Because someone hasn't played the game and is upset with the developers for making a low quality product when they loved Pokemon in the past...that means all the information they gathered is null and void?
Also, if you can look past all these glaring issues and the fact that GameFreak cannot and will not improve, then by all means throw 60 bucks at them for a game barely worth 15 bucks. Just keep in mind some of us want Pokemon to be good and to hold GameFreak accountable and you are actively working against that if you buy it new.
Also, people are all over Bethesda for their **** right now, so that comment is no longer valid. Also also, GameFreak is notorious for not patching games after launch, so enjoy getting what you paid for.
I mean, you don't have to always attack people who may enjoy the game with such snark. These kind of statements are downright having the opposite effect of your intentions. The overwhelming wall of negativity with no acknowledgement of the positives of the game (and there are positives) just becomes a conversation people want to tune out at a certain point and just experience the titles for themselves when people spent the last 6 months declaring the games a broken failure before seeing how they actually turned out (and again, I stand by the fact people should have waited to be so vindictive against the games til they were released, not when they were just letting pessimism for a product dictate what they thought would happen and
criticizing that as well).
"Just keep in mind some of us want Pokemon to be good and to hold GameFreak accountable and you are actively working against that if you buy it new" is just super condescending man. Not everyone agrees to your standards of Pokemon, and the consumer base tells a different story to Nintendo at the end of the day. Sometimes people just enjoy familiar and "plain" or "simple" or whatever have you, and we can't really criticize that all that much. Everybody has their own standards as to what is and isn't acceptable.
Like I agree the games aren't exactly stellar releases and they have a number of obvious problems, some of which could have been easily avoided and solved... but I'm also to the point where I think so many have went around their criticisms the wrong way. I get people are fed up with Game Freak for a myriad of reasons, but treating other people like dirt because they like the games or don't care as much about the "future of Pokemon" just has never been a successful tactic in this entire campaign.
I keep hearing that. I swear everyone I've spoken to who uses VR treats this game like the second coming. I've been called narrow minded for being disappointed that this isn't available as a traditional game (and for hoping that Half Life 3 ISN'T vr) I keep hearing about this mythical future promised land where VR is perfect and every game will use it and it won't be cost prohibitive. I just don't get it. I'm not interested in paying an exorbitant fee for a VR headset and extra neck strain.
Forgive my rant, I promise it's not directed at you, but the adoration for VR feels a bit cultish almost.
VR can be absolutely amazing at times... but it's still a format that is growing and experimenting, and it shows very often in the games. I appreciate the experiences I've gotten out of PSVR immensely, but I do agree with the notion that some VR fans are just way too much for me and I can't say I'm ready to commit to their "all VR" vision when so much of "flat gaming" is still so good and considerably more complete (and even sometimes more engaging) than most VR experiences. I'm glad it exists and I love seeing all of the ideas being turned into reality through the tech though.