Banned via Warnings
This is how I know you have no idea what you're talking about. If you think this game doesn't take skill, you're obviously not playing with any competition.Because shotguns fights are a joke now.
Because this game doesn't require as much skill as it used to.
Long range battles are still extremely important when you have team mates, not brain-deads.
The shotgun is more efficient than every other weapon. If you're suggesting that all weapons should have the same killing potential, then you're seriously misguided. For one, the boomshot is way better than the shotgun. The snipe is NOT supposed to be as easy to use as the shotgun, nor is the mulcher. Most weapons have purely situational uses. The lancer and hammerbust should only be used to do damage to people approaching from afar. It should not be used to deal heavy damage up close like the shotgun. The same is true for the other weapons, including the shotgun, they all have their purpose. It just so happens, that the shotgun's capabilities make it able to cover many different situations. If you can't handle that, then you're playing the wrong game.Yeah Epic has never wanted it to be the way it is. That's why they added stopping power and upped the power of assault rifles, and added smoke grenades that down you, and added a huge pause between sprinting and shooting your shotgun. All of that bar the smoke grenades is still in the game, and it took them over a year before they finally admitted that the shotgun was the most used weapon, so they for some stupid reason decided to break something that wasn't broken.
Look how rubbish the Boomshot is compared to the shotgun for example, or the Mulcher, or the Longshot. All of them are power weapons that you have to fight for and all of them are dreadful compared to a weapon everyone starts off with. That's not balance, that's not fun, it makes so much in this game completely pointless.
I still play gears every day and I can assure you that TU6 did not ruin it. There's just too many people who can't handle the metagame players have developed, and insist on that old notion of how Epic "intended" the game to be. Honestly, I think the game is better than Epic intended it to be, and I think Epic knows that as well.