Sephiroth has a damn fine chance in my eyes (and while I'd mourn Geno, I'd be very happy for his fans and FF7 fans in general, they were really ripped off with the lackluster content with Cloud), although I wonder how his inclusion as paid DLC would go over with the FF fans, especially if all he gets are spirits and music tracks. Would he be as expensive as a FP? As expensive as Plant? Wouldn't a sizable chunk of fans be upset that they couldn't just give us more music with Cloud, or otherwise patching in that music and those spirits for free? I mean, if I were them, I wouldn't mind in the slightest, because hey, more content! Even if I have to give more money for it, that's still awesome! I could still see a smaaaaall amount of backlash with it, though, especially if the music is all just MIDIs from FF7 with no remixes... or heck, just another song or two with nothing else to give.