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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Hey Ovaltine Ovaltine , how are you feeling about Sans as a Mii fighter? I know how you like Papyrus and all, so I am just curious.

God, we have a game where a guy in a Sans costume could possibly, hopefully fight Geno.
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Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
I was so pessimistic with Smash hope that I gave up speculation. Then Sakurai manages to turn that pessimism into optimism with just a few words.

Anything is up for grabs now.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2018
So when Sakurai tweeted that DLC had been finalized, do you think that included the additional fighters or just the fighters pass?


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Good news folks.

Seems like Sakurai saying “we are adding new game worlds to Smash” was a mistranslation


It seems it was a much more vague statement
It makes me wonder how well planned this was. Because you can argue this was planned for awhile due to all the open slots in the game files. But everything about the announcement is being kept really vague. All we know is there is more coming. We don't know if they will be sold in another fighter pass, we don't know if they will be from brand new franchises or current franchises.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
I am still at a lost of words. There is new DLC past the fighters pass and now Sakurai's wording was off. He just meant about adding a fighter can change the world of Smash...

Guys. I am putting all the chips on the table. Our Star Boy is coming! The only thing to worry about is the Mii Costume returning, but I had a hunch Capcom and Namco would have there costumes return along side different fighters not of their franchises.

Also, sans is (kind of) in Smash with Megalovania! I need to make a stage just so I can have that track blaring!


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
Once you are able to take a break from playing Banyo, Sans etc. Break out your art tablet and break out your best pen and writing journal. We are absolutely doing a letter drive. I am going to have J JarBear be the head of it and from what I heard we are so far doing a great job. I will just be organizing and providing further instructions on how to set up letters/a due date/etc.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions regarding it. I am currently at a tournament but when I get home in an hour or two, I will be doing what I can to get this set up.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Yeah, I didn't know what to make of Sakurai's comments at the end of his "additional DLC talk." I'm glad to hear it wasn't as direct as the translation implied (to some people, see, they do make mistakes), if only because it opens things up speculation wise more so than before... But, I don't think Sakurai's going to turn away from new series and if they're seeing major success with third parties (You know, 7/9 new fighters have been third party), then I still think we're going to see him lean that way and look to expand the game. His other comments seemed to really set up the notion that the major crossover was something that could only be done this one time and he was looking to keep that going. I don't think that means a whole lot specifically yet, especially with nothing to directly see regarding the future of DLC, but I also think it would be a mistake to expect a full on first party DLC line-up for the additional stuff. I mean, I feel like Sakurai has developed a taste for the huge crossovers and wants to continue working on a project that enables his to feed his cravings.

I don't know where Super Mario RPG falls in to this, especially since "more opportunities to satisfy fans" could mean any number of different fans or Smash owners, but I generally would like to think it's a different enough universe with a strong fan demand to make it happen. Sakurai just didn't really give us a lot to work with except for the mere existence of additional fighters haha.


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018
I only have a few things to say...
  2. I really hope Undertale fans aren't unhappy, because I actually popped off a little at that reveal. Also, Toby getting that Nintendo lovin!
  4. Daddy Sakurai bless. We really don't deserve him.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Hey Ovaltine Ovaltine , how are you feeling about Sans as a Mii fighter? I know how you like Papyrus and all, so I am just curious.

God, we have a game where a guy in a Sans costume could possibly, hopefully fight Geno.
I'm a-ok with it! A little sad that my boy Papyrus didn't get any love, but hey, UT getting anything at ALL is enough to FLOOR me! I'm THRILLED!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2015
The 215
Switch FC
Well, I never thought I'd see the day where I can play as Sans in Smash and not Geno, but here we are. And honestly, I'm not angry.

Because I will see the day that I can play as Geno. Not only will I see the day that I can play as Geno, I will see the day I can FIGHT Sans as Geno. Or Banjo. Or Ridley. Or K. Rool.

He's coming. I can feel it. Wishes are getting granted left and right, and once those wishes are granted, where else to look to but the stars?


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Yeah, I didn't know what to make of Sakurai's comments at the end of his "additional DLC talk." I'm glad to hear it wasn't as direct as the translation implied (to some people, see, they do make mistakes), if only because it opens things up speculation wise more so than before... But, I don't think Sakurai's going to turn away from new series and if they're seeing major success with third parties (You know, 7/9 new fighters have been third party), then I still think we're going to see him lean that way and look to expand the game. His other comments seemed to really set up the notion that the major crossover was something that could only be done this one time and he was looking to keep that going. I don't think that means a whole lot specifically yet, especially with nothing to directly see regarding the future of DLC, but I also think it would be a mistake to expect a full on first party DLC line-up for the additional stuff. I mean, I feel like Sakurai has developed a taste for the huge crossovers and wants to continue working on a project that enables his to feed his cravings.

I don't know where Super Mario RPG falls in to this, especially since "more opportunities to satisfy fans" could mean any number of different fans or Smash owners, but I generally would like to think it's a different enough universe with a strong fan demand to make it happen. Sakurai just didn't really give us a lot to work with except for the mere existence of additional fighters haha.
I wonder if Sakurai was paying attention to this speculation cycle to see what people are most excited for. I'm sure this is a broken record at this point but I'm sure Geno is on their radar. TF2 characters like Heavy and Scout have been on people's minds. A lot of people are rallying behind Doomguy. I see Mortal Kombat being thrown around. Heck Ryu might be on their radar now since a lot of people showed support since the google theory.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2006
Salt Lake UT
So when Sakurai tweeted that DLC had been finalized, do you think that included the additional fighters or just the fighters pass?
I feel like he was referring to the fighter's pass. My assumption is that they decided to make more DLC because of the sales. Sakurai did mention that Ultimate has done very well. So they probably held off on making more DLC until the sales hit a certain threshold.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
I'm a-ok with it! A little sad that my boy Papyrus didn't get any love, but hey, UT getting anything at ALL is enough to FLOOR me! I'm THRILLED!
It's great! The fact that the Sans is probably the best looking Mii costume(Seriously, it actually looks like Sans and not a Mii wearing a suit) and the Megalovania remix is just icing on the cake. I am also glad Toby seems to be getting work from Nintendo.

Also, Toby tweeted this and it's amazing.
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Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
I personally headcanon that this is literally sans. He's just lazy and didn't want to bother Sakurai with his own custom moveset.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I personally headcanon that this is literally sans. He's just lazy and didn't want to bother Sakurai with his own custom moveset.
The invitation that all the Fatal Fury characters were fighting over was just Sans's that he let go of because he was too lazy to fight.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Just had another thought about the WoL slots

PP and the Pass characters don’t fill them right?

What if there’s like... idk a full story extension, with deadass SIXTEEN CHARACTERS AFTER THE PASS?! Oh my GOD that is CRAZY to believe it’s actually happening but if the datamine is true it is!!

Anyway uh

Maybe once all those 16 characters are released we get a full on extension to story mode, with like idk. The Four Elements, Fire, Water, Earth and Air, to complement Light and Dark? And four DLC fighters on each side at random?

Idk, kinda spitballin here


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2019
I wonder if Sakurai was paying attention to this speculation cycle to see what people are most excited for. I'm sure this is a broken record at this point but I'm sure Geno is on their radar. TF2 characters like Heavy and Scout have been on people's minds. A lot of people are rallying behind Doomguy. I see Mortal Kombat being thrown around. Heck Ryu might be on their radar now since a lot of people showed support since the google theory.
I'm definitely being a broken record here, but we know for sure that Geno is on their radar. He got his splash screen in December of 2015, right as planning for Ultimate began.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
I hope they add some first party characters to this extended DLC. 3rd party is nice, but let's not forget fan favorites in your own backyard, Nintendo.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
So, I noticed everyone is kind of riding the high right now so I wanted to take a moment to snuff out one of the worries people have: today's random Mii costumes. I know a lot of people were holding their breath during that segment but I don't think the situation is anything to worry about. Let me explain:

-Why were there no Banjo or Microsoft costumes?

If I had to guess, probably complications in copyrights or Microsoft only agreed to certain assets. Nintendo and Microsoft are still competitors, after all. The Bird and Bear Pair are basically step children in this relationship and, like those situations, there's only so much that's permitted and compromises are made. This all being said, this means they needed to fill in the gaps.

-What's up with the random characters?

Perhaps they're not as random as people may think. Joker was paired with SEGA characters, right? Hero was all Dragon Quest characters. In this pack we got Goemon, Protoman, Zero, and Sans as third party characters. Konami, Capcom, and, er... Toby Fox. What's something similar about Konami and Capcom? They both already have three characters in Smash: Snake, Simon, and Richter for Konami and Megaman, Ryu, and Ken for Capcom. We now know that SNK is the company of the fourth rep and there's only one more for the pass. If #5 was a Konami or Capcom character, they simply could have waited for that pack. Conclusion? There's a very high probability that #5 doesn't belong to Konami or Capcom.

When it comes to Terry's Mii costumes I personally have a hypothesis. I believe that most of the "snubbed" characters in the trailer and probably Heihachi will have Mii costumes to follow the fighter/beat-em-up theme. Heihachi belongs to Namco, another company I don't believe will be represented in this pass and hasn't yet in any form either. So now let's get to the cause of people's concerns...

-What if Geno is still a Mii costume?

I don't think that will be the case. As I've demonstrated, the Mii fighters in Pack #3 actually weren't as random as we originally thought. In a way, they filled "holes." Obviously, with only one character left, Konami and Capcom can't both have a fighter in the fighter pass and both being present now makes me strongly believe that neither with be involved with #5. What can we conclude from this? If the axe were meant to fall for Geno to be a Mii costume, logically it would have fallen with Hero. Geno's from Square and Pack #2 was the Square showcase and they decided to dedicate it entirely to Dragon Quest. Random Square Enix characters popping up later as Mii costumes in this pack is very unlikely.

In conclusion, the victory with Geno not being a Mii costume with Hero is definitely still relevant and definitely mattered. I think the odds are in our favor that Geno's not going to be a Mii costume because the time frame in which it would have made the most sense to reveal him as one has already passed. All this said, I think we have a pretty clear path ahead of us so don't get discouraged and feel confident that we have the wind at our backs in this.

Deleted member

Just had another thought about the WoL slots

PP and the Pass characters don’t fill them right?

What if there’s like... idk a full story extension, with deadass SIXTEEN CHARACTERS AFTER THE PASS?! Oh my GOD that is CRAZY to believe it’s actually happening but if the datamine is true it is!!

Anyway uh

Maybe once all those 16 characters are released we get a full on extension to story mode, with like idk. The Four Elements, Fire, Water, Earth and Air, to complement Light and Dark? And four DLC fighters on each side at random?

Idk, kinda spitballin here
Wait.. Earth? What character has earth based powers? hmm...
It's time Isaac bros!


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2013
Wait a second! Remember when people were saying the Nintendo music takedowns weren’t significant because Nintendo took down a Megalovania video that had Smash in the title, which people thought was a random content algorithm thing?


Deleted member

To get a little more into this color theory now that I have the time, I also had a theory about it related to the color of the stars from Mario RPG. But instead of relying on the DLC having an additional character, it was based on the "never-evers", the popular, oft fan-requested characters that seemed like they'd never get in. So far, the colors actually work, and Hero doesn't necessarily break the pattern if we assume Japan thought of him as a never-ever. Banjo's gonna have to get a real page to see what color he is, but right now I'm thinking of the following. Not only do the colors matter, but the scenario from where the stars were obtained (which is maximum theorycraft but whatever):

Ridley - Darker Purple (Star Hill) [Given for free]
Simon - Red (Volcano) [after beating a zombie]
K. Rool - Green (Forest Maze) [compariable to DK's jungle?]
Hero - Lighter Purple (By the sea) [Japan is by the sea]
Banjo - Yellow (Smithy's star) [obtained from an unstoppable, foreign machine (Microsoft)]

so that leaves us with two - Light Blue, and Orange. Banjo could of course be Orange, (dug out from the mines), which is still actually relevant to his situation before being added to Smash.

Colors given to the characters sometimes seem in line with their coloration, but other times seem almost entirely arbitrary, such as Incineroar's color being Yellow. The color is always on the character in some way, though. I could honestly see Geno having a yellow background.
Time to quote myself from days ago. Terry as been confirmed as Light Blue, so we can add him to this list.

Terry - Light Blue (Mack's star) [the star that started it all] which still lines up eerily with the star location theory, since KoF was what inspired Sakurai to make Smash.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
So, I noticed everyone is kind of riding the high right now so I wanted to take a moment to snuff out one of the worries people have: today's random Mii costumes. I know a lot of people were holding their breath during that segment but I don't think the situation is anything to worry about. Let me explain:

-Why were there no Banjo or Microsoft costumes?

If I had to guess, probably complications in copyrights or Microsoft only agreed to certain assets. Nintendo and Microsoft are still competitors, after all. The Bird and Bear Pair are basically step children in this relationship and, like those situations, there's only so much that's permitted and compromises are made. This all being said, this means they needed to fill in the gaps.

-What's up with the random characters?

Perhaps they're not as random as people may think. Joker was paired with SEGA characters, right? Hero was all Dragon Quest characters. In this pack we got Goemon, Protoman, Zero, and Sans as third party characters. Konami, Capcom, and, er... Toby Fox. What's something similar about Konami and Capcom? They both already have three characters in Smash: Snake, Simon, and Richter for Konami and Megaman, Ryu, and Ken for Capcom. We now know that SNK is the company of the fourth rep and there's only one more for the pass. If #5 was a Konami or Capcom character, they simply could have waited for that pack. Conclusion? There's a very high probability that #5 doesn't belong to Konami or Capcom.

When it comes to Terry's Mii costumes I personally have a hypothesis. I believe that most of the "snubbed" characters in the trailer and probably Heihachi will have Mii costumes to follow the fighter/beat-em-up theme. Heihachi belongs to Namco, another company I don't believe will be represented in this pass and hasn't yet in any form either. So now let's get to the cause of people's concerns...

-What if Geno is still a Mii costume?

I don't think that will be the case. As I've demonstrated, the Mii fighters in Pack #3 actually weren't as random as we originally thought. In a way, they filled "holes." Obviously, with only one character left, Konami and Capcom can't both have a fighter in the fighter pass and both being present now makes me strongly believe that neither with be involved with #5. What can we conclude from this? If the axe were meant to fall for Geno to be a Mii costume, logically it would have fallen with Hero. Geno's from Square and Pack #2 was the Square showcase and they decided to dedicate it entirely to Dragon Quest. Random Square Enix characters popping up later as Mii costumes in this pack is very unlikely.

In conclusion, the victory with Geno not being a Mii costume with Hero is definitely still relevant and definitely mattered. I think the odds are in our favor that Geno's not going to be a Mii costume because the time frame in which it would have made the most sense to reveal him as one has already passed. All this said, I think we have a pretty clear path ahead of us so don't get discouraged and feel confident that we have the wind at our backs in this.
Doomguy vs. Geno lets do this.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I only have a few things to say...
  2. I really hope Undertale fans aren't unhappy, because I actually popped off a little at that reveal. Also, Toby getting that Nintendo lovin!
  4. Daddy Sakurai bless. We really don't deserve him.
I still don't really know if I agree with them "being ahead of schedule" as much as I think they're just generally on schedule. There's still a good chance we don't get Fighter #5 until like January which is only a month removed from the 2020 deadline anyway. Banjo & Kazooie are definitely earlier than I expected, but Terry fits about the right time frame as has generally been expected.

I wonder if Sakurai was paying attention to this speculation cycle to see what people are most excited for. I'm sure this is a broken record at this point but I'm sure Geno is on their radar. TF2 characters like Heavy and Scout have been on people's minds. A lot of people are rallying behind Doomguy. I see Mortal Kombat being thrown around. Heck Ryu might be on their radar now since a lot of people showed support since the google theory.
I don't know if he's paid as much attention this cycle specifically. The ballot would still be basically the best thing for him to reference when working through fan requests and ideas. Mortal Kombat is just an absolute non-starter I think though. When your games don't get released in Japan, that's basically dooming any character's potential inclusion in Smash. I'm not sure I've heard a whole lot of TF2 either (and they've never even come close to a Nintendo console either depending on how in effect that ideology of Sakurai's still is).

Just had another thought about the WoL slots

PP and the Pass characters don’t fill them right?

What if there’s like... idk a full story extension, with deadass SIXTEEN CHARACTERS AFTER THE PASS?! Oh my GOD that is CRAZY to believe it’s actually happening but if the datamine is true it is!!

Anyway uh

Maybe once all those 16 characters are released we get a full on extension to story mode, with like idk. The Four Elements, Fire, Water, Earth and Air, to complement Light and Dark? And four DLC fighters on each side at random?

Idk, kinda spitballin here
Plant and the Fighter's Pass characters take up 6 of the 15 WoL slots. Sorry to burst your bubble a bit haha.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I still don't really know if I agree with them "being ahead of schedule" as much as I think they're just generally on schedule. There's still a good chance we don't get Fighter #5 until like January which is only a month removed from the 2020 deadline anyway. Banjo & Kazooie are definitely earlier than I expected, but Terry fits about the right time frame as has generally been expected.

I don't know if he's paid as much attention this cycle specifically. The ballot would still be basically the best thing for him to reference when working through fan requests and ideas. Mortal Kombat is just an absolute non-starter I think though. When your games don't get released in Japan, that's basically dooming any character's potential inclusion in Smash. I'm not sure I've heard a whole lot of TF2 either (and they've never even come close to a Nintendo console either depending on how in effect that ideology of Sakurai's still is).

Plant and the Fighter's Pass characters take up 6 of the 15 WoL slots. Sorry to burst your bubble a bit haha.
Someone was saying they DIDN’T earlier tho


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Well, ask yourself this, are Terry, Joker, and Hero worth $13 to you? Banjo-Kazooie will only cost you $6.00 now and there's no guarantee that Geno will show up in FP5 (with more fighters coming, I'm feeling he certainly is not #5 at this point, but that's me), but if he did you'd only be paying $12 for the two of them individually. The Fighter's Pass kind of just ends up being excess money spent if you have no interest in two or more characters since you're just paying for stuff you didn't want in the first place (the completionist in me couldn't bare to leave the spaces unfilled though haha).
I know it really should be a simple answer for me, but I also kinda feel obligated to follow through with plans I make for myself. And also while I'm definitely not a hardcore completionist, I do occasionally want 100% of the content in a game, so that's another reason I'm conflicted about it.

I'll probably end up buying banjo individually in the end, though It'll probably be after a few days, since I'll also be spending some time with the SNES games (Finally) releasing for switch online.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I don't know if he's paid as much attention this cycle specifically. The ballot would still be basically the best thing for him to reference when working through fan requests and ideas. Mortal Kombat is just an absolute non-starter I think though. When your games don't get released in Japan, that's basically dooming any character's potential inclusion in Smash. I'm not sure I've heard a whole lot of TF2 either (and they've never even come close to a Nintendo console either depending on how in effect that ideology of Sakurai's still is).
I guess it really depends on the circles you are around. My bias must be taking effect because popular TF2 for Smash twitter posts tend to regularly end up on my twitter timeline. And conversations for a FPS rep tend to revolve around stuff like Doomguy or TF2. Mortal Kombat gets thrown around just to have all the popular fighting games in Smash represented.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Someone was saying they DIDN’T earlier tho

As far as I know, the first six will definitely be occupied. The DLC fighters had to go somewhere to get into the World of Light menu, so they'd have to take up some slots somewhere and these are the only slots for additional characters we know about.

I know it really should be a simple answer for me, but I also kinda feel obligated to follow through with plans I make for myself. And also while I'm definitely not a hardcore completionist, I do occasionally want 100% of the content in a game, so that's another reason I'm conflicted about it.

I'll probably end up buying banjo individually in the end, though It'll probably be after a few days, since I'll also be spending some time with the SNES games (Finally) releasing for switch online.
Well, let me ask you this then; Do you have $13 burning a hole in your pocket? It's really not that much at the end of the day, and if you know that you will want 100% of the content in the game or will in the future, it's probably easier to take the discount now rather than picking up the extras piecemeal down the road. If you have any Gold Coins from games on Switch you can apply them towards the pass to get it for cheaper too!

I guess it really depends on the circles you are around. My bias must be taking effect because popular TF2 for Smash twitter posts tend to regularly end up on my twitter timeline. And conversations for a FPS rep tend to revolve around stuff like Doomguy or TF2. Mortal Kombat gets thrown around just to have all the popular fighting games in Smash represented.
Mortal Kombat also has to potentially compete with the likes of Tekken and Soul Calibur, which are both Japanese games from Bandai-Namco, so I just don't really see a path for the series to have representation in Smash given it's complete non-existence in Japan. It just seems in a really tough spot.

And that's fair, I don't think I've really heard much of TF2 outside of a couple people here and there. Though, then again, I have my own bias because I'm more likely to ignore those posts since while I enjoy TF2 when I play TF2, I don't actually really like the idea of its aesthetic and character models being placed into something else entirely like Smash haha.
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Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2018
the Lucina Gang
I've got so much hope rn, it's insane. There's no way Geno doesn't come, him and Waluigi are definitely the front runners for the next DLC that comes.

Let's freaking go, I believe!


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I've got so much hope rn, it's insane. There's no way Geno doesn't come, him and Waluigi are definitely the front runners for the next DLC that comes.

Let's freaking go, I believe!
As Spyro once said in his first game, you gotta believe!

Deleted member

I've got so much hope rn, it's insane. There's no way Geno doesn't come, him and Waluigi are definitely the front runners for the next DLC that comes.

Let's freaking go, I believe!
I'd like to believe Rex/Pyra and Isaac are also front runners as those two characters definitely should get in and Issac bros got jebaited hard I think they should get a second chance but hey if Waluigi gets in that's only good news for them.

Geno, Isaac and Rex/Pyra consist of my top three so all of them having a legit chance now is great. (If Assists can be upgraded that's still iffy but let's assume they can be.)

Let's go Geno!
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