I have to wonder what the box theory supporters think the other 5 stages are, if we're only getting 1 more unique. To me, the new stage count absolutely destroys the box theory, considering there would be literally no reason to hide those stages if they weren't meant for character reveals. Seriously, if there are any box theory supporters here, please explain this to me. What do you think the other stages are, and why were they held back?
Beyond that, while I do think Vergeben is credible, I simply don't see Incineroar and Ken as the ONLY two reveals left. Disappointing enough to be true, yes, but it doesn't make much sense when you consider the August direct. Why show that explosion of five characters, then make the final showcase (which will contain Spirits mode, mind you) only have two, with one being an echo?
I don't buy it. The only reason to show that many characters so early is if you only plan to reveal characters in directs, and there's only a few directs before launch. Otherwise, you'd space it out. Save at least a few echoes for the final video. It just doesn't make sense to blowout like that, when you could have save K. Rool (for example) for the last big reveal. Simon could have carried that direct on his own.
No, I think we're getting two more uniques. One to open or reveal through Spirits, and one to end on. We may even get another. Verge didn't confirm those two would be the final roster, nor is his information necessarily up-to-date. He's just responding to the box theory.
Guys, don't let yourself get buried in theories. Remember: every theory we had told us the most recent reveal wouldn't be Isabelle. But it was. Like I said before, we are always going to be wrong. In the case of Isabelle, being wrong was a negative, because we were too optimistic. Now everyone's being pessimistic, we are likely to be wrong AGAIN, and the reveals will be huge.
Just wait and see. Don't be negative or positive. With Sakurai, the best thing to do is predict nothing at all.