Just to pass the time and have something to talk about: If you had to make a top 10 list of your favorite video games what would they be?
Personally mine would look something like this:
1) Mother 3
2) Super Mario RPG
3) Super Smash Bros Ultimate
4) Golden Sun
5) Donkey Kong Country 2
6) Donkey Kong Country
7) Banjo-Kazooie
8) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
9) Undertale
10) Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
I don't think I could narrow down to just 10 haha. And I think I can speak for some of us, especially over 30, that top 10's are tough to get just right. I will do my best though.
In no particular order.
1) Final Fantasy 7
2) Persona 5
3) Mother 3
4) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
5) Xenosaga 3
6) Devil May Cry 3
7) Kingdom Hearts 2
8) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
9) Metal Gear Solid 3
10) Mass Effect 3 (Twas a late bloomer on this series...missed the whole debacle with the ending thanks to them patching it
Honorable Mentions: Zelda: Majora's Mask, Breath of the Wild, Soul Calibur 3, Legend of Legaia, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Vesparia, Tales of Berseria, Super Mario World, God of War (PS4), Metroid Prime 2, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario RPG, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Viewtiful Joe, Banjo and Kazooie, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Fire Emblem: The Three Houses, Pokemon Red-Silver-Platinum-Moon, Yukuza Kiwami and Yukuza Zero.
This is for ALL TIME for me. These games certainly shaped me for who I am.
EDIT: Honestly, all these games could just be thrown in and interchange with each other lol.