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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Rookie
Oct 24, 2018
I noticed that too, but on the fighter homepage on the ultimate website it's PP's color.

I feel like it's maybe an error, but I dunno, maybe his color is just green for some reason.
Seems like it may be? I checked out the page on my phone and computer and he doesn't have a color yet- like Banjo before he released.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
There is only 1 character left...
Yes but if that one character happens to be geno, I planned to buy the pass entirely, even if I have absolutely zero interest in Terry, Joker, or Hero. I usually try to keep my word when I make these types of plans for myself.....


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2019
Ok, so, basically...


That is all. Im legit hyped sans got in with a remix. Thats more than what I thought we'd ever get. Also GENO SURVIVES TO SEE ANOTHER DAY. LETS GOO.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
So, a theory. Someone in the DLC thread suggested the WoL slots may be for DLC past the pass, as PP, Joker, Hero, Banjo, Terry and FP5 are unlocked by freeing X amount of fighters (10 for PP, 20 for Joker, up until 70 for FP5). What will you do for fighters after that...?

That’s right, I think this is where the WoL slots come into play. We might well be getting another WoL area...!


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
Maybe there was more to Sabi's comment about Geno being talked about at the office.. It could still hold some truth.. or could mean nothing.

But holy smokes, this is the first time since the Final direct pre-game that I've felt Geno had a shot. It's a great day!


Smash Rookie
Mar 1, 2019
I didn’t watch the direct until after It was done cause I’m a forgetful piece of ####. So here’s a recap of what I’m hyped for and some other things

•Terry in smash. I don’t care for him that much so for me he’s kinda just there but he seems cool

•Post fighters pass dlc. GENO'S IN BOYS

•SNES for switch online. hopefully smrpg gets added in a couple months

•Animal Crossing New Horizons. i've never played animal crossing but i think i'll try to get it when it comes out

•Xenoblade remaster. looks cool and I might get it

•Banjo & Kazooie just released. they're beautiful

•Still no geno mii costume


•Sakurai said guh-huh

as for geno's chances, from the amount of support he's been getting to no mii costume and post fighters pass dlc. If he doesn't make it in even after all this then i'm suing.
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
So, uh.

Never mind my certainty that Geno was out. Guess I'm back on this wild ride unless the thread goes to hell in a handbasket again. :colorful:

A possible ten more characters with fan requests running low... new DLC planned at a later date, so spirits no longer deconfirm... Sakurai wanting to please more fans...

I've never been more hopeful.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2018
I watched Terry's reveal video again and it uses a couple different music tracks that I expect he'll come with. I don't know any of them but they sound good.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2018
Honestly the amount of times I've seen Banjo and Sans mentioned all around the place online and seeing both are somewhat playable (Sans being a Mii Costume and all) I have faith they haven't missed out on Geno's popularity in some way.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2013
So, in other words, Geno's coming out sometime in 2020.

Finally, I feel like I have something to hope for again!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2019
Honestly the amount of times I've seen Banjo and Sans mentioned all around the place online and seeing both are somewhat playable (Sans being a Mii Costume and all) I have faith they haven't missed out on Geno's popularity in some way.
Don't forget that Geno's mii got a splash screen and everything back in Smash 4. Not only have they not missed his popularity, but they considered him more important and popular than all the other costumes in 4, including K. Rool! Now that we have a little more room to breathe without the threat of Hayabusa being the last bit of DLC, I can return to this position confidently: he's in.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
It's insane on how many companies that are apart of Ultimate... and it will more than likely growing... And we are close to 80 characters in the roster now... 80... Sweet Christmas, this game is insane



Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
so to anyone that's already counted up how many fighters would we be at with all 10 wol slots filled?


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2019
This is not mere coincidence, so:

-Still no Mii costume return.
-2 songs claimed that gains more logic after the Megalovania inclusion(which has been claimed before); and 2 songs that fit perfectly for Smash (one for Geno and one for battles); and also we know it’s the “2 songs treatment” per guy from Square.
-MORE INDIVIDUAL DLC coming, so “opposed to Reggie’s words”, now it could be perfectly characters from existing franchises in Smash. For me, as I said before, Character #5 will be Hayabusa or Heihachi or Crash; and immediately after the FP, Geno will be the upcoming DLC with the Mario Logo as part of the Mario Universe.

To sum up, I’m freaking happy with Banjo finally, but we need Geno to come “full circle”.

My chances for him now were from 90% to 95%. Of course they won’t reveal him during the FP. It’s not mere coincidence, it all adds up.

Geno is in.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
So, uh.

Never mind my certainty that Geno was out. Guess I'm back on this wild ride unless the thread goes to hell in a handbasket again. :colorful:

A possible ten more characters with fan requests running low... new DLC planned at a later date, so spirits no longer deconfirm... Sakurai wanting to please more fans...

I've never been more hopeful.
Wait spirits don’t deconfirm?!

When was this revealed if true?

This is not mere coincidence, so:

-Still no Mii costume return.
-2 songs claimed that gains more logic after the Megalovania inclusion(which has been claimed before); and 2 songs that fit perfectly for Smash (one for Geno and one for battles); and also we know it’s the “2 songs treatment” per guy from Square.
-MORE INDIVIDUAL DLC coming, so “opposed to Reggie’s words”, now it could be perfectly characters from existing franchises in Smash. For me, as I said before, Character #5 will be Hayabusa or Heihachi or Crash; and immediately after the FP, Geno will be the upcoming DLC with the Mario Logo as part of the Mario Universe.

To sum up, I’m freaking happy with Banjo finally, but we need Geno to come “full circle”.

My chances for him now were from 90% to 95%. Of course they won’t reveal him during the FP. It’s not mere coincidence, it all adds up.

Geno is in.

Actually I think it’s doomguy is who the last pack one is

There’s stars literally lining up for him

Doom 64 coming to switch release date is same as doom eternal both in November and what else is being released in November...terry so we could see the 5th character in November too since more are coming


Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2018
so to anyone that's already counted up how many fighters would we be at with all 10 wol slots filled?
I think it would be 85 according to the way they number fighters on the website.

If there are 10 more characters after the fighters pass, I wonder how long it would take all of them to come out. Also if they all don't need new stages, I'm wondering if they would get released as pairs.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6762 3529 5300
Hoo boy, this was a great day.

Ryu Hayabusa leak is dead, leaving slot 5 open for speculation, no Geno Mii Costume when they had the opportunity to reveal it easily, and more DLC!

The cherry on top is that Nintendo loves taking down music tracks for characters appearing in Smash. Banjo and now Sans... could a pattern be developing? Maybe a specific set of two tracks from a Square Enix title being taken down means a certain wooden doll will end up in the game. Hypothetically speaking, of course. ;)


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
If there are 10 more characters after the fighters pass, I wonder how long it would take all of them to come out. Also if they all don't need new stages, I'm wondering if they would get released as pairs.
This was something I actually wanted to highlight. we already now know there is no new modes getting added so if individual dlc isn't coming with stages either then that would would be a sizable load off the devs backs ( I mean did you see the detail in spiral mountain WOW) and we could start seeing much shorter release gaps after #5
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2019
Wait spirits don’t deconfirm?!

When was this revealed if true?
It's still very possible that they never deconfirmed. However, assuming that they did, the main logic is that spirits were chosen for any characters they didn't plan to make playable. Now that we get into a second wave (or whatever this new DLC is) it's less likely that these characters were planned before spirits were chosen. It's also possible that a character like Geno was slotted into post-pack DLC, but added as a spirit in case DLC flopped and they never got the chance to add him.

tl;dr: We have no idea if spirits ever deconfirmed, but they're way less likely to, post-pack.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Wait spirits don’t deconfirm?!

When was this revealed if true?
It's the logistics behind it. People debated whether the timing of spirits meant that they weren't planned for current DLC (the FP), so it was believed that they deconfirmed. However, these are entirely new plans. We don't have any idea of who could be planned. Spirits could easily make it and get a separate fighter spirit. Geno could easily be renamed to 'Geno (Classic)' or 'Geno (SMRPG)' with his fighter spirit just being Geno.

Spirits deconfirm hardly holds any water for additional DLC.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
I know I don't post a lot, but all the stuff announced today has me excited. I'm betting Geno is in. He'll ether be the last character to round out the pass, or the first one to kick off a new wave. Out of all the Nintendo characters, I'd say he has the best chance


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2007
Switch FC
It's a rare thing that I'm optimistic two Smash presentations in a row but here we are. Even Terry was cool now that I'm not worried about him stealing a FP slot from Geno


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
So...did anyone else have an easy time downloading Banjo (and Sans)? managed to purchase and download first try.
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Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Mexico City
Well, still not optimistic about Geno in Smash...

For this last pack that is!

With more DLC coming, I believe that things may change for whatever conceptions are currently held in this Pass. That said, first impression's the deadliest, so let's be all careful with who may be the seventh character.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
I wouldn’t be surprised if the goal is to get 100 characters in this game.

Not a fan of Terry Bogart, but on the bright side is that no one saw him coming. Nice to know that dlc is still a surprise to most of us.

Although I assumed there would be another pass, personally I hope it’s not all first party characters. Most of the main reps are already in here, with the exception of some newer franchises.

There are still plenty of notable 3rd party characters that are bigger than Nintendo’s third rate side characters like Waluigi or Captain Toad. I’d like to see a fighter pass that doesn’t restrict its content at all by any specific theme. Give me Sora and Dixie Kong.

Deleted member

Hoo boy, this was a great day.

Ryu Hayabusa leak is dead, leaving slot 5 open for speculation, no Geno Mii Costume when they had the opportunity to reveal it easily, and more DLC!
Yeah. Fighter 5 is up in the air like Terry was (until leaks). This is an exciting time to be a smash speculator.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Can I just say, I think the Sakurai showcase video really shined this time. I could tell Sakurai was having fun, along with the people filming it with him. The Hero one was fine, but this one was so wholesome and funny.

Also, Geno's chances are looking great and the Terry trailer was fantastic.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
As someone that feels like Geno's chances are bigger then ever, we should just calm down and recollect here.
A) They did take down a song from Undertale... but Undertale is a Mii Costume. This indicates that if we are unlucky, we will at least get the Mii Costume more than likely concidering the takedown of the two MRPG songs
B) Let¨s face it. Every character that has been DLC so far, has yet to have or be spirits. It's logical that people to think that spirits (for now) de-confirm, and it very much might be (see a) just like how people started to see a trend on only third parties.
C) We also need to remember that a certain Keyblade wielding child is still potentially in the way.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
So, today was eventful. I wasn't expecting Smash Bros to carry yet another Direct (and to be fair it wasn't actually much of it), but it did. And first's thing first, that was an amazing trailer leading up to Terry. This is exactly why I didn't want another continuation, because that was easily the most creative of the Ultimate trailers so far and it was an excellent mix-up from the CGI based ones. It emulated NeoGeo games perfectly and had some funny little moments (such as Geese jumping to his doom) before ending on Terry, who looked a lot better model wise than I was expecting him to. I've come around to the acceptance of Terry and hope to enjoy him when he shows up in November (which is the best case scenario I mentioned the other day, so #5 is probably coming in January). I thought it was crazy that Sakurai mentioned that the Banjo & Kazooie video was filmed only two days after the Hero video, so that does show us how far along they were with both of them. Speaking of, I played a couple of hours of Banjo & Kazooie, and goddamn, they're amazing to finally see in the game with their music playing on what is one of the most beautiful stages in the game (that really makes me want that proper HD Banjo game). They're such a fun pair to play and they just fit my playstyle super well.

And then there's the elephant in the room. More character DLC being confirmed. I never thought they would confirm it this early if it even was a thing and I figured it wasn't going to happen. I was wrong, very wrong and I'm extremely happy to admit that I was very wrong about that and that there seems to be an incredibly bright future for DLC beyond the Fighter's Pass. I always stood on the side of caution, but now, all bets are off and we've got a real shot again. Nothing is defined going into this DLC and all we know is that more characters will come. Nothing else (though I was a little disappointed Home Run Contest was indeed our last mode, I was hoping to see something else, but we've already gotten so much).

The Mii costumes today shocked me on multiple levels. Goemon was not a character I expected to see at all in Smash ever to be honest. Mega Man stuff showing up felt super weird, especially a Proto Man Mii costume (which actually leads me to think we're not getting Echo fighters since I would have thought he would have been an obvious pick for an upgrade). And then naturally, Sans with a goddamn music track was the craziest moment somehow. I've never been a big fan of Undertale in Smash since I'm not such a huge fan of the game (or just haven't given it the chance really), but this was a really cool way to incorporate the game into Smash with a legitimately cool Mii costume and the insane decision to include music with said costume (I was not prepared to see an individual music DLC like that, so naturally, I had to buy it for the track). Maybe now I don't have to hear Sans or Undertale come up with regards to Smash all the time now though...

I will say though, I'm surprised that Banjo & Kazooie didn't get any Mii costumes and that Microsoft Mii costumes were entirely avoided. The barely existent "company pattern" of Mii costumes was broken and I'll admit, I was genuinely afraid that Geno was going to show up while these were being shown. I'm super happy he didn't, but I do think we basically have to be on red alert with every future Mii costume reveal. He's got a much better shot at getting in now that there is DLC beyond the Fighter's Pass, but there's also still going to be the lingering threat of his Mii costume's return. So let's hope for our preferred outcome.
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
@Bolderousness Your last bet was on Banjo and Erdrick being in. Your current one is about Geno making it in.

I hope you continue to be a hell of a prophet, my man.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6762 3529 5300
I really do love the format of the character showcases as well. It makes the team behind Smash seem more like people instead of a machine that cranks out new content every few months. I also am glad that Sakurai wants to keep doing this as long as he needs for Ultimate. As long as he doesn't overdo it, it's all good. The way that he talked about fulfilling fan desires also made me smile since he'll absolutely try for as many fan favorites as possible. Really excited to see where this game continues to go in the future.

Deleted member

@Bolderousness Your last bet was on Banjo and Erdrick being in. Your current one is about Geno making it in.

I hope you continue to be a hell of a prophet, my man.
I have no doubt in my mind that Sakurai is seeing Geno if he saw mother****ing Banjo and Sans.

Question is how far will this fighter pass go and how strict is his "different worlds will collide" quote is.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
I wouldn’t be surprised if the goal is to get 100 characters in this game.

Not a fan of Terry Bogart, but on the bright side is that no one saw him coming. Nice to know that dlc is still a surprise to most of us.

Although I assumed there would be another pass, personally I hope it’s not all first party characters. Most of the main reps are already in here, with the exception of some newer franchises.

There are still plenty of notable 3rd party characters that are bigger than Nintendo’s third rate side characters like Waluigi or Captain Toad. I’d like to see a fighter pass that doesn’t restrict its content at all by any specific theme. Give me Sora and Dixie Kong.
Sakurai did highlight the concept of bringing in different game world's into the game in his presentation. I'm betting majority of the DLC will likely be 3rd Parties still, but I think we could see a couple of 1st party fan demanded characters because he did mention wanting to please the fans as well


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Yes but if that one character happens to be geno, I planned to buy the pass entirely, even if I have absolutely zero interest in Terry, Joker, or Hero. I usually try to keep my word when I make these types of plans for myself.....
Well, ask yourself this, are Terry, Joker, and Hero worth $13 to you? Banjo-Kazooie will only cost you $6.00 now and there's no guarantee that Geno will show up in FP5 (with more fighters coming, I'm feeling he certainly is not #5 at this point, but that's me), but if he did you'd only be paying $12 for the two of them individually. The Fighter's Pass kind of just ends up being excess money spent if you have no interest in two or more characters since you're just paying for stuff you didn't want in the first place (the completionist in me couldn't bare to leave the spaces unfilled though haha).
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I just got the pass and I've already played Hero and Banjo and they are both fun. I don't know about Joker, haven't tried him yet
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