to pay to send it back to them by a certain date. That's the kicker too... You basically have to pay Disney to show a group of people TNBC even if you're doing it for free and it's your own DVD because licensing is that much of a pain in the ass. Again, this is for ONE SHOWING of a 26 year old movie, I can't imagine what would need to be agreed on for Sora to be in Smash Bros.
Probably involves a lot of goat sacrifices.

It's reasons like this that the inner Star Wars fan in me terrified since 2012.

Don't get me started on how concerned I am about seeing Simpsons/Bob's Burgers/King of the Hill and the distribution of those shows in a few years...

Don't want Disney getting their slimy white gloves into Smash Bros. Especially at the expense of a character kept alive purely by fan love and admiration. Disney seems to be pretty good at destroying really great things that people organically love. (Rest in peace Wander Over Yonder)

Still hyped for Clone Wars conclusion though
I'm still pissed they nuked the original expanded universe if only because my favorite Star Wars games were before the retcon. Just one of many reasons I hate Disney (and that's without getting into the **** regarding public domain)


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Sora was always a long shot due to Disney. I did a lot of write ups on that.

However, due to some of the shakeup this past year within their games planning Division with the success of Kingdom Hearts 3, Spiderman, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Ultimate Alliance 3, etc. they've been reevaluating their agreements since all of these were licensees to outside developers and not in-house as they were afraid licensing could ruin their image. That's become apparent to then that that's not the case and they've been reevaluating how exactly they will handle licensing from here out. They are actually looking at WB games for inspiration because of their effective use of IP's without being necessarily canonical or adaptations of their films like they had done previously hence why they were so happy with Spiderman and Jedi: Fallen Order.

What I'm saying is, unless you're as an insider are INSIDE those negotiations you really don't know the exact details of the negotiations. Usually insiders will get their information quick but often won't be able to announce them immediately so they'll trickle down through smaller insiders and thus you get info REAL late. With this guy he's probably on top of it but it is possible that he last heard of the negotiations falling through BEFORE the reevaluation that went on over at Disney. So, Sora for this Fighter's Pass is probably off the table, agreed. For future passes or games though he's looking to be more and more fair game. Thus how this does or doesn't effect Geno's chances for THIS PASS is minuscule to none.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
View attachment 261289

Hey, y'all. Who's enjoying the new Minecraft update. Gonna chill tonight and make a base with the new crimson blocks. Also gonna hunt for gmax toxtricity.

Geno and chill everyone
Heh...I just created a new world on my pc Minecraft, but it’s literally just hell; bottom layer lava, air, 250* wood planks. 10*air, glass blocks, all so i can watch the world burn...

And see if my pc can handle it, can’t unfortunately handle tnt as the bottom layer, need a chuck norris pc for that. Yes I just squeezed a dead meme into my post, come at meh.

Oh btw geno


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2018
Yo'ster Island
Switch FC
Apologies if we’re in the middle of some uh, heated Smash discussion, but I wanted to share this cool Geno sticker (Made by StupidDeadSkullHead) I got for my phone case :)
All that’s left now is for my Banjo-Kazooie stock icon sticker to come in the mail and my “Matthew is a massive nerd” phone case will be complete
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Kremling Kommander

Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2019
This was from Papagenos new video that he uploaded today from a user in support of Cacomallow.

Personally, this post just takes the words right out of my mouth. Just because it’s been three months since the leak surfaced doesn’t mean it’s fake, as it has been shown time and time again that the presentations are recorded a month or two prior, which means that Miis are very likely done by then. Of course, Doomguy might not be in after the recent interview, but I also think that Cacomallow shouldn’t be completely ruled out just yet.

Deleted member

Probably not.

-Not only did Namco help develop the last two Smash games but most of the developers were from the Tales team.

-Lloyd fights with two swords and is very physical and acrobatic. Smash doesn't have that yet.

-Namco doesn't have a second rep yet and Tales has been a fairly steady Nintendo loyal series since the SNES.

-It's Tales 25th Anniversary and Namco has already teased it has big announcements for it.

-Lloyd was a Mii costume in Smash 4 and the costume is still MIA.
Thanks for responding back. Yeah I’m glad to hear that. Supporting him as always and they definitely deserve a rep in.

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
In my eyes, i think they wanted to have both Sora and Geno on the same pass to please both fanbases but since negotiations with Disney didn't exactly pan out they're gonna have to do one of the following options:
A) replace Sora for another Square Enix character for example Crono
or B) only have Geno on the pass


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
One thing has me a bit worried in Papa's new video. The mii costume leak person had sent him that message about the possibility of Geno just being an upgraded mii costume.

Again, the situation for Geno and Sans and Cuphead is wildly different. Both upgraded Mii costumes have been for indie characters, and Geno's been a massive presence with the Smash Ballot and also Sakurai's personal want list.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
Again, the situation for Geno and Sans and Cuphead is wildly different. Both upgraded Mii costumes have been for indie characters, and Geno's been a massive presence with the Smash Ballot and also Sakurai's personal want list.
That's true, but I could still see it happening. It would be better than what we got last game at the very least.

If that is Geno's ultimate fate, I can't really be too upset since I got Wolf back, Ridley, K Rool, Banjo and possibly even Crash/and or Master Chief who were all also in my top 10.
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Deleted member

But, why reveal Geno as a mii costume now? Isn’t that what they are trying to avoid?

Deleted member

If that’s the case. So be it I won’t be disappointed and will be content with what we got.

I still believe in Geno’s chances. The fighters have all been amazing, Ridley finally got in, King K. Rool a character I wanted finally got in. So many amazing characters have we had an amazing base roster. The DLC was great Joker, Hero, Banjo & Kazooie, Terry, and yes you two Byleth. The man has done a lot for us and a game like this can’t be topped. fighter’s pass volume 2 will be solid I’m sure. I’m beyond grateful to Sakurai and I’m sure He did all he could for Geno to get in game. Maybe it just didn’t pan out. Regardless. I think Geno has a good chance.

And will still think he has a good shot.

Not giving up on him and

will continue to root for him.
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Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
If that’s the case. So be it I won’t be disappointed and will be content with what we got.

I still believe in Gene’s chances.

And will still think he has a good shot.
Oh, me too. I'm just trying to prepare myself for the possibility is all. The fact that Geno wasn't on the mii costume list but Mallow, Smithy, and Chocobo were points to Geno being playable.

Was Sans on that leaked list? I don't remember.

Edit: I guess Sans wasn't on the list, even though the rest of the costumes that came with Banjo were. Hmm.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 22, 2018
Binghamton, NY
I’ve been hoping for Geno since Brawl and I see Ultimate as his last chance. I’d love hearing people’s thoughts on the POSSIBILITY of Geno getting the Sans/Cuphead treatment. How would you react? Imagine a Mii gunner that looks just like Geno, wooden face and all. Would this be a slap in the face? Music would be Forest Mushrooms and we’d also see the Mallow hat.

I worry about that possibility. What do you guys think? Also, SMRPG turns 25 next year. I really, really, REALLY hope we don’t have to wait yet another year to receive news on our favorite wooden puppet.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
I’ve been hoping for Geno since Brawl and I see Ultimate as his last chance. I’d love hearing people’s thoughts on the POSSIBILITY of Geno getting the Sans/Cuphead treatment. How would you react? Imagine a Mii gunner that looks just like Geno, wooden face and all. Would this be a slap in the face? Music would be Forest Mushrooms and we’d also see the Mallow hat.

I worry about that possibility. What do you guys think? Also, SMRPG turns 25 next year. I really, really, REALLY hope we don’t have to wait yet another year to receive news on our favorite wooden puppet.
I rarely ever use Mii Gunner anyway, so it would pretty much feel like a new character for me and I'd exclusivity use the Geno costume for it. It would be better than nothing. But if that's the case I wish they would just rip the band-aid off sooner rather than later. It's the waiting that kills me.
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Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
Given the fact that it seems that Nintendo going all out to do a more fanservicey season going by at least attempting to get Sora, something tells me Geno was probably on their list as a potential backup if not have both of them in.
Let us hope so.

Deleted member

Oh, me too. I'm just trying to prepare myself for the possibility is all. The fact that Geno wasn't on the mii costume list but Mallow, Smithy, and Chocobo were points to Geno being playable.

Was Sans on that leaked list? I don't remember.

Edit: I guess Sans wasn't on the list, even though the rest of the costumes that came with Banjo were. Hmm.
Oh don’t worry I know you were just trying to be realistic. We have to be ready for anything so you’re right. Still have hope for Geno but if he is a Mii Costume so be it. The fighters have been great, so has the fighters pass volume 2 hopefully as well. so no complaints. here.


Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
Let us not forget the November Massacre
If Fatmanonice Fatmanonice is correct about Nintendo getting pissed over the Grinch leak because they knew what they actually had in that November Direct wouldn't even come close to delivering on the hype, then I hope that they and Sakurai have learned their lesson by now, and that the absence of the Geno costume up to now means that he's finally gonna be playable.

... keywords being "I hope".
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